Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-06 Thread Paul van Dongen
 From the TSM Help for the Define stgpool command:
The server can perform simultaneous write to copy storage pools for the
 following operations:
o Backup and archive operations by Tivoli Storage Manager
  backup-archive clients or application clients using the Tivoli
  Storage Manager API.
o HSM migration operations by Tivoli Storage Manager for Space
  Management (HSM) clients.
o Import operations that involve copying exported file data from
  external media to a primary storage pool associated with a copy
  storage pool list.

Simultaneous writing is NOT supported when migrating data between storage 
pools. You will have to rely on the Backup Stgpool command.
Paul van Dongen
IBM Certified Deployment Professional - ITWS 8.2 e ITSM 5.2

-Original Message- 
From: Bruno Melo - Suporte InformÃtica [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thu 5/5/05 16:24 
Subject: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage 
pools, primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools. 
Until that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the primary 
and everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared when, for 
performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and than migrate 
it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to one of the 
storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the tape storage 
pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation for the 
migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the manuals show.
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one 
process, but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
. .
Suporte InformÃtica Ltda.

Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-05 Thread Darby, Mark

That is because simultaneous write only comes into play during certain
operations.  Simultaneous write is not implemented for migration operations
performed by the server.

Read the section of the Adminstrator's Guide entitled "Using the
Simultaneous Write Function to Protect Your Data".

Here's an excerpt from that section of the manual that applies to your

Simultaneous write is supported for the following operations:
- Backup and archive operations by Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive
clients or application clients using the Tivoli Storage Manager API
- Migration operations by Hierarchical Space Management (HSM) clients 
- Import operations that involve copying exported file data from external
media to a primary storage pool associated which is configured for
simultaneous write configuration

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Bruno Melo - Suporte Informática
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

I know that Jean. :-)

I'll try to explain better, the next storage pool defined on the disk
storage pool is the tape primary pool.
And in the tape primary pool there is a copy storage pool defined.
The problem is that the data that is going to the tape primary storage pool
isn't going to the copy storage pool simultaneously.

- Original Message -
From: "William Jean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

You can't migrate data in copy pools.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Bruno Melo - Suporte Informatica
Sent: Thu 5/5/2005 3:24 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage pools,
primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools.
Until that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the
primary and everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared
when, for performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and
than migrate it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to
one of the storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the
tape storage pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation
for the migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the
manuals show.
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one
process, but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suporte Informatica Ltda.

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.5 - Release Date: 4/5/2005

Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-05 Thread Bruno Melo - Suporte Informática
Thanks Clark,

I've found the same in the Technical Guide for version 5.1.

- Original Message -
From: "Lawrence Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

What comes into play with migration is the NEXT STORAGE POOL parameter:

Specifies a primary storage pool to which files are migrated. This parameter
is optional. The next storage pool must be a primary storage pool.

On the next storage pool you define, migration will not trigger copies to
the copypool because it does not fit the criteria:

Specifies the names of copy storage pools where copies of files being stored
in the primary storage pool, during a client backup, archive or HSM stores,
are also simultaneously written to all listed copy storage pools.

When you are migrating, you are not doing a backup, archive, or HSM

After you migration , you can schedule a backup of that pool:


>>-DEFine STGpool--pool_name--DISK--+--+>



   .-MAXSIze--=--NOLimit---.  .-CRCData--=--No--.
   '-MAXSIze--=--maximum_file_size-'  '-CRCData--=--+-Yes-+-'

   '-NEXTstgpool--=--pool_name-'  '-HIghmig--=--percent-'

   .-LOwmig--=--70--.  .-CAChe--=--No--.
   '-LOwmig--=--percent-'  '-CAChe--=--+-Yes-+-'

   .-MIGPRocess--=--1--.  .-MIGDelay--=--0.
   '-MIGPRocess--=--number-'  '-MIGDelay--=--days-'


   |  .-COPYContinue--=--Yes-. |
 |  .-,--. |  '-COPYContinue--=--+-Yes-+-'
 |  V| | '-No--'

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/05/2005 3:24:32 PM >>>
Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage pools,
primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools.
Until that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the
primary and everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared
when, for performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and
than migrate it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to
one of the storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the
tape storage pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation
for the migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the
manuals show.
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one
process, but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suporte Informatica Ltda.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.5 - Release Date: 4/5/2005

Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-05 Thread Bruno Melo - Suporte Informática
I know that Jean. :-)

I'll try to explain better, the next storage pool defined on the disk
storage pool is the tape primary pool.
And in the tape primary pool there is a copy storage pool defined.
The problem is that the data that is going to the tape primary storage pool
isn't going to the copy storage pool simultaneously.

- Original Message -
From: "William Jean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

You can't migrate data in copy pools.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Bruno Melo - Suporte Informatica
Sent: Thu 5/5/2005 3:24 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage pools,
primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools.
Until that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the
primary and everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared
when, for performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and
than migrate it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to
one of the storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the
tape storage pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation
for the migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the
manuals show.
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one
process, but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suporte Informatica Ltda.

This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
For more information please visit

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.5 - Release Date: 4/5/2005

Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-05 Thread Lawrence Clark
What comes into play with migration is the NEXT STORAGE POOL parameter:

Specifies a primary storage pool to which files are migrated. This parameter is 
optional. The next storage pool must be a primary storage pool. 

On the next storage pool you define, migration will not trigger copies to the 
copypool because it does not fit the criteria:

Specifies the names of copy storage pools where copies of files being stored in 
the primary storage pool, during a client backup, archive or HSM stores, are 
also simultaneously written to all listed copy storage pools. 

When you are migrating, you are not doing a backup, archive, or HSM 

After you migration , you can schedule a backup of that pool:


>>-DEFine STGpool--pool_name--DISK--+--+>
   .-MAXSIze--=--NOLimit---.  .-CRCData--=--No--.
   '-MAXSIze--=--maximum_file_size-'  '-CRCData--=--+-Yes-+-'
   '-NEXTstgpool--=--pool_name-'  '-HIghmig--=--percent-'
   .-LOwmig--=--70--.  .-CAChe--=--No--.
   '-LOwmig--=--percent-'  '-CAChe--=--+-Yes-+-'
   .-MIGPRocess--=--1--.  .-MIGDelay--=--0.
   '-MIGPRocess--=--number-'  '-MIGDelay--=--days-'
   |  .-COPYContinue--=--Yes-. |
 |  .-,--. |  '-COPYContinue--=--+-Yes-+-'
 |  V| | '-No--'

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/05/2005 3:24:32 PM >>>
Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage pools, 
primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools. Until 
that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the primary and 
everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared when, for 
performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and than migrate 
it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to one of the 
storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the tape storage 
pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation for the 
migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the manuals show. 
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one process, 
but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something? 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Suporte Informática Ltda.

Re: Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

2005-05-05 Thread William Jean
You can't migrate data in copy pools.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Bruno Melo - Suporte Informática
Sent: Thu 5/5/2005 3:24 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Migration -> Primary and Copy Pool

Hi Fellows,

The environment:

TSM Server, AIX 4.3.3 ML 9
Two 3580 LTO1 SCSI tape drives (manual)
Both drives defined on the same library.

A small costumer used to backup their data directly to tape storage pools, 
primary and copy, simultaneously coping the data to both storage pools. Until 
that point nothing weird, just define the copystg option on the primary and 
everything works like a charm. The strange bahavior appeared when, for 
performance reasons, they decided to backup their data to disk and than migrate 
it to tape, the migration to tape works fine, but only goes to one of the 
storage pools (the primary). Since, nothing has changed on the tape storage 
pools what the hell is going on? It seems like some limitation for the 
migration process, but it should work.  At least this is what the manuals show.
I've checked the migprocess option to ensure that there was only one process, 
but nothing changed.
The backup stg command works fine.
Am I missing something?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suporte Informática Ltda.

This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.
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