
Try using  That site will allow you to search all List entries back
a few years in one shot.

Generally putting the ADSM-L list on a newgroup  open us to Spam from email
sniffers that run thru the newgroups.


|        |          Gerhard Wolkerstorfer |
|        |          <Gerhard.Wolkerstorfer|
|        |          @DEBIS.AT>            |
|        |                                |
|        |          01/09/2001 09:12 AM   |
|        |          Please respond to     |
|        |          "ADSM: Dist Stor      |
|        |          Manager"              |
|        |                                |
  |                                                        |
  |       To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |
  |       cc:     (bcc: James W. Doll/NYLIC)               |
  |       Subject:     Q&A in die ADSML Mailing-List       |

Hi all,
is there a chance to look at one question AND all answers belonging to it ??
The URL and the Logs are sorted by
date (or something like that) and you can't easily search all the answers to a
specific question.
Maybe this Mailing-List ist mirrored to a Newsgroup where alle answers to one
question are sorted together ?
Any hints ?

Have a nice day...

-- Gerhard --

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