Re: Moving from 1 server having two libraries, to two servers hav ing each one 1 library

2003-11-20 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Hi TSM'ers:

The export/import option takes so long time. So I think the best
option in order to manage this environment is to copy the database to the
second server. Copy the configuration files and start up the second TSM
Then, the task is to delete nodes, stgpools, and all duplicated definitions.

Best Regards

Sergio Vázquez
TSM Certified Consultant

-Mensaje original-
De: Daniel Sparrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2003 12:41
Asunto: Re: Moving from 1 server having two libraries, to two servers
having each one 1 library

Hi Arnaud

Another way of going at it is using server-to-server export/import 
functionality within TSM. You can choose to export all AIX-nodes from your 
old server to the new server over the LAN. You could also export all 
schedules, domains and other information related to your AIX-nodes 

Best Regards

Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Propellervägen 6B
183 62 TÄBY
Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2003-11-20 12:18
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:Moving from 1 server having two libraries, to two
servers having each one 
1 library

Hi list,

Having in sight to reduce the workload on our actual TSM server which 
reaches it's limits, we've planned to acquire a new machine, install a new 
TSM server and transfer half of the clients there.
Our actual setup looks like : AIX TSM server, connected to 2 3584 
libraries. Our client data is actually more or less splitted on the 2 
libraries : the first one mainly for AIX systems, the second one mainly 
for windows systems.
Our future setup will look like each server will be connnected to it's own 
library, one group for aix clients, the other for windows clients.
My question  : is there a simple way to inject only part of actual tsm DB 
to our new server, having as a goal to transmit only windows clients 
information to the future server which will be attached to the library 
allready containing windows systems data.
The only option I could see now would be to restore the whole DB to the 
new server, and thereafter to modify all the scripts, parameters, paths to 
libraries and disk pools, to delete the undesirable aix nodes from this 
server, and finally to rebind windows clients  to the new server.
Maybe some of you have a better idea, or experience to share ...
Thanks in advance.


| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01   | 

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Re: AIX Lan Free

2003-09-24 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
The device must be available in OS. Run the command: 
lsdev -Cc tape
in order to check this.

Sergio Vázquez Vegas
Administración TSM
*: 104688 - 912134688

-Mensaje original-
De: Michael, Monte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2003 16:14
Asunto: AIX Lan Free

I am currently setting up a LAN free environment on one of our AIX clients.
Our environment is as follows:

AIX server
AIX client

The install and setup went well, but I am recieving the following error when
trying to mount a tape:

09/23/2003 16:20:21  ANR8779E (Session: 43476, Origin: SP06STA)  Unable
to open
  drive /dev/rmt16, error number=46.

Any clues?

Thank You,


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Re: upgrade dubs

2003-09-19 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

I'm sure your 3.7 client will go on working normally with your 4.2
TSM Server.

Hope this can help!

Sergio Vázquez Vegas
Administración TSM
*: 104688 - 912134688

-Mensaje original-
De: Juan Manuel Lopez Azañon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2003 14:49
Asunto: upgrade dubs

Hi all.
I will upgrade my tsm server to 4.2 next week so I have one 3.7 client and
I do not know if it will go on working with the new tsm version.
Could anybody help me ?

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2003-06-18 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
This is a great job! but what I need is a little bit different. I want to
share my LTO 3584 with 2 AIX TSM servers. One of them is and the
other is

Please, let me know any configuration possible in this scenario. 


Sergio Vázquez Vegas
Administración TSM
*: 104688

-Mensaje original-
De: Mark Ferraretto [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 18 de junio de 2003 3:21


There are two ways.  You can set up a shared tape library.  I haven't done
this but I know you can.  I've heard it's troublesome though.

Or you can set up virtual volumes.  We have 2 TSM instances running on the
same AIX server here - one for archives and one for backups.  We use
server-server communications, configuration manager and virtual volumes.  I
chose virtual volumes over shared library because I wanted to consolidate
the storage (especially the disk pool) and I wanted to simplify tape

Anyway, Check out Ch 20 in the TSM Administrator's guide.  It has a good
explanation on server to server setup and VV's.

Also, I've pasted some notes I made when I was setting up our second
instance here.  Hope they make sense.  Let me know if they don't.


Can distribute this with profiles
* administrators + authorities
* policy objects
* admin command schedules
* scripts
* clopts
* server definitions
* server groups

What it doesn't include:
* associations
* DRM stuff

admin comm sch's need to be turned on after being copied across

will probably need to reactivate the policy too

Create a profile to distribute everything:
def profile DB
def profileassociation admins=* adsch=* scr=* do=* clo=*
Need to re-run this regularly to capture updates to objects

delete the standard policy domain

could use set configrefresh to update profiles but we'll live with the
default of 60 minutes

on tsmsb1
* create a new server policy domain
def dom server
def pol server server
def mgmt server server1 Y1
def copy server server1 Y1 t=a retver=370 dest=D1
assign defmgmtclass server server1 y1
activate pol server server1
notify subscribers

* register sm041a as a server node
register node sm041a lacla52 domain=server type=server

on sm041a
* define devclass (server is already defined - see figure 69 p438
def devclass server devtype=server servername=hkgintsmsb1 maxcap=5g

Now just user the server devclass when doing backups and stuff.
eg:  ba db devcl=server
(database was backed up to d1!)
looks like db backup is backed up as archive to D1 - C1.  I wonder when it
will expire?

* define a storage pool to point to the server
def stg d1 server maxscratch=9 reclaim=100
(we will have to do reclamation for this stgpool also)

If we are strict about keeping info on tsmsb1 we may be able to use export
server which exports everything including node info.  We can also use this
to move archive info to sm041a
export server filed=ar tos=sm041a previewi=yes merge=yes replacedefs=no

Or I can just export nodes
export node * filed=ar tos=sm041a merge=yes previewi=yes
(this exports archive data also)
this exports just the node data:
export node * tos=sm041a

export nodes never works.  I need to define a D1 stg pool on sm041a - I
think because it's the destination of the backups/archives for that node.
Maybe I can use D1 instead of SERVER as a stg pool.  Then I can use the
existing Y1 archive MC.
Yup.  Looks like this will work OK.

* register node sm041a lacla52 domain=

At the client
* need to add sm041a to the dsm.sys file
* need to run dsmc -se=sm041a set password
* Then we either run 2 x dsmc schedule processes (-se=hkgintsmsb1 and
-se=sm041a) or we don't bother with the archive scheudle and initiate
archives from the clients.  We have to do this for unix anyway and KP is
looking to this for NT.  Then, that means the only mod will be to dsm.sys

Installation Notes

This describes how I set up the 2nd server on hkgintsmsb1.

The 2nd server is called sm041a

First, create the server itself:
* mkdir /tsmdb/sm041a - all the databases and config files for the server
will go here
* cp /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt /tsmdb/sm041a
* edit dsmserv.opt and make these changes:
VOLUMEHistory /tsmdb/sm041a/volume_history
DEVCONFig /tsmdb/sm041a/devconfig
TCPPort 11500
SHMPort 11510
* edit /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys and add an entry for the new
ServerName sm041a
TCPPort 11500
TCPWindowSize   32
TCPBuffSize 32
PasswordAccess  Generate
* create the database and log volumes (we're only creating a 300MB vol in
this example)
cd /tsmdb/sm041a
dsmfmt -db db1 300
dmsfmt -log log1 30
dsmserv format 1 log1 1 db1
* set up web access
dsmserv runfile /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/webimages/dsmserv.idl
* start 


2003-06-17 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Hi TSMers:

We have 1 AIX TSM Server with 2 IBM LTO 3584. 

I want to install a new TSM server on AIX (version and
share the two libraries. Is it possible? How?

Any ideas? Can anyone send me the detailed procedure? 

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Re: List total of data?

2003-06-17 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Try with this one:

select sum(physical_mb) from occupancy

-Mensaje original-
De: Christian Svensson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 17 de junio de 2003 11:25
Asunto: List total of data?


Do anyone know in which tables I can found how much data (in MB) I have
backing up totaly.
Or if you already know the select statement to list it up. Please can you
share that command to me.

What I want to do. Is to create a list how much data we have backing up
totaly on our TSM Server.

Best Regard / Med vänlig hälsning
Christian Svensson
Tivoli Storage Manager Certified

 Cristie Nordic AB

 Box 2 Phone : +46-(0)8-718 43 30

 SE-131 06 Nacka   Mobil : +46-(0)70-325 15 77

 SwedeneMail : Christian.

 Visit : Gamla Värmdövägen 4, Plan 2

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Re: accounting file

2003-05-30 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Can anybody put me a light on the fields of the accounting log file? Which
are these fields? Their meanings?
Is there any clear documentation about this file?

Any ideas?

-Mensaje original-
De: Rushforth, Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: jueves, 29 de mayo de 2003 16:39
Asunto: Re: accounting file

The file is comma delimited so it is simple to import into Excel.

-Original Message-
From: Eddie Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: May 29, 2003 9:14 AM
Subject: accounting file

Does anyone have any knowledge on using the accounting file.  One of my
co-workers used perl to retrieve the informaion.  The reporting was great
but I don't know how to use perl scripting.  Are there any other

Eddie Jones
770-953-1959 ext.2824

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Re: Problems with IBM 3584-L32 library with IBM prelabeld LTO car tridges

2003-01-29 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Do you mean the label libv command failed?

What was the error?

-Mensaje original-
De: Kilchenmann Timo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: miercoles, 29 de enero de 2003 9:54
Asunto: Problems with IBM 3584-L32 library with IBM prelabeld LTO

Dear all,

We run into the following problem:

Bought 80 additional labeled LTO cartridges through IBM. Inserted the
cartridges into the library. BUT the library/picker is not able the get the
cartridges out of the slots nor the tape drives. Doing the procedure by
hand I found out, that I need to apply allot of force.

I opened a hardware call. IBM guy showed up, updated microcode on library
and drives. The guy told me that the problems with the cartridges are our
business - not his or IBM's. I responded back that both the library and the
cartridges are from IBM! - no good :-(.

Has anyone out there experienced similar problems? How were the problems

Timo Kilchenmann E-Mail  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Tdp Oracle 2.2 relink Problem

2002-11-22 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio
Are you trying to install TDP for Oracle 2.2.x over a Oracle

-Mensaje original-
De: Jose Antonio Atala Olaechea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2002 17:49
Asunto: Tdp Oracle 2.2 relink Problem

Hi tsm'rs

I have an AIX TSM Client (AIX 4.3.3.). This server have an oracle database installed. When I try to relink the Tdp for Oracle 2.2
libraries, my forms made on Developer 6i can't be saved on the Oracle
database. This error doesn't happen with my other forms made with Developer

What can I do ? any idea?

José Antonio Atala Olaechea
Visiontech del PerúObtenga el máximo provecho del Web. Descarga GRATUITA de
MSN Explorer:

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Re: select statement volume status

2002-10-14 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

Hi, Joerg:

Try this one:

select volume_name,status from volumes

Sergio Vázquez Vegas

-Mensaje original-
De: Joerg Heiken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Monday, October 14, 2002 11:03 AM
Asunto: select statement volume status

hi all,

i need a select statement, which output shows the status of the volumes
like unavailable, read only and so on.

thanx for help.



Joerg Heiken

BBDO Interactive GmbH
Gruenstr. 15
D-40212 Duesseldorf

phone: +49-211-93 08-403
fax:   +49-211-93 08-360

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Re: ANR2032E update stgpool command failed

2002-10-14 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

I'm not completely sure, but I think it's caused by a lock. When you are
accessing a table with a select statement or any other action affecting one
table, you can't perform an action that modifies that same table.

Sergio Vázquez Vegas

-Mensaje original-
De: Michelle DeVault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Monday, October 14, 2002 5:34 PM
Asunto: ANR2032E update stgpool command failed

My update storage pool administrative command schedule
failed on Saturday with the following.

Any reasons why it failed?  The Messages manual was a
little vague.  It ran ok on Sunday.

10/12/02 03:30:09 ANR2750I Starting scheduled
   command MIGRATE
   (upd stg backup hi=0 lo=0
   cache=yes ).
10/12/02 03:30:09 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN
   issued command: UPDATE
   STGPOOL backup hi=0 lo=0
10/12/02 03:30:09 ANR2032E UPDATE STGPOOL:
   Command failed - internal
   server error detected.
10/12/02 03:30:10 ANR2753I (MIGRATE):ANR2032E
10/12/02 03:30:10 ANR2753I (MIGRATE):failed -
   internal server error
10/12/02 03:30:10 ANR2753I (MIGRATE):detected.
10/12/02 03:30:10 ANR2752E Scheduled command
   MIGRATE failed.

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Backing Up Open Files

2002-10-11 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

Hi TSM'ers

Does anyone know about any Tivoli Storage Manager module or tool
used for backing up open files?

Best regards, Sergio.

Sergio Vázquez Vegas

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URGENT: Rebinding

2002-02-01 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

Hi people!

I've done a very large backup from a node with a determined
Management Class. Is there any way to rebind all the files in that backup to
another one? 
I mean, can I change the retention of that backup without doing the backup

Thanks in advance

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Re: URGENT: Rebinding

2002-02-01 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

Thanks by the answer 
but I wondered whether ther is a way of rebind files already backed up
withou running again the backup.

-Mensaje original-
De: Andrew Raibeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: Friday, February 01, 2002 1:01 PM
Asunto: Re: URGENT: Rebinding

1) If you want to make a permanent change to the management class, just 
update the management class's copygroup attributes and activate the policy 

2) If you want to change the management class to which the files are 
bound, put the necessary INCLUDE statement(s) in the options file to bind 
those files to the new management class. The next time you run an 
incremental backup, if the files have not changed, then the existing 
versions will be rebound. If the files have changed, then they will be 
backed up again using the new management class, and the existing backup 
versions will be rebound as well.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Vazquez Vegas, Sergio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02/01/2002 02:12
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager

Subject:URGENT: Rebinding


Hi people!

I've done a very large backup from a node with a determined
Management Class. Is there any way to rebind all the files in that backup 
another one? 
I mean, can I change the retention of that backup without doing the backup

Thanks in advance

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Re: Restore DB 4584Error- Incomplete volume list

2002-01-17 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

Do you have enough scratch tapes?

 -Mensaje original-
 De:   Michel David [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Enviado el:   jueves 17 de enero de 2002 10:01
 Asunto:   Restore DB  4584Error- Incomplete volume list
 Hi TSM'rs
 Thank you everybody for the help.
 We make a DSMSERV RESTORE DB  from tapes. (We found
 the right tapes!)
 The TSM start to work.
 1)It choose the tape.
 2)BEFORE the tape is inside we get 8337:Recovery log
 3) The Tape is inside.
 4) 4638I REstore Backup Series 129
 5) 4583E Imcomplete volume list error.
 6) The recovery stops.
 7) The tape is ejected
 This occurs on EVERY DB-BACKUP (Full) that we have.
 NT-Serv SP5
 Thank you very much
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Re: Which tape is the DBBACKUP?

2002-01-14 Thread Vazquez Vegas, Sergio

try with the command:
q volhist t=dbb

-Mensaje original-
De: Michel David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviado el: lunes 14 de enero de 2002 10:41
Asunto: Which tape is the DBBACKUP?

Hi Tsm'rs

Thank you for answering, my precedent requests.

NT4.0 SP5
The Library computer HD crashed. We don't know which
tape is the DBBACKUP

How can we test it ?
When I try one with DSMSERV RESTORE DB, and it's not
the good one, nothing don't work anymore and I had to
reinstall TSM !

Is there a trick ?

Thank you very much.

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