Re: Wrong clic value

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

If I understand you correctly you got a report for the 15th on the
16th.  If you re-run that report now, is the data the same or does it
match the UI?

- Eric

On Aug 20, 3:20 am, Clem  wrote:
> Well no that's the weird part. If i look at the data (on the adwords
> center)
> for the 15, it shows me 13 clics, 482 impressions and a cost of 1.19
> euros.
>  If i look at the data (on the adwords center)
>  for the 16,it shows me 15 clics, 473 impressions and a cost of 1.18
> euros.
> But the data i downloaded (with the api) for the 15  on the 16 gave me
> 14 clicks, 482 impressions and a cost of 1.21 euros
> It's like it's between the 15 and the 16, knowing that today was the
> 16 so technically the 15 should be over and have the correct value...
> That's why i'm thinking it's a time thing. It was the 16 in France but
> was it the 16 where the data were downloaded from ?
> Am I correct ?
> On 19 août, 20:41, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > If you adjust the date range to August 16th, does the data returned
> > for August 15th match the AdWords web interface?
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Aug 18, 11:07 am, Clem  wrote:
> > > Hello everyone. I come with a weird problem. I'm using the API to
> > > download 1 month worth of data. I have every value correct for my
> > > adgroups but two of them have a value that exceeds the one i can see
> > > on for the last day of my download.
> > > For example
> > > If i download every value from july 16th 2010 to august 15th 2010 (i
> > > download them on august 16th) all the values will be correct except
> > > for two adgroups that have a value for clicks that exceed the one
> > > shown on adwords for the 15th.
> > > How is that possible ? I live in France, and i downloaded them at
> > > 9am.  Could it be a time difference ?

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Re: Negative Polygon Targeting

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Pete,

That's correct.  As shown in the UI there is a hierarchy of Country ->
Region -> Metro -> City.  Excluded geo targets are only possible
within this structure.  PolygonTargets and ProximityTargets can't be
excluded from other targets and can't have other targets excluded from

- Eric

On Aug 20, 9:42 am, "Pete Lavetsky (AdWords API Guru)"
> Hi Eric,
> Maybe there's something I'm fundamentally missing, but lets run
> through the following scenario.
> Let's say I wanted to exclude Philadelphia.  If I have no GeoTarget's
> at all except for one CityTarget ( marked excluded ) for Philadelphia,
> I'll get an error saying
> TargetError.CANNOT_EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TARGETED ... that makes sense ...
> I'll also get the same error if I have a Polygon that encompasses
> Philadelphia and I have the same excluded CityTarget for
> Philadelphia ... so is the only way to exclude Philadelphia is if I
> have either a Country, Region or Metro target that includes
> Philadelphia and then creating an excluded CityTarget for
> Philadelphia?
> Thanks for clearing this up
> Pete
> On Aug 19, 3:28 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi Pete,
> > Regarding the documentation, the excluded field is part of the
> > GeoTarget type, and it may not be valid for all subtypes, particularly
> > PolygonTargets.  I'll work with the documentation team to include this
> > in the docs at the top of the page, but it won't be possible to hide
> > or remove the excluded field.
> > From what I can tell ProximityTargets and PolygonTargets don't support
> > exclusions, that is to say you can't exclude a city from a
> > PolygonTarget.  If you use the map in the AdWords UI you will see the
> > same behavior.  Exclusions only work for the hierarchical targets
> > (CountryTarget, RegionTarget, MetroTarget, and CityTarget).  Again
> > I'll work with the documentation team to clarify this.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Aug 18, 1:02 pm, "Pete Lavetsky (AdWords API Guru)"
> >  wrote:
> > > We've been negative targeting polygons for some time.  Recently, we
> > > were informed by a Google rep that this was a loophole.  However, the
> > > online documentation states you can exclude ( negatively target ) a
> > > polygon:
> > > Documentation and "loophole" aside, how can we go about transforming
> > > our negative polygon targets to something proper for Google.  An idea
> > > is to find all the cities in the previously negatively targeted
> > > polygon and negatively target those cities, at the same time
> > > positively targeting the previous negatively targeted polygon.
> > > Simply, target an area, but exclude all cities in the area.
> > > I can't seem to get that idea to work.  I always receive a
> > > TargetError.CANNOT_EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TARGETED  error ...
> > > Thoughts?

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Re: ReportDefinition

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi David,

I will take your concerns to the appropriate teams within Google.  No
sunset date has been announced for the v13 ReportService yet, and when
it is announced customers will have at least 4-6 months to migrate
their applications.

- Eric

On Aug 20, 8:25 am, "" 
> Hello Eric,
> I am shocked to hear this undocumented requirement for what should be
> a standard performance report, Keyword performance in our case.  The
> mandate to consume multiple methods just to translate report field's
> ids is a tough pill to swallow.  Please let the team know this is
> adding hours to the migration and causing additional web service
> method consumption, not to mention supporting data base files to
> handle these lookups.  All this additional work could be eliminated
> via the simple addition of the fields that define an AdWords campaign,
> rather than their ID's in the reports.
> The date issue is unfortunate, since I like to run an EOM procedure to
> clear my data warehouse and then recreate via a performance report for
> the month, in order to get latent conversions.  I can then show your
> customers the value or ROI in a lower cost per conversion, which
> translates to higher budgets and a greater spend.  This would now
> require, yet again, multiple report method consumption.
> I've migrated our in-house apps going back to Google's V5 and have
> always looked forward to the migration for added functionality and
> knowing the Google team was moving the bar forward with each
> migration.  Now this has my head spinning trying to understand how a
> simple report, readily available w/n the engines portal for all to run
> interactively, could be translated with in the API to multiple web
> services method's consumption and additional data base tables just to
> resolve the basic elements of an AdWords campaign: Campaign Name,
> which isn't even returned in the Keyword report, AdGroup, Keyword and
> date.  Please say it doesn't have to be this way.
> How can you make my argument known and get this rectified w/o
> interruption in services?  Has there been a drop dead date released
> for V13, or better yet has the request for functionality for V201003
> been closed.  Do I need to get our account rep involved at this time,
> in order to further support our push-back against this release?
> David
> On Aug 19, 3:50 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi David,
> > The v201003 ReportDefinitions are not backward compatible with v13
> > DefinedReportJobs, and the field names may be different.
> > The v201003 reports currently don't support any aggregation or
> > segmentation, which is to say you can't break out the results by day,
> > week, etc.  Instead the values will be calculated for the entire span
> > of the report, much like the Summary aggregationType in v13.  For this
> > reason there is no date field.  We plan to add segmentation in a later
> > version of the API, but at this time I don't have any estimates for
> > when it will be available.
> > The v201003 reports only contain the ID of the direct parent entity
> > and not the fields of the parent entities.  For instance, you can not
> > obtain campaign or ad group information in an ad report, only the ad
> > group ID.  To get this information you will need to run separate
> > campaign and ad group reports.  Since report generation is very fast,
> > and report definitions can be reused with sliding date ranges, it
> > shouldn't be too much work to request this extra data.
> > We are very interested in learning more about how users are finding
> > the new v201003 reporting system, so please continue to let us know
> > your feedback.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Aug 19, 2:23 pm, "" 
> > wrote:
> > > I have found and fixed issues with selectors date formatting that
> > > caused first error.
> > > B E F O R E:
> > > 
> > > 08/14/2010
> > > 08/14/2010
> > > 
> > > A F T E R:
> > > 
> > > 20100814
> > > 20100814
> > > 
> > > And now I am surprised to find that the existing V13 columns or fields
> > > in a KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT are not supported or carried forward,
> > > so we have completely lost backward compatibility.  As I mentioned,
> > > this is unexpected, since I thought I had read existing report fields
> > > would be supported.
> > > My next question, is how am I going to run a Keyword report for an
> > > account and obtain Date|Campaign|AdGroup|Keyword and metrics ie.
> > > impressions, clicks, cost, conversions?
> > > The getReportFields yields:
> > > Available fields for KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT:
> > > AdGroupId(Long)
> > > AverageCpc(Money)
> > > AverageCpm(Money)
> > > AveragePosition(Double)
> > > BottomPosition(int)
> > > Clicks(Long)
> > > ConversionRate(Double)
> > > ConversionRateManyPerClick(Double)
> > > Conversions(Long)
> > > ConversionsManyPerClick(Long)
> > > Cost(Money)
> > > CostPerConversion(Money)

Re: problem creating new keyword whit same text as an older, deleted keyword

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

A keyword ID (criteria ID) may be the same if you deleted and then
added it again.  Additionally, the correct way to delete a keyword is
to use the REMOVE operator:

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 19, 5:50 pm, Ugron  wrote:
> The scenario is the following:
> 1. I have a keyword let's say whit text "abcd" and destination url
> "";
> 2. I set this keyword status to DELETED
> 3. I add a new keyword whit the same text "abcd" but different
> destination url "";
> What happens is that a new keyword isn't created, instead the old one
> (which I deleted earlier) is UPDATED and activated (whit same keyword
> id) and the destination url is changed to "";.
> Had anybody have similar issues whit keywords?
> Thanks in advance.

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Re: Unable to find geo-targetable locations

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

I apologize for the delays getting this data up to date and I'd like
to thank you for you patience.  While I don't have any estimates for
when this work will be complete I'll work with the documentation team
to increase the priority on this.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 19, 4:08 pm, tousdan  wrote:
> Is there anyway to know when this will be done?
> By the way, is there any way this (
> adwords-api/browse_thread/thread/b75d65b95b5c532b/a83aa55581c11ee4?
> lnk=gst&q=tousdan#a83aa55581c11ee4) could also be done? I've opened a
> similar case a year ago and the changes are still not available in the
> documentation.
> Thanks for the reply
> On Aug 19, 2:04 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Some of the geo target code listings are out of date, and I'm working
> > with the documentation team to fix this.  Unfortunately we don't
> > provide an API service that allows you to retrieve this information.
> > Best,
> > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > On Aug 17, 4:14 pm, tousdan  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've been trying to make a geo-targeting tool so that I might define
> > > my campaign's geo-targeting but i've had a couple of issues along the
> > > way that I can't solve myself.
> > > First, I've been trying to replicate the structure shown in the
> > > 'Browse' tab of the adwords website geo-targeting. Basically, the
> > > structure is Country->Province/Region->MetroArea->City. I've been
> > > unable to find a list of up to date metro areas in the documentation
> > > (
> > > adwords_api_us_metros.html was the closest I could get). Colorado, for
> > > instance, has 3 metros in the API reference but on the website it has
> > > 4.
> > > Second, I've been unable to find the link between a city and the metro
> > > it is associated with the API reference. This link is important for us
> > > to get to enforce on our side a validation rule of the API
> > > ( TargetError : TARGET_IS_ENCLOSED_BY_ANOTHER_TARGET ). There is a way
> > > to get this information by doing a lot of calls to the campaign target
> > > API but this feels very hack-ish.
> > > So is there an api reference that I am missing? Is there a service I
> > > am missing which would let me retrieve the latest geo-targetable
> > > locations offered by adwords? Is my approach to solving my problem
> > > flawed?
> > > Thanks.

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Re: PromotionLine field not returned by v201003 reporting service

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

Thank you for reporting this issue.  I've reported the problem to the
core engineering team and I'll work with them fix the problem.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 19, 4:41 am, MT  wrote:
> When fetching AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, the PromotionLine field is not
> included in the response even when I've selected that field to the
> report.
> The selector I'm using is:
>                                                 Headline
>                                                 Id
> ImageCreativeName
>                                                 Impressions
>                                                 PromotionLine
>                                                 Status
>                                                 Url
>                                                         Clicks
>                                                         1
>                                                         20100809
>                                                         20100809
> And the field list from the response:

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Re: LocationExtension in v201003 - can we now use iconMediaId and imageMediaId?

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

The limitation in v200909 was that it wasn't possible to retrieve the
media IDs, but v201003 introduced the MediaService, which allows you
to upload images and query your existing images and retrieve their

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Aug 19, 4:20 am, veseo  wrote:
> I remember asking how to use iconMediaId and imageMediaId when
> mutating a LocationExtension back when only 200909 was available and
> the answer was that the API still didn't support  manipulating these
> properties and the only way to use them was through the Adwords
> interface. My question is - does 201003 support this now and if yes,
> how can we get the "long"s that are expected by the API? Thanks in
> advance

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Re: Wrong clic value

2010-08-20 Thread Clem
Well no that's the weird part. If i look at the data (on the adwords
for the 15, it shows me 13 clics, 482 impressions and a cost of 1.19

 If i look at the data (on the adwords center)
 for the 16,it shows me 15 clics, 473 impressions and a cost of 1.18

But the data i downloaded (with the api) for the 15  on the 16 gave me
14 clicks, 482 impressions and a cost of 1.21 euros

It's like it's between the 15 and the 16, knowing that today was the
16 so technically the 15 should be over and have the correct value...
That's why i'm thinking it's a time thing. It was the 16 in France but
was it the 16 where the data were downloaded from ?

Am I correct ?

On 19 août, 20:41, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi,
> If you adjust the date range to August 16th, does the data returned
> for August 15th match the AdWords web interface?
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Aug 18, 11:07 am, Clem  wrote:
> > Hello everyone. I come with a weird problem. I'm using the API to
> > download 1 month worth of data. I have every value correct for my
> > adgroups but two of them have a value that exceeds the one i can see
> > on for the last day of my download.
> > For example
> > If i download every value from july 16th 2010 to august 15th 2010 (i
> > download them on august 16th) all the values will be correct except
> > for two adgroups that have a value for clicks that exceed the one
> > shown on adwords for the 15th.
> > How is that possible ? I live in France, and i downloaded them at
> > 9am.  Could it be a time difference ?

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Re: AdWords API Terms and Conditions

2010-08-20 Thread Focus
I also see on my dashboard that I've used 8 units somehow.

How come if I can't access it because of the error!?!

Can someone from Google please help?

On Aug 20, 2:55 pm, Focus  wrote:
> Still can't find it anywhere, I'm logged in on the Admin account and
> I've looked on all the pages and then  looked on the Client area and
> looked everywhere on there. So frustrating!
> On Aug 12, 6:54 pm, Navneet  wrote:
> > I also got the same error a while ago and I found the Terms and
> > condition Page in the Account itself (the account I was trying to
> > access using API). Just accepted the TNC and after that it worked
> > fine.
> > On Aug 12, 3:49 am, Focus  wrote:
> > > I've signed up for add words and have my developer token but when I
> > > try and access a Clients API I get the following error message:
> > > Obviously there are some Terms and Conditions to agree too, but where
> > > do I agree to them? There is nothing in my
> > > control panel, under AdWords API Centre or anywhere else (that I can
> > > see). What is it I'm missing?

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Re: AdWords API Terms and Conditions

2010-08-20 Thread Focus
Still can't find it anywhere, I'm logged in on the Admin account and
I've looked on all the pages and then  looked on the Client area and
looked everywhere on there. So frustrating!

On Aug 12, 6:54 pm, Navneet  wrote:
> I also got the same error a while ago and I found the Terms and
> condition Page in the Account itself (the account I was trying to
> access using API). Just accepted the TNC and after that it worked
> fine.
> On Aug 12, 3:49 am, Focus  wrote:
> > I've signed up for add words and have my developer token but when I
> > try and access a Clients API I get the following error message:
> > Obviously there are some Terms and Conditions to agree too, but where
> > do I agree to them? There is nothing in my
> > control panel, under AdWords API Centre or anywhere else (that I can
> > see). What is it I'm missing?

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Re: Negative Polygon Targeting

2010-08-20 Thread Pete Lavetsky (AdWords API Guru)
Hi Eric,

Maybe there's something I'm fundamentally missing, but lets run
through the following scenario.

Let's say I wanted to exclude Philadelphia.  If I have no GeoTarget's
at all except for one CityTarget ( marked excluded ) for Philadelphia,
I'll get an error saying
TargetError.CANNOT_EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TARGETED ... that makes sense ...
I'll also get the same error if I have a Polygon that encompasses
Philadelphia and I have the same excluded CityTarget for
Philadelphia ... so is the only way to exclude Philadelphia is if I
have either a Country, Region or Metro target that includes
Philadelphia and then creating an excluded CityTarget for

Thanks for clearing this up

On Aug 19, 3:28 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Pete,
> Regarding the documentation, the excluded field is part of the
> GeoTarget type, and it may not be valid for all subtypes, particularly
> PolygonTargets.  I'll work with the documentation team to include this
> in the docs at the top of the page, but it won't be possible to hide
> or remove the excluded field.
> From what I can tell ProximityTargets and PolygonTargets don't support
> exclusions, that is to say you can't exclude a city from a
> PolygonTarget.  If you use the map in the AdWords UI you will see the
> same behavior.  Exclusions only work for the hierarchical targets
> (CountryTarget, RegionTarget, MetroTarget, and CityTarget).  Again
> I'll work with the documentation team to clarify this.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Aug 18, 1:02 pm, "Pete Lavetsky (AdWords API Guru)"
>  wrote:
> > We've been negative targeting polygons for some time.  Recently, we
> > were informed by a Google rep that this was a loophole.  However, the
> > online documentation states you can exclude ( negatively target ) a
> > polygon:
> > Documentation and "loophole" aside, how can we go about transforming
> > our negative polygon targets to something proper for Google.  An idea
> > is to find all the cities in the previously negatively targeted
> > polygon and negatively target those cities, at the same time
> > positively targeting the previous negatively targeted polygon.
> > Simply, target an area, but exclude all cities in the area.
> > I can't seem to get that idea to work.  I always receive a
> > TargetError.CANNOT_EXCLUDE_IF_NOT_TARGETED  error ...
> > Thoughts?

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Re: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT

2010-08-20 Thread Jeremie Yunsay

Can i generate new developer tokens?What should i do with this


On Aug 20, 9:16 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Jeremie,
> API MCC is the account that contains your developer tokens.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Aug 20, 6:04 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> > Hello Sir,
> > Thanks for the reply sir. Actually sir we don't have outstanding
> > balance in our account. And regarding API MCC where can i find this
> > one?
> > Thanks,
> > Jeremie
> > On Aug 20, 8:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Jeremie,
> > > You get an ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT error when either your API MCC or the
> > > account you are trying to access has an outstanding balance that
> > > hasn't been paid. More information is available if you log into the
> > > AdWords web interface with that account.
> > > Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Anash P. Oommen,
> > > AdWords API Advisor.
> > > On Aug 19, 2:50 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> > > > I need help regarding this problem...
> > > > Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server]
> > > > QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT @ in /home/obbm/public_html/v2009/
> > > > src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:176 Stack trace: #0 /
> > > > home/obbm/public_html/v2009/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/
> > > > AdsSoapClient.php(176): SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL,
> > > > Array, Array)

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Re: Can we link in another another adwords a/c into our api access

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Mike,

You can link the new adwords account under the AdWords API MCC. See
for details on how this can be done.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 20, 6:02 pm, Mike  wrote:
> we have access to the API via our main account. We have now setup
> another similiar operation in another country, which has it's own
> adwords a/c. We would like to access the api for both operations.
> if so, how do we do it please?
> Mike

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Re: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Jeremie,

API MCC is the account that contains your developer tokens.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 20, 6:04 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> Hello Sir,
> Thanks for the reply sir. Actually sir we don't have outstanding
> balance in our account. And regarding API MCC where can i find this
> one?
> Thanks,
> Jeremie
> On Aug 20, 8:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> wrote:
> > Hi Jeremie,
> > You get an ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT error when either your API MCC or the
> > account you are trying to access has an outstanding balance that
> > hasn't been paid. More information is available if you log into the
> > AdWords web interface with that account.
> > Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
> > Cheers,
> > Anash P. Oommen,
> > AdWords API Advisor.
> > On Aug 19, 2:50 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> > > I need help regarding this problem...
> > > Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server]
> > > QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT @ in /home/obbm/public_html/v2009/
> > > src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:176 Stack trace: #0 /
> > > home/obbm/public_html/v2009/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/
> > > AdsSoapClient.php(176): SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL,
> > > Array, Array)

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Re: account problems with API

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi NIck,

Since this question is specific to AdWords, you can ask it at

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 20, 5:20 am, Nick Lothian  wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a preexisting AdWords account. When I attempted to setup API
> access I ran into the common problem of being unable to do it, so I
> tried cancelling my AdWords account.
> Now when I log in I get a message:
> "This account has been canceled.
> The ads are not running and all other account activity has stopped.
> Any edits you make here will take effect only if you reactivate the
> account. If you would like to do so, please click here."
> Which is fine. However, if I click the reactivate link I get this
> message:
> "We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your
> request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem
> and will work to resolve it. Please note that using your browser's
> back button in AdWords can increase the likelihood of errors. If you
> think this was the cause of your error, please try again without using
> the back button."
> Is there anyway I can reactivate my account? Secondly, how do I set it
> up for AdWords access?

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Re: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT

2010-08-20 Thread Jeremie Yunsay
Hello Sir,

Thanks for the reply sir. Actually sir we don't have outstanding
balance in our account. And regarding API MCC where can i find this


On Aug 20, 8:45 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Jeremie,
> You get an ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT error when either your API MCC or the
> account you are trying to access has an outstanding balance that
> hasn't been paid. More information is available if you log into the
> AdWords web interface with that account.
> Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Aug 19, 2:50 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> > I need help regarding this problem...
> > Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server]
> > QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT @ in /home/obbm/public_html/v2009/
> > src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:176 Stack trace: #0 /
> > home/obbm/public_html/v2009/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/
> > AdsSoapClient.php(176): SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL,
> > Array, Array)

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Can we link in another another adwords a/c into our api access

2010-08-20 Thread Mike
we have access to the API via our main account. We have now setup
another similiar operation in another country, which has it's own
adwords a/c. We would like to access the api for both operations.

if so, how do we do it please?


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Re: Retreiveing GeoTarget's Attribute

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Syed,

You can check the type of the objects inside the loop to handle
different type of Targets. For instance, the C# code would look
something like this:

foreach (TargetList targetList in page.entries) {
  if (targetList is GeoTargetList) {
GeoTarget[] targets = (targetList as GeoTargetList).targets;
foreach (GeoTarget geoTarget in targets) {
  if (geoTarget is CityTarget) {
  } else if (geoTarget is ProximityTarget) {

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor

On Aug 19, 2:08 pm, Syed  wrote:
> hi,
> I really apprciate you peopl for helping me till here.
> I have one more Issue.
> selector.setCampaignIds(new long[] {googleCampaign.getId()});
> CampaignTargetServiceInterface targetService =
> googleServiceFactory.getAdWordsService(user,AdWordsService.V200909.CAMPAIGN 
> targetPage
> =targetService.get(selector);
>                   if (targetPage.getEntries() != null) {
>                         for (TargetList target : targetPage.getEntries()) {
>                                 GeoTarget[] gTarget = 
> (,"GeoTargetList").target;
>                                 if(target.getTargetListType() == 
> "GeoTargetList"  ) {
>                                     ? <
> What to do here?>
>                                 }
>                         }
> I want to get the Atribute for GeoTarget
> I want to get all the data such as
>    1. CityTarget
>    2. CountryTarget
>    3. MetroTarget
>    4. PolygonTarget
>    5. ProvinceTarget
>    6. ProximityTarget
> Can u please help me in finding these.
> Thanks

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Re: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Jeremie,

You get an ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT error when either your API MCC or the
account you are trying to access has an outstanding balance that
hasn't been paid. More information is available if you log into the
AdWords web interface with that account.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 19, 2:50 pm, Jeremie Yunsay  wrote:
> I need help regarding this problem...
> Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server]
> QuotaCheckError.ACCOUNT_DELINQUENT @ in /home/obbm/public_html/v2009/
> src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:176 Stack trace: #0 /
> home/obbm/public_html/v2009/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/
> AdsSoapClient.php(176): SoapClient->__soapCall('get', Array, NULL,
> Array, Array)

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Re: New user - Looking for explanation about the entities

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor

If you are not familiar with AdWords concepts, then
are 2 good resources to get started with. After that, you can start
reading the API documentation at

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 19, 7:25 pm, Renaldoty  wrote:
> Hello,
> As title said, I'm just starting to work on a project including the
> google Adwords API.
> I downloaded the API, started running a few examples, so far so good,
> however I am still to find a documentation explaining what the
> concepts used are - What is an extension, what is an extension
> override, what's a campaign/adgroup/ad, and so on.
> Is there a link somewhere I can look that gives a small explanation
> about these?
> Thanks in advance.

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Re: AccountService ClientAccountInfo

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Tomas,

Can you post a sanitized request and response xml?

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.

On Aug 19, 11:33 am, Tomasz Pajor  wrote:
> Hello,
> ClientAccountInfo just replied with
> 'removed.because.account.discontin...@removed.invalid' are there any
> more strange replies that I can receive from the API?

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Re: pass a link and it returns the existing ads that contain this link?

2010-08-20 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Rafael,

AdWords API doesn't allow you to filter ads by destination url. The
easiest workaround would be to run an Ad performance report to
download all the ads as a report, and then search through the urls at
your end to find the ads.
are two good articles to help you get started on Reporting service.

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor

On Aug 19, 10:09 pm, allinmedia link patrocinado
> Hi, I'd like to find ads that contain a specific link. There is some
> method where I can pass me a link and it returns the existing ads that
> contain this link?
> Please help me ...
> []'s ...
> Rafael Araújo

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Re: ReportDefinition

2010-08-20 Thread
Hello Eric,

I am shocked to hear this undocumented requirement for what should be
a standard performance report, Keyword performance in our case.  The
mandate to consume multiple methods just to translate report field's
ids is a tough pill to swallow.  Please let the team know this is
adding hours to the migration and causing additional web service
method consumption, not to mention supporting data base files to
handle these lookups.  All this additional work could be eliminated
via the simple addition of the fields that define an AdWords campaign,
rather than their ID's in the reports.

The date issue is unfortunate, since I like to run an EOM procedure to
clear my data warehouse and then recreate via a performance report for
the month, in order to get latent conversions.  I can then show your
customers the value or ROI in a lower cost per conversion, which
translates to higher budgets and a greater spend.  This would now
require, yet again, multiple report method consumption.

I've migrated our in-house apps going back to Google's V5 and have
always looked forward to the migration for added functionality and
knowing the Google team was moving the bar forward with each
migration.  Now this has my head spinning trying to understand how a
simple report, readily available w/n the engines portal for all to run
interactively, could be translated with in the API to multiple web
services method's consumption and additional data base tables just to
resolve the basic elements of an AdWords campaign: Campaign Name,
which isn't even returned in the Keyword report, AdGroup, Keyword and
date.  Please say it doesn't have to be this way.

How can you make my argument known and get this rectified w/o
interruption in services?  Has there been a drop dead date released
for V13, or better yet has the request for functionality for V201003
been closed.  Do I need to get our account rep involved at this time,
in order to further support our push-back against this release?


On Aug 19, 3:50 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi David,
> The v201003 ReportDefinitions are not backward compatible with v13
> DefinedReportJobs, and the field names may be different.
> The v201003 reports currently don't support any aggregation or
> segmentation, which is to say you can't break out the results by day,
> week, etc.  Instead the values will be calculated for the entire span
> of the report, much like the Summary aggregationType in v13.  For this
> reason there is no date field.  We plan to add segmentation in a later
> version of the API, but at this time I don't have any estimates for
> when it will be available.
> The v201003 reports only contain the ID of the direct parent entity
> and not the fields of the parent entities.  For instance, you can not
> obtain campaign or ad group information in an ad report, only the ad
> group ID.  To get this information you will need to run separate
> campaign and ad group reports.  Since report generation is very fast,
> and report definitions can be reused with sliding date ranges, it
> shouldn't be too much work to request this extra data.
> We are very interested in learning more about how users are finding
> the new v201003 reporting system, so please continue to let us know
> your feedback.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Aug 19, 2:23 pm, "" 
> wrote:
> > I have found and fixed issues with selectors date formatting that
> > caused first error.
> > B E F O R E:
> > 
> > 08/14/2010
> > 08/14/2010
> > 
> > A F T E R:
> > 
> > 20100814
> > 20100814
> > 
> > And now I am surprised to find that the existing V13 columns or fields
> > in a KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT are not supported or carried forward,
> > so we have completely lost backward compatibility.  As I mentioned,
> > this is unexpected, since I thought I had read existing report fields
> > would be supported.
> > My next question, is how am I going to run a Keyword report for an
> > account and obtain Date|Campaign|AdGroup|Keyword and metrics ie.
> > impressions, clicks, cost, conversions?
> > The getReportFields yields:
> > Available fields for KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT:
> > AdGroupId(Long)
> > AverageCpc(Money)
> > AverageCpm(Money)
> > AveragePosition(Double)
> > BottomPosition(int)
> > Clicks(Long)
> > ConversionRate(Double)
> > ConversionRateManyPerClick(Double)
> > Conversions(Long)
> > ConversionsManyPerClick(Long)
> > Cost(Money)
> > CostPerConversion(Money)
> > CostPerConversionManyPerClick(Money)
> > Ctr(Double)
> > DestinationUrl(String)
> > FirstPageCpc(Bid)
> > Id(Long)
> > Impressions(Long)
> > IsNegative(Criterion)
> > KeywordMatchType(KeywordMatchType)
> > KeywordText(String)
> > MaxCpm(Bid)
> > PlacementUrl(String)
> > PreferredPosition(int)
> > PrimaryDisplayStatus(AdGroupCriterionPrimaryDisplayStatus)
> > ProxyMaxCpc(Bid)
> > QualityScore(Integer)
> > Status(UserStatus)
> > If this is the correct list of eligible fields for the report, I 

account problems with API

2010-08-20 Thread Nick Lothian

I had a preexisting AdWords account. When I attempted to setup API
access I ran into the common problem of being unable to do it, so I
tried cancelling my AdWords account.

Now when I log in I get a message:

"This account has been canceled.
The ads are not running and all other account activity has stopped.
Any edits you make here will take effect only if you reactivate the
account. If you would like to do so, please click here."

Which is fine. However, if I click the reactivate link I get this

"We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your
request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem
and will work to resolve it. Please note that using your browser's
back button in AdWords can increase the likelihood of errors. If you
think this was the cause of your error, please try again without using
the back button."

Is there anyway I can reactivate my account? Secondly, how do I set it
up for AdWords access?

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Re: problem adding same negative keyword on multiple campaigns

2010-08-20 Thread Ugron
Yes, you are right: the criterion id is the same but the keyword
exists on both campaigns.
I just misunderstood the behavior of the criterions.
Thanks for your help.

On Aug 20, 1:03 am, Navneet  wrote:
>  The keyword will be uniquly identified with the combination of
> "Campaignid"+"NegativeKeywordId" so Criterionid can be same in this
> scenarion.
> did you check in Adwords/Sandbox, whether this keyword exists in both
> campaigns or not?
> On Aug 19, 2:58 pm, Ugron  wrote:
> > The code:
> >             Keyword newKeyword = new Keyword();
> >             newKeyword.text = "abcd";
> >             newKeyword.matchType = KeywordMatchType.BROAD;
> >             newKeyword.matchTypeSpecified = true;
> >             NegativeCampaignCriterion ncc = new
> > NegativeCampaignCriterion();
> >             ncc.campaignId = ;
> >             ncc.campaignIdSpecified = true;
> >             ncc.criterion = newKeyword;
> >             CampaignCriterionOperation newKeywordOperation = new
> > CampaignCriterionOperation();
> >             newkeywordoperati...@operator = Operator.ADD;
> >             newKeywordOperation.operatorSpecified = true;
> >             newKeywordOperation.operand = ncc;
> >             CampaignCriterionService campaignCriterionService =
> > (CampaignCriterionService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v200909.CampaignCr 
> > ­iterionService);
> >                 CampaignCriterionReturnValue result =
> > campaignCriterionService.mutate(
> >                     new CampaignCriterionOperation[]
> > { newKeywordOperation });
> >                 PRINT (result.value[0];
> > Then repeat the code above and only change the line:
> >                    ncc.campaignId = ;
> > whit:
> >                    ncc.campaignId = ;
> > The PRINT (result.value[0] will give the same criterion
> > id like the first one.
> > On Aug 20, 12:46 am, Navneet  wrote:
> > > We use Negative keywords very often but never got this issue. Can you
> > > share the code, you are using?
> > > --Navneet
> > > On Aug 19, 2:40 pm, Ugron  wrote:
> > > > The scenario is this:
> > > > 1. I build a NegativeCampaignCriterion keyword, setting with the
> > > > campaign id of the first campaign
> > > > 2. call the mutate method to make the actual ADD operation for the
> > > > NegativeCampaignCriterion on the first campaign
> > > > 3. in the result I obtain the id of the newly created criterion
> > > > 4. I build a new NegativeCampaignCriterion whit the same parameters
> > > > (same criterion text, same machtype), I only change the campaign id to
> > > > point to the second campaign
> > > > 5. call the mutate method to make the actual ADD operation for the new
> > > > NegativeCampaignCriterion on the second campaign
> > > > 6. and here is the PROBLEM: in the new result I obtain the same
> > > > criterion id like after the first ADD operation
> > > > In short: the firstly created NegativeCampaignCriterion was UPDATED
> > > > and now is set on the second campaign and removed from the first.
> > > > But we should have 2 separate criterions, one for each campaign.
> > > > Anyone had this problem or have any idea what's the solution for this
> > > > problem?
> > > > Thanks in advance.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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