Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-24 Thread Keith Arbogast

Allen Rout wrote:
"I'm having difficulty figuring out why this still feels not-answered
to you."

That statement, i.e. " dilemma", was more an justification of my
original post than a commentary on the answers I had received. The
simplest version of my question would have been, "What am I
missing?".  Answers from the list have been very helpful, on the whole.

Again, Allen:   
  "As for your last concern, it's not IBM's job to show you how you
might do the work better without their product."

That's an odd statement. You don't need to defend TSM, but it's IBM's
job to teach best uses of TSM with current technology, not that of 1997.

Thank you for your other advice. It is very helpful.

Keith Arbogast
Indiana University

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-24 Thread Keith Arbogast

Richard Rhodes wrote:
"Here are just some of the problems . . ."

Yes, we see the exposure, but aren't the ones managing the budget.
The completed DR architecture, when it's in place, will include on-
site and off-site copies of both data centers.

Thanks for your insights,
Keith Arbogast

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Keith Arbogast

Richard Rhodes said
"Let me see if I understand..."

Yes, you understand very well. We will not have offsite copy pools
until there are 3584's at both data centers. It is a huge concern for
those who understand the implications.

All the best,

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:40:28 -0400, Keith Arbogast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Knowing when they do and when they don't is the crux of my dilemma.
> The virtual volume methodology is presented in IBM designed training
> classes, Administrator's manuals, and in a very recent TSM Webcast
> as if it is the best practice for cross data center backups. There
> is much about how to do it, but precious little about why to do
> it. No mention of the problem that it is intended to solve. Or, how
> you might do the same thing as well or better without it.

I'm having difficulty figuring out why this still feels not-answered
to you.  Perhaps the answer is best associated with a gradient of
solution costs, measured over time.

There are myriad different ways you might choose to transport bits
from site A to site B.. some of the simplest to understand are
courier, long-haul dark fiber, and IP.

Courier traffic is in many ways simplest, and quite cheap in dollars,
but has very poor operational characteristics: unusual traffic is
difficult to accomodate, delays are common, couriers are unreliable.
We never had an Iron Mountain audit of our stored volumes which passed
without incident.  That made me feel very scared.

If you want to pay for the extra-expensive GBICs and miles of
dedicated dark fiber, you can just treat the "offsite" devices as
though they were onsite.  This doesn't address many of the DR issues
at all (having data in two places, what about the hardware you intend
to use at disaster time, etc..)  but is certainly much simpler to
manage if you're flush.

As expensive as this is right now, reel yourself back to 1997, and
wonder to yourself what it would cost to get oh, say, 350 miles of
dark fiber.  IP connectivity would look pretty good then.  (at least,
it did to me. :)

Since TSM is already focused on storing IP-communicated data (and
there are IBM projects accustomed to using TSM as an abstract object
store) it was obvious to use the skills and resources already
familliar to the DR-desiring supplicant to help him solve his problem.

Hey, presto: you want to do offsite stuff for your TSM, well all you
need is -ANOTHER- TSM, which you can manage in more or less the same

If you do this, your offsite data is available to you in real-time.
You can do last-minute pushes right until the hurricane actually busts
down your primary data center.

So, that's the problem it's intended to solve, and that's also why you
might want to use this particular tool to solve it.

As for your last concern, it's not IBM's job to show you how you might
do the work better without their product :) but biased as I am, I
think TSM's solution is damn near optimal.

> Our current goal is that each of our two data centers be the offsite
> backup and DR site of the other. If we lose a TSM server or a data
> center we would restore it at the one sixty miles away.

This seems perfectly reasonable.  I recommend you become very familiar
with deploying several TSM instances on the same piece of hardware.
In that way, you can do all sorts of DR testing on hardware you
already own.  You can restore all of SERVER-A onto an instance hosted
on SERVER-B's physical hardware, and prove to yourself that it can be
done consistently and according to procedure.

I'd recommend you have at least three different server instances on
each end of your link (which doesn't mean more than one set of
hardware)... One to serve the local clients, one to serve the
offsite-copy needs of the distal clients, and one as a library manager
to the other two, so when you discover the need to add yet-another
instance, it's straightforward.

- Allen S. Rout

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:46:17 +1000, Stuart Lamble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On 23/08/2007, at 7:29 AM, Nicholas Cassimatis wrote:
>> And a TSM DB Backup takes (at least) one volume, so with physical
>> cartridges, that's a whole tape.  With VV's, you're only using the
>> actual
>> capacity of the backup, which is more efficient on space.

> At the cost of some reliability. What happens if the particular tape
> the virtual volumes are on goes bad, and you're in a disaster
> needing a DB restore?

Once you've sent data to a VV, (which looks like just-a-file to the
target server) you can then copy it like any other file.

Choose your exposure:

  (tape-failure-rate) * 1/number-of-db-tapes


  ( tape-failure-rate ) ^ 2

or, if you're neurotic (like me) you can do

  ( tape-failure-rate ) ^ 3

with both onsite and offsite copy pools :)

By the time you take 3592 volume failure rates cubed, you're in
planetcracking asteroid risk levels, A.K.A. No Longer The Risk
Amelioration Target.

> Well, why not do what we're doing soon? We currently have some 1200
> LTO2 tapes, and are in the process of migrating from LTO2 to LTO4;
> (some of) the LTO2 tapes will be kept in the silo for database [..]

There's someone I know who's used exactly that kind of logic to keep
themselves on 3590 J volumes (as in, to this very day.)  To me,
keeping old tech around just-because seems a poor tradeoff.  You build
additional complexity into your system by maintaining separate device
groups, you waste silo slots on "measley" 200G volumes...  Worst,
you're using the less reliable, older devices to manage your family

For me, the ability to make copies of the DB backups swamped every
other reliability-related concern.

- Allen S. Rout

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Richard Rhodes
I said . . .

>Let me see if I fully understand . . . .

>  TSM-a
>local clients backup to disk pool
>disk pool migrates to TSM-b/VV at Indianapolis
>  ==> primary tape pool is on TSM-b/VV at Indianapolis
>vv server - contains primary pool from TSM-b

>  TSM-b
>local clients backup to disk pool
>disk pool migrates to TSM-a/VV at Bloomington
>  ==> primary tape pool is on TSM-a/VV at Bloomington
>vv server - contains promary pool from TSM-a

>  - All clients backup to local TSM server to disk pool.
>  - Disk pool gets MIGRATED to VV primary pool at other site.
>  - There is NO copy pool at either site.

While I'm munching on lunch, let met say a few words about
this architecture.

Our setup was very similar, except instead of backup local and
migrating to the other site, we just backed up all servers
directly to the remote site.  All backups were by
definition OFFSITE.  It looked like this . . .

Site A
nodes for servers at SiteB
  disk pool
  primary tape pool
  copy pool

Site B
nodes for servers at SiteA
  disk pool
  primary tape pool
  copy pool

At the beginning, Site A was our main computer center
and Site B was a old datacenter had very few servers.  In other
words, it was hardly used.  At this point the design made
sense.  What happened over time is that old datacenter, SiteB,
grew and grew and grew, to become a peer datacenter.  The
two sites also became DR sites for each other.  We realized
that what looked and worked well at first had MAJOR problems
when they became peer sites and DR for each other.

Here are just some of the problems . . .

- If you loose SiteA, then you loose ALL backups for SiteB - both primary
and copy pools.  Site B is up and running, but it has NO BACKUPS at all.
Of course, the opposite is true also.

- In a DR, since you lost ALL backups for the surviving data center, you
run FULL backups ASAP.  Big, heavy load doing initial/full backups right in
the middle of the DR. This is in contention with any restores you need to

- Again, if you loose SiteA, at Site B you have to define all those nodes
the surviving SiteB TSm server, and change the dsm.sys/dsm.opt files on the
client nodes.  This is lots of work.

Summary:  What we found with this architecture is that we would spend
as much time doing "stuff" to the surviving TSm server and client nodes
as would do for the nodes that needed DR recovery.  NOT a pretty picture.
Now, everyone knew this.

We had preached these problems for a long
time, but couldn't get action to change.  Finally, we called a big
meeting with all the managers, and I stood up front and told them
our TSM DR plan (that is, the dr plan for any servers that relies on
TSM for DR recovery) DIDN'T work.  Again, they already know this, but
hadn't heard it like that before.  They took it very well, and came up
with the money we requested to correct the problem.

So, we changed to the classic design - onsite backups to disk, migrated
to a onsite primary tape pool, with a offsite copy pool.  Since our sites
are close enough, we extended our SAN between the sites via DWDM and
implemented library sharing.  The offsite copy pool is created straight
to remote tape.  In a disaster, we have to restore the lost TSM server and
start restores from the copy pool.  The surviving TSM server just keeps
humming along performing backups for the sirviving datacenter servers.

Our oracle people didn't like this change.  What they liked about the old
design was that Oracle archive log backups went directly offsite, quickly!
They had a small RPO due to this.  Now, there RPO is much longer due to
the time it takes to get the data into the offsite copy pool.

So, if you are considering a all offsite architecture, PLEASE think through
the DR implications completely.  This can be especially hard when initial
assumptions change gradually over time and come back to byte.


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Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Richard Rhodes
> Richard,
> I'm sorry I haven't made our situation clearer.  In the current phase
> of the project we are building a TSM server in Bloomington to backup
> local clients to disk which will be migrated to virtual volumes in
> Indianapolis. After migrating local clients to the new server, we
> plan to build a TSM server in Indianapolis which will backup nodes
> there to disk, which will be migrated to virtual volumes in
> Bloomington. Each data center will be the offsite backup and DR site
> of the other. But, now that we have virtual volumes working, I am
> looking at it and thinking 'yish!'.
> With best wishes,
> Keith

Hi Keith, thanks for more details.

Let me see if I fully understand . . . .

local clients backup to disk pool
disk pool migrates to TSM-b/VV at Indianapolis
  ==> primary tape pool is on TSM-b/VV at Indianapolis
vv server - contains primary pool from TSM-b

local clients backup to disk pool
disk pool migrates to TSM-a/VV at Bloomington
  ==> primary tape pool is on TSM-a/VV at Bloomington
vv server - contains promary pool from TSM-a

  - All clients backup to local TSM server to disk pool.
  - Disk pool gets MIGRATED to VV primary pool at other site.
  - There is NO copy pool at either site.

Is this correct?


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Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Keith Arbogast

Richard Rhodes wrote:
"I guess I don't quite understand the situation."

I'm sorry I haven't made our situation clearer.  In the current phase
of the project we are building a TSM server in Bloomington to backup
local clients to disk which will be migrated to virtual volumes in
Indianapolis. After migrating local clients to the new server, we
plan to build a TSM server in Indianapolis which will backup nodes
there to disk, which will be migrated to virtual volumes in
Bloomington. Each data center will be the offsite backup and DR site
of the other. But, now that we have virtual volumes working, I am
looking at it and thinking 'yish!'.

With best wishes,

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Keith Arbogast

Nicholas Cassimatis wrote:
"With all of the features in TSM, there are a number of them that
don't work for specific situations.  Simultaneous writes on backup/
migration, virtual volumes, NDMP backups, 3rd mirrors of DB and Log
volumes, adding documentation to your Prepare file - lots of features
that don't always make sense to use.  But they're there, if you want/
need them."

Knowing when they do and when they don't is the crux of my dilemma.
The virtual volume methodology is presented in IBM designed training
classes, Administrator's manuals, and in a very recent TSM Webcast as
if it is the best practice for cross data center backups. There is
much about how to do it, but precious little about why to do it. No
mention of the problem that it is intended to solve. Or, how you
might do the same thing as well or better without it.

Our current goal is that each of our two data centers be the offsite
backup and DR site of the other. If we lose a TSM server or a data
center we would restore it at the one sixty miles away.

Thanks to everyone who responded. It has been a tremendous help.

Keith Arbogast

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Lawrence Clark
I'm curious. We've never relied on storing the TSM db backup to tape. We
backup to disk and rcp it to a 2nd site.
That's seems the simplest method. Anyone else do the same?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/23/2007 9:00:35 AM >>>
> Richard,
> You asked thought provoking questions, but didn't answer mine.

Hi, again . . .

I guess I don't quite understand the situation.

You have a remote site with a server you want to backup to your TSM
Then, you ask why you would need VV's back at the remote site.  What I
don't understand is why you feel you need any kind of VV/tape/whatever
at the remote site?  If your TSM server had DR capability (offsite
and offsite db backup) then I don't see what you are trying to solve
a VV  back at the remote site.

As to why VV?  I think it depends upon what the other options are.  We
used to use VV for db backups and offsite copies.  It works well,
we had major problems with TSM not putting expired tapes back into
scratch status.  I really liked VV for TSM db backups.  All you needed
for restore was IP connectivity.  When we restored TSM servers to our
test system for upgrade testing this worked real well, instead of
having to play with the devconfig file RMT devices to do a restore.
Basically, I see VV as being usefull when you already have TSM
servers with libraries at separate sites, and you want to get offsite
copies of your data, and/or if you have multiple tsm servers with
libraries and you don't want to get into library sharing.
Ie:  It's there, use it.

I see VV as a TSM method of have remote and/or shared TAPE.
How to do remote tape:  VV, remote SAN (FCIP/iFCP), Truck. How
to do shared tape:  VV, san with library sharing. The question
to me is what problem are you trying to solve, then which technology.


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Re: Why virtual volumes

2007-08-23 Thread Markus Engelhard
Hi Keith,

virtual volumes used to be a big benefit while bridging big distances for
DR of backup data  via fc/scsi was extremely expensive.
Today, I use the feature in our multi-site infrastucture to do my
additional db-snapshots to one (central) tsm-server. No tape is involved in
this part of the game, just a bunch of scsi-disks in a fairly inexpensive
intel-based server. This saves me a second (DR)-TSM-server at each of  the
remote sites plus 400 GB-tapes for 2-GB-DBbackups plus MB-incrementals. We
just had to do a rebuild after a controller crash killing the Raid system
on one remote server: restore works like a charm, even if not as fast as a
local restore. For a HA-sites, the benefit is certainly saving a lot of
tape space/slots plus doing an (automated...?) rebuild of the TSM-Server at
the local DR site without involving tape handling.
We no longer use vv to move around actual data as this can be done much
more elegantly by features like DWDMs and tape accelleration features
today. It just depends on how much you are allowed to spend...


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Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-23 Thread Richard Rhodes
> Richard,
> You asked thought provoking questions, but didn't answer mine.

Hi, again . . .

I guess I don't quite understand the situation.

You have a remote site with a server you want to backup to your TSM server.
Then, you ask why you would need VV's back at the remote site.  What I
don't understand is why you feel you need any kind of VV/tape/whatever
at the remote site?  If your TSM server had DR capability (offsite copypool
and offsite db backup) then I don't see what you are trying to solve with
a VV  back at the remote site.

As to why VV?  I think it depends upon what the other options are.  We
used to use VV for db backups and offsite copies.  It works well, although
we had major problems with TSM not putting expired tapes back into
scratch status.  I really liked VV for TSM db backups.  All you needed
for restore was IP connectivity.  When we restored TSM servers to our
test system for upgrade testing this worked real well, instead of
having to play with the devconfig file RMT devices to do a restore.
Basically, I see VV as being usefull when you already have TSM
servers with libraries at separate sites, and you want to get offsite
copies of your data, and/or if you have multiple tsm servers with
libraries and you don't want to get into library sharing.
Ie:  It's there, use it.

I see VV as a TSM method of have remote and/or shared TAPE.
How to do remote tape:  VV, remote SAN (FCIP/iFCP), Truck. How
to do shared tape:  VV, san with library sharing. The question
to me is what problem are you trying to solve, then which technology.


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Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Stuart Lamble

On 23/08/2007, at 7:29 AM, Nicholas Cassimatis wrote:

And a TSM DB Backup takes (at least) one volume, so with physical
cartridges, that's a whole tape.  With VV's, you're only using the
capacity of the backup, which is more efficient on space.

At the cost of some reliability. What happens if the particular tape
the virtual volumes are on goes bad, and you're in a disaster needing
a DB restore?

I'd rather spend the extra money on tapes and know that if something
goes bad, we'll at least be able to recover some of the data ...

(I'm seeing installations getting over 2TB on the new 3592/TS1120
drives - for a 60GB TSM DB Backup, that's VERY wasteful).

Well, why not do what we're doing soon? We currently have some 1200
LTO2 tapes, and are in the process of migrating from LTO2 to LTO4;
(some of) the LTO2 tapes will be kept in the silo for database
backups (along with a single LTO2 drive for writing to those tapes.)
There's another silo with LTO3 volumes; some of the LTO2 tapes will
be put into that silo for exactly the same reason (LTO3 drives will
write LTO2 tapes, so there's no issue with needing an LTO2 drive in
that silo, at least for the time being).

Call me a conservative fuddy duddy if you want, but I prefer to keep
the TSM database backups as simple as possible.

Fw: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Nicholas Cassimatis
One area I've used VV's is for remote vaulting.  Yes, you can write
directly to a tape drive at the remote site, but over a slower connection,
trying to send data to a tape will cause LOTS of backhitching on the drive,
reducing tape performance (which probably isn't a problem), and reducing
the useful life of the tape cartridge (bad).  VV's allow you to "land" the
data on disk, the allow the local TSM Server to migrate it to tape.  You
also aren't occupying a tape drive at the remote site for the (extended)
duration of the job.

And a TSM DB Backup takes (at least) one volume, so with physical
cartridges, that's a whole tape.  With VV's, you're only using the actual
capacity of the backup, which is more efficient on space.  If you're doing
multiple backups per day, or lots of incrementals (for example, having
logmode set to rollforward on a busy server), being able to stack multiple
VV's on a physical tape will greatly reduce the tape cartridge resources
you need (I'm seeing installations getting over 2TB on the new 3592/TS1120
drives - for a 60GB TSM DB Backup, that's VERY wasteful).

With all of the features in TSM, there are a number of them that don't work
for specific situations.  Simultaneous writes on backup/migration, virtual
volumes, NDMP backups, 3rd mirrors of DB and Log volumes, adding
documentation to your Prepare file - lots of features that don't always
make sense to use.  But they're there, if you want/need them.

Nick Cassimatis

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Richard Cowen
I think orinally, it was because intersite SCSI/FC was impossible or too
expensive, while IP was "cheap". (Or maybe one TSM server had scsi tape
drives and a second did not.)
Virtual volumes are basically treating one TSM server as a "client" and
archiving to the other TSM server over IP.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Arbogast
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why virtual volumes?

You asked thought provoking questions, but didn't answer mine. What is
the compelling reason to use virtual volumes? Offsite copypools and
certain restorability of the TSM database are essential. Thank you for
spotlighting those points. However, I can do those without virtual
volumes. Right? What circumstances make virtual volumes helpful,
preferable or necessary? TSM development designed and built them for a
reason. What is the reason?

This is not a rhetorical question. I am hoping someone will turn this
light bulb on for me.

With best wishes,
Keith Arbogast

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Kelly Lipp
Well I would say, then, the reason for VV is to eliminate the need for
real volumes: using virtual volumes on a remote TSM server eliminates
the need to move real tape volumes to the remote server in the event of
a disaster.  Are they useful: that's a matter or opinion.

Somebody made the very real point that you must have at least two copies
of your data: one in the primary pool and one in a copy storage pool
someplace else.  Whether that's real or virtual is up to you. 

Kelly J. Lipp
VP Manufacturing & CTO
STORServer, Inc.
485-B Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Arbogast
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Why virtual volumes?

You asked thought provoking questions, but didn't answer mine. What is
the compelling reason to use virtual volumes? Offsite copypools and
certain restorability of the TSM database are essential. Thank you for
spotlighting those points. However, I can do those without virtual
volumes. Right? What circumstances make virtual volumes helpful,
preferable or necessary? TSM development designed and built them for a
reason. What is the reason?

This is not a rhetorical question. I am hoping someone will turn this
light bulb on for me.

With best wishes,
Keith Arbogast

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Keith Arbogast

You asked thought provoking questions, but didn't answer mine. What
is the compelling reason to use virtual volumes? Offsite copypools
and certain restorability of the TSM database are essential. Thank
you for spotlighting those points. However, I can do those without
virtual volumes. Right? What circumstances make virtual volumes
helpful, preferable or necessary? TSM development designed and built
them for a reason. What is the reason?

This is not a rhetorical question. I am hoping someone will turn this
light bulb on for me.

With best wishes,
Keith Arbogast

Re: Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Richard Rhodes
> I am not understanding the crucial advantage(s) of using virtual
> volumes to backup a data center to a remote site.  Why not backup
> nodes in a remote data center to a TSM server in a local data center?

Sure, do it, we backup many remote sites to our central datacenter.
The question is, what is your DR strategy for the central datacenter
where the TSM server is located?  If that datacenter is destroyed,
where is your backup copy of your data (copy pool) and the
backup of the TSM DB?  The remote nodes are save/secure, but they
are the least of your worry.

Your TSm server needs offsite db backups AND a offsite
copy of your backups (copy pool).

To do electronic offsite copies and db backups, you can
use VV, or implement direct SAN attached tape drives
between our data centers.  VV would use your IP network.  Accessing
remote tape drive directly could be either by extending a SAN
directly or bridging the SAN across the IP network.

Of couse, you don't need to do this with either VV or extended
SAN.  You can also ship copy pool tapes and DB backps offsite
to another facility  for safe keeping.

> We have two data centers about 60 miles apart. If we backup nodes in
> one data center directly to a TSM server in the other the TSM
> architecture is simpler, cheaper and familiar. If we lost the remote
> data center, we could restore its TSM nodes to hardware in the local
> data center thanks to the TSM server already there since it contains
> all the needed metadata. No TSM server build or database restore is
> required. It may be worth mentioning that we are already backing up a
> few remote nodes to a local TSM server with communication speeds in
> the range of other, local backups.

Again, the question is - what happens if you loose that TSM server?

> If we build the virtual volume architecture on the other hand, we
> must purchase, build, and maintain at a distance a second server in
> each data center to connect the tape library there to the TSM server
> in the other data center. If we lose a data center under the virtual
> volume plan, its TSM server and primary disk pool will be lost along
> with everything else. All our eggs will be in one basket. We would
> need to restore the lost TSM server in the other data center before
> we could restore anything else.

True, but how are you going to rebuild the centralized TSM server if
that datacenter is lost?  In a DR you have to rebuild something!

- If you loose the remote node, then you have to rebuild and
restore the node.
- If you loose the central TSM server, you need to rebuild and
restore the TSm server to access your backups.  If this is
a big disaster where you lost the TSm server, library, and all
onsite tapes, then somewhere you need a copy of the backups
(copy pool) and backup of the db, and a location/library/server
to restore to.


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Why virtual volumes?

2007-08-22 Thread Keith Arbogast

I am not understanding the crucial advantage(s) of using virtual
volumes to backup a data center to a remote site.  Why not backup
nodes in a remote data center to a TSM server in a local data center?

We have two data centers about 60 miles apart. If we backup nodes in
one data center directly to a TSM server in the other the TSM
architecture is simpler, cheaper and familiar. If we lost the remote
data center, we could restore its TSM nodes to hardware in the local
data center thanks to the TSM server already there since it contains
all the needed metadata. No TSM server build or database restore is
required. It may be worth mentioning that we are already backing up a
few remote nodes to a local TSM server with communication speeds in
the range of other, local backups.

If we build the virtual volume architecture on the other hand, we
must purchase, build, and maintain at a distance a second server in
each data center to connect the tape library there to the TSM server
in the other data center. If we lose a data center under the virtual
volume plan, its TSM server and primary disk pool will be lost along
with everything else. All our eggs will be in one basket. We would
need to restore the lost TSM server in the other data center before
we could restore anything else.

What unique advantage do virtual volumes provide that will repay the
extra expense, work, and vulnerability?

Finally, why must backup objects be archive objects for the virtual
volume architecture to work. What forces that, and what else does it

With many thanks,
Keith Arbogast
Indiana University