Is anyone have experience of installing TDP agane for Oracle 8.0.5 64bit ?
    Attention: It's OK in Oracle 32bit but it failed in Oracle 64 bit.

Is TDP support Oracle 64bit for any version ?
I have some problems  when I try to install TDP for Oracle 2.2 on HP 11
(64bit) with Oracle 8.0.5 (64bit).

1. In the Installation Guide , it said that I should install the TSM API that comes with this package.
    After I installed the TDP packages in the CD , I use swlist command to
check the version and I see the version of API is   4.1.2
    Is it correct to run TDP ?

2. When I try to relink RMAN and TDP for Oracle I got some errors as follows
    I use the make script suggested by Installation Guide :
        $make -f LLIBMM="/usr/lib/pa20_64/ -lC"
    I got an error as follows:
        ld: Can't find library or mismatched ABI for -lC
          Fatal error.
          *** Error exit code 1
    So I use the make script to run again:
        $make -f LLIBMM=/usr/lib/pa20_64/ ioracle
    I got the errors as follows:
        ld: Type mismatch for symbol "oclose"; resolving FUNC symbol (in
file /oradisk2/
ora805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "odefin"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ora805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzioa.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "oerhms"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ora805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "oexec"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ra805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "olog"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
a805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "ologof"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ora805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "oopen"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ra805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file
ld: Type mismatch for symbol "oparse"; resolving FUNC symbol (in file
ora805/lib//libnetwork.a[nzdo.o]) to OBJECT symbol (in file

     The Engineer of Oracle advice me to install HP PTF PHSS , PHSS_22514 .
     It's still the same problem after I install the PTF.
     The Engineer of HP tell me that is a problem of shared library because
I try to link from 32 bit to 64 bit. I am sure that I install the TDP for
Oracle 2.2 on HP 64bit.

3. After I remove the TDP for Oracle 2.2 , I can't start my database.
    I got the error as follow: Can't find library /usr/lib/pa20_64/

    I have to re-install TDP for Oracle 2.2 again , then it's normal.
    It's so queer . If I don't relink the successful , why Oracle
have to find /usr/lib/pa20_64/ ?!

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve these problems ?


                                                Michael Hsu

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