Re: Oracle restore error

2001-06-19 Thread Neil Rasmussen


errno 2505 is TDP for Oracle's return code for end-of-file reached.
oer7061 is Oracle/Rman's code for end-of-file reached (we actually send
that to Oracle to let them know we are done restoring).

If you are sure that you are getting a failure - check the Rman restore log
upon this failure and set DSMO_DEBUG=49 (this will turn on tracing in TDP
for Oracle and produce an orcagent.log) in your restore script. Review that
script to see what the error is. If you want, you may send the orcagent.log
and I can review it.



Date:Mon, 18 Jun 2001 16:02:46 +0200
Subject: Oracle restore error

Hi *SM-ers!
One of our Oracle people is trying to restore a database (on Solaris).
some processing the restore fails with the following message in the

(2651) OBK-sbt:06/18/2001:15:10:22 odsmSess():  # of dsmInit retries = 1
(2650) OBK-sbt:06/18/2001:15:10:22 sbtread(): End of file reached. oer =
7061, errno = 2505.

I know that 7061 and 2505 are return codes, but I don't know from which
component (TSM, TDP or Oracle?), nor do I know where to find what they
Can anybody help me with solving this problem?
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Neil G. Rasmussen
TDP for Oracle

Re: Oracle restore error

2001-06-19 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis

I've seen similar (can't remember if it was the exact same error) errors
restoring databases at DR Tests, and it's been because the filesystem being
restored to isn't large file enabled.  If you're restoring to a
different/newly built system, that may be the problem.

Nick Cassimatis

Oracle restore error

2001-06-18 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM

Hi *SM-ers!
One of our Oracle people is trying to restore a database (on Solaris). After
some processing the restore fails with the following message in the

(2651) OBK-sbt:06/18/2001:15:10:22 odsmSess():  # of dsmInit retries = 1
(2650) OBK-sbt:06/18/2001:15:10:22 sbtread(): End of file reached. oer =
7061, errno = 2505.

I know that 7061 and 2505 are return codes, but I don't know from which
component (TSM, TDP or Oracle?), nor do I know where to find what they mean.
Can anybody help me with solving this problem?
Thanks in advance for any reply!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

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