RateExceededError retryAfterSeconds

2012-06-19 Thread Minh

Today I noticed that the sandbox is returning retryAfterSeconds of zero 
seconds. I have my application set to wait exactly the number of seconds 
returned  before retrying the api call. It retries up to a certain limit 
before giving up. Because the value returned is zero, my application would 
instantly retry and still get RateExceededError, and so it quickly hits the 
retry limit.

Here's part of the soap body message the log generates


Is this a bug in the sandbox? It used to always return 30seconds and then 
would be successful on the next retry but now that it is zero, it quickly 
fails after 3 attempts. The API should be returning a figure that is close 
to the correct amount of time to wait, zero clearly isn't this figure.


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Re: API usage costs

2012-06-19 Thread jeremy brooks
The current rate card says
 1 unit per 
 1 unit per  

I have two questions:

Does that mean that, for instance, a keyword report requesting 35 fields 
would cost 36  units total?  

Does the cost change with quantity of keywords?


On Monday, April 4, 2011 12:02:28 PM UTC-5, Danial Klimkin wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> 1. API units spend is charged according to the rate card.
> 2. With the ReportDefinitionService report downloads are free.
> You can find more details about the rates on the AdWords API site:
>   http://code.google.com/apis/adwords/docs/ratesheet.html
> Best regards,
>   Danial Klimkin, AdWords API Team.

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trouble using sandbox in Java

2012-06-19 Thread nachomac
I'm going crazy trying to get a sandbox AdWordsUser in Java. This is my 
userAgent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.1; Windows XP)

What am I doing wrong? What email should I use? Does it have to be an 
adwords account? Please clarify.
Thanks a lot

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NoMethodError on TrafficEstimatorService using Ruby 1.9

2012-06-19 Thread Roman Fuchs

I'm using Ruby to query the TrafficEstimatorService:

srv = self.get_service(:TargetingIdeaService)
selector = {
:requested_attribute_types => ['CRITERION', 
:search_parameters => [ { :xsi_type => 
'RelatedToKeywordSearchParameter', :keywords => keyword_params } ],
:idea_type => 'KEYWORD',
:request_type => 'STATS',
:paging => { :start_index => 0, :number_results => PAGE_SIZE }
page = srv.get(selector)

When using Ruby 1.9.3 I get a NoMethodError:

undefined method `lower_camelcase' for "text":String
   - *file:* parameters_validator.rb 
   - *location:* handle_namespace_override 
   - *line: *113

Is this a problem on some auto-generated Ruby API stubs? The appropriate 
syntax for this operation would be:
> "test_string".camelize(:lower)

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Re: Tracking site-link performance.

2012-06-19 Thread cdugg1708
I am also looking for a way to track which sitelink text was clicked on.  
What's the best way to do this?

On Friday, June 15, 2012 10:40:03 AM UTC-4, jstedman wrote:
> Does the Destination URL Report allow us to track individual site-link 
> performance?
> The fields I want to use to track this are:
> EffectiveDestinationUrl
> ClickType
> CampaignId
> By knowing a click is attributed to a site-link, and knowing the 
> destination urls assigned to the site-links configured in a given campaign, 
> can I know that particular site-links are performing better than others?
> This question depends on the EffectiveDestinationUrl actually being the 
> page the user was brought to as a result of the click. Is this actually how 
> the data is collected?

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Re: What is the correct way to link Merchant Center to Adwords account via API?

2012-06-19 Thread API2Go
Thank you Kevin - we will move forward accordingly.  Allowing this 
functionality through the API would be of great benefit to us - and we 
would welcome any news on that front-

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 10:09:02 AM UTC-4, Kevin Winter wrote:
> Hi,
>   I apologize for the delay, I wanted to research this and make sure I had 
> the full answer.  Product Extensions cannot be created via the API at this 
> time - they must be added via the UI.  This blog post explains this in more 
> detail: 
> http://adwordsapi.blogspot.com/2011/02/discover-v201008-product-ads-and.html
> The blog post also explains how product criteria and ads can be created 
> via the API.  When originally launched, it was limited to a subset of 
> developers but has since been opened to anyone.  (it's possible that 
> certain countries may not be able to use this, but we don't have a list 
> handy).
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Monday, June 18, 2012 11:00:45 AM UTC-4, API2Go wrote:
>> Thank you for the response Kevin. However, we are already a developer 
>> with commercial applications for product feeds and adword manipulation. We 
>> are trying to complete an application which aids our merchants/clients in 
>> Product Listing Ads - which we are not really having any difficulty with 
>> either. However, when working manually (not through the api) we simply link 
>> our merchant account to our adwords account and then choose that account 
>> when setting up a PLA campaign - the question is "what is the best way to 
>> do this via the API instead of manually". I don't think the links below 
>> hold any of these answers.Sorry for any confusion in my question - 
>> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 11:03:39 AM UTC-4, Kevin Winter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   This discusses how to set up the Merchant Center Datafeed: 
>>> http://support.google.com/merchants/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=188479
>>> And this talks about product listing ads: 
>>> http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2456103&from=1306912&rd=1
>>> We don't currently have any code examples showing how this is done via 
>>> the API.  The API access is currently only available to a limited number of 
>>> developers - please contact your CSR for more information: 
>>> http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=8206&ctx=go&&contactus=1
>>> - Kevin Winter
>>> AdWords API Team
>>> On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:51:40 AM UTC-4, API2Go wrote:

 Actually I have a two part question - what is the best way to link the 
 Merchant Center to the appropriate adwords account via the API and how 
 should we enable the adwords campaign to access the merchant center via 

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Re: AddAdGroups.php gives error

2012-06-19 Thread Kevin Winter
  One of my colleagues suggested that PHP's error logs may contain some 
useful info.  He said that it sounds like PHP itself could be crashing - 
which can't be caught by the script.  If that doesn't work, another thing 
to try is to try running this from commandline - it may write something to 
console that helps debug this.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 10:18:19 AM UTC-4, Roy Roes wrote:
> Hi,
> Nope, can't catch the Exception (see my previous post)...
> I tried $user->LogAll() 
> But nothing in the log files.
> So I'm stuck right now...

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YouTube Promoted Video ad -- possible to create in sandbox?

2012-06-19 Thread Dave Seidel
I would like to model the creation of a YouTube Promoted Video ad using the 
API, but I'm blocked by not having a valid MediaId for the video. I there 
any way in a sandbox context to obtain or simulate a valid MediaId for a YT 
video? Or is the lack of a code sample for this operation a hint that this 
can't be done at this time?


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Re: AddAdGroups.php gives error

2012-06-19 Thread Roy Roes
Nope, can't catch the Exception (see my previous post)...
I tried $user->LogAll() 
But nothing in the log files.
So I'm stuck right now...

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Re: What Combination of API Reports Equals the Web GUI's MCC Accounts View?

2012-06-19 Thread Kevin Winter
  In an ideal world, running any report and a campaign report with no 
predicates should have totals that match.  However, due to various objects, 
criteria, etc that are currently not exposed via the API, when you run a 
lower level report, any criteria (such as zip codes) which are not 
available in the API will be filtered out of the response (so there is no 
row entry and the totals don't include this value).  The higher level 
reports (Account, Campaign, etc) can't see which parts of the campaign are 
for these un-exposed objects and will include metrics for them.

This means that you won't be able to duplicate the UI screen you are 
currently looking at (which is effectively the Campaign report) by using 
the lower level reports.

I'd be happy to try to reproduce this and figure out what exactly is 
causing the discrepancy (since my example doesn't match your report types). 
 Can you please send me the ReportDefinition XML you are sending via AdHoc 
reports and the CID you are querying against?  Sending them offlist would 
be fine.

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Monday, June 18, 2012 2:47:42 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Shaltz wrote:
> The Campaign Performance Report does total up to the same number of 
> impressions shown in the web GUI.  So another way of expressing this 
> question is, what combination of reports add up to the Campaign Performance 
> Report?
> Arthur: Have you got an answer?
> Ford: No.  But I've got a different name for the problem!
> On Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:42:21 AM UTC-5, Kevin Winter wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Could you please try to run a Campaign Performance Report with a 
>> ReportDefinition like that below against this account?  When I ran it 
>> against this account, the totals matched the UI, but due to the way i'm 
>> running the report, I believe my results may include values normally 
>> filtered out in the API.  If the results don't match the UI, could you 
>> please email me the results off-list so I can compare?
>> Name
>> Status
>> Clicks
>> Impressions
>> Ctr
>> AverageCpc
>> Cost
>>   20120401
>>   20120430
>>   Campaign
>>   CSV
>>   false
>> - Kevin Winter
>> AdWords API Team
>> On Monday, June 11, 2012 5:33:09 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Shaltz wrote:
>>> Thanks for the reply.  Marketing tells me that we *are* using dynamic 
>>> search ads, but they make up only about 0.4% of our impressions.  You're 
>>> saying there's no way to get this info via the API?  That's probably 
>>> acceptable, as long as the volume remains so small.
>>> Video being excluded would certainly explain why our TV account is not 
>>> showing up, but I believe that's the only account with such ads, so it does 
>>> not explain any of the other gaps.  I'll confirm this point.
>>> I'm not interesting in duplicating functionality, I just want to see 
>>> approximately the same numbers from each source.  The main account, 
>>> #9420663870, had 14.22 M impressions in April, per the GUI MCC account 
>>> overview page.  The sum of the three ad hoc report types I listed earlier 
>>> comes to 5.57 M.
>>> On Monday, June 11, 2012 2:18:56 PM UTC-5, Kevin Winter wrote:

   The UI is obviously updated more frequently than the API - we lean 
 towards more stable and less frequent updates for API changes.

 The API therefore lags behind the UI in some features. In particular, 
 there are a few objects that are filtered from the API, which could 
 these discrepancies.

 Dynamic Search Ads will not come back in the API: 

 Video Campaigns for AdWords for video will not have any of their stats 
 visible via the API: http://www.google.com/ads/video/

 The UI is a dashboard intended to give an overview of account data. 
  The reporting API is intended to provide access to various types of 
 statistics related to your account.  It is not a stated goal of the API to 
 duplicate UI functionality (for example, the keyword tool in the UI 
 requires use of both TES and TIS to correctly mimic the UI).

 If the objects I mentioned above fail to explain your missing data, it 
 would be useful if we could get more specifics - what account, what type 
 information are you looking at in the UI, what reports and fields are you 
 using, etc.

 - Kevin Winter
 AdWords API Team

 On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 4:32:48 PM UTC-4, Jonathan Shaltz wrote:
> Good afternoon.  I'd like to use the API to pull exactly the same data 
> that users are used to seeing in the AdWords web GUI (e.g., 
> https://adwords.google.com/mcm/Mcm?__u=123&__c=456#c).  By pulling a 

Re: AddAdGroups.php gives error

2012-06-19 Thread Kevin Winter
  Did you have any luck trying the error handler as I suggested?  You might 
want to also enable logging and check the log after making the request: 

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Friday, June 15, 2012 6:06:05 AM UTC-4, Roy Roes wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to catch the Exception like this:
>   try {
>$result = $adGroupService->mutate($operations);
>   } catch (Exception $e) {
>printf("An error has occurred: %s\n", $e->getMessage());
>   }
> But no exception is catched...
> I can output anything before the line
> $result = $adGroupService->mutate($operations);
> But I have to comment this line out to get the output.
> When I output $operations just before the mutate I get:
> Array ( [0] => AdGroupOperation Object ( [operand] => AdGroup Object ( 
> [id] => [campaignId] => 673033 [campaignName] => [name] => Earth to Mars 
> Cruise #4fdb074a0055c [status] => ENABLED [bids] => ManualCPCAdGroupBids 
> Object ( [keywordMaxCpc] => Bid Object ( [amount] => Money Object ( 
> [microAmount] => 100 [ComparableValueType] => [_parameterMap:private] 
> => Array ( [ComparableValue.Type] => ComparableValueType ) ) ) 
> [keywordContentMaxCpc] => Bid Object ( [amount] => Money Object ( 
> [microAmount] => 75 [ComparableValueType] => [_parameterMap:private] => 
> Array ( [ComparableValue.Type] => ComparableValueType ) ) ) [siteMaxCpc] => 
> [enhancedCpcEnabled] => [interactionBids] => [AdGroupBidsType] => 
> [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [AdGroupBids.Type] => AdGroupBidsType ) 
> ) [experimentData] => [stats] => ) [operator] => ADD [OperationType] => 
> [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [Operation.Type] => OperationType ) ) 
> [1] => AdGroupOperation Object ( [operand] => AdGroup Object ( [id] => 
> [campaignId] => 673033 [campaignName] => [name] => Earth to Mars Cruise 
> #4fdb074a0059c [status] => ENABLED [bids] => ManualCPCAdGroupBids Object ( 
> [keywordMaxCpc] => Bid Object ( [amount] => Money Object ( [microAmount] => 
> 100 [ComparableValueType] => [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( 
> [ComparableValue.Type] => ComparableValueType ) ) ) [keywordContentMaxCpc] 
> => Bid Object ( [amount] => Money Object ( [microAmount] => 75 
> [ComparableValueType] => [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( 
> [ComparableValue.Type] => ComparableValueType ) ) ) [siteMaxCpc] => 
> [enhancedCpcEnabled] => [interactionBids] => [AdGroupBidsType] => 
> [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [AdGroupBids.Type] => AdGroupBidsType ) 
> ) [experimentData] => [stats] => ) [operator] => ADD [OperationType] => 
> [_parameterMap:private] => Array ( [Operation.Type] => OperationType ) ) ) 
> I just used the AddAdGroups.php from the client library and filled in the 
> campaign id.
> So I can't do much wrong there, I think.
> AddCampaign.php and GetCampaigns.php are working fine.
> Thank you for your help.

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Re: What is the correct way to link Merchant Center to Adwords account via API?

2012-06-19 Thread Kevin Winter
  I apologize for the delay, I wanted to research this and make sure I had 
the full answer.  Product Extensions cannot be created via the API at this 
time - they must be added via the UI.  This blog post explains this in more 

The blog post also explains how product criteria and ads can be created via 
the API.  When originally launched, it was limited to a subset of 
developers but has since been opened to anyone.  (it's possible that 
certain countries may not be able to use this, but we don't have a list 

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Monday, June 18, 2012 11:00:45 AM UTC-4, API2Go wrote:
> Thank you for the response Kevin. However, we are already a developer with 
> commercial applications for product feeds and adword manipulation. We are 
> trying to complete an application which aids our merchants/clients in 
> Product Listing Ads - which we are not really having any difficulty with 
> either. However, when working manually (not through the api) we simply link 
> our merchant account to our adwords account and then choose that account 
> when setting up a PLA campaign - the question is "what is the best way to 
> do this via the API instead of manually". I don't think the links below 
> hold any of these answers.Sorry for any confusion in my question - 
> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 11:03:39 AM UTC-4, Kevin Winter wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   This discusses how to set up the Merchant Center Datafeed: 
>> http://support.google.com/merchants/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=188479
>> And this talks about product listing ads: 
>> http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2456103&from=1306912&rd=1
>> We don't currently have any code examples showing how this is done via 
>> the API.  The API access is currently only available to a limited number of 
>> developers - please contact your CSR for more information: 
>> http://support.google.com/adwords/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=8206&ctx=go&&contactus=1
>> - Kevin Winter
>> AdWords API Team
>> On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 10:51:40 AM UTC-4, API2Go wrote:
>>> Actually I have a two part question - what is the best way to link the 
>>> Merchant Center to the appropriate adwords account via the API and how 
>>> should we enable the adwords campaign to access the merchant center via the 
>>> API?

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Sandbox and accounts hierarchy when MCC manages another MCCs

2012-06-19 Thread Łukasz Śliwa
How to make accounts hierarchy in the sandbox? We need to test some cases 
when our MCC account can manage another MCCs and their clients. Is it 
possible to create account with can_manage_clients=true? I see in 
references that can_manage_clients is readonly.

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2012-06-19 Thread Sander Blokzijl

i'm glad to see that there is a solution for the CATEGORY_ID from the 
TargetingIdeaSelector, Good Work!

the only problem i'm having now is that the service 
returns CATEGORY_PRODUCTS_AND_SERVICES id's that aren't in the resource 
document 'Products & Service Categories'. 

so the following question is:

Are those id's invalid (a bug of the service)? or are there missing 
categories in the resource document?

Sander Blokzijl 

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Re: Reports without the Totals line

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Altman
Yes, that is what we ended up doing.
We LOAD DATA into an intermediate table and then we use a stored procedure 
to copy from there to the "real" table.

As the first column in the report is numeric, but the "Total" word is on 
that column, we had to make that column a varchar on the intermediate table.

Also we have to take care of cleaning up te intermediate table, etc... it 
can be done, but all of these just because of the missing feature does not 
make sense, specially because you would only use a CSV report to import it 
to another system.

Thanks for the reply!

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 6:44:34 AM UTC-3, Artur Meinzer wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I'm also using the LOAD DATA feature to import the reports. A simple way 
> is to import the data and afterwards delete the total line. Works good for 
> me.
> Artur

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Re: Reports without the Totals line

2012-06-19 Thread Daniel Altman
Thanks Davis!

On Monday, June 18, 2012 9:38:42 PM UTC-3, David Torres wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> There is no way at this moment to prevent the totals from appearing in the 
> report, but I'll pass your feedback to the team.
> Best,
> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 12:06:14 PM UTC-4, Daniel Altman wrote:
>> Hi all, I would like to know if anybody knows a way to download reports 
>> using the API in CSV format, but having them come without the line with the 
>> totals that usually comes at the bottom.
>> For you to understand my problem: I am downloading a lot of reports and I 
>> will use the LOAD DATA feature in MySQL to add report contents into a 
>> table. There is an option there to ignore the header lines, so no problem 
>> there, but there is no option for ignoring a footer...so the Totals line 
>> make it impossible to use that technique to import the data.
>> Of course I could open the files programatically and remove the line, but 
>> I am trying to avoid such a dirty approach. 
>> Also, as CSV format is usually used to be imported into another system or 
>> to an Excel sheet, I don´t think it is good to always have the totals in 
>> there. They should be optional at most.
>> Any thoughts? Any way to do it?
>> Thank you very much!
>> Daniel 

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Re: Birth date api

2012-06-19 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello maruti,

This forum is for AdWords API technical questions only. Please check with 
your product specific support team with this question.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Friday, June 15, 2012 7:36:37 PM UTC+4, maruti wrote:
> I am not able to update the Birthdate. (using c# google API )
> My code is as follows: 
>  Contact profile = 
> m_objContactReq.Retrieve(new Uri("
> https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/profiles/domain/"; + DomainName + "/full/" 
> + UserName));
>  profile.ContactEntry.Birthday = "1987-01-07";
>  Contact updatedContact1 = 
> m_objContactReq.Update(profile);
> this code gives following error :-
> "A temporary internal problem has occurred. Try again later."
> Same code is working for another domain. 

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Re: Number of failed operations

2012-06-19 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Vitaly,

We do not provide this information via the API currently. I suggest keeping 
logs with all operation results (including units cost) on the client side 
for monitoring and statistics.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Friday, June 15, 2012 10:08:50 PM UTC+4, vitaly.b...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to find out the number of operations that had failed over a 
> given day.  I do not seem to be able to find any information regarding 
> this.  Is this even possible?
> Thanks,
> v

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Re: Sandbox not generating 5 new accounts

2012-06-19 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello John,

Once you made a getCampaigns request, your sandbox account is initialized. 
The next step is to get the list of accounts (see 
and choose a sub-account to use.

As by default you are 'hitting' an MCC account which can have no campaigns, 
you will always get an empty response. Use the client_customer_id key to 
specify an account under the mcc.

Also, I've recently published a rails-based demo application you may find 
useful, see 

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Saturday, June 16, 2012 12:39:05 AM UTC+4, John Quarto-vonTivadar wrote:
> I had the same challenge as mwunit11:   the response I got back from the 
> sandbox was:
> {"total_num_entries":0,"page_type":"CampaignPage","total_budget":{"period":"DAILY","amount":{"comparable_value_type":"Money","micro_amount":0}}}
> (parsed it as JSON ... I use Rails so this seemed more natural)
> so clearly the call is working since I'm getting something back.  But it's 
> not what I expected from the Sandbox.  Also **why** is the documentation so 
> unfriendly in explaining what to do next? It's written from the perspective 
> of someone who already knows how to work with the API, not from the 
> perspective of someone trying to learn the API.
> Anyway, my short code (based completely on Examples found online):
>  def example1
> adwords = setup_adwords
> #adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new
> campaign_srv = adwords.service(:CampaignService, :v201109_1)
> # Get 'Id', 'Name' and 'Status' fields of all campaigns.
> campaigns = campaign_srv.get({:fields => ['Id', 'Name', 'Status']})
> respond_with campaigns.to_json
>  end
> and
> def setup_adwords
> adwords = AdwordsApi::Api.new({
> :authentication => {
>  :method => 'ClientLogin',
>  :developer_token => 'MY_EMAIL_HERE++USD',
>  :user_agent => 'Ruby Sample',
>  :password => 'MY_PASSWORD_HERE',
>  :email => 'MY_EMAIL_HERE'
>  },
>  :service => {
>:environment => 'SANDBOX'
>  }
> });
> end
> On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 5:42:10 AM UTC-5, Danial Klimkin wrote:
>> Hello mwunit11,
>> Please send me the full XML responses for getCampaign and 
>> getAccountHierarchy over email. Also, please attach auth.ini (make sure to 
>> remove password).
>> -Danial, AdWords API Team.
>> On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 6:43:28 PM UTC+4, mwunit11 wrote:
>>> Hi Danial,
>>> I created a new Google account, and followed the same steps: set the 
>>> values in auth.ini, ran the getCampaigns example script, and then the 
>>> getAccountHeirarchy example script with the exact same results. No accounts 
>>> were generated.
>>> How can we debug this further? I have been trying to get a working 
>>> sandbox account for over a week already, to no avail.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Monday, June 4, 2012 3:05:55 PM UTC+3, Danial Klimkin wrote:

 Hello mwunit11,

 The very first request to the sandbox needs to be getCampaigns in order 
 for it to initialize properly.

 In case it was the first one but you still see no accounts created, 
 please try initializing a new sandbox with another Google account.

 -Danial, AdWords API Team.

 On Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:33:07 PM UTC+4, mwunit11 wrote:
> Hello,
> I downloaded the API library for PHP, edited the settings.ini to read:
> DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://adwords-sandbox.google.com";
> and edited the auth.ini to read:
> email = "**@gmail.com"
> password = "*"
> userAgent = "MWWP"
> developerToken = "@gmail.com++USD"
> I ran /examples/v201109_1/BasicOperations/GetCampaigns.php  which 
> produced:
> "No campaigns were found."
> I then 
> ran /examples/v201109_1/AccountManagement/GetAccountHierarchy.php which 
> produced:
> (Customer Id, Account Name/Login, Link Status) 0, @gmail.com, 
> N/A
> Am I doing something wrong? How come 5 test accounts are not being 
> generated? Do I need to be using an MCC google account?
> thanks!

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Re: how adwords maintains frequency cap time unit

2012-06-19 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello rr,

This forum is focused on the questions specific to the API part of the 
AdWords. I suggest to check with the general AdWords support resources for 
product-related questions like this one, see:


I believe it is the latter.

-Danial, AdWords API Team.

On Monday, June 18, 2012 11:06:32 AM UTC+4, rr wrote:
> hi all,
> im very new to google adwords api,i have a doubt in setting frequency cap 
> for campaign
> in frequnecy cap , there is timeunit enum(DAY,WEEK,MONTH,YEAR,LIFETIME)
> my doubt is here WEEK means CALENDAR week or week counting from campaign 
> start date as well as MONTH and YEAR also
> Thanks&Regadrs
> rr.

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Re: Reports without the Totals line

2012-06-19 Thread Artur Meinzer
Hi Daniel,

I'm also using the LOAD DATA feature to import the reports. A simple way is 
to import the data and afterwards delete the total line. Works good for me.


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Keywords disappear

2012-06-19 Thread Artur Meinzer
I was trying to delete some keywords and I got an error which says 
"INVALID_ID". It seems that these keywords don't exist in the live account, 
but in my database they exist. They were downloaded some time ago using the 
keywords performance report and I update them every day. How can this be? I 
have a group in the database which has 83 keywords, but in the live account 
there are only 42 and no deleted keywords.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Using reports to sync account structure

2012-06-19 Thread Oliver
Thanks David.

How else would you recommend one gets only the account structure in a way 
that remains consistent? Is there any other way an account structure can be 
fetched without using the method I described?


On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:31:39 AM UTC+1, David Torres wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> Your assumptions are correct at the moment, so you can use "attribute" 
> type of fields to obtain all structural data including zero impressions. 
> But there is no guarantee that we won't introduce "attribute" fields that 
> will prevent zero impressions in the future.
> Best,
> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 8:55:57 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote:
>> mm, thanks for your help.
>> Anash, I went through all the reports types looking for the 'prevents 
>> zero impressions' note.  Here is my conclusion:
>> - The account structure is defined by fields that have 
>> "Behavior=Attribute" in the performance reports.  I don't care about other 
>> fields when updating the account structure.
>> - None of the 'Attribute' fields in any of the reports has a 'prevents 
>> zero impression' note (except for 2 fields, but these look very odd to me 
>> and I'm posting a separate question about them).
>> Hence, from the above, am I right in concluding that I can indeed get 
>> back the full account structure by specifying ONLY the 'Attribute' fields 
>> when requesting the reports?
>> Oliver
>> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 6:09:28 AM UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen wrote:
>>> Hi Oliver,
>>> See the report fields listed on 
>>> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports. If you 
>>> include certain fields in a report, it prevents zero impression rows from 
>>> being returned even if you have set includeZeroImpressions as true. Such 
>>> columns are explicitly documented on this page (e.g.  Date column in 
>>> Campaign Performance Report). Check if your report definition includes any 
>>> column that prevents zero impression rows from being returned.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anash P. Oommen,
>>> AdWords API Advisor.
>>> On Tuesday, 12 June 2012 20:40:27 UTC+5:30, Oliver wrote:


 What is the best way to synchronize our local database record of the 
 account structure with that from the API?

 We can get the x_performance_report for each entity and compare the 
 return result with what we have locally.  However, we believe the 
 performance reports do NOT return all the entities (that don't have data) 
 even when includeZeroImpressions is set to TRUE as confirmed by the 

 "...but be aware that setting it to "true" does not guarantee that 
 zero-impression rows will be returned.".

 How else can one ensure we're getting back all the account entities 
 irrespective of their performance data or statuses, etc.


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Re: What are these two fields in performnace reports?

2012-06-19 Thread Oliver
Thanks David.

1) So what is the semantics of the 'IsNegative' field in the Keywords 
Performance Report?  Is it saying this is a negative keyword in the adgroup?

2) Which keyword is the 'keywordId' in the SearchQuery Report referring 
to?  Is this the keyword that triggered this search query?



On Tuesday, June 19, 2012 1:36:32 AM UTC+1, David Torres wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
> 1) The IsNegative field is also included in the ad performance report, 
> unfortunately at the moment we don't have a way to distinguish the same 
> field documentation from each report, so what the note is saying is that 
> when used in the Ad Performance report it will prevent zero impression rows.
> 2) Same reason as above.
> I'll work with my team to fix this ambiguity in the docs.
> Best,
> -David Torres - AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, June 14, 2012 9:00:55 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote:
>> Can someone please shed some light what these two reports fields are for:
>> 1) In the Keywords Performance Report there is a "isNegative" field with 
>> a note that says:
>> "Prevents zero-impression rows from being returned in Ad Performance 
>> Report"
>> Why is it referring to the Ad performance report?  And what kind of a 
>> negative keyword is this (adgroup negative?)
>> 2) In the Search Query Performance Report there is a "KeywordId" fields 
>> with a note that says:
>> "In the Ad Performance Report this field contains the ID of the criterion 
>> that triggered the ad, segmenting the report and preventing zero 
>> impressions. The ID can be for any type of criterion, including placements, 
>> verticals, etc. Cross-reference with the Criteria Report to determine the 
>> criteria type and details"
>> Again, why is referring to the Ad reports?
>> Thanks
>> Oliver

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