AdWords API Re: soft delete vs. hard delete

2009-06-16 Thread tozor

Actually I have seen that caution note before and it made me think
that there must be a difference between the API and the web
interface.  Otherwise if deletion were always permanent, then why
would there be the need for a "DELETED" keyword status?  And I have
seen keywords be returned in a zero impression report with a deleted
keyword status.

Thanks again for your help.


On Jun 16, 1:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hello Tim,
>  My understanding is that deletion of criteria objects is treated
> differently from deletion of ads, ad groups, or campaigns. This should
> be the case regardless of whether the deletion is done via the web
> interface, AdWords Editor, or the AdWords API. As per the
> documentation for the removeCriteria() method:
> "Caution: Unlike campaigns and ad groups, criteria are permanently
> deleted and cannot be restored."
>  I also believe that you can't add two keywords with identical match
> types and text to the same ad group. Only one keyword non-deleted
> keyword can exist.
>  Feel free to ask about some of this sort of thing in the general
> AdWords help center as well, as I usually just rely on empirical
> testing when it comes to AdWords functionality not directly related to
> the API.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Jun 16, 11:46 am, tozor  wrote:
> > I am having a situation in my application where I have keywords in my
> > application database which at one time existed in Adwords, but now no
> > longer exist.  By no longer exist I mean that when I call getCriteria
> > ()  null is returned.  Also the keyword is no longer returned in a
> > zero impression keyword report. This confuses me because I thought
> > that all deletes in Adwords were what I would call soft deletes.
> > Specifically the keyword still exists but it has a status of
> > "DELETED".
> > So I am trying to understand under what conditions will the Adwords
> > system do a hard delete.  Is there a difference between a delete in
> > Adwords editor vs. the browser interface?  Also what happens if
> > someone uploads duplicate keywords into an existing ad group, does
> > Adwords remove the duplicates behind the scenes?
> > I have coded around this in my application but my expectation was that
> > the keywords would exists forever in Adwords and that I would simply
> > just have to update the status in my application db to "DELETED".
> > Insight is greatly appreciated.  I did some searching through previous
> > posts but was unable to find a definitive answer to this question.
> > Tim Ozor
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AdWords API problems moving from v11 to v200902: intermittent "Fault occurred while processing."

2009-06-16 Thread /

I see that the adwords API has moved from v11 to v200902.

So: I've reworked my old, working Ruby code that used adwords4r (v11
or so) to use the most recent version of adwords4r (15.1.0).

I'm doing everything in the sandbox.

My code first creates a campaign, then an adgroup, then an ad and

I get intermittent success with each of these steps.  Sometimes I can
create a campaign.  Other times, I try, and get a SOAP error "Fault
occurred while processing.".   In these cases, if I re-run the code, I
get an error telling me that a duplicate name is being used -
apparently the earlier call worked after all?

I get the same exact behavior at each of the various mutate(ADD)
operations: sometimes success, sometimes failures that later appear to
have worked.

Does anyone else see anything like this?

Here's an example of a failing SOAP call:";

learn Jewelry Making



= Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 23:33:10 GMT

Expires: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 23:33:10 GMT

Cache-Control: private, max-age=0

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

Server: GFE/2.0

envelope/">soap:ServerFault occurred while processing.

Also: does the Adwords admin interface exist for the sandbox, so that
I can log in and see what my code has, or has not, accomplished?

Thanks in advance,

Travis J I Corcoran, President

web's biggest how-to DVD rental store

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AdWords API Re: ssl broken pipe | connection reset by peer

2009-06-16 Thread crosby

Note that you can reproduce the error by attempting to download
an .xml report from AdWords web interface.
I'm getting corrupted files when I download using the
AdWords Web interface using Mozilla FireFox.
e.g.: reportID 687352395, 687566415

Also able to reproduce by using the API Call:
and then cut/copy that into a browser location bar.

On Jun 16, 9:28 am, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hello All,
>  There is what I take to be a promising line of investigation that has
> tracked down some spikes in SSL errors in our HTTP servers' logs that
> may coincide with the issues everyone has been reporting. In order to
> confirm that the newly-identified log entries are indicative of the
> underlying root cause, I've been asked to gather one more round of
> source IPs, timestamps with time zone, and destination URLs (in the
> case of a report download) or AdWords API method names (in the case of
> a SOAP call). These should correspond to instances in which your HTTPS
> connection was terminated prematurely, similar to what was reported
> upthread. The source IP should be the IP address that our webservers
> see the request coming from, which might be the IP address of your
> corporate network's HTTP proxy or gateway router.
>  The logs that show these errors apparently are very large and roll
> over fairly quickly, so we'd need that information for requests that
> are as recent as possible. If you could pass them along to
> with "Connection Information" in the
> subject line, that will help me track it down.
>  Thanks again for everyone's patience as we work through this issue,
> and for your continued cooperation when it comes to providing
> debugging information.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Jun 15, 5:39 pm, Rori Stumpf  wrote:
> > FWIW, I've been seeing this on larger files - in my case, the keyword
> > and ad performance reports.
> > I hope it's resolved soon..
> > Thanks,
> > Rori
> > On Jun 15, 12:14 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> >  wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >  Yes, and I just wanted to check in today and let folks know that we
> > > are aware that these issues continue for a number of developers and
> > > investigation continues to be a priority. Unfortunately, our
> > > engineering team is not seeing the sort of errors in our logs that
> > > they'd expect given the reported issues, and that's complicating the
> > > debugging process. We very much appreciate the cooperation of all
> > > affected developers so far when it comes to passing along requested
> > > debugging information, and if I hear that more specific information is
> > > needed I'll follow up with individual requests.
> > > Cheers,
> > > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > > On Jun 12, 1:58 pm, crosby  wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Experiencing similar issues, and have a bit more to add.
> > > > Even if i grab the download URL and paste it into a browser (firefox),
> > > > i'm getting failed downloads.
> > > > I'm using .NET (might be the only one, LOL), and
> > > > Systm.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(url, fileName).
> > > > (I get the download URL from the API based on the report ID
> > > > immediately prior to downloading.)
> > > > This code has been running fine for months and is now failing
> > > > intermittently on random reports.
> > > > I get about 15 reports per day - everything in my MCC (so it is not a
> > > > case of bad report requests).
> > > > Jeff - thanks for your continued updates.  I hope we can resolve this
> > > > soon.
> > > > On Jun 11, 3:17 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Hello All,
> > > > >  I wanted to provide an update today, as we've heard word from several
> > > > > developers that some of their HTTPS connections are still being closed
> > > > > prematurely or are otherwise unsuccessful.
> > > > >  Our internal engineering team has not yet been able to track down a
> > > > > root cause in our logs based on the IP and timestamp information that
> > > > > we have. In the process of this investigation, they have identified a
> > > > > few of our backend servers that are experiencing issues that, while
> > > > > they are probably not the source of this issue, could have a negative
> > > > > effect on the response times for a subset of AdWords API requests.
> > > > > But, to reiterate, we're still actively trying to find the root cause
> > > > > of the specific issues reported here.
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > > > > On Jun 10, 10:43 am, AdWords API Advisor
> > > > >  wrote:
> > > > > > Hello All,
> > > > > >  We've collected IP and timestamp information from a number of
> > > > > > different developers and have passed it along to the team 
> > > > > > responsible
> > > > > > for our HTTP traffic. They're actively investigating the issue, but
> > > > > > I'm afraid that I can't point to a specific resolu

AdWords API Re: About adding Key word

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Yusuf,

 I'm sorry, but I don't believe that that's an error that originates
from the AdWords API. It sounds like you're trying to pass in a string
value that's invalid in an XML document in your request, and your XML
serializer is complaining about that.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 16, 10:45 am, Yusuf Şahin  wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have added keyword using adwords api. i used text box to add key word
> texts. Its ok for one word but not more than one.
> I have function like that
> public static string[] KeywordsAdd(string groupId, string keywordText,
> string[] targetCountries, string[] targetLang, string[] targetRegions)
> and I tried to add keyword using like that
> AddKeywords.KeywordsAdd(groupId, txtKeyWords.Text, countryId, languageId,
> regionId);
> where txtKeywords is a text box where the texts are written in the rows. but
> it shows an error xml format (16,32).
> can you please solve the problem.
> how can I add more key words at a time.
> thank you.
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AdWords API Re: An internal error has occurred. Please retry your request.

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor


 The issue appears to be the values you're using for the "email" and
"clientEmail" SOAP request headers, and the "clientEmails"
DefinedReportJob property. You're specifying the email address of your
MCC account for all of those values, which does not make for a valid

 Assuming your goal is to run a cross-client report for all the
accounts under your MCC account, you should do the following:

  - specify your MCC email in the "email" SOAP request header
  - leave the "clientEmail" SOAP request header empty
  - leave the "clientEmails" DefinedReportJob property empty

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 16, 12:05 pm, shodson  wrote:
> Google AdWords API team.
> I'm getting an internal error from Google and I'm not sure why.  We've
> been stuck on this problem for almost a week and we still don't have
> any response from Google yet.
> The report was requested today 6/16 and we requested data for
> 2009-06-01.
> The request ID is 7e49c82825416d244ab9f4a4d92d1785
> I'm using v13:
> The request was (I X-ed out our private information)
> xmlns:xsi="";
> xmlns:xsd="";>
> v13">
> true
> 2009-06-01
> Program Test Report
> 2009-06-01
> Daily
> AdGroup
> AdGroupStatus
> AdStatus
> AdWordsType
> AveragePosition
> CampaignId
> Campaign
> CampaignStatus
> Clicks
> Cost
> CreativeType
> CustomerName
> CustomerTimeZone
> DescriptionLine1
> DescriptionLine2
> DescriptionLine3
> DestinationURL
> ExternalCustomerId
> Impressions
> Keyword
> KeywordId
> KeywordDestUrlDisplay
> KeywordStatus
> Creative
> And the response was
> envelope/" xmlns:xsd="";
> xmlns:xsi="";>
> next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
> adwords/v13">971
> next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
> adwords/v13">0
> soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
> adwords/v13">0
> next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
> adwords/v13">7e49c82825416d244ab9f4a4d92d1785
>      soapenv:Server.generalException
>      An internal error has occurred.  Please retry your
> request.
> v13">
>        0
>        An internal error has occurred.  Please retry your
> request.
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AdWords API Re: soft delete vs. hard delete

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Tim,

 My understanding is that deletion of criteria objects is treated
differently from deletion of ads, ad groups, or campaigns. This should
be the case regardless of whether the deletion is done via the web
interface, AdWords Editor, or the AdWords API. As per the
documentation for the removeCriteria() method:

"Caution: Unlike campaigns and ad groups, criteria are permanently
deleted and cannot be restored."

 I also believe that you can't add two keywords with identical match
types and text to the same ad group. Only one keyword non-deleted
keyword can exist.

 Feel free to ask about some of this sort of thing in the general
AdWords help center as well, as I usually just rely on empirical
testing when it comes to AdWords functionality not directly related to
the API.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 16, 11:46 am, tozor  wrote:
> I am having a situation in my application where I have keywords in my
> application database which at one time existed in Adwords, but now no
> longer exist.  By no longer exist I mean that when I call getCriteria
> ()  null is returned.  Also the keyword is no longer returned in a
> zero impression keyword report. This confuses me because I thought
> that all deletes in Adwords were what I would call soft deletes.
> Specifically the keyword still exists but it has a status of
> So I am trying to understand under what conditions will the Adwords
> system do a hard delete.  Is there a difference between a delete in
> Adwords editor vs. the browser interface?  Also what happens if
> someone uploads duplicate keywords into an existing ad group, does
> Adwords remove the duplicates behind the scenes?
> I have coded around this in my application but my expectation was that
> the keywords would exists forever in Adwords and that I would simply
> just have to update the status in my application db to "DELETED".
> Insight is greatly appreciated.  I did some searching through previous
> posts but was unable to find a definitive answer to this question.
>     Tim Ozor
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AdWords API Re: api xml upload

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor


 It's possible to add multiple ad groups to the same campaign in one
SOAP request. See addAdGroupList():

 It's also possible to update multiple ad groups in one SOAP request.
See updateAdGroupList():

 However, using AdWords API v13, it's not possible to both add and
update ad groups in the same SOAP request. You'd have to break that up
into separate requests for adding and updating.

 Once AdWords API v2009 is available in Production, you should be able
to both add and update in a single AdGroupService.mutate() request.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 16, 10:05 am, linux  wrote:
> Hi,
> we try to change and add serveral adgoups at one xml file. Is this
> possbile, e.g
>         $request_xml =   '' .
>                          '5050' .
>                          ''.
>                          '32' 
> .
>                          '' .
>                 ''.
>                 '' .
>                          '5050' .
>                          ''.
>                          '42' 
> .
>                          '' .
>                 ''.
>                 '' .
>                          '5050' .
>                          ''.
>                          '52' 
> .
>                          '' .
>                 '';
> only the fist addadgroup is processed.
> thanks
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AdWords API Re: I can not run any sample PHP code

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Deniz,

 Are you specifying the right set of credentials for the environment
you're trying to access? If you're going against the Sandbox
environment, the credentials you should specify are described at

 If you're going against the Production environment, the credentials
are described at:

 Additionally, if you're just getting started with the AdWords API,
you might find it easier to use the APIlity client library instead of
the sample code. It's available at

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 16, 7:50 am, deniz  wrote:
> i have a adwords account, devoloper token, application token and
> customers
> What else I need?
> i tested all samples , error is either blank or the answer is
> coming..
> example :
> get_client_accounts.php = Login email is ""
> add_ad_group.php = Fault: 1 Code: soapenv:Server.userException String:
> Invalid client email specified. Detail:
> $password = 'INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE';
> $useragent = 'INSERT_COMPANY_NAME: AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
> $developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE';
> $application_token = 'INSERT_APPLICATION_TOKEN_HERE';
> fill the necessary places. What else should I do?
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AdWords API About adding Key word

2009-06-16 Thread Yusuf Şahin

  I have added keyword using adwords api. i used text box to add key word
texts. Its ok for one word but not more than one.
I have function like that

public static string[] KeywordsAdd(string groupId, string keywordText,
string[] targetCountries, string[] targetLang, string[] targetRegions)

and I tried to add keyword using like that
AddKeywords.KeywordsAdd(groupId, txtKeyWords.Text, countryId, languageId,

where txtKeywords is a text box where the texts are written in the rows. but
it shows an error xml format (16,32).

can you please solve the problem.
how can I add more key words at a time.

thank you.

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AdWords API Re: Difference between AdGroupMaxContentCpc and MaxContentCPC in Keyword Structure report

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Hans,

 Since Criteria objects don't have their own content-level CPC bid
overrides (just a general maxCPC bid override), my understanding is
that the
AdGroupMaxContentCpc and MaxContentCPC columns would have the same
value. If you're seeing otherwise, let us know.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 15, 11:30 pm, "Hans Ravnaas"  wrote:
> Anyone with any insight on this question?
> Thanks
> Hans
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of HK
> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 11:14 AM
> To: AdWords API Forum
> Subject: AdWords API Difference between AdGroupMaxContentCpc and
> MaxContentCPC in Keyword Structure report
> Hi,
> I'm curious what the difference is between AdGroupMaxContentCpc and
> MaxContentCPC in a Structure report aggrecated by Keyword. So far
> these values seem to be identical and I'd like to determine under what
> circumstance they would differ?
> The values (identical) I'm getting  back so far are likely from
> KeywordContentMaxCpc on the AdGroup object. Will MaxContentCPC perhaps
> only differ if "automatic placements" is set to "auto"?
> Thanks in advance
> Hans
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AdWords API Re: Field values in report service.

2009-06-16 Thread Alex Magdenko

Thanks Jeff,
I understood


On Jun 16, 8:04 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hello Alex,
>  The AdWords API ReportService exposes the same sort of columns that
> the AdWords web interface's Report Center exposes. The best place to
> look for descriptions of those columns is probably in the AdWords Help
> Center, which does have a few articles on Impression Share:
>  But I know that you're asking for a list of all possible values, not
> just an overview. It does not look like that's available,
> unfortunately, and it looks like some degree of trial and error would
> be required here.
> Cheers,
> -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> On Jun 15, 5:39 am, jalxm  wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> > I run report "Campaign" - "Daily" with the following fields
> > ("Campaign", "CampaignId", "CampaignStatus", "exactMatchImpShare").
> > My business logic parse that report data and I found wonderful values
> > for some fields.
> > For example, exactMatchImpShare="Less than 10%" instead of numeric
> > value.
> > There are no information about possible values in AdWords
> > documentation.
> > Could you point where to find that documentation to avoid problems in
> > future?...
> > I would like to get full scope of possible values instead of kidding
> > from Google exactMatchImpShare= "Some crazy value between 50% and
> > 60%" 
> > Regards,
> > Alex
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AdWords API Re: ssl broken pipe | connection reset by peer

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello All,

 There is what I take to be a promising line of investigation that has
tracked down some spikes in SSL errors in our HTTP servers' logs that
may coincide with the issues everyone has been reporting. In order to
confirm that the newly-identified log entries are indicative of the
underlying root cause, I've been asked to gather one more round of
source IPs, timestamps with time zone, and destination URLs (in the
case of a report download) or AdWords API method names (in the case of
a SOAP call). These should correspond to instances in which your HTTPS
connection was terminated prematurely, similar to what was reported
upthread. The source IP should be the IP address that our webservers
see the request coming from, which might be the IP address of your
corporate network's HTTP proxy or gateway router.

 The logs that show these errors apparently are very large and roll
over fairly quickly, so we'd need that information for requests that
are as recent as possible. If you could pass them along to with "Connection Information" in the
subject line, that will help me track it down.

 Thanks again for everyone's patience as we work through this issue,
and for your continued cooperation when it comes to providing
debugging information.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 15, 5:39 pm, Rori Stumpf  wrote:
> FWIW, I've been seeing this on larger files - in my case, the keyword
> and ad performance reports.
> I hope it's resolved soon..
> Thanks,
> Rori
> On Jun 15, 12:14 pm, AdWords API Advisor
>  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >  Yes, and I just wanted to check in today and let folks know that we
> > are aware that these issues continue for a number of developers and
> > investigation continues to be a priority. Unfortunately, our
> > engineering team is not seeing the sort of errors in our logs that
> > they'd expect given the reported issues, and that's complicating the
> > debugging process. We very much appreciate the cooperation of all
> > affected developers so far when it comes to passing along requested
> > debugging information, and if I hear that more specific information is
> > needed I'll follow up with individual requests.
> > Cheers,
> > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > On Jun 12, 1:58 pm, crosby  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > Experiencing similar issues, and have a bit more to add.
> > > Even if i grab the download URL and paste it into a browser (firefox),
> > > i'm getting failed downloads.
> > > I'm using .NET (might be the only one, LOL), and
> > > Systm.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(url, fileName).
> > > (I get the download URL from the API based on the report ID
> > > immediately prior to downloading.)
> > > This code has been running fine for months and is now failing
> > > intermittently on random reports.
> > > I get about 15 reports per day - everything in my MCC (so it is not a
> > > case of bad report requests).
> > > Jeff - thanks for your continued updates.  I hope we can resolve this
> > > soon.
> > > On Jun 11, 3:17 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hello All,
> > > >  I wanted to provide an update today, as we've heard word from several
> > > > developers that some of their HTTPS connections are still being closed
> > > > prematurely or are otherwise unsuccessful.
> > > >  Our internal engineering team has not yet been able to track down a
> > > > root cause in our logs based on the IP and timestamp information that
> > > > we have. In the process of this investigation, they have identified a
> > > > few of our backend servers that are experiencing issues that, while
> > > > they are probably not the source of this issue, could have a negative
> > > > effect on the response times for a subset of AdWords API requests.
> > > > But, to reiterate, we're still actively trying to find the root cause
> > > > of the specific issues reported here.
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > > > On Jun 10, 10:43 am, AdWords API Advisor
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > > Hello All,
> > > > >  We've collected IP and timestamp information from a number of
> > > > > different developers and have passed it along to the team responsible
> > > > > for our HTTP traffic. They're actively investigating the issue, but
> > > > > I'm afraid that I can't point to a specific resolution to this issue
> > > > > yet. I'll update this thread as I hear more.
> > > > > Cheers,
> > > > > -Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team
> > > > > On Jun 9, 4:46 pm, Maxim  wrote:
> > > > > > The SSL handshake problem appeared to have been fixed in the evening
> > > > > > yesterday, but just started again.- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -
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AdWords API Re: ad rotation preference

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Alexis,

 You will be able to control that value using the AdWords API v2009
once that's available in production (see
but for current v13 production use, I don't believe that's something
you can set programmatically.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 15, 10:22 am, f  wrote:
> Hi,
> Using Api Adwords, how do i switch between even and optimised ad
> rotation?
> I would like to choose rotate, and i've read that optimise is the
> default option.
> Thanks for your help.
> Alexis.
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AdWords API Re: Update Max CPC bid for specific keywords - java example?

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor


 Assuming you're using the Java client library (
p/google-api-adwords-java/), you might find some sections of this
example program useful:

Specifically, lines 131 through 135 show an update to max CPC settings
for a given set of keywords, and the code earlier on in the file
should be helpful as a general example of setting up your client

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 12, 2:08 pm, ehh  wrote:
> Can someone point me to a java example that would illustrate how to do
> the following?
> I have a list of adgroup Ids / keyword Ids, each with a new MAX CPC
> bid value that I want to update via adwords API. Seems pretty
> straightforward, but I cant seem to find a good example...
> Thanks !
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AdWords API An internal error has occurred. Please retry your request.

2009-06-16 Thread shodson

Google AdWords API team.

I'm getting an internal error from Google and I'm not sure why.  We've
been stuck on this problem for almost a week and we still don't have
any response from Google yet.

The report was requested today 6/16 and we requested data for

The request ID is 7e49c82825416d244ab9f4a4d92d1785

I'm using v13:

The request was (I X-ed out our private information)";
Program Test Report

And the response was
envelope/" xmlns:xsd="";
next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
next" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns="
 An internal error has occurred.  Please retry your
   An internal error has occurred.  Please retry your


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AdWords API Re: Field values in report service.

2009-06-16 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Hello Alex,

 The AdWords API ReportService exposes the same sort of columns that
the AdWords web interface's Report Center exposes. The best place to
look for descriptions of those columns is probably in the AdWords Help
Center, which does have a few articles on Impression Share:

 But I know that you're asking for a list of all possible values, not
just an overview. It does not look like that's available,
unfortunately, and it looks like some degree of trial and error would
be required here.

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On Jun 15, 5:39 am, jalxm  wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I run report "Campaign" - "Daily" with the following fields
> ("Campaign", "CampaignId", "CampaignStatus", "exactMatchImpShare").
> My business logic parse that report data and I found wonderful values
> for some fields.
> For example, exactMatchImpShare="Less than 10%" instead of numeric
> value.
> There are no information about possible values in AdWords
> documentation.
> Could you point where to find that documentation to avoid problems in
> future?...
> I would like to get full scope of possible values instead of kidding
> from Google exactMatchImpShare= "Some crazy value between 50% and
> 60%" 
> Regards,
> Alex
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AdWords API soft delete vs. hard delete

2009-06-16 Thread tozor

I am having a situation in my application where I have keywords in my
application database which at one time existed in Adwords, but now no
longer exist.  By no longer exist I mean that when I call getCriteria
()  null is returned.  Also the keyword is no longer returned in a
zero impression keyword report. This confuses me because I thought
that all deletes in Adwords were what I would call soft deletes.
Specifically the keyword still exists but it has a status of

So I am trying to understand under what conditions will the Adwords
system do a hard delete.  Is there a difference between a delete in
Adwords editor vs. the browser interface?  Also what happens if
someone uploads duplicate keywords into an existing ad group, does
Adwords remove the duplicates behind the scenes?

I have coded around this in my application but my expectation was that
the keywords would exists forever in Adwords and that I would simply
just have to update the status in my application db to "DELETED".

Insight is greatly appreciated.  I did some searching through previous
posts but was unable to find a definitive answer to this question.

Tim Ozor

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AdWords API api xml upload

2009-06-16 Thread linux


we try to change and add serveral adgoups at one xml file. Is this
possbile, e.g

$request_xml =   '' .
 '5050' .
 '32' .
 '' .
'' .
 '5050' .
 '42' .
 '' .
'' .
 '5050' .
 '52' .
 '' .
only the fist addadgroup is processed.


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AdWords API I can not run any sample PHP code

2009-06-16 Thread deniz

i have a adwords account, devoloper token, application token and

What else I need?

i tested all samples , error is either blank or the answer is
example :
get_client_accounts.php = Login email is ""
add_ad_group.php = Fault: 1 Code: soapenv:Server.userException String:
Invalid client email specified. Detail:

$useragent = 'INSERT_COMPANY_NAME: AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
$developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE';
$application_token = 'INSERT_APPLICATION_TOKEN_HERE';

fill the necessary places. What else should I do?
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