
If I understand your scenario correctly, you have 5GB worth of data,
with approx 80,000 files and very little change data.

In my experience 80,000 files is small and the catalogue that would be
sent from the TSM server would be small also. Can you watch the client
session during an incremental backup and determine how much data
(catalogue information) is SENT to the client and how long this takes.
Also from the dsmsched.log, how long is it between the backup starting
the first entry of '***** Processed       500 files *****'.

This will give you an idea of the time that it takes to transmit the
catalogue from the TSM server to the client and scan the first 500
files. If this is greater than one hour, I would still say that your
network is at fault.

Also, if you are concerned about the file scan times or performance, why
don't you try a selective backup of a volume to a dummy nodename. This
would negate the whole filescan performance issue and give you true
network performance. You can always delete the node and associated data
after testing.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Cameron Ambrose
Sent: 11 October 2005 12:30
Subject: [SPAM: 6.500] Re: [ADSM-L] Slow backup performance


      Thanks for the info, I'll double check the network settings.
Though I
have changed the COMMtimeout value from 180secs to 1800 secs as
by Richard Simms, which has stopped the session restart error messages
infact the backup seems to be error free.

       As for the speed, I'm  still leaning towards a tsm netware
Netware OS issue. I say this because last night I performed a test
on a 10gig volume (50% full)  that hadn't had any changes and it still
10 hours to scan only 80000 odd files. The Client itself hovered around
87-89% utilisation. When this server was netware 6.0 it used to flatline
100% when performing a backup with the same slow performance. We thought
once we'd upgraded to 6.5 with the additional memory required with 6.5,
that performance would improve. Unfortunately it hasn't yet. Has anyone
experienced this before?

Regards Cameron

             Richard van
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             NL>                       ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
             Sent by: "ADSM:
             Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Re: Slow backup performance

             07/10/2005 07:25

             Please respond to
             "ADSM: Dist Stor
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oops, I don't know if there is an iperf for Netware.

Do other clients have the same problems from the network the NW server
is on? Also you did not specify what kind of network is between server
and client(s) (100Mb/1000Mb)?

Met vriendelijke groet, With kind regards,
Richard van Denzel.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Leigh Reed
Sent: vrijdag 7 oktober 2005 10:37
Subject: Re: Slow backup performance

If you have already checked this and it is very obvious to you, please
don't be offended, but it has been a very common occurrence throughout
the life of network backups.

Have you checked that your NIC is hard coded to 100MB Full Duplex and
your switch is also the same. You could also check if your switch is
showing any CRC errors. Lastly, try an FTP from client server to TSM
server to establish if the network is performing outside of TSM.

Again, if I'm teaching you to suck hen produce, apologies.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Cameron Ambrose
Sent: 07 October 2005 07:42
Subject: [ADSM-L]


      We're currently experiencing backup failures/extreme slowness on a
Netware 6.5 SP2  server

            TSM Client 5.3.0
            TSM Server 5.2.0
            TSA's up to date as recommended by Client Doco

      Client Logs
            10/05/2005 14:43:19 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing
session reopen procedure.
            10/05/2005 14:43:19 ANS1809W Session is lost; initializing
session reopen procedure.
            10/05/2005 14:44:15 sessRecvVerb: Error -50 from call to
            10/05/2005 14:44:15 ANS1999E Incremental processing of

            10/05/2005 14:48:24 ANS1999E Incremental processing of

            10/05/2005 14:48:25 ANS1017E Session rejected: TCP/IP
connection failure

      Server Logs

            10/05/05   14:39:53      ANR0481W Session 2177 for node
                              terminated - client did not respond within
180 seconds.
            10/05/05   14:41:10      ANR0406I Session 2178 started for
                              (NetWare) (Tcp/Ip

      Currently we have had a backup running for 24 hours and all that
has been transfered is 4.19 gig and 255,000 files scanned. Has anyone
else experienced similar issue's

      Any help on this would be appreciated
      Regards Cameron

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