Ed - Bill,

There is a way to do this.  We have a 32way 690, only 18
partitions/nodes/clients(whatever ya wanna call em, I call virtnodez) backing up
The 18 p/n/c have the DB2 database spread across multiple sharks adding up to about
2TB for this DB, each p/n/c has a partition at about 180GB or so.
The backups are initiated thru maestro 10 seconds apart. We Linked the
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/*/ba/bin/dsm.opt file to a file called /tmp/dsm.opt. We gave
the DB2 instance/user "sudo" access to only modify this file when the backup
starts, the script changes the /tmp/dsm.opt to the "instance" or "desired name".
Since it is linked when the backup starts it assumes that "desired" name. We do
this on a 12TB DB2 DB as well with 25 p/n/c. It works quite well. We had to add in
another script to copy the original dsm.opt file to the /tmp/dsm.opt file, cause
/tmp filled up and someone removed the file, it now checks for the file, if it
isn't there it copies it.
You need to have the "desired" names in your dsm.sys file also.
I would give you the script, but I know it wouldn't work in your environment. Too
many oddities here. :)

If you didn't get lost in this email, GOOD LUCK!
PS- I am trying to get them to do this(NODEXXDB2LOGXX) for the archive logging that
happens periodically. Am I crazy?

--- Bill Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Unix, my testing has shown that the DB2 instance uses the values set when
> that instance was started. If using the steps in the Backing up DB2 using
> TSM redbook, then the DSMI_* variables are set in the
> ~HOME/sqllib/userprofile script. The "DB2 BACKUP DB ...USE TSM" command is
> internal to the instance and uses those values. Not the values you have
> specified in your script. You would have to move in a different DSM.OPT file
> referencing a different NODENAME before each backup command.
> I don't quite understand why you want the same DB backed up as 2 different
> nodes??!!?!
> Assuming Unix.
> Bill Boyer
> DSS, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Jozef Zatko
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 2:59 AM
> Subject: Re: DB2 Backup using different node names
> Hi Eduardo,
> could you please provide the content of your dsm.opt and dsm.sys? Also, are
> you trying to backup your database with scheduler or by hand from command
> line.
> When you want backup one database with two different node names, you have
> to have correct environment DSMI_CONFIG,....(I assume your platform is
> Unix) for particular TSM node in user environment, who owns database
> instance. Are tou sure you are switching your environment correctly?
> Ing. Jozef Zatko
> Login a.s.
> Dlha 2, Stupava
> tel.: (421) (2) 60252618

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