
2002-01-14 Thread Vint Maggs

How do you recommend setting up a management class that would allow me to
retain backups for 60 days while allowing a PIT restore to any date within
the past 60 days? I am thinking I should set the copygroup parameters
VERExists, VERDeleted, RETExtra and RETOnly to 60.

Does this seem correct?


ACSLS Library w/TSM and database restore

2002-01-14 Thread Vint Maggs

Hello All,
I am running TSM on Solaris 8 and an STK 9310 Powderhorn
ACSLS Controlled tape library. While attempting to restore a database I
receive an error that indicates this type of library is not supported for
this operation. The library.lic file is registered.  Any ideas?

Also, I observed during testing that the download (no
longer available on the ftp site ) includes the device package (TIVsmSdev)
while the version does not.  I am planning an upgrade this week
and am curious why Tivoli would not include the device package with the release.


Optical Drives

2001-10-29 Thread Vint Maggs

Hello All,
I have been given the task of evaluating whether or not TSM is the
appropriate vehicle for long term archiving.  As part of this process I
plan on installing the latest version of TSM on Solaris 8.  I am
interested in which type of optical drive you may be using.  I will not be
testing optical libraries, just a drive.  I have reviewed the list of
supported devices and I am surprised by the lack of support beyond a few
(4) manufacturers. I was thinking of using the Plextor 12/10/32S External
SCSI CD-RW drive but it is not supported.
As part of the testing I was planning on determining whether or
not  the data I write using TSM requires a TSM server or client to
recover. Obviously if the data has to be retained for any great length of
time I would prefer to avoid any proprietary formats.
If you have a TSM/Solaris environment with Optical devices, I am
interested in hearing your experiences.


Improving NT client throughput

2001-06-21 Thread Vint Maggs

I have a bunch of Windows 2000 clients (file servers) whose backups are
really dragging.  My server is TSM 3.7.3 on Solaris 2.7. The clients are
running TSM v  They have 2 Xeon 700Mhz CPUs and 512 MB RAM,
100Mb NICs on a gigabit backbone.  Each one of these clients has several
hundred thousand files, one is in excess of 1 million files.  TSM
initiates the backup at midnight but it is not until 5 hours later that
these clients really begin pumping data.  I assume this is because it is
taking so long to analyze the files.  If I had my way they would repartion
the drives on these clients so that all these files are not contained in a
single filespace, but that isn't going to happen.

Is there any way to improve performance here?  We are considering the
following options, please give me your opinions.

On Clients:
set changinretries to 1
set tcpbuffersize from 62 to 512
we have already confirmed the tcpnodelay, largecommbuffers, and
memoryefficientbackup options are in our favor.

On Server:
resetting idletimeout from 60 to 15 (default)
resetting commtimeout from 360 to 60 (default)


SNMP: Solaris 2.7 and TSM 3.7.3

2000-12-15 Thread Vint Maggs

Hello all,
I am attempting to configure SNMP with TSM 3.7.3 running on
Solaris 2.7.  I have not had much success.  I have been using the Admin
Guide for reference.  Here is what I have done:

1.  Added the following to dsmserv.opt
These changes are reflected in "Q OPT"

2. Started dsmsnmp  (see output below)
3. Started TSM  and saw the following errors:
ANR8209E   Unable to establish TCP/IP session with  -
connection refused.
ANR4670W  Failure in opening session with SNMP subagent.
ANR4665W  Failure re-trying registration with SNMP agent.
4. Registered admin SNMPADMIN   (the Guide just says register this guy, no
indication of a password or if it matters)
5. Enable eventlogging SNMP
6. Enable event snmp all

OUTPUT FROM "dsmsnmp":

SNMP Subagent Program for Sun Solaris
Version 3, Release 7, Level 1.0

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 1999.  All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR0900I Processing options file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt.
ANR4681W Connect to SNMP agent failed, will keep trying.

OUTPUT FROM "dsmsnmp -d":

SNMP Subagent Program for Sun Solaris
Version 3, Release 7, Level 1.0

Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

5697-TSM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1997, 1999.  All rights reserved.
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.

ANR0900I Processing options file /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt.

dpi_main.c - DPI main 1.0.22 - Compiled Apr 10 2000 at 15:57:07
Tracing set to 56
   8 DPI-lvl1
  16 DPI-lvl2
  32 Internal-lvl1
DPI Debug turned ON (level 2)
snmp_mDPI.c - DPI Version 2.0.13, Compiled Jun 11 1998 at 01:43:58
using port 161
snmp_lDPI.c - DPI Version 2.0.13, Compiled Jun 11 1998 at 01:50:20
UDP connection setup for fd 3
Closing connection on fd 3
 result of qDPIport is -1
dpi_main.c (914) rc=-2 from DPIconnect_to_agent_TCP()
Invalid/Unsupported transport SHM
dpi_main.c (924) rc=-1 from DPIconnect_to_agent_SHM()
ANR4681W Connect to SNMP agent failed, will keep trying.

It appears to me that the problem lies with the dsmsnmp process is not
talking to the snmpd process.  Is there some sort of configuration
required of the snmpd running on Solaris? Any help is appreciated.