Webclient signon error 53

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew Warren
Hi *SM'ers,

A customer has recently  upgraded client versions on AIX machines running
AIX 4.3 and 5.3.

TSM server is v5.3.2 on z/OS 1.7

After upgrading the AIX 5.3 servers to the TSM 5.4.1 or 5.5 client, trying
to logon to the client using the web interface gives;

ANS2622S  Invalid ID or Password

The same ID and password work fine for CLI operations.

Actlog shows;

ANR0480W Session 1032 for node
nodename (AIX) terminated - connection with client severed.

tsmwebcl.log gives

21/01/08   13:46:33 (dsmcad) ANS3006I Processing request for the TSM Web
Client (
21/01/08   13:46:42 (dsmagent) ANS3002I Session started for user  (TCP/IP

the dsmerror.log shows

21/01/08   13:46:42 scSignOnAsAdmin: Error 53 receiving SignOnAsAdminResp
verb from server

All the AIX 4.3, TSM 5.1.5 clients have continued to work fine.

Error 53 I believe is this;

/* Definitions for server signon reject codes  */
/* These error codes are in the range (51 to 99) inclusive.*/

In the first instance I've searched google and IBM, IBM gives PK03989,
which is ZFS related. TsmWiki nor Quickfacts has any info,  has anyone here
seen anything similar?



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Re: Webclient signon error 53

2008-01-23 Thread Richard Sims

Hi, Matthew -

I haven't run into that before, but my guess would be that the TSM
client is having trouble identifying the peer, probably because the
10.x.x.x private net address is not DNS reverse-lookupable into a
host/node name.  TSM 5.2 changed IP address handling a bit, in
concert with the DNSLOOKUP option, new at that level.

   Richard Sims   at Boston University

Re: Webclient signon error 53

2008-01-23 Thread Matthew Warren

I'll follow that up, post how it goes.




   23/01/2008 14:48 
 Re: [ADSM-L] Webclient signon 
error 53

 Please respond to

Hi, Matthew -

I haven't run into that before, but my guess would be that the TSM
client is having trouble identifying the peer, probably because the
10.x.x.x private net address is not DNS reverse-lookupable into a
host/node name.  TSM 5.2 changed IP address handling a bit, in
concert with the DNSLOOKUP option, new at that level.

Richard Sims   at Boston University

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