Re: Why does this Exclude not work?

2008-10-31 Thread Richard Sims

Zoltan -

As you indicate, the reality seems to contradict the include-exclude
options shown by a current query.

Whereas you are running the TSM scheduler directly, rather than via
CAD, you have a persistent dsmc scheduler process performing your
backups, using option values which it grabbed when it initated.  It
would be desirable to see what those actual settings are, to fully
verify the situation.  That's somewhat challenging, but can be
accomplished via the following procedure:

- Create an ASCII file on the client, giving it a name such as /tmp/
Query SYSTEMInfo -FILEName=/tmp/TSM.systeminfo

- On the TSM server, invoke the command:
define clientaction YourNodename action=macro objects=/tmp/

After the client action completes, the resulting /tmp/TSM.systeminfo
file will contain an INCLEXCL section which will show what the
prevailing dsmc process is using for includes and excludes.

   Richard Sims

Re: Why does this Exclude not work?

2008-10-31 Thread lindsay morris

If you can get to the client to create a file,
can't you just run dsmc query inclexcl ?

Oh, I see - Richard's trick lets you see what the CURRENTLY RUNNING
used, when it woke up a month ago or whenever.

But you could just restart dsmc and try again.

Lindsay Morris

On Oct 31, 2008, at Oct 31, 2:08 PM, Richard Sims wrote:

Zoltan -

As you indicate, the reality seems to contradict the include-exclude
options shown by a current query.

Whereas you are running the TSM scheduler directly, rather than via
CAD, you have a persistent dsmc scheduler process performing your
backups, using option values which it grabbed when it initated.  It
would be desirable to see what those actual settings are, to fully
verify the situation.  That's somewhat challenging, but can be
accomplished via the following procedure:

- Create an ASCII file on the client, giving it a name such as /tmp/
Query SYSTEMInfo -FILEName=/tmp/TSM.systeminfo

- On the TSM server, invoke the command:
define clientaction YourNodename action=macro objects=/tmp/

After the client action completes, the resulting /tmp/TSM.systeminfo
file will contain an INCLEXCL section which will show what the
prevailing dsmc process is using for includes and excludes.

   Richard Sims