Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-04 Thread Dan Foster
Thanks for all the comments, suggestions, ideas, and code examples.

They were very invaluable! I also found expect to be an interesting
approach that I hadn't considered, but makes sense.

Looks like I'm on the right track now; thanks again!


Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread Ford, Phillip
Here is a script that I use to remove media.  It has to do a reply for each
tape.  The section on looking for at "q req" and responding should do about
what you want.  The functions at the top are from an old script and not used
in this one.  I am short on time so I did not clean it up for you.  Sorry.

Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX

This message and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient. If you are not 
the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, use or distribution of the information 
included in this message is prohibited -- Please immediately and permanently delete.

#set -x

# file /var/operlib/adsm/remove_drm

# sub to check process to see if it is still running
check_process() {
process=`dsmadmc -id=$usr -pass=$pw q proc $job1 | grep -c 'MOVE DRMEDIA'`
if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
   echo process is $process 
if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then
   echo resetting process to $process 
# sub to get request number 
get_request() {
dsmadmc -id=$usr -pass=$pw q request | grep 'Remove 3570' | read x1 req x3 x4
if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
   echo req is $req
if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then
   echo resetting req to $req 
if [ "X${req}" != "X" ]; then
   len=`expr length $req`
   len=`expr $len - 1`
   req=`expr substr $req 1 $len`
   request=`expr $req + 0`
if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
   echo request is $request
if [ $debug -gt 1 ]; then
   echo resetting request to $request 

# debug - 0 no debug   1-print  2-simulate

if [ $debug -gt 0 ]; then
   echo debug is on and set to $debug
   echo library to use is $lib

cat /etc/adsm/adsm | read usr pw

CMD="dsmadmc -id=$usr -password=$pw"
CMD1="dsmadmc -id=$usr -password=$pw -comma "
$CMD "move drm * wherestate=mountable  tostate=vault remove=untileefull" > 
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  sleep 30
  while true
$CMD q request > /tmp/checkout_ask
grep ANR8322I /tmp/checkout_ask > /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   grep ANR8322I /tmp/checkout_ask |grep "Remove LTO volume" |awk '{print $2}' 
> /tmp/checkout_reply
   COMMAND=`sed s/://g  /tmp/checkout_reply`
   $CMD "reply $COMMAND" > /dev/null
   rm /tmp/checkout_*
   sleep 30

#  now check if move drm is still running - if not quit
   i=`$CMD1 "q proc " | /var/operlib/adsm/cleanhdrs | grep -c "MOVE DRMEDIA"`
   if [ "$i" = "0" ]; then
  rm /tmp/checkout_*
   rm /tmp/checkout_*
   sleep 30

#   if (( $RETRY<30 )) ; then
#  RETRY=`expr $RETRY + 1`
#   else
#  break
#   fi

Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread Kauffman, Tom
Dan --

I've been running a perl script on AIX to do this for several years (STK
9710 first, then the 3584).

My script tails the TSM log and works in this order:
1. 'checkin libv  search=bulk stat=private checklabel=barcode'
2. look for the ANR8373I message, peel off the reply number, and issue the
3. look for the ANR8430I message, peel off the volume number, and update the
volume to access readwrite
4. look for the ANR8431I and exit

By checking all volumes in as private and then updating to read/write the
corner cases go away; expired tapes go scratch, old database backups stay
private until deleted, and (big one) No Thinking Is Required. And by using
perl and the File::Tail module, there's no requirement for 'sleep' and no
timing issues if TSM goes off to do tape dismounts right after you fire up
the script.

The process uses Owen Crow's perl module from several years ago --
let me know if you want to take a swack at what I've got.

Tom Kauffman

-Original Message-
From: Dan Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 3:24 AM
Subject: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

Howdy -

I seem to be having some sort of timing issues with the checkin
process via an automated script. The procedure:

1. Fill the I/O station(s) with brought back tapes to be checkin'd
2. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=scratch
3. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
4. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'
5. Wait a bit for the whole checkin process to finish in search mode
6. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=private
7. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
8. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'

Manually, works great. My script parses all data just fine using
dsmadmc in batch mode (with -id= -pass=...) and the command syntax is
correct -- I know because it works fine by hand.

I'm a little stuck in getting the exact timing *just right* for the
delays as well as the best way to construct a while loop logic to get the
timing right. It just runs through it so fast that it exits before it's
got a chance to answer both requests. Detecting certain corner cases seems
a little interesting when you throw in vagaries of timing, also.

Alas, "cheating" by direct loading and using search=yes to avoid
the requests isn't an option for the weekly tape swaps. ;)

Does anyone happen to have a similiar script fragment or even just
suggestions on how to construct the while loop 'just so'? :) Anything would
be much appreciated! (I'm trying to make the limited human interaction with
tapes reasonably bulletproof without requiring them to manually wade
through TSM - reduces chances of errors and not all personnel are skilled.)


Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread Shore, IM (Ian)

I'm using the Expect tool (available as an RPM for AIX 5L) to achieve pretty
much what you're trying to do. Expect allows you to automate responses to
interactive programs.

For example, here is the section of my check-in shell script that waits for
the "checkin" process to complete :-

# Check for any tapes in I/O station that could not be checked in

print  "* Please wait whilst tapes are being checked in.\n"

/usr/bin/expect <${PID}_3 2>/dev/null
set timeout 10
stty -echo
log_user 0
spawn /usr/bin/dsmadmc
expect {
  -re "Enter your user id:.*" {send "${DSMUSER}\r"}
  timeout {send_user "\nERROR: Expect timeout.\n";exit }
expect {
  -re "Enter your password:.*" {send "${DSMPASSWD}\r"}
  timeout {send_user "\nERROR: Expect timeout.\n";exit }
expect {
  "tsm: HPCXTSM>" {send "query proc ${PROC}\r"}
  timeout {send_user "\nERROR: Expect timeout.\n";exit }
while 1 {
  sleep 2
  expect {
-re "ANS8001I Return code 11.*" {send "q actlog begint=${TIME}
"tsm: HPCXTSM>" {send "query proc ${PROC}\r"}
timeout {send_user "\nERROR: Expect timeout.\n";exit }
log_user 1
while 1 {
  expect {
"more..." {send "\r"}
"tsm: HPCXTSM>" {send "quit\r"}
timeout {send_user "\nERROR: Expect timeout.\n";exit }
expect eof

Hope this is of some help.



-Original Message-
From: Dan Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 March 2003 08:24
Subject: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

Howdy -

I seem to be having some sort of timing issues with the checkin
process via an automated script. The procedure:

1. Fill the I/O station(s) with brought back tapes to be checkin'd
2. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=scratch
3. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
4. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'
5. Wait a bit for the whole checkin process to finish in search mode
6. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=private
7. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
8. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'

Manually, works great. My script parses all data just fine using
dsmadmc in batch mode (with -id= -pass=...) and the command syntax is
correct -- I know because it works fine by hand.

I'm a little stuck in getting the exact timing *just right* for the
delays as well as the best way to construct a while loop logic to get the
timing right. It just runs through it so fast that it exits before it's
got a chance to answer both requests. Detecting certain corner cases seems
a little interesting when you throw in vagaries of timing, also.

Alas, "cheating" by direct loading and using search=yes to avoid
the requests isn't an option for the weekly tape swaps. ;)

Does anyone happen to have a similiar script fragment or even just
suggestions on how to construct the while loop 'just so'? :) Anything would
be much appreciated! (I'm trying to make the limited human interaction with
tapes reasonably bulletproof without requiring them to manually wade
through TSM - reduces chances of errors and not all personnel are skilled.)


Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread GUILLAUMONT Etienne

Here is what I use on AIX4.3.3 to make automatic checkin every morning, it
is done in ksh.

 dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "checkin libv l20 search=bulk
checkl=barcode status=private"
 sleep 15
 REQNO=$(dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "q req"|grep ANR8373I| awk '{print
$2}'|tr -d ':')
 dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=admin "reply $REQNO"

I hope it will help you.

I don't understand why you have to issue two checkin, one with
status=private and the other with status=scratch, but I am not sure I fully
understood this option and anyway, I only need the private status.
But if you need to issue both, I guess you can let TSM a long time to
finish the first checkin, something like 10 minutes. Usually, checkin of
new volumes is not that urgent.


RGB Technologie
Parc d'Innovation, Bâtiment PYTHAGORE
11 Rue Jean SAPIDUS
Tél :  03 90 40 60 60
Fax : 03 90 40 60 61


Gulbrand cc:   
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: Automatic checkin on a 
Sent by:   
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"  

respond to 
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"  

Hi Dan,
I'm just about to do something like you, and I just have the following
>From experience, a 10 sec. wait is enough for the request to be generated
tsm, so either a wait statement that waits 10 seconds, or creating a
for-loop that runs for about 10 seconds, and then continue.
Another idea, would be to (repeatedly) issue command q req, and on the
RETURN code (0), continue the script.
I can't remember how to catch the return code through dsmadmc, but I'm sure
someone else on the list can tell us. (or you could use the command with
outfile option, then parse the file for the info wanted.

My best choice would be to use a wait, that waits long enough for the
request to be created, just because it makes the script shorter (usually).

Geirr G. Halvorsen

-Original Message-
From: Dan Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 3. marts 2003 09:24
To: [EMA

Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread Halvorsen Geirr Gulbrand
Hi Dan,
I'm just about to do something like you, and I just have the following idea.
>From experience, a 10 sec. wait is enough for the request to be generated in
tsm, so either a wait statement that waits 10 seconds, or creating a
for-loop that runs for about 10 seconds, and then continue.
Another idea, would be to (repeatedly) issue command q req, and on the right
RETURN code (0), continue the script.
I can't remember how to catch the return code through dsmadmc, but I'm sure
someone else on the list can tell us. (or you could use the command with the
outfile option, then parse the file for the info wanted.

My best choice would be to use a wait, that waits long enough for the
request to be created, just because it makes the script shorter (usually).

Geirr G. Halvorsen

-Original Message-
From: Dan Foster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 3. marts 2003 09:24
Subject: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

Howdy -

I seem to be having some sort of timing issues with the checkin
process via an automated script. The procedure:

1. Fill the I/O station(s) with brought back tapes to be checkin'd
2. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=scratch
3. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
4. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'
5. Wait a bit for the whole checkin process to finish in search mode
6. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=private
7. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
8. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'

Manually, works great. My script parses all data just fine using
dsmadmc in batch mode (with -id= -pass=...) and the command syntax is
correct -- I know because it works fine by hand.

I'm a little stuck in getting the exact timing *just right* for the
delays as well as the best way to construct a while loop logic to get the
timing right. It just runs through it so fast that it exits before it's
got a chance to answer both requests. Detecting certain corner cases seems
a little interesting when you throw in vagaries of timing, also.

Alas, "cheating" by direct loading and using search=yes to avoid
the requests isn't an option for the weekly tape swaps. ;)

Does anyone happen to have a similiar script fragment or even just
suggestions on how to construct the while loop 'just so'? :) Anything would
be much appreciated! (I'm trying to make the limited human interaction with
tapes reasonably bulletproof without requiring them to manually wade
through TSM - reduces chances of errors and not all personnel are skilled.)


Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread Dan Foster
Hot Diggety! GUILLAUMONT Etienne was rumored to have written:
> You didn't say in what type of OS you where. If it is unix, no problem, you

Oops! I'm normally good about that. Server is AIX 5.1 on pSeries 660 model
6H1 server.

I do have some sleeps, but it's still running too fast or not exactly right.


Re: Automatic checkin on a 3584?

2003-03-03 Thread GUILLAUMONT Etienne

You didn't say in what type of OS you where. If it is unix, no problem, you
just have to add a sleep command. If you have a unix box within you
clients, you can also install dsmadmc on it and make the script on unix
which is far better for shell scripts and automations than windows.
The other way is not to use a timing but to do exactly what you do manually
: check for example the process before continuing.


RGB Technologie
Parc d'Innovation, Bâtiment PYTHAGORE
11 Rue Jean SAPIDUS
Tél :  03 90 40 60 60
Fax : 03 90 40 60 61

Dan Foster 
Sent by: Subject: Automatic checkin on a 3584? 
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"  

respond to 
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"  

Howdy -

I seem to be having some sort of timing issues with the checkin
process via an automated script. The procedure:

1. Fill the I/O station(s) with brought back tapes to be checkin'd
2. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=scratch
3. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
4. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'
5. Wait a bit for the whole checkin process to finish in search
6. Issue a 'checkin libvol  search=bulk status=private
7. Wait a bit for a request to appear in the request queue
8. Issue a reply corresponding to what appears in 'q req'

Manually, works great. My script parses all data just fine using
dsmadmc in batch mode (with -id= -pass=...) and the command syntax is
correct -- I know because it works fine by hand.

I'm a little stuck in getting the exact timing *just right* for the
delays as well as the best way to construct a while loop logic to get the
timing right. It just runs through it so fast that it exits before it's
got a chance to answer both requests. Detecting certain corner cases seems
a little interesting when you throw in vagaries of timing, also.

Alas, "cheating" by direct loading and using search=yes to avoid
the requests isn't an option for the weekly tape swaps. ;)

Does anyone happen to have a similiar script fragment or even just
suggestions on how to construct the while loop 'just so'? :) Anything would
be much appreciated! (I'm trying to make the limited human int