Re: By a PHP Script - How to get global or local Search Volume of keyword(s) for a country or international data

2010-11-03 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Bikram,

This is possible using the TargetingIdeaService.

The search volume stats are available in the GLOBAL_MONTHLY_SEARCHES,

An example using this service is included in the PHP client library:

Although, if you already know the keywords you want stats for then you
can use the IdeaType STATS instead.  If you haven't yet registered for
access to the API that can be done here:

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 2, 12:55 am, SEO Programmer  wrote:
> I want to get the Global search volume of a keyword programmatically
> by a PHP Script.
> By Adwords API or some other API I want to get this data.
> I want to know Local or Global both search volumes, if possible for a
> particular country.
> Thanks
> Bikram Choudhury

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Re: Diacritic characters are collated with latin characters, often with strange search volumes for the keywords

2010-11-03 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Martin,

Thank your for reporting this issue, and for including detailed
examples of the problem.  As you mentioned this isn't an API specific
issue, but I'll forward this feedback on to the appropriate team for

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 2, 6:46 am, Martin  wrote:
> Hi (Eric?),
> In Swedish and other Scandinavian languages diacritic letters are not
> just umlauts, but are actually new letters and compose new words.
> We have noticed strange search volumes for keywords with diacritic
> characters (in Swedish: åäö) that should have fairly large search
> volumes in the localized targeting Sweden/Swedish. This problem is
> probably common in several other languages with other diacritic
> characters, but we are mainly interested in Swedish keywords.
> One example is 'friskvård' (meaning health care) which is collated to
> 'friskvard' (nonsense). There are other examples where the collation
> of non latin characters change the meaning of the word completely,
> e.g. 'väder' (weather) vs. 'vader' (calfs) or 'hål' (hole) vs.
> 'hal' (slippery).
> For the example 'friskvard/friskvård' there are 12 local monthly
> searches using exact match, but for the less generic keyword
> 'friskvård uppsala' (where Uppsala is a city) there are 880 local
> monthly searches using the same matching. One could argue that the
> search volumes actually are correct, but we think it is very
> improbable.
> The following localized searches suffixed by the 5 largest Swedish
> cities (ordered by population size) have suspiciously low or missing
> search volumes for "diacritically challenged" keywords:
> 'catering stockholm' - 74000
> 'catering göteborg' - n/a
> 'catering malmö' - n/a
> 'catering uppsala' - 12100
> 'catering västerås' - 320
> Since we fail to retrieve local search volumes for exact matching,
> this might be a different problem, but we suspect the non latin
> character collation here as well. Two keywords that seem to deviate
> from this problem and have reasonable search volumes are 'catering
> örebro' and 'catering norrköping'.
> All problems are reproducible in the online AdWords keyword tool, so
> it's not an API or client specific problem.
> Best regards
> --
> Martin

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UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR in AdGroupCriterionService with partialFailure = true instead of other errors

2010-11-03 Thread joel
I'm seeing requests to the AdGroupCriterionService fail with
UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR when I set partialFailure = true.
However, if I set partialFailure = false, the request actually fails
with an ACCOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED errors. I believe there is a bug with
the partialFailure code, even if partialFailure = true, it should
return the ACCOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error.

Let me know if you have any questions, thanks,


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Re: Forbidden access to V13 full samples!!!

2010-11-03 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Peter,

The old sample code projects have been deleted.  I've pasted the v13
report service example below.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * This code sample retrieves a keyword report for the AdWords account
 * belongs to the customer issuing the request.


# Provide AdWords login information.
$useragent = 'INSERT_COMPANY_NAME: AdWords API PHP Sample Code';
$developer_token = 'INSERT_DEVELOPER_TOKEN_HERE';
$application_token = 'INSERT_APPLICATION_TOKEN_HERE';

# Define SOAP headers.
$headers =
  '' . $email . ''.
  '' . $password . '' .
  '' . $client_email . '' .
  '' . $useragent . '' .
  '' . $developer_token . '' .
  '' . $application_token . '';

# Set up service connection. To view XML request/response, change
value of
# $debug to 1. To send requests to production environment, replace
# "" with "".
$namespace = '';
$report_service =
  SoapClientFactory::GetClient($namespace . '/ReportService?wsdl',
$debug = 0;

# BEGIN ReportService.validateReportJob,
ReportService.scheduleReportJob, ReportService.getReportJobStatus,
ReportService.getGzipReportDownloadUrl: v13-up
# Create report job structure.
$report_job =
  'Keyword' .
  'Sample Keyword Report' .
  'Summary' .
  'SearchOnly' .
  'Broad' .
  '2008-01-01' .
  '2008-01-31' .
  'Campaign' .
  'AdGroup' .
  'Keyword' .
  'KeywordStatus' .
  'KeywordMinCPC' .
  'KeywordDestUrlDisplay' .
  'Impressions' .
  'Clicks' .
  'CTR' .
$request_xml =
  '' .
  '"; ' .
  'xsi:type="impl:DefinedReportJob">' .
  $report_job .
  '' .

# Validate report.
$report_service->call('validateReportJob', $request_xml);
if ($debug) show_xml($report_service);
if ($report_service->fault) show_fault($report_service);

# Schedule report.
$request_xml =
  '' .
  '"; ' .
  'xsi:type="impl:DefinedReportJob">' .
  $report_job .
  '' .
$job_id = $report_service->call('scheduleReportJob', $request_xml);
$job_id = $job_id['scheduleReportJobReturn'];
if ($debug) show_xml($report_service);
if ($report_service->fault) show_fault($service);

# Wait for report to finish.
$request_xml =
  '' .
  '' .
  $job_id .
  '' .
$status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
$status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];
if ($debug) show_xml($report_service);
if ($report_service->fault) show_fault($service);
while ($status != 'Completed' and $status != 'Failed') {
  echo 'Report job status is "' . $status . '".' . "\n";
  $status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
  $status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];
  if ($debug) show_xml($report_service);
  if ($report_service->fault) show_fault($service);

if ($status == 'Failed') {
  echo 'Report job generation failed.' . "\n";

# Download report.
$request_xml =
  '' .
  '' .
  $job_id .
  '' .
$report_url = $report_service->call('getGzipReportDownloadUrl',
$report_url = $report_url['getGzipReportDownloadUrlReturn'];
# END ReportService.validateReportJob,
ReportService.scheduleReportJob, ReportService.getReportJobStatus,
ReportService.getGzipReportDownloadUrl: v13-up
if ($debug) show_xml($report_service);
if ($report_service->fault) show_fault($service);
echo 'Report is available at "' . $report_url . '".' . "\n";

function show_xml($service) {
  echo $service->request;
  echo $service->response;
  echo "\n";

function show_fault($service) {
  echo "\n";
  echo 'Fault: ' . $service->fault . "\n";
  echo 'Code: ' . $service->faultcode . "\n";
  echo 'String: ' . $service->faultstring . "\n";
  echo 'Detail: ' . $service->faultdetail . "\n";

On Nov 3, 9:47 am, Peter Trobec  wrote:
> Ok, changed the namespace to: $namespace
> = '';
> and report service to: $report_service =
> SoapClientFactory::GetClient($namespace .
> '/AdExtensionOverrideService?wsdl');
> but it's still not working...still the same output.
> Any ideas?
> Peter Trobec

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Minimum distance of GeoPoints in PolygonTarget

2010-11-03 Thread Juno Internet KaufDA
Hi everyone,

my question is related to the CampaingTargetService. I want to add
several PolygonTargets to our campaigns, a few work fine, but most of
these polygons just throw "POLYGON_DUPLICATE_VERTICES"-error. On
generating the mutate-request, each polygon is checked for duplicate
vertices, so they are really unique (i triple checked by hand). A
similar error occurs while using the adwords-webinterface and using
copy&paste to add the vertices. Each vertices shows up on the map, but
the polygon cant be saved because the webinterface found double
vertices. I can reproduce this error just by clicking a triangle of 3
very narrow points together, so i'm guessing this error is related to
distance or internal rounding, but I couldn't find any minimum distance
in the documentation and I don't know why 6 decimal places are used in
the webinterface, if only 3 or 4 saved. I hope someone could help me
with this problem.

Best regards,


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Re: How can I get a list of all my MCC clients using the AdWords API ?

2010-11-03 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi All,

If you set ServicedAccountSelector.enablePaging to false then the
links between accounts will also be returned.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Nov 3, 7:29 am, "Magu(s)"  wrote:
> Ok I think I found out using the "customerIds" field of the
> ServicedAccountSelector.
> Thank you for pointing me in the right direction
> Gabriel
> On 3 nov, 11:35, "Magu(s)"  wrote:
> > Thank You Federico for your quick answer.
> > I have already managed to get this list but the problem is that it is
> > flat.
> > It mixes accounts with "canManageClients" set to true with the ones
> > set to false.
> > I have noticed that the accounts with "canManageClients = false"
> > belong to one with "canManageClients = true". This is the way I see
> > them in my MCC
> > But in this list I don't know who belong to whom.
> > I tried calling AdWordsUser with a accound id as seventh argument ( as
> > I read in the docs ) but it always returns the complete list, ignoring
> > the account Id given.
> > Do I have to assign children to parents by hand ? It must be an easy
> > way to do this.
> > Thank you
> > On 2 nov, 12:48, Federico Ulfo  wrote:
> > > Hi Gabriel,
> > > in PHP is pretty easy:
> > > 
> > >         date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Rome" );
> > >         error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
> > >         include dirname(__FILE__) . 
> > > '/../../src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/
> > > AdWordsUser.php';
> > >         $user = new AdWordsUser(); // you must have configured the 
> > > auth.ini
> > > file with your MCC manager info / developer token
> > >         $servicedAccountService = 
> > > $user->GetServicedAccountService('v201008');
> > >         $selector = new ServicedAccountSelector();
> > >         $graph = $servicedAccountService->get($selector);
> > >         echo "";
> > >         print_r( $graph );
> > >         echo "";
> > > ?>
> > > Best,
> > >
> > > On Nov 2, 11:00 am, Gabriel T  wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > In my MCC I have a list of MCC clients. How can I get them with a
> > > > command line ? With the API ?
> > > > I can get all my accounts using a ServicedAccountService call to the
> > > > SOAP ws but they are not sorted by clients.
> > > > So how can I get the list of my clients ?
> > > > Thank you

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Re: v201008 - ReportUtils::DownloadReport is not return all data using GZIPPED_CSV files

2010-11-03 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Michael,

I don't see an email from you in the
inbox, can you try to resend it? The AdNetworkType2 value CONTENT
should include all impressions on the content network, whether they be
from automatic placements or managed placements. The
KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT can't return information about placements
however, for that you'll need to use the

- Eric

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How can I pay for AdWords API token in Russia??

2010-11-03 Thread Maxim Lovchikov
How can I pay for AdWords API token in Russia? There's no "Russia"
option in country list at billing preference tab..

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Re: Forbidden access to V13 full samples!!!

2010-11-03 Thread Peter Trobec
Ok, changed the namespace to: $namespace
= '';

and report service to: $report_service =
SoapClientFactory::GetClient($namespace .

but it's still not working...still the same output.

Any ideas?

Peter Trobec

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Re: Forbidden access to V13 full samples!!!

2010-11-03 Thread Peter Trobec
Oh...finally figured something out, I always forgot to include the
headers, but it's still not working:';
$developerToken = "$email++USD";


$report_service = SoapClientFactory::GetClient($namespace .
'/ReportService?wsdl', 'wsdl');
$report_job =
'Sample Keyword Report'.
$request_xml =
'";; '.

$report_service->call('validateReportJob', $request_xml);
print '';print_r($report_service);exit;
$request_xml =
'";; '.
$job_id = $report_service->call('scheduleReportJob', $request_xml);
$job_id = $job_id['scheduleReportJobReturn'];
print '';print_r($job_id);exit;
$request_xml =
$status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
$status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];
print '';print_r($status);exit;
while ($status != 'Completed' and $status != 'Failed') {
echo 'Report job status is "'.$status.'".'."\n";
$status = $report_service->call('getReportJobStatus', $request_xml);
$status = $status['getReportJobStatusReturn'];


if ($status == 'Failed') {
echo 'Report job generation failed.' . "\n";

$request_xml =

$report_url = $report_service->call('getGzipReportDownloadUrl',
$report_url = $report_url['getGzipReportDownloadUrlReturn'];
print '';print_r($report_url);exit;

And I get this output:


I just don't understand anything anymore... :D

Peter Trobec

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AuthenticationError.CLIENT_EMAIL_INVALID with a specific client email

2010-11-03 Thread live_ines
We have a set of clients and each client have a set of campaigns. For
three specific clients we are unable to obtain information of the
campaign and we have the following error:
For all other clients work fine.
In API v13 we could obtain information from the campaigns of those
We have experienced both the API v200909 and v201008 and we always get
the same error. It seems that there is something wrong with these
emails, but we're not seeing what can be. These emails exists and in
the Adwords site we have access to the information of campaigns of
those clients.

These three emails are the first clients emails we created on the
Adwords. Does something change about the first email created?

Here is the answer Soap:";>

AuthenticationError.CLIENT_EMAIL_INVALID @ ;
trigger:'***clientEmail***' Service[CampaignService.get]
v201008">AuthenticationError.CLIENT_EMAIL_INVALID @ ;
trigger:'***clientEmail***' Service[CampaignService.get]ApiException";

I appreciate any help.

Best regards,

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Re: How can I get a list of all my MCC clients using the AdWords API ?

2010-11-03 Thread Magu(s)
Ok I think I found out using the "customerIds" field of the
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction


On 3 nov, 11:35, "Magu(s)"  wrote:
> Thank You Federico for your quick answer.
> I have already managed to get this list but the problem is that it is
> flat.
> It mixes accounts with "canManageClients" set to true with the ones
> set to false.
> I have noticed that the accounts with "canManageClients = false"
> belong to one with "canManageClients = true". This is the way I see
> them in my MCC
> But in this list I don't know who belong to whom.
> I tried calling AdWordsUser with a accound id as seventh argument ( as
> I read in the docs ) but it always returns the complete list, ignoring
> the account Id given.
> Do I have to assign children to parents by hand ? It must be an easy
> way to do this.
> Thank you
> On 2 nov, 12:48, Federico Ulfo  wrote:
> > Hi Gabriel,
> > in PHP is pretty easy:
> > 
> >         date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Rome" );
> >         error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
> >         include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/
> > AdWordsUser.php';
> >         $user = new AdWordsUser(); // you must have configured the auth.ini
> > file with your MCC manager info / developer token
> >         $servicedAccountService = 
> > $user->GetServicedAccountService('v201008');
> >         $selector = new ServicedAccountSelector();
> >         $graph = $servicedAccountService->get($selector);
> >         echo "";
> >         print_r( $graph );
> >         echo "";
> > ?>
> > Best,
> >
> > On Nov 2, 11:00 am, Gabriel T  wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > In my MCC I have a list of MCC clients. How can I get them with a
> > > command line ? With the API ?
> > > I can get all my accounts using a ServicedAccountService call to the
> > > SOAP ws but they are not sorted by clients.
> > > So how can I get the list of my clients ?
> > > Thank you

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Re: How can I get a list of all my MCC clients using the AdWords API ?

2010-11-03 Thread Magu(s)
Ok I think I found out using the "customerIds" field of the
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction


On 3 nov, 11:35, "Magu(s)"  wrote:
> Thank You Federico for your quick answer.
> I have already managed to get this list but the problem is that it is
> flat.
> It mixes accounts with "canManageClients" set to true with the ones
> set to false.
> I have noticed that the accounts with "canManageClients = false"
> belong to one with "canManageClients = true". This is the way I see
> them in my MCC
> But in this list I don't know who belong to whom.
> I tried calling AdWordsUser with a accound id as seventh argument ( as
> I read in the docs ) but it always returns the complete list, ignoring
> the account Id given.
> Do I have to assign children to parents by hand ? It must be an easy
> way to do this.
> Thank you
> On 2 nov, 12:48, Federico Ulfo  wrote:
> > Hi Gabriel,
> > in PHP is pretty easy:
> > 
> >         date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Rome" );
> >         error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
> >         include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/
> > AdWordsUser.php';
> >         $user = new AdWordsUser(); // you must have configured the auth.ini
> > file with your MCC manager info / developer token
> >         $servicedAccountService = 
> > $user->GetServicedAccountService('v201008');
> >         $selector = new ServicedAccountSelector();
> >         $graph = $servicedAccountService->get($selector);
> >         echo "";
> >         print_r( $graph );
> >         echo "";
> > ?>
> > Best,
> >
> > On Nov 2, 11:00 am, Gabriel T  wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > In my MCC I have a list of MCC clients. How can I get them with a
> > > command line ? With the API ?
> > > I can get all my accounts using a ServicedAccountService call to the
> > > SOAP ws but they are not sorted by clients.
> > > So how can I get the list of my clients ?
> > > Thank you

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Re: API CPC different to Keyword Tool / Traffic Estimator

2010-11-03 Thread neilpaterson
He Eric

Any news on this? It has now been a week and the bug is still present.

Kind regards


On Oct 27, 7:53 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Neil,
> The currency of the account is set when the account is created and
> cannot be changed afterwards.  I haven't been able to find a clear
> please in the web interface that displays the currency of the account,
> but I looked into your specific account and it is indeed in GBP.  It
> looks like the TES currently isn't respecting the currency of the
> account and is always using USD.  I've been able to replicate the
> issue and I'll work with the core engineering team to resolve it.  At
> this time I don't have any estimates as to when that work will be
> complete.
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Oct 27, 7:21 am, neilpaterson 
>> wrote:
> > Hello Eric
> > Thank you very much for looking into this and yes, it does appear that
> > the CPC values are being returned as micro-amounts of US Dollars.
> > However, looking around the Adwords UI it appears that my account is
> > set up as GBP.
> > Can anyone/Eric advise how I can confirm the currency and/or change my
> > account to GBP so as to ensure the API returns micro-amounts of
> > British Pounds?
> > Kind regards
> > Neil
> > On Oct 25, 10:41 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> >  wrote:
> > > Hi Neil,
> > > Micro amount values in the API are always specified in the currency of
> > > the account.  It appears that this is a US account, so your maxCpc of
> > > 1000 is $10 instead of 10£.  If you use the US version of the
> > > Traffic Estimator UI you will see the number match.
> > > Best,
> > > - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> > > On Oct 22, 4:10 am, neilpaterson 
> > >> wrote:
> > > > Anyone got any ideas on this? Is the SOAP request correct for what I'm
> > > > after?
> > > > On Oct 20, 12:09 pm, neilpaterson 
> > > >> wrote:
> > > > > Hello
> > > > > I'm using the API to grab estimated avg CPC for exact keywords.
> > > > > However, the UIs (Keyword Tool / Traffic Estimator) give me different
> > > > > CPCs to the API.
> > > > > For example, the CPC for the exact keyword [gym] in the UK (English),
> > > > > with a max CPC of £50 is £0.93 via the UIs. However, the API gives me
> > > > > the range 1303123 - 1628904, which is about £1.46 when averaged.
> > > > > Here's the XML as logged:
> > > > > [Oct 20 2010 10:02:00.00 - INFO] POST /api/adwords/o/v201008/
> > > > > TrafficEstimatorService HTTP/1.1
> > > > > Host:
> > > > > Connection: Keep-Alive
> > > > > User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.3.0, gzip
> > > > > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> > > > > Content-Encoding: gzip
> > > > > Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> > > > > SOAPAction: ""
> > > > > Content-Length: 721
> > > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > envelope/" xmlns:ns1="
> > > > > v201008" xmlns:ns2="";
> > > > > xmlns:xsi="";>
> > > > >   
> > > > >     
> > > > >       *
> > > > >       (removed)
> > > > >       AwApi-PHP-2.3.0-Test
> > > > >     
> > > > >   
> > > > >   
> > > > >     
> > > > >       
> > > > >         
> > > > >           
> > > > >             
> > > > >               
> > > > >                 gym
> > > > >                 EXACT
> > > > >               
> > > > >             
> > > > >             
> > > > >               
> > > > >                 health spa
> > > > >                 EXACT
> > > > >               
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> > > > >                 gym birmingham
> > > > >                 EXACT
> > > > >               
> > > > >             
> > > > >             
> > > > >               1000
> > > > >             
> > > > >           
> > > > > 
> > > > > adwords/cm/v201008" xsi:type="ns1:CountryTarget">
> > > > >             GB
> > > > >           
> > > > > 
> > > > > adwords/cm/v201008" xsi:type="ns1:LanguageTarget">
> > > > >             en
> > > > >           
> > > > >         
> > > > >       
> > > > >     
> > > > >   
> > > > > 
> > > > > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> > > > > Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
> > > > > SOAPAction: ""
> > > > > Content-Encoding: gzip
> > > > > Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> > > > > Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 10:02:00 GMT
> > > > > Expires: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 10:02:00 GMT
> > > > > Cache-Control: private, max-age=0
> > > > > X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
> > > > > X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
> > > > > X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
> > > > > Server: GSE
> > > > > 
> > > > >";>
> > > > >   
> > > > >
> > > > > cm/v201008" xmlns="";>
> > > > >       9c6f7cd573e21dedc320a168572f

How optimize PerformanceReport PHP?

2010-11-03 Thread federico ulfo

PerformanceReport and DownloadReport  for 5 reports: account,
campaign, group, keyword  and  managedPlacement, is pretty slow.

I'm downloading account as CSV and all the others as GZIPPED_CSV, and
cache the report for
YESTERDAY, LAST_WEEK and LAST_MONTH. That's improved a lot my speed.

Do you have any idea to improve more the speed? Expecially the speed
of PerformanceReport / DownloadReport?


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Re: How can I get a list of all my MCC clients using the AdWords API ?

2010-11-03 Thread Magu(s)
Thank You Federico for your quick answer.

I have already managed to get this list but the problem is that it is
It mixes accounts with "canManageClients" set to true with the ones
set to false.

I have noticed that the accounts with "canManageClients = false"
belong to one with "canManageClients = true". This is the way I see
them in my MCC
But in this list I don't know who belong to whom.

I tried calling AdWordsUser with a accound id as seventh argument ( as
I read in the docs ) but it always returns the complete list, ignoring
the account Id given.

Do I have to assign children to parents by hand ? It must be an easy
way to do this.

Thank you

On 2 nov, 12:48, Federico Ulfo  wrote:
> Hi Gabriel,
> in PHP is pretty easy:
>         date_default_timezone_set( "Europe/Rome" );
>         error_reporting(E_STRICT | E_ALL);
>         include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Lib/
> AdWordsUser.php';
>         $user = new AdWordsUser(); // you must have configured the auth.ini
> file with your MCC manager info / developer token
>         $servicedAccountService = $user->GetServicedAccountService('v201008');
>         $selector = new ServicedAccountSelector();
>         $graph = $servicedAccountService->get($selector);
>         echo "";
>         print_r( $graph );
>         echo "";
> ?>
> Best,
> On Nov 2, 11:00 am, Gabriel T  wrote:
> > Hello,
> > In my MCC I have a list of MCC clients. How can I get them with a
> > command line ? With the API ?
> > I can get all my accounts using a ServicedAccountService call to the
> > SOAP ws but they are not sorted by clients.
> > So how can I get the list of my clients ?
> > Thank you

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Re: Forbidden access to V13 full samples!!!

2010-11-03 Thread Peter Trobec
Since there was no answer since yesterday...I'd really appreciate if
someone would post me a full example with authentication for the V13
ReportService with the crossClient option.

Peter Trobec

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Re: Sandbox: ServicedAccountService.get UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR

2010-11-03 Thread Wilrik Mook
Hi Eric,

Today I fired up the exact same code and the problem seems to have
disappeared. I also tried another account and it worked as it should.



On Nov 2, 6:50 pm, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Wilrik,
> I'm not able to reproduce this problem, as the accounts are returned
> correctly.  Perhaps try using a new email address to create a new
> sandbox account (by first calling CampaignService.get()) and see if
> the problem continues.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Oct 29, 9:57 am, Wilrik Mook  wrote:
> > Good day,
> > I wanted to migrate the use of v13 AccountService in our application
> > to the v201008 ServicedAccountService. But when I ran the 'get'
> > command against the sandbox, I got an UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR.
> > The exact same code runs fine on the production environment, I'm using
> > the Ruby client library. These requests were both using an 'empty'
> > selector (so without limiting customerIds and such). In the sandbox,
> > the 5 client accounts are showing fine when requested using the old
> > v13 service.
> > Judging from the exception, this is server-side, internal problem? Is
> > anyone else experience these difficulties?
> > Regards,
> > Wilrik
> > 050media

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Re: v201008 - ReportUtils::DownloadReport is not return all data using GZIPPED_CSV files

2010-11-03 Thread Michael Melander
I've emailed a ID.

I know why the report data is truncated, the AdNetworkType2 does not
include "Managed placements" ergo the data is truncated, or not
matching the Adwords GUI.

If no predicate is set (or all are set for AdNetworkType2: CONTENT,
SEARCH, SEARCH_PARTNERS) then all network types are used... this does
not include Managed placements from Display networks. I know this since
the difference in cost/clicks from the report data and the Google
Adwords GUI is that of Managed placements.

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