Sent a note to the ADSM list on Friday afternoon and had no responses. I
wrote a Korn script which basically stores the output of a "df" command
less the root file space in a file. This file is then read in, one line at
a time with the input used as the file system to be backed up using a "dsmc
archive" command. The problem is, we have used nested names in our file
systems and since I would like this script to be portable; that is, used in
all our production systems, I don't want to archive the same stuff over and
over...example: /usr/ , /usr/local/, /usr/bmc/, /usr/informix  each is a
file system and a directory tree which would be backed up under /usr/. Any
sample script that you might be using would be appreciated! Thanks and
hopefully Monday morning will see more people checking the list.

OS AIX 433 Server 4.1.5 Clients 4.1.3

George Lesho
System/Storage Admin
AFC Enterprises

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