
Anyone with experience running the 5.1 HSM client on Solaris, read on.
Ideas are welcome.


Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

-----Original Message-----
From: Thee, Gwen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: HSM on Solaris 8

> Hi Kelly,
> I installed hsm on one of our Solaris 8 machines, (the new 5.1 client with
> 64 bit support), and I am having some problems. Hopefully you can help me.
> The good news is that the essential task of migrating and retrieving files
> works fine if we do a manual migration. The bad news is twofold. It will
> not pre-migrate any files, or start the migration automatically even
> though it is above the threshold to start, and the following bad events
> have been going on since I activated the first hsm file system.
> The dsmrecalld daemon will not stay up. It disappears about every 30 to 60
> minutes. There are no errors issued at the time that it dies. We have a
> cron that restarts it, but obviously this is a bad thing since if someone
> tries to get a file in the 60 seconds that it's not running, they get the
> stub.
> The other thing is I have constant errors in the dsmerror.log. These also
> started at the time we activated the first file system with hsm, and they
> are issued about every 10th of a second. The Tivoli site is very unhelpful
> with this error, here's their description of it:
> ANS9511E
>            program-name: cannot read DM attributes on session session for
> file handle = handle token = token. Reason : error
>   Explanation: TSM space management cannot read the DM attributes of a DM
> object, usually a file.
>   System Action: Processing of the file is interrupted.
>   User Response: Continue with normal operation.
> I did not find this very useful in determining my problems. This is what
> the dsmerror.log looks like:
> 04/29/02   14:54:00 ANS9511E dsmmonitord: cannot read DM attributes on
> session
> 11847 for
> file handle = 0000000000ff01ff 0000000700000000 00000000001a766b
> 000001001011ff0c token = DM_NO_TOKEN. Reason : No such process
> 04/29/02   14:54:10 ANS9511E dsmmonitord: cannot read DM attributes on
> session
> 11847 for
> file handle = 0000000000ff01ff 0000000700000000 00000000001a766b
> 000001001011ff0c token = DM_NO_TOKEN. Reason : No such process
> It has been issuing these errors non-stop since we activated an hsm file
> system. To give you an overall feel for how things are set up, here's the
> parameters set in the dsm.sys file:
> CANDIDATESInterval      24
> CHECKFororphans         yes
> CHECKThresholds         5
> MAXCANDProcs            5
> MAXMIGRators            1
> MAXRecalldaemons        20
> MAXRECOncileproc        3
> MAXThresholdproc        3
> MIGFILEEXPiration       7
> MINMIGFILESize          10000000
> MINRECAlldaemons        3
> RECOncileinterval       24
> SErvername  puppy_tsm
>    COMMmethod         TCPip
>    TCPPort            1500
>    TCPServeraddress
>    passwordaccess     generate
>    schedlogretention 7
>    errorlogretention 7
>    INCLexcl     /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/include_exclude
>    schedlogname /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log
>    errorlogname /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log
> and the dsm.opt:
> COMPRESSIon     No
> OPTIONFormat    SHort
> RESToremigstate No
> SErvername      puppy_tsm
> The management class parameters are set to:
> spacemgtechinique     Auto
> automignonuse         Three
> migrequiresbkup               Yes
> migdestination                hsmdisk
> The only thing he did successfully on his own is create the candidate
> list. He did not pre-migrate and he did not migrate automatically.
> Please help,
> Thanks,
> Gwen

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