Re: Monthly search volume

2010-07-02 Thread Jason Tan
I haven't noticed this for previous months.  If this is expected, why
is the data point for a month with no data not omitted?  The current
response makes it difficult to distinguish between the last month not
being available yet, and the last month having a 0 search volume.

 - Jason

On Jul 2, 4:41 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Jason,
> This is the expected behavior.  The monthly search volume data for the
> last month only becomes available about a week after the month has
> ended.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Jul 1, 11:54 am, Jason Tan  wrote:
> > Starting this morning, when requesting keyword stats using the
> > Targeting Idea Selector, Targeted Monthly Searches is returning a data
> > point for June 2010, but has no count.

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Re: Error downloading report

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

DownloadReportDefinition() is the right utility to use.  There are
currently some issues in the reporting system that are causing
downloads to fail for some field combinations.  We are working to
correct these issues and hope to have them resolved within the next
couple of weeks.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 2, 4:24 am, manolator  wrote:
> Hi coldsurf,
> to download a report, you have to do a HTTP request to the URL
> mentioned 
> on
> DownloadReportDefinition sounds like it's the method to fetch existing
> ReportDefinitions, but not the reports themselve. For Java there is
> example code in the client download file.
> On Jul 1, 11:55 pm, coldsurf  wrote:
> > I'm trying to use the ReportDefinitionService. I'm able to add the
> > ReportDefinition successfully but most of the time when I tried to
> > download the report I get an Unspecified Error from the dotNET API
> > function DownloadReportDefinition. Is there a status I need to check
> > first to see if the report is available for download. I didn't see any
> > mention of a report status in v201003.
> > From the help doc it says "When an HTTP request is sent to this URL,
> > the AdWords server generates a report based on the report definition
> > ID specified in the URL. This request is inherently synchronous, but
> > most reports take only a few seconds to generate (the request will
> > time out after 3 minutes). For report definitions that could generate
> > large reports, use GZIPPED_CSV as the download format to minimize the
> > transfer size.".
> > I assumed that meant I could download the report right away. I'm using
> > the GZIPPED_CSV format also.
> > Any help is much appreciated!

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Re: Is it possible to query the start time of a BulkMutateJob?

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Yes.  If you set BulkMutateJobSelector.includeHistory to true then the
BulkMutateJob.history field will be populated, which will include the
time it started processing.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 7:19 pm, ojak  wrote:
> Is it possible to query the start time of a BulkMutateJob?

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Re: Receiving BiddingError.BID_TOO_MANY_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS for non-fractional digits (Ruby API)?

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll pass it along to our documentation

- Eric

On Jul 1, 5:03 pm, ojak  wrote:
> Thanks for the response.
> It'd probably be a good idea to clarify this (intended) behavior in
> the API docs, as the 'type Money' docs are unclear regarding the
> specifics of this behavior.  Also, the error type is a bit confusing,
> as the failure type may imply that the error is a data type problem
> rather than a currency denomination issue / API bidding limitation.
> Thanks!
> On Jul 1, 12:44 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Your last analysis is correct, this error is because you are
> > specifying fractions of a penny, which isn't allowed.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Jun 29, 10:27 pm, ojak  wrote:
> > > This might be an API limitation, maybe?
> > > It looks like all USD values need to be rounded to the nearest 10,000
> > > micros, and then the API accepts the bids (i.e. minimum granularity of
> > > $0.01 USD).  I'm assuming that the error *might* not refer to a
> > > "fractional" micro, it might means a fractional denomination of the
> > > minimum currency denomination (e.g. you can only bet $0.08 or $0.09,
> > > but not $0.086).
> > > Can anyone from API team confirm whether this is an API limitation
> > > rather than a Ruby implementation issue?  If so, it might be worth
> > > updating the documentation to reflect this...
> > > Thanks.
> > > On Jun 29, 5:51 pm, ojak wrote:
> > > > Found a similar looking error from the PHP API, but it doesn't seem to
> > > > explain what's going on in the Ruby API:
> > > >
> > > > The PHP API problem states that it's a Float precision problem.
> > > > However, in the Ruby issue in the above post, the microAmount is
> > > > already being cast to an Integer (using Float#to_i).  I even tried
> > > > calling Float#floor before passing the data in, but still doesn't
> > > > work.
> > > > So, I'm not quite sure what's going on.  Any takers?
> > > > On Jun 29, 3:33 pm, ojak wrote:
> > > > > I'm receiving "BiddingError.BID_TOO_MANY_FRACTIONAL_DIGITS" for a bid
> > > > > microAmount that is not fractional (SOAP log confirms that the number
> > > > > is indeed not fractional):
> > > > >   
> > > > >         ADD
> > > > >         
> > > > >           xxx
> > > > >           
> > > > >                 My Keyword
> > > > >                 BROAD
> > > > >           
> > > > >           
> > > > >                 
> > > > >                   
> > > > >                         8
> > > > >                   
> > > > >                 
> > > > >           
> > > > >         
> > > > >   
> > > > > Any ideas (Ruby API)?

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Re: Bulkmutatejobservice

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

The AdWords API .NET client library includes an example for the

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 2:58 pm, axum  wrote:
> I want to update the adgroupadstatus. is there a complete c# code
> example that performs a bulkmutatejobservice. I am look for a code
> example that has all the code and I can take and just minipulate the
> example? I need a little help.

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2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Can you post the sanitized SOAP XML request and response that
demonstrates the error?

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 2:43 pm, ojak  wrote:
> Receiving InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR when
> submitting a BulkMutateJob.
> The API docs state is:
>   "Indicates that a server-side error has occured. InternalApiErrors
> are generally not the result of an invalid request or message sent by
> the client."
> unexpected internal error."
> Google team, any help?

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Re: Monthly search volume

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Jason,

This is the expected behavior.  The monthly search volume data for the
last month only becomes available about a week after the month has

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 11:54 am, Jason Tan  wrote:
> Starting this morning, when requesting keyword stats using the
> Targeting Idea Selector, Targeted Monthly Searches is returning a data
> point for June 2010, but has no count.

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Re: My reports stopped, whats the alternative now?

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Justin,

There was no sunset of v13 services on June 22nd, and the v13
ReportService is still up and running.  The v201003 beta includes a
ReportDefinitionService which can also be used to retrieve reports:

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 2, 10:34 am, manolator  wrote:
> The v13 ReportService is unchanged still running.
> On Jul 2, 12:51 pm, Justin  wrote:
> > Anyone? (bump)
> > On Jul 1, 5:10 pm, Justin  wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > > I was running daily reports which have now stopped due to the 22nd
> > > June sunset for V13.
> > > I see on the whats new v2009 page that the ReportService is "coming
> > > soon"
> > > Just wondering what people are doing (if anything) to pull reports?
> > > Thanks for your help,
> > > Justin

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Re: time for approval of the API

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

It can take up to two weeks, but usually happens sooner.  If your
token was previously approved then you can continue to use it even
while it is under re-review.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 10:23 am, ""  wrote:
> Hi,
> for several weeks i started a request to use the AdWords-API.
> And i wonder that i get no feedback. Does anyone know how much time it
> takes for the approval of the API??
> thank you very much in forefront

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Re: Targeting Idea Service using the java API client

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Martin,

Can you post the sanitized SOAP XML request and response that
demonstrates the problem?  To just receive statistics on your seed
keyword you should use the requestType STATS instead of IDEAS.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Jul 1, 8:04 am, Martin  wrote:
> Since today, when using the targeting idea service with thte following
> search parameters:
> {
>   RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter,
>   KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter,
>   CountryTargetSearchParameter,
>   LanguageTargetSearchParameter}
> I no longer retrieve (any) data for the seed keywords, only for other
> related keywords.
> The keyword match types are usually { broad, exact, phrase }, the
> country target is "SE" (Sweden) and language target is "sv" (Swedish).
> Using this setup we often retrieve no data at all. When not specifying
> language there are some results, albeit without the seed keywords.
> What has happened to the service? Can this be local for our account,
> or has there been a major change in selection?
> We also unsuccessfully tried the new IdeaTextMatchesSearchParameter to
> narrow the search. Is there a way to specifically select only data for
> the seed keywords i.e. tougher matching?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best regards
> --
> Martin

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Re: Getting started

2010-07-02 Thread AdWords API Advisor

What version of PHP are you using?  Is anything written to the SOAP
XML logs?

- Eric

On Jul 1, 3:49 am, netport  wrote:
> this is what i did so far :
> i installed aw_api_php_lib_2.2.0.tar
> put the files under "htdocs" (i am using apache server)
> changed auth.ini and settings.ini
> and when I run AddCampaign.php it seems to execute up until the line:
> $campaignService = $user->GetCampaignService('v201003');
> then dies, or cetainly reports no errors.
> this is what i did in auth.ini =
> email = ""
> password = "*"
> userAgent = "Mert's Adwords Tool"
> applicationToken = "ignored"
> developerToken = ""
> ; Uncomment to make requests against a client account.
> clientId = ""
> and this is what i did in settings.ini =
> ; Change to work in the sandbox
> ; environment.
> please someone tell us what to do.

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Re: No April/May search volume with targeting idea service.

2010-07-02 Thread Jason Tan
I am also experiencing this problem with missing data for June 2010
since rolling over to the new month on July 1.

On Jul 1, 6:50 pm, chewy  wrote:
> To: Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team...
> Were you able to find an answer to this issue?  I've been seeing the
> same things as well.
> On Jun 25, 1:05 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi Dmitriy,
> > Thank you for reporting this issue.  I'll investigate the problem and
> > update this thread when I have more information.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Jun 24, 6:26 am, dmitriy  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > We are having a problem getting monthly search volume for April and
> > > May 2010 with the targeting idea service. We are using
> > > TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES to obtain the search volume in each of the
> > > last 12 months, and it returns search volumes for June 2009 up to
> > > March 2010, but it doesn't return anything for April and May 2010.
> > > Can someone have a look to see whether there is a problem with our
> > > code, or is there perhaps a problem with the API that it simply
> > > doesn't return data for these two most recent months? Below is the
> > > code we have used to get the search volume for several keywords,
> > > including big terms like toys for which we would expect a big search
> > > volume in any month.
> > > Any help is much appreciated.
> > > $user = new AdWordsUser();
> > > $user->LogDefaults();
> > > $user->SetClientId('***');
> > > $targetingIdeaService = $user->GetTargetingIdeaService('v200909');
> > > $keywords = array();
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'window shutters';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'shutters';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'plantation shutters';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'blinds';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'toys';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > > $keyword->text = 'playmobil';
> > > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > > $selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
> > > $selector->requestType = 'STATS';
> > > $selector->ideaType = 'KEYWORD';
> > > $selector->requestedAttributeTypes = array('KEYWORD',
> > > $paging = new Paging();
> > > $paging->startIndex = 0;
> > > $paging->numberResults = 10;
> > > $selector->paging = $paging;
> > > $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter = new
> > > RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter();
> > > $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter->keywords = $keywords;
> > > $keywordMatchTypeSearchParameter = new
> > > KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter(array('EXACT'));
> > > $countryTargetSearchParameter = new CountryTargetSearchParameter();
> > > $countryTargetSearchParameter->countryTargets = array(new
> > > CountryTarget('GB'));
> > > $languageTargetSearchParameter = new LanguageTargetSearchParameter();
> > > $languageTargetSearchParameter->languageTargets = array(new
> > > LanguageTarget('en'));
> > > $selector->searchParameters = array($relatedToKeywordSearchParameter,
> > > $countryTargetSearchParameter, $languageTargetSearchParameter,
> > > $keywordMatchTypeSearchParameter);
> > > $page = $targetingIdeaService->get($selector);

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Pulling down a report already created via the MCC custom report

2010-07-02 Thread

I've created a report template in the MCC which pulls together the
data for a number of campaigns which collectively all send traffic to
a single domain. It is currently set to run daily and set to send an
email with the report attached in XML format. I'd like to know if it
is possible to pull down the result of this report through the API, or
wether I'd need to recreate the report template in an API request.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Update campaign status via bulkmutatejobService

2010-07-02 Thread axum
Is there some c# code samples on how to update(pause) a campain status
using the bulkmutatejobservice?

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Re: My reports stopped, whats the alternative now?

2010-07-02 Thread manolator
The v13 ReportService is unchanged still running.

On Jul 2, 12:51 pm, Justin  wrote:
> Anyone? (bump)
> On Jul 1, 5:10 pm, Justin  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I was running daily reports which have now stopped due to the 22nd
> > June sunset for V13.
> > I see on the whats new v2009 page that the ReportService is "coming
> > soon"
> > Just wondering what people are doing (if anything) to pull reports?
> > Thanks for your help,
> > Justin

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Re: No April/May search volume with targeting idea service.

2010-07-02 Thread chewy
To: Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team...

Were you able to find an answer to this issue?  I've been seeing the
same things as well.

On Jun 25, 1:05 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Dmitriy,
> Thank you for reporting this issue.  I'll investigate the problem and
> update this thread when I have more information.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Jun 24, 6:26 am, dmitriy  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We are having a problem getting monthly search volume for April and
> > May 2010 with the targeting idea service. We are using
> > TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES to obtain the search volume in each of the
> > last 12 months, and it returns search volumes for June 2009 up to
> > March 2010, but it doesn't return anything for April and May 2010.
> > Can someone have a look to see whether there is a problem with our
> > code, or is there perhaps a problem with the API that it simply
> > doesn't return data for these two most recent months? Below is the
> > code we have used to get the search volume for several keywords,
> > including big terms like toys for which we would expect a big search
> > volume in any month.
> > Any help is much appreciated.
> > $user = new AdWordsUser();
> > $user->LogDefaults();
> > $user->SetClientId('***');
> > $targetingIdeaService = $user->GetTargetingIdeaService('v200909');
> > $keywords = array();
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'window shutters';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'shutters';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'plantation shutters';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'blinds';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'toys';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $keyword = new Keyword();
> > $keyword->text = 'playmobil';
> > $keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
> > $keywords[] = $keyword;
> > $selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
> > $selector->requestType = 'STATS';
> > $selector->ideaType = 'KEYWORD';
> > $selector->requestedAttributeTypes = array('KEYWORD',
> > $paging = new Paging();
> > $paging->startIndex = 0;
> > $paging->numberResults = 10;
> > $selector->paging = $paging;
> > $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter = new
> > RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter();
> > $relatedToKeywordSearchParameter->keywords = $keywords;
> > $keywordMatchTypeSearchParameter = new
> > KeywordMatchTypeSearchParameter(array('EXACT'));
> > $countryTargetSearchParameter = new CountryTargetSearchParameter();
> > $countryTargetSearchParameter->countryTargets = array(new
> > CountryTarget('GB'));
> > $languageTargetSearchParameter = new LanguageTargetSearchParameter();
> > $languageTargetSearchParameter->languageTargets = array(new
> > LanguageTarget('en'));
> > $selector->searchParameters = array($relatedToKeywordSearchParameter,
> > $countryTargetSearchParameter, $languageTargetSearchParameter,
> > $keywordMatchTypeSearchParameter);
> > $page = $targetingIdeaService->get($selector);

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No last two months (April/May) search volume for TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES with TargetingIdeaSelector and data is wrong

2010-07-02 Thread keyword volume


I'm having a trouble to getting monthly local search volume with the
targeting idea service.
It is not only missing last two months (Apr/May) search volumes, but
also the data is completely wrong.
I was comparing the local search volume between the data from Adwords
api and from Adwords external keyword tool (
select/KeywordTool) and I noticed that the data is completely
So, I registered another new account for Adwords API and it gives all
the data.
There is no missing month and the monthly search volume data is
different from I got from old account.

Can you explain about this issue?

$user = new AdWordsUser();
$targetingIdeaService = $user->GetTargetingIdeaService('v200909');

$keywords = array();
$keyword = new Keyword();
$keyword->text = "chess moves";
$keyword->matchType = 'EXACT';
$keywords[] = $keyword;

// Create selector.
$selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
$selector->requestType = 'STATS';
$selector->ideaType = 'KEYWORD';
$selector->localeCode = 'en_US';
$selector->requestedAttributeTypes = array('KEYWORD',

// Set selector paging (required for targeting idea service).
$paging = new Paging();
$paging->startIndex = 0;
$paging->numberResults = 1;
$selector->paging = $paging;

// Create related to keyword search parameter.
$relatedToKeywordSearchParameter = new
$relatedToKeywordSearchParameter->keywords = $keywords;
$selector->searchParameters = array($relatedToKeywordSearchParameter);

// Get related keywords.
$page = $targetingIdeaService->get($selector);

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Recieve Google Competition Value

2010-07-02 Thread WoY
Hey guys,

First Question:

is there a possibility on the google api the competition number of the
organic search to get.

For example Keyword: seo 191,000,000 Search Results.

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Re: My reports stopped, whats the alternative now?

2010-07-02 Thread Justin
Anyone? (bump)

On Jul 1, 5:10 pm, Justin  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was running daily reports which have now stopped due to the 22nd
> June sunset for V13.
> I see on the whats new v2009 page that the ReportService is "coming
> soon"
> Just wondering what people are doing (if anything) to pull reports?
> Thanks for your help,
> Justin

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Top performing keywords and ads.

2010-07-02 Thread Mr. Junior
Hi guys,

I am developing a tool that will display campaign stats (clicks,
impressions, cpc, conversions, etc), Keywords stats and ads stats. I
have completed displaying campaign stats but could not find how to
implement / display best performing keywords for each campaign i.e.
displaying all top performing keywords.

Also, I need to display top performing ads for every campaign.

I am developing this application based on Google Adwords API v200909
and I am not using any client library (like Google  APIlity).

So, if any of you guys can provide me any information like code
example, functions etc, it would be of great help.


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How can we get into MCC account with existing adwords account?

2010-07-02 Thread oscprofessionals
To use developer token on live site we need a MCC account. But we are
facing a problem that we can not upgrade our existing Google Adwords
account to MCC account.
We are getting the following message:
"The login is already an AdWords account."

How can we get into MCC account with existing adwords account?

Please do assist.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: get request on TargetingIdeaService started returning different results within the last 12 hours

2010-07-02 Thread Stuart
Although the results haven't changed, I have found a workaround by
using the STATS instead of IDEAS for the requestType

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Re: Error downloading report

2010-07-02 Thread manolator
Hi coldsurf,

to download a report, you have to do a HTTP request to the URL
mentioned on

DownloadReportDefinition sounds like it's the method to fetch existing
ReportDefinitions, but not the reports themselve. For Java there is
example code in the client download file.

On Jul 1, 11:55 pm, coldsurf  wrote:
> I'm trying to use the ReportDefinitionService. I'm able to add the
> ReportDefinition successfully but most of the time when I tried to
> download the report I get an Unspecified Error from the dotNET API
> function DownloadReportDefinition. Is there a status I need to check
> first to see if the report is available for download. I didn't see any
> mention of a report status in v201003.
> From the help doc it says "When an HTTP request is sent to this URL,
> the AdWords server generates a report based on the report definition
> ID specified in the URL. This request is inherently synchronous, but
> most reports take only a few seconds to generate (the request will
> time out after 3 minutes). For report definitions that could generate
> large reports, use GZIPPED_CSV as the download format to minimize the
> transfer size.".
> I assumed that meant I could download the report right away. I'm using
> the GZIPPED_CSV format also.
> Any help is much appreciated!

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