Thanks for all the replies!  I was able to find out from someone at Tivoli that the APAR IC36566 actually refers to cloned HSM client data which was not made clear in the APAR.  So if I don't have any HSM clients, then the APAR would have no affect on my TSM Server, which I don't.   As far at the Volume History file goes, you were right Andrew, I did look up the Q VOLHISTORY and found what you referred to.  But it turns out the size allocation of the ADSM.PRT.FILE in MVS is not the problem although it is an allocation problem.  The original VOLHISTORY is allocated with a record length of 1028 so that doesn't have a problem.  I defined the second file (ADSM.PRT.FILE) with a 133 record length as an easy fix because MVS cannot print the original without truncating it since limited to the 133 record length.  This way I could print a readable hard copy to send offsite withou t extra effort.  This was no problem until I did the first Generate Backupset which of course creates a record too long for the print file.  Now I shall just have to write a program to use the original volume history file as input and edit it to create a report that will print for offsite, which I probably should have done in the first place.  Oh well, what goes around, comes around.  Thanks again!    


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