Error backuping Certificate Server Database on win2k client

2003-07-16 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud
Hi list,

W have a problem here, while trying to backup a win2k system (v 5.00.2195 SP 3) using 
a TSM client version : the backup consistently finishes with status failed, 
and following message can be found in dsmerror.log :

07/16/2003 00:50:49 ANS1183E An unknown error occurred while processing system object 
'Certificate Server Database':
MS API function 'CertSrvBackupRead' failed with error 6 (0x0006)
07/16/2003 00:50:53 ANS4034E Error processing '': unknown system error
07/16/2003 00:50:53 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP_NT' failed.  Return code = 12.

In dsmsched log, everything looks fine, until the end of the backup where those 
entries arise :

07/16/2003 00:50:53 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects inspected:   47,188
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects backed up:   59
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects updated:  0
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects rebound:  0
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects deleted:  0
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects expired:  1
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of objects failed:   0
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Total number of bytes transferred: 9.15 MB
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Data transfer time:0.75 sec
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Network data transfer rate:12,494.63 KB/sec
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Aggregate data transfer rate:  7.52 KB/sec
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Objects compressed by:   57%
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Elapsed processing time:   00:20:46
07/16/2003 00:50:53 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
07/16/2003 00:50:53 ANS4034E Error processing '': unknown system error
07/16/2003 00:50:53 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END BACKUP_NT 07/16/2003 00:30:00
07/16/2003 00:50:53 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP_NT' failed.  Return code = 12.
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Sending results for scheduled event 'BACKUP_NT'.
07/16/2003 00:50:53 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'BACKUP_NT'.

Anyone having seen such a strange behavior, or knowing what could be happening ?

| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01   | 

Re: Error backuping Certificate Server Database on win2k client

2003-07-16 Thread Richard Sims
W have a problem here, while trying to backup a win2k system (v
5.00.2195 SP 3) using a TSM client version : the backup
consistently finishes with status failed, and following message can be
found in dsmerror.log :

07/16/2003 00:50:49 ANS1183E An unknown error occurred while processing
system object 'Certificate Server Database':
   MS API function 'CertSrvBackupRead' failed with error 6 (0x0006)

I wonder if that system's Certificate Server Database is intact and
viable?  It's suspicious that CertSrvBackupOpenFile obviously worked but
the subsequent CertSrvBackupRead failed, which would indicate a problem
with contents.  That would be worth checking out.  First, though, I would
proceed to apply SP 4 to that W2000 system, to fully bring it up to
current level, and try the backup again.

  Richard Sims, BU