Template ids of templates in ad builder.

2010-12-22 Thread Yogesh Agashe

I am using python client library 13.2.0 to access API v201008. I am
using it to build ad templates.

In the examples given on following page, template ids of only few
templates are given.

Where can i find the template ids of templates listed in adwords-
display ad builder?  For the moment, I am looking for ids of these
1) All purpose 17
2) Elegant 4
3) Elegant 9
4) Elegant 12
5) Elegant 8
6) Elegant 7
7) All purpose 25
8) Elegant 2

Any help on this much appreciated. Thank you.


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Re: Setting up adowords API and stuck at PyXML

2010-12-22 Thread Yogesh Agashe
Hi Eric,

Thanks for replying.

I managed to solve this error. I gave the proper path to PyXML and it


On Dec 23, 1:06 am, AdWords API Advisor 
> Hi Yogesh,
> As this problem seems to be related to the client library, you're best
> option is to open an issue on the library's issue tracker.
>  http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-python-lib/issues/list
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Dec 21, 2:10 am, Yogesh Agashe  wrote:
> > Hello, I am setting up Adwords API access using python. I am using
> > latest python library (adwords_api_python_13.2.0.tar.gz).
> > I followed the instructions 
> > fromhttp://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-python-lib/wiki/Readme.
> > I am trying to setup a campaign described in this 
> > tutorial.http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/tutorial.html
> > I ran this example: /adwords_api_python_13.2.0/examples/adspygoogle/
> > adwords/v201008$ python add_campaign.py and encountered an error
> > described below.
> > File "add_campaign.py", line 73, in 
> >     campaigns = campaign_service.Mutate(operations)[0]
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> > CampaignService.py", line 112, in Mutate
> >     'Campaign', self._loc, request)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> > AdWordsWebService.py", line 234, in CallMethod
> >     pretty_xml=Utils.BoolTypeConvert(self._config['pretty_xml']))
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> > AdWordsSoapBuffer.py", line 40, in __init__
> >     super(AdWordsSoapBuffer, self).__init__(xml_parser, pretty_xml)
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/common/
> > SoapBuffer.py", line 140, in __init__
> >     raise MissingPackageError(msg)
> > adspygoogle.common.Errors.MissingPackageError: PyXML v0.8.3 or newer
> > is required
> > I have set xml_parser': ETREE in config of AdWordsClient. I have
> > element tree installed on my box. Even then, I am not sure why PyXML
> > is required. Is there anything else that I am missing here?
> > I downloaded PyXML 0.8.4 from sourceforge but it does not install. I
> > am running python 2.5.4. I will like to know what I will need to do to
> > solve this issue. Any help is much appreciated.
> > Thanks.
> > Yogesh

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2010-12-22 Thread John Hinnegan
Everything was fine earlier today.  This started sometime this afternoon.

Here's an example

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 01:43:28 GMT

Expires: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 01:43:28 GMT

Cache-Control: private, max-age=0

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

Server: GSE

Transfer-Encoding: chunked


@ ]https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201008";>[InternalApiError.UNEXPECTED_INTERNAL_API_ERROR

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Re: v201008 Reports Keyword Status "Active" value does not match Enum values in Doc

2010-12-22 Thread HK
As I'm sure most people are aware of by now, this appears to be affecting 
all enum values, not just Status. I'm glad to see that Google is considering 
ways to address this, but wanted to express our strong preference for not 
having reports change until a future release of the APIs. We are currently 
coding against v201008 and will for example expect an AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT 
to return adType="Text ad" and not adType="TEXT_AD".

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Re: Definitive report Field source

2010-12-22 Thread Ian
So I just checked it with our production account and the behavior is
the same.
Here is the report error, for the Ad_Performance_Report w/o any
campaign fields:
!!!1|||9531640|||Unexpected exception???

If you add any of the campaign fields back--it works fine. The
predicate is defined thus (C#):
new Predicate
field = "CampaignStatus",
@operator = PredicateOperator.NOT_EQUALS,
operatorSpecified = true,
values = new string[]{ "DELETED" }

_ARE_ included in the getReportFields() with canSelect = true --

However, if I include any of them in my ReportDefinition, then at
validation I get a SOAP fault similar to this:



On Dec 22, 11:55 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Ian,
> I'm only able to look up information about reports in the production
> environment, so I'm not able to dig into the error you got.  There
> shouldn't be any requirement that a field needs to be in the report to
> be filtered on.  I tried this myself and it worked fine.  There is a
> known issue around filtering on CampaignStatus using PAUSED, and that
> should be fixed within a few weeks after the holidays.  We are working
> to add more validation before the report is downloaded, but currently
> some of these errors are only caught at download time.
> mentioned the online documentation is a little out of date, and you
> should use the fields returned by getReportFields().
> Best,
> - Eric
> On Dec 20, 6:36 pm, Ian  wrote:
> > I figured out the issue:
> > The a sandbox version of the report: ID - 13961.
> > ReportType = ReportDefinitionReportType.AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
> > I was thinking/hoping that like SQL you could filter on fields that you
> > didn't appear in the result set. But this appears at least partially not to
> > be the case. If you do not include any of the Campaign fields (CampaignId,
> > CampaignName, CampaignStatus) then you cannot set a predicate on
> > CampaignStatus. The odd part--at least to me--is that this passes the
> > validateOnly, but fails when attempting the download. Is there any
> > documentation available for these types of relationships--i.e., you must
> > select fields a/b/c to filter on b?
> > The other issue we are running into is several fields that are listed in the
> > getReportFields methods, fail validation when included in the selector
> > despite being listed as selectable, specifically:
> >   Id,
> >   Status,
> >   PlacementUrl
> > These fields also happen to be missing from the previously linked ReportType
> > appendix page. Again this is against the Sandbox so perhaps Production is
> > different--I haven't really checked.
> > Anyway thanks for any assistance.
> > -Ian

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Re: Finding a ReportDefinition

2010-12-22 Thread Ian
The primary use case we are looking at is verifying that a particular
reportId has the expected report definition (fields/predicates).

I suspect this could be avoided by cross-client reports, but until
those are available...We are defining reports for each client. Then
since reports are editable via the adwords UI and there is no method
that we're aware of to make a ReportDefinition readonly; we are
attempting to be proactive about the possibility of alterations, by
checking the report definition prior to requesting the actual report.


On Dec 22, 12:07 pm, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi Ian,
> Unfortunately that functionality doesn't exist in the
> ReportDefinitionService.  Can you give me more information about the
> use case for this functionality?
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Dec 21, 4:19 pm, Ian  wrote:
> > Is there a direct way to pull a ReportDefinition for a ReportID or
> > vice-versa?
> > The only way I've been able to do it is by getting all ReportDefinitions via
> > ReportDefinitionService.get() and looking for the ID. The
> > ReportDefinitionSelector doesn't seem to do anything but page the results.

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AdPerformanceReport - zero impressions?

2010-12-22 Thread Reed
Is it legitimate to have a predicate for zero impressions in an Ad
Performance Report?  I'm trying to get all of the adcopy in one CSV
file (instead of the XML file that I get from the Ad Service) because
the size of some of the XML files are too big to process (700+MB once
they are unzipped).  But the CSV files coming back seem to ignore the
predicate, and only have rows for data with impressions greater than


SOAP (without header) is:
 ADD   Headline Date Id
Impressions Clicks
Cost Ctr
AverageCpc MaxCpc
Status IsNegative
Conversions AdGroupName CampaignName
AdGroupId CampaignId
AveragePosition ConversionRate CostPerConversion
AdNetworkType1 AdNetworkType2 AdType AdGroupStatus CampaignStatus
Description1 Description2 DisplayUrl
ImageCreativeName Device  20101221
Impressions GREATER_THAN_EQUALS 0   Ad Perf Rpt


envelope/">ff4ae0fb56679de9a20569801fea458d127340012299295HeadlineDateIdImpressionsClicksCostCtrAverageCpcMaxCpcStatusIsNegativeConversionsAdGroupNameCampaignNameAdGroupIdCampaignIdUrlCostPerConversionManyPerClickConversionsManyPerClickConversionRateManyPerClickAveragePositionConversionRateCostPerConversionAdNetworkType1AdNetworkType2AdTypeAdGroupStatusCampaignStatusDescription1Description2DisplayUrlImageCreativeNameDeviceImpressionsGREATER_THAN_EQUALS02010122120101221Ad Perf RptAD_PERFORMANCE_REPORTfalseCUSTOM_DATECSV20101222 134026 America/Los_Angeles

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New KeywordPerformanceReport - zero value for AveragePosition

2010-12-22 Thread mm
Hey guys -
I am working on replacing the V13 KeywordPerformanceReport in our
codebase with the V201008 version. One of the fields that I need in
the report is AveragePosition. I get reasonable data for this field in
the V13 report, but for a V201008 version requested for the same
timeframe, I'm seeing 0's. Is there something special that I need to
do now to get that data, or is this a bug?

Thanks -

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Re: TSV File Format Support

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Robert,

That sounds like a good idea.  You can open a feature request on the
client library's issue tracker, and if you go through a short legal
process you can even contribute code to the project's source code


- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Dec 21, 3:40 pm, "Robert, N2JTX" 
> The Google report creation web site supports as one of its formats Tab
> Separated Values (TSV).  I work with a client that uses this format.
> In working with the .NET API, it was a trivial matter to clone
> CsvException.cs and CsvFile.cs into new modules called TsvException
> and TsvFile.c and to modify ReportUtilities.cs and
> CommonErrorMessages.resx to add support for the new TsvFile and
> TsvException classes.  The downside to this is that I need to modify
> the AdWords .NET library code every time it is updated.  Would it be
> possible to add TSV format to the supported report formats?  I can
> even ZIP up the four modules listed above and send them to the
> maintainer if that would help.
> TIA,
> Robert Schaffrath
> Meta5 Inc.

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Re: Finding a ReportDefinition

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Ian,

Unfortunately that functionality doesn't exist in the
ReportDefinitionService.  Can you give me more information about the
use case for this functionality?

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Dec 21, 4:19 pm, Ian  wrote:
> Is there a direct way to pull a ReportDefinition for a ReportID or
> vice-versa?
> The only way I've been able to do it is by getting all ReportDefinitions via
> ReportDefinitionService.get() and looking for the ID. The
> ReportDefinitionSelector doesn't seem to do anything but page the results.

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Re: Setting up adowords API and stuck at PyXML

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Yogesh,

As this problem seems to be related to the client library, you're best
option is to open an issue on the library's issue tracker.


- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Dec 21, 2:10 am, Yogesh Agashe  wrote:
> Hello, I am setting up Adwords API access using python. I am using
> latest python library (adwords_api_python_13.2.0.tar.gz).
> I followed the instructions 
> fromhttp://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-python-lib/wiki/Readme.
> I am trying to setup a campaign described in this 
> tutorial.http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/tutorial.html
> I ran this example: /adwords_api_python_13.2.0/examples/adspygoogle/
> adwords/v201008$ python add_campaign.py and encountered an error
> described below.
> File "add_campaign.py", line 73, in 
>     campaigns = campaign_service.Mutate(operations)[0]
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> CampaignService.py", line 112, in Mutate
>     'Campaign', self._loc, request)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> AdWordsWebService.py", line 234, in CallMethod
>     pretty_xml=Utils.BoolTypeConvert(self._config['pretty_xml']))
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/adwords/
> AdWordsSoapBuffer.py", line 40, in __init__
>     super(AdWordsSoapBuffer, self).__init__(xml_parser, pretty_xml)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/adspygoogle/common/
> SoapBuffer.py", line 140, in __init__
>     raise MissingPackageError(msg)
> adspygoogle.common.Errors.MissingPackageError: PyXML v0.8.3 or newer
> is required
> I have set xml_parser': ETREE in config of AdWordsClient. I have
> element tree installed on my box. Even then, I am not sure why PyXML
> is required. Is there anything else that I am missing here?
> I downloaded PyXML 0.8.4 from sourceforge but it does not install. I
> am running python 2.5.4. I will like to know what I will need to do to
> solve this issue. Any help is much appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Yogesh

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Re: Campaign Experiments with reporting

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Danny,

Unfortunately there isn't any support for campaign experiment
reporting at the moment.  I don't have any estimates as to when this
feature will be available, but I'll communicate your interest to the

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Dec 20, 7:37 pm, Danny Antonetti  wrote:
> I am interested in working on a feature to support campaign experiments in
> our UI, but it was mentioned that the current reporting service (v201008)
> does not support campaign experiments.
> I was just curious if you have an unofficial estimate on when the next
> version may be available?
> Or if you have a beta version of the wsdl for testing and implementation of
> the new features?
> I am very excited to work on this feature :)
> Thanks,
> Danny

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Re: Definitive report Field source

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Ian,

I'm only able to look up information about reports in the production
environment, so I'm not able to dig into the error you got.  There
shouldn't be any requirement that a field needs to be in the report to
be filtered on.  I tried this myself and it worked fine.  There is a
known issue around filtering on CampaignStatus using PAUSED, and that
should be fixed within a few weeks after the holidays.  We are working
to add more validation before the report is downloaded, but currently
some of these errors are only caught at download time.

mentioned the online documentation is a little out of date, and you
should use the fields returned by getReportFields().

- Eric

On Dec 20, 6:36 pm, Ian  wrote:
> I figured out the issue:
> The a sandbox version of the report: ID - 13961.
> ReportType = ReportDefinitionReportType.AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT
> I was thinking/hoping that like SQL you could filter on fields that you
> didn't appear in the result set. But this appears at least partially not to
> be the case. If you do not include any of the Campaign fields (CampaignId,
> CampaignName, CampaignStatus) then you cannot set a predicate on
> CampaignStatus. The odd part--at least to me--is that this passes the
> validateOnly, but fails when attempting the download. Is there any
> documentation available for these types of relationships--i.e., you must
> select fields a/b/c to filter on b?
> The other issue we are running into is several fields that are listed in the
> getReportFields methods, fail validation when included in the selector
> despite being listed as selectable, specifically:
>   Id,
>   Status,
>   PlacementUrl
> These fields also happen to be missing from the previously linked ReportType
> appendix page. Again this is against the Sandbox so perhaps Production is
> different--I haven't really checked.
> Anyway thanks for any assistance.
> -Ian

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Re: Gettings a listing of all clients

2010-12-22 Thread 100Marketers
Awesome. That worked :) Having read only isn't a problem either.
Thanks Eric!

On Dec 20, 11:21 am, AdWords API Advisor
> Hi,
> UserLists correspond to Audiences in the AdWords web interface, and
> they are not related to AdWords client accounts.  To get the account
> structure use the ServicedAccountService as shown in
> GetAccountHierarchy.php:
>  http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-php/source/browse/trunk/e...
> I can't recall for certain if read-only access is respected in the
> API, but I believe it is.
> Best,
> - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
> On Dec 17, 2:46 pm, 100Marketers  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm new to the Google Adwords API (using the PHP client library) and
> > I'm having a bit of trouble getting up and running.
> > I'm using the example GetAllUsersLists.php (v201008) to fetch all the
> > clients under the adwords account and I'm getting a "No user lists
> > were found." error when there's clearly clients under the account.
> > I've configured the auth.ini with my credentials (email, password,
> > developerToken) what else am I missing?
> > Also, another question: What access level do I need in order to use
> > the API? Currently I have read-only but is there an API only access
> > level or do I need to use the standard/administrative access level?

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TargetingIdeaService - MobileSearchParameter

2010-12-22 Thread skeebuzz
According to the docs, the MobileSearchParameter will limit results to 
mobile WAP phones.  The Keyword tool UI however, has the options of "All 
mobile devices," "Mobile WAP devices," or "Mobile devices with full internet 
browsers."  Is there an API equivalent for "All mobile devices," not just 

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Valid Address in GeoLocationService

2010-12-22 Thread Craig Smith
 What are the field combinations required for a valid address? I thought I 
would be able to get a location for a valid zip and country code but it 
appears I can not. From experimenting with the GetGeoLocationInfo.java 
sample, it appears I need an address all the way down to the street. Is that 
Craig Smith

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Re: Sandbox viewer/editor

2010-12-22 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi All,

Additionally there is an open source application called the Sandbox
Account Viewer that allows you to view the raw data from your sandbox


It doesn't support editing of the account, but it can be a good way to
visualize the data returned by the API.

- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team

On Dec 22, 10:33 am, JosipK  wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the biggest obstacles when developing against AdWords API is
> inability to view/edit sandbox content using some GUI. If anybody
> needs it, we have developed GUI application (PPC Manager) that can be used
> for that purpose:http://www.ppcma.com/
> In order to run it, you need Windows machine with .NET Framework.
> PPC Manager will work with sandbox of any size
> and will show campaigns, ad groups, ads and criteria.
> Let me know if you find our app useful, or if you
> have any ideas for improvement.
> Regards,
> Josipwww.ppcma.com

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Sandbox viewer/editor

2010-12-22 Thread JosipK
Hi all, 

One of the biggest obstacles when developing against AdWords API is 
inability to view/edit sandbox content using some GUI. If anybody 
needs it, we have developed GUI application (PPC Manager) that can be used 
for that purpose: 

In order to run it, you need Windows machine with .NET Framework. 
PPC Manager will work with sandbox of any size 
and will show campaigns, ad groups, ads and criteria.

Let me know if you find our app useful, or if you 
have any ideas for improvement. 



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TrafficEstimatorService cpc unit

2010-12-22 Thread jack
1. In EstimateRequest, what is the unit of maxCpc? (cent or $?) Do I
have to multiple 1,000,000 for that value in the request?
2. In StatsEstimate (response), what is the unit of averageCpc? (cent
or $?) I got
keywordEstimate.getMin().getAverageCpc().getMicroAmount(). For
example: for "auto repair", averageCpc = 1600,000,000. Then I divide
it by 1,000,000 so I got averageCPC= 160. Is $160 or $1.60?
3. I am using sandbox. I found out the keyword input is case-
sensitive. The values returned from API are totally different for
"auto repair" and "Auto Repair".

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