Re: python-client: How to use existing OAuth 1.0 token

2012-07-20 Thread Dorian Kind
I think I got my OAuth concepts mixed up between versions 1 and 2, please 
disregard this question.


On Thursday, July 19, 2012 6:45:44 PM UTC+2, Dorian Kind wrote:


 I have a question regarding the use of OAuth1.0 tokens in the Python 
 client library. The example in 
 is performing the whole authentification flow by itself, starting from 
 consumer ID and secret.
 However, we perform authentication in a different component and just get 
 passed an OAuth HTTP authorization header, like this:

 Authorization: OAuth oauth_body_hash=BL[...], oauth_version=1.0, 
 oauth_timestamp=13[...], oauth_nonce=20[...], oauth_token=1%2F[...], 
 oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1, oauth_signature=xm[...]

 Now in what form do I need to pass the above header elements 
 into client.oauth_credentials for OAuth to work? It seems like I have to 
 provide an 'oauth_handler' in the configuration in order to sign and format 
 the request parameters, but I think there should be no need for that as the 
 credentials above are ready to be sent as is.

 Many thanks for any pointers and best regards,

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Re: How to get ClickType, Device Stats using get service of AdGroupService

2012-07-20 Thread road11
Not sure it's possible using the AdGroupService. As I look through the API 
doces (*
I don't see any place where those data items are selectable. I haven't been 
working with this API for a long time, but what I've seen is if you want 
metrics that get down to a granular level like that, you pretty much have 
to use AdHocs. But I could be wrong (somebody correct me if I am).

On Friday, July 20, 2012 4:58:42 AM UTC-4, Sanju wrote:


 how can I get Stats of adGroup with respect of Device, Search and Display 
 network and ClickType using get service of AdGroupService. I can get 
 through AdHoc reports but I want to get through get service.

 *My code follows like this:*
 Long adrpId = Long.parseLong(X);*
 Selector selector = new Selector();
 String startDate =20120701;
 String endDate = 20120701;
 selector.setDateRange(new DateRange(startDate, endDate));
 selector.setFields(new String[] {
 AdNetworkType1,AdNetworkType2,Device, ClickType,
 Impressions, Clicks, Cost, 

 Predicate adgrpIdPredicate = new Predicate(Id, PredicateOperator.IN, 
 new String[] {adrpId.toString()});
 selector.setPredicates(new Predicate[] {adgrpIdPredicate});

 // Get all ad groups.
 AdGroupPage page = adGroupService.get(selector);

 // Display ad groups.
 if (page.getEntries() != null) {
 for (AdGroup adGroup : page.getEntries()) {
   // here I need to display each adgroup clicks, impressions of 
 network and device wise 

 Thnx in adv.

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Re: OAuth - didn't see it mentioned so I thought I'd ask

2012-07-20 Thread Kevin Winter
Hi VijayRaj,
  I just set up a new eclipse project that only had the jars from 
adwords-axis-examples-1.5.0-dependencies and added the source of the 
examples.  I then ran GetCampaigns (which used my homedir 
file) successfully.  What's different about your environment?  Are you 
using an IDE?  What else is on the classpath besides these jars?

- Kevin Winter
AdWords API Team

On Tuesday, July 17, 2012 3:43:20 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:

 Hi Kevin,

 I have included all the dependency jars from 
 *in my projectWhile trying to get Campaigns I get the following error Illegal character in opaque part at index 7
 at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.normalizePath(
 at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs$DefaultUrlTypes$3.matches(
 at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL(
 at org.reflections.vfs.Vfs.fromURL(
 at org.reflections.Reflections.scan(
 at org.reflections.Reflections.init(

 Do you have any idea about this error. Any help will be grateful.


 On Thursday, 31 May 2012 19:45:11 UTC+5:30, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:

 Hi Kevin,

 I have filed an issue in the issue trackerKindly have a look at it 
 and let us know about the status..


 On Wednesday, 30 May 2012 00:24:34 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:

 Hi VijayRaj,
   I think this is a bug in our maven pom.xml - it's pulling in an old 
 version of the google oauth libs that doesn't have this field and it goes 
 first on the classpath overriding the more recent entry.  Could you please 
 file an issue on our issue tracker while we figure out how best to fix 

 - Kevin Winter
 AdWords API Team

 On Monday, May 28, 2012 10:50:39 AM UTC-4, VijayRaj Chauhan wrote:

 Hi Kevin,

 I have been trying Oauth1.0a authentication from the link which you 
 have mentioned earlier
 also extracted all the dependencies from the file 
 b*ut I still get an error mentioning that *GoogleOAuthGetTemporaryToken
 * and *GoogleOAuthGetAccessToken* does not have *transport* variable 
 i.e., the error comes from line no. 67 and 102 in that above example...Am 
 missing something?? Could you pls help me in getting this work??


 On Friday, 27 April 2012 11:51:02 UTC+5:30, Anash P. Oommen wrote:

 Hi Ewan,

 Also look at
 This could limit how big a report you can download and process on 

 Anash P. Oommen,
 AdWords API Advisor.

 On Friday, 6 April 2012 18:55:53 UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter wrote:

 Hi Ewan,
   In theory (and for very simple usage), yes.  However, we're still 
 troubleshooting this issue:

 We've narrowed it down to some interaction with the Jax-ws generated 
 classes and production appengine - we've been able to reproduce with 
 AdWords and DFP and are currently following up with google internal 

 If your use case only needs to instantiate 2 or so services in a 
 task, you should be fine.  Performing complex multi-service tasks will 
 cause App Engine to crash for now.  Report downloads are unaffected, as 
 they don't need to instantiate a service.

 - Kevin Winter
 AdWords API Team

 On Friday, April 6, 2012 8:49:01 AM UTC-4, Ewan Heming wrote:

 Hi Kevin,

 Does this version of the Java Client Library work with App Engine 



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Re: API developer token taking crazy long

2012-07-20 Thread Benoit Bacuvier
Hello Kevin,

We have been waiting for months and our latest email from the API team made 
no sense:

usage of the AdWords API exclusively for Targeting Idea Service (TIS) and 
Traffic Estimation Service (TES) such as keyword research and keyword 
suggestions is not allowed (so we are denied access). 

1. The interesting thing is that we have no plans to us TIS/TES and that 
our project has absolutely nothing to do with this answer (did someone read 
our email - we wonder). It feels like asking how is the weather today and 
being answered my name is John Smith. Obviously, we have answered back 
(an angry reply, since, after 15 emails, many posts on this forum - we are 
going crazy). this is not an acceptable way to treat people who work hard 
to develop their business and google's business. 

2. The other interesting thing is that we have access to an MCC for which 
we are denied API access (well it is in approval state for month - id = 
334 739 5535) while, simultaneously, we have access to an MMC which has an 
approved token (243-027-2525 - we have been provided access since this 
company wants us to help them with automating some of their tasks).

Maybe we should put these 2 MCCs under one client center to see what occurs?

This is a nightmare.

Thank you for your time. 

Le lundi 16 juillet 2012 14:02:10 UTC+2, max a écrit :

 Hi Kevin

 I have also been waiting for more than 6 weeks, my customer id is 

 On a similar note, is there a similar API offering for Doubleclick? 
 Ideally I need to be able to pull client report data from adwords and 
 doubleclick but i'm finding it much more difficult to find any info about 
 the DC api?


 On Thursday, May 3, 2012 7:45:07 PM UTC+1, Kevin Winter wrote:

 Hi Maarten,
   The review process currently takes a while, due to a backlog of 
 applications and more stringent requirements (see here for more info: ).  However, 
 end of last year is pretty long ago.  Could you please contact me off-list 
 with your account details? Particularly the Customer ID of the MCC account 
 you applied on.

 - Kevin Winter
 AdWords API Team

 On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 9:19:01 AM UTC-4, maarten wrote:


 Could someone tell me what the normal duration is for the API developer 
 token approval? We have requested access late 2011, and the token is still 
 Pending Approval. We have had requests for additional information three 
 times now, and have sent the information each time.

 Is there any way to speed up the process? We have customers waiting for 
 our software, and they are getting very impatient. When sending email to there is no reply at all.



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Re: Problems with ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport with .NET 14.5.0 client library

2012-07-20 Thread Bejan @ MarketFlare
We ran into the same issue after moving to the .NET 14.6 library. 

To fix this we had to edit source and recompile the Google.AdWords.dll. 
Line 45 in ReportUtilities.cs (Util\Reports) was updated:

from -

private const string DEFAULT_REPORT_VERSION = v201109;

to -

private const string DEFAULT_REPORT_VERSION = v201206; //or to 
whichever version you are using... looks like v201109_1 in your case

Now we no longer receive the invalid content error. 

As for the other issue of code execution hanging we did not experience this 
enough to see a pattern or problem. For this type of issue maybe RX 
ToObservable could help if DownloadClientReport is run as a Task:

Add RX (System.Reactive.dll) and ExtensionMethod:

public static Task TimeoutAfter(this Task task, int 
millisecondsTimeout) {

I learned about this from here (credit to the first comment there) -

On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:26:05 AM UTC-7, Alexander Nitschke wrote:

 I have a few problems since upgrading to the .NET 14.5.0 library (newest 
 version as of now):

 ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport doesn't work when used with v201109_1 
 ReportDefinition. It gives the following error:
 Report contents are invalid. - !!!2|||-1|||cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid 
 content was found starting with element 'selector'. One of '{,}' is 

 Ok, so I use the old v201109 ReportDefinition which works... actually, 
 only so far. The DownloadClientReport just hangs itself randomly in roughly 
 1 out of 200 reports, no rhyme or reason to these reports. This is 
 happening without an exception, the code execution just hangs there and 
 never finishes (several hours at least, probably never is correct).

 This is very annoying since I have to stop the background process, reset a 
 date in our database and start it again, so that report downloading can 
 continue - and this is supposed to happen at 4:00 in the night, so that the 
 previous day data is up and running for our clients as soon as possible. 
 Not to mention that downloading and working with the report data (there is 
 a lot to be done with our bid automatization algorithms) slows down our 
 server, so it usually happens from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. But since we have more 
 than 200 clients there is hardly a day since the upgrade when I have to 
 stop the process and start it again, and the first hours of the day are 
 running on a slower server.

 If DownloadClientReport would throw an exception at least, or allow for a 
 time limit, I could work out a workaround. But it doesn't, and the Try ... 
 Catch routine also doesn't allow for a time limit.

 Could you please look into this issue, and correct it soon? Also, any tips 
 for a workaround are very helpful, especially since I'm scheduled for a two 
 week vacation next Monday, and already see myself dealing every morining 
 with this issue.

On Wednesday, July 4, 2012 5:26:05 AM UTC-7, Alexander Nitschke wrote:

 I have a few problems since upgrading to the .NET 14.5.0 library (newest 
 version as of now):

 ReportUtilities.DownloadClientReport doesn't work when used with v201109_1 
 ReportDefinition. It gives the following error:
 Report contents are invalid. - !!!2|||-1|||cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid 
 content was found starting with element 'selector'. One of '{,}' is 

 Ok, so I use the old v201109 ReportDefinition which works... actually, 
 only so far. The DownloadClientReport just hangs itself randomly in roughly 
 1 out of 200 reports, no rhyme or reason to these reports. This is 
 happening without an exception, the code execution just hangs there and 
 never finishes (several hours at least, probably never is correct).

 This is very annoying since I have to stop the background process, reset a 
 date in our database and start it again, so that report downloading can 
 continue - and this is supposed to happen at 4:00 in the night, so that the 
 previous day data is up and running for our clients as soon as possible. 
 Not to mention that downloading and working with the report data (there is 
 a lot to be done with our bid automatization algorithms) slows down our 
 server, so it usually happens from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. But since we have more 
 than 200 clients there is hardly a day since the upgrade when I have to 
 stop the process and start it again, and the first hours of the day are 
 running on a slower server.

 If DownloadClientReport would throw an exception at least, or allow for a 
 time limit, I could work out a workaround. But it doesn't, and the Try ... 
 Catch routine also doesn't 

Bulk Job Issue with more than one Bulk Part Index.

2012-07-20 Thread API2Go
- We have one bulk job that we split in 3 bulk parts (each bulk part with 
up to 10,000 operations limit).
- Using the Google's .net client library v201109 (, we call 
- The first bulk part gets submitted successfully (Operator.SET) and we get 
back a bulk job ID = -7429544606581970416.
- Next, we try to send the second bulk part (Operator.ADD) using the same 
bulk job ID (-7429544606581970416). But, here an exception occurs within 
the Google's library:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  at System.Object.GetType()
  at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsSoapClient.ShouldRetry(Exception ex)
  at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.MakeApiCall(String methodName, 
Object[] parameters)
  at Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib.AdWordsSoapClient.MakeApiCall(String 
methodName, Object[] parameters)
  at Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsSoapClient.Invoke(String methodName, 
Object[] parameters)

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