Exclude-Include question

2000-12-26 Thread Tyree, David

I still pretty new to our ADSM system and some of the settings are
still confusing to me.
One thing I'm trying to do is to backup just the contents of one
directory on a server. The database on the server (WinNT4) does it's own
database dumps at certain times during the day. All we need is to grab the
contents of that directory, nothing else.
In case of disaster, we would reload the OS and the database
structure from CD's and then repopulate the database from the last database
dump via ADSM. I would rather just use the ADSM system and back the entire
server up. But, I've been told to backup only the dumps and nothing else on
the server.

Here's the details:
Client: version 3.7.2 (We are going to 4.1 on the clients shortly if
that would help)
Data path of the dumps F:\backup\data dumps\*.*

I'm running version 3.7.3 on the ADSM server itself (NT4 SP5).
The Exclude-Include info would go in the dsm.opt file on the server
that is being backed up. I've worked with the documentation and tried
different things in the dsm.opt file but I haven't had much luck. Any ideas?

David Tyree
Microcomputer Specialist
South Georgia Medical Center

Re: Exclude-Include question

2000-12-26 Thread Richard Sims

One thing I'm trying to do is to backup just the contents of one
directory on a server. ...

David - To accomplish that, the simplest way is to perform an Incremental
(dsmc i) or Selective (dsmc sel) backup, specifying what you want
to back up.  Include-Exclude specifications are really for when you are
specifying a file system backup but want to include or exclude just
certain things.  In your case, you should not need to get into that complexity.

Data path of the dumps F:\backup\data dumps\*.*

Because of the space within the directory name, be sure to enclose the
path name in quotes.

  Richard Sims, BU