Jim, I have seen this before, even on TSM 4.2 and I don't know under what
circumstances this < 100% statistic arises. I believe it to be an error.

I have not experienced the SCSI error referred to by Steve Bennett in his
posting on LTO tapes (reclamation processing of these large tapes worked
fine). The APAR  that covers his problems specifically refers to 8mm
Mammoth 2 tapes where more than 268GB is written. Perhaps someone from
development can comment further if the APAR applies to other device types.

Joerg Pohlmann

"Jim Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 2001-08-28 16:32:42

Please respond to "Jim Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   Joerg Pohlmann/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA
Subject:  Your response to my LTO tape questions.

I understand that the Est Cap increases until the End Of Tape marker is
I have never seen the Pct Util drop from 100% prior to the tape being
as full.  The tape in question is still in the filling state but has
to only 82% Util.

Do you know if this is normal?


> Jim Taylor
> Senior Associate, Technical Services
> Enlogix
> *  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *  Office: (416) 496-5264 ext. 286
> * Cell:  (416)458-6802
> *   Fax: (416) 496-5245

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