Re: Adwords Api Errors: OperationAccessDenied.MUTATE_ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CLIENT

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Alex,

My apologies for the late response. I have received your message privately.

I was checking this with the team and have filed a bug on this as there might 
be an issue with the service. We will provide you with updates once available.

Google Ads API Team

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RE: PageOnePromotedBiddingScheme

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Mélanie,

Thank you for reaching out to our team.

Could you try something similar to the one below, as seen in the (highlighted) 
PHP version of the Add Campaigns example :

// Set bidding strategy (required).
$biddingStrategyConfiguration = new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
BiddingStrategyType::MANUAL_CPC );

and change yours to : $biddingStrategy->setType( 
BiddingStrategyType::PAGE_ONE_PROMOTED )

Should the issue persist, and since this appears to be more of a PHP client 
library implementation concern, you may reach out to the PHP client library 
owners via this link as they are better equipped to assist you regarding this 

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Google Ads API Team

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RE: APIException

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Ignacio,

Thanks for reaching out to our support team.

So I can better assist you, could you provide a copy of your code and the 
complete SOAP request and response logs that were generated when the error 
occurred? If you haven't enabled SOAP logging yet, you can refer to this guide 
for the Java client library as to how.

You may then send the details using the Reply privately to author option.

Best regards,
Google Ads API Team

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2019-09-17 Thread Ignacio Guillermo Martinez

Hello, I need to create a GmailAd. However, when modifying the code example 

Adding my own AdGroupId, I get the following exception:

*Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors: Error 0: 
NullError{apiErrorType=NullError, errorString=NullError.NULL_CONTENT, 
fieldPath=media[0].data, fieldPathElements=[FieldPathElement{field=media, 
index=0}, FieldPathElement{field=data}], reason=NULL_CONTENT, trigger=}*

I have investigated about the NullError exception:

However the code example doesn't seem to have any issues (nothing seems to 
be null when printing it).

Appreciate any help at this point.

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2019-09-17 Thread Mélanie Macias
I'm getting the ERROR --> [RequestError.UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_IS_USED @ 
operations[0].operand.type; trigger:'PAGE_ONE_PROMOTED']
This is my PHP code for creating a campaing with PageOnePromotedBidding

private static function createBiddingStrategy(
AdWordsServices $adWordsServices,
AdWordsSession $session
) {
$biddingStrategyService = $adWordsServices->get($session, 

// Create a portfolio bidding strategy.
$biddingStrategy = new SharedBiddingStrategy();
$biddingStrategy->setName("Maximize Clicks " . uniqid());

$biddingScheme = new PageOnePromotedBiddingScheme();
// Optionally set additional bidding scheme parameters.
$bidCeiling = new Money();



// Create the bidding strategy operation.
$operation = new BiddingStrategyOperation();

$result = $biddingStrategyService->mutate([$operation]);
$newBiddingStrategy = $result->getValue()[0];
"Portfolio bidding strategy with name '%s' and ID %d of 
type %s was created.\n",

return $newBiddingStrategy;

Can somebody help me???

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Geo_Performance_Report Returns Zero For Live Accounts

2019-09-17 Thread YG
Hey all,

We are having a bit of issue accessing geo_performance_report. We have 
basic level API access (We can access live accounts)

We are running AWQL in Java.
Here's the code for authentication

public static void main(String[] args) {
AdWordsSession session;
try {
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential.
Credential oAuth2Credential =
new OfflineCredentials.Builder()

AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices = 

List ids = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
"123-456- <541-659-9527>7890",
"234-567- <541-659-9527>8901",

for (String id : ids) {
// Construct an AdWordsSession.
try {
session =
new AdWordsSession.Builder()
runExample(adWordsServices, session);
} catch (Exception e) {

} catch (OAuthException e) {
} catch (ValidationException e) {

Once we've authenticated, we run the following method

public static void runExample(AdWordsServicesInterface adWordsServices, 
AdWordsSession session)
throws ReportDownloadResponseException, ReportException, IOException {
ReportQuery query =
new ReportQuery.Builder()
.fields("AccountDescriptiveName", "Conversions", 
"Clicks", "Impressions", "Cost", "CountryCriteriaId")

ReportingConfiguration reportingConfiguration =
new ReportingConfiguration.Builder()

ReportDownloaderInterface reportDownloader =
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {

final ReportDownloadResponse response =

reader = new BufferedReader(new 
InputStreamReader(response.getInputStream(), UTF_8));

String line;
Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',');
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {

} finally {
if (reader != null) {

Here's the (partial) result:

Sep 16, 2019 5:20:21 PM 
INFO: Request made: Service: reportdownload Method: POST clientCustomerId: 
XXX-XXX- URL: Request ID: 
null ResponseTime(ms): null OperationsCount: null IsFault: false 
FaultMessage: null
"GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT (Aug 18, 2019-Sep 16, 2019)"
Total,0.00,0,0,0, --

Total impressions by ad network type 1:

Sep 16, 2019 5:20:23 PM 
INFO: Request made: Service: reportdownload Method: POST clientCustomerId: 
XXX-XXX- URL: Request ID: 
null ResponseTime(ms): null OperationsCount: null IsFault: false 
FaultMessage: null
"GEO_PERFORMANCE_REPORT (Aug 17, 2019-Sep 15, 2019)"
Total,0.00,0,0,0, --

Total impressions by ad network type 1:

As you can see the results are all zero. These are live accounts that spend 
6 figures per month. They cannot be zero.

We are not sure what's causing this issue. One team member thinks this 
might be an authentication issue. We ran another report 
(campaign_performance_report) and it worked fine (using the same auth 
method) so personally I don't think this is an authentication issue. 
Further more, if it's auth issue, I feel like the API should 

Can't get Campaign Audience bids through API.

2019-09-17 Thread Dariusz Ciemięga
On a test account my campaign has two audiences with set bids

[image: Screenshot 2019-09-17 at 14.41.51.png]

but I can't get them with *GoogleAdsService* and query *SELECT 
campaign_criterion.type, campaign_criterion.bid_modifier FROM 
campaign_criterion .*
Can You help me?

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Not receiving some data fields from Google Ads API Beta v2 Search Queries

2019-09-17 Thread Dylan McBurnett

I'm trying to use the Google Ads Beta API Interactive Search Query Builder 

with the google-ads-python  
repo to gather information for a dashboard. I'm successfully able to 
retrieve about half of the information I'm looking for, but some of the 
queries created by the Builder either return no data or indicate an error 
with the query that I do not understand.

Code I'm using to run the queries:

from __future__ import absolute_import
import argparse
import six
import sys
def main(client, customer_id, page_size):
ga_service = client.get_service('GoogleAdsService', version='v2')

# query1 successfully returns data for:,, 
segments.device, campaign.shopping_setting.campaign_priority
# query1 returns no data for bidding_strategy.type, language_code, 
query1 = ( 'SELECT,, '
'segments.ad_network_type, segments.device, '
'bidding_strategy.type, campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.language_code, 
'campaign.shopping_setting.campaign_priority, '
'campaign_budget.type, campaign.url_custom_parameters '
'FROM campaign '
'LIMIT 20')
# query2 returns no data for bidding_strategy.type or name
query2 = ( 'SELECT bidding_strategy.type,, '
'FROM bidding_strategy '
'LIMIT 20')

results =, query=query#NUMBER#, page_size
print str(results)
for row in results:
print ' ROW DATA'
print str(row)
print('Campaign with ID %d and name/Priority "%s" was found.'
% (, row.campaign.shopping_setting.campaign_priority))
# % (,
except as ex:
print 'Why are you so wrong?'
print('Request with ID "%s" failed with status "%s" and includes the '
'following errors:' % (ex.request_id, ex.error.code().name))
for error in ex.failure.errors:
print('\tError with message "%s".' % error.message)
if error.location:
for field_path_element in error.location.field_path_elements:
print('\t\tOn field: %s' % field_path_element.field_name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the
# home directory if none is specified.
google_ads_client = (
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Lists all campaigns for specified customer.')
# The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example.
parser.add_argument('-c', '--customer_id', type=six.text_type,
required=True, help='The Google Ads customer ID.')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(google_ads_client, args.customer_id, _DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)

Here's a summary of the values I'm searching for, the query language I 
provided, and the responses I received.

*Fields that don't work in my queries:*
*- Desired Field : '*query formatting provided by Query Builder'

- *Bid Strategy Type .. this is query2 in the code above*: 
FROM bidding_strategy' 
> returns no data, when requesting 'FROM campaign' response object 
comes back with other requested data but nothing for Bid Strategy Type
> returns Invalid Argument Error when requesting 'FROM 
bidding_strategy' look at 'query2' in code below ..
Terminal Logs for my query2
Dylan-McBurnetts-MacBook-Pro:basic_operations dylanmcburnett$ 
./ -c 2036267401 
 hello No 
handlers could be found for logger "" Why are 
you so wrong? Request with ID "7CjQwf-ivGcDF1ApnrDmTQ" failed with status 
"INVALID_ARGUMENT" and includes the following errors: Error with message 
"Error in SELECT clause: invalid field name 'FROM'.".

- *Language Code* : 'campaign.dynamic_search_ads_setting.language_code FROM 
-> No data returned

- *Location*: 'location_view.resource_name FROM location_view' 
-> No data returned

- *Active Bid Adjustment*: 'campaign_criterion.bid_modifier FROM 

- *Custom Parameters: *'campaign.url_custom_parameters FROM campaign'

*Negative Keywords*: returns an empty object fro the query below
queryNegKey = ( 'SELECT '
 ', '
 'keyword_plan_negative_keyword.keyword_plan_campaign, ' 
keyword_plan_negative_keyword.resource_name '
'FROM keyword_plan_negative_keyword '
'LIMIT 50' )
*Fields that do work: *queries for the values below all work indicating 
that my access and permissions are correct as far as I can tell
- Campaign ID: ''
- Campaign Name: ''
- Network : ' segments.ad_network_type'
- Delivery: 'campaign_budget.delivery_method'
- Device: 'segments.device'
- Campaign 

RE: Migrate fields to Google Ads

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

The ad_group_criterion.negative, label.resource_name and cannot be 
selected with ad_group_ad resource. This is the reason you are getting 
incompatible error. The list of fields that can be selected along with this 
resource are listed here. You could use the ad_group_criterion resource or 
label resource to get ad_group_criterion.negative, label.resource_name and value respectively. Please find below the sample report queries for 

SELECT, ad_group.resource_name, ad_group_criterion.criterion_id, 
ad_group_criterion.negative FROM ad_group_criterion LIMIT 100

SELECT,, label.resource_name, FROM label LIMIT 

Similar can be handled for other resources as well. You could use 
feed_placeholder_view, feed_item_target and detail_placement_view to query the 
resource and the fields that can be selected along with the resources. Let us 
know if you have any additional concerns.

Nikisha Patel, Google Ads API Team

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2019-09-17 Thread Deborah Perez
Hi I am using Python 3.7 and Google Ads API Beta v2.

In building a query, I attempted to use the operator CONTAINS ALL  with the 
WHERE clause for I received this error: "CONTAINS ALL is not 
a valid operator to use with '' in WHERE clause. Valid 
operators: =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, 

The LIKE operator does not take a list and I will be using a list. It seems 
REGEXP_MATCH may be helpful but I can't find documentation on how to use 
REGEXP_MATCH. Can someone give me an example so that I can see the proper 

Thank you for your help

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Re: Get country from Google Ads API Reports

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Alexey,

You may see data delays for your reports due to Data Freshness. Metrics such as 
clicks may not be up to date until 3 hours later. The Geo Performance Report 
maps to the Geographic report in the UI.

Google Ads API Team

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RE: Conversion Offline API Google Ads v2

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Adrian,

You have to refer to the Importing call conversions guide from here. The 
uploaded conversions data will be connected to the call extensions of the 
campaign that leaded to that conversion. Now while uploading conversions you 
can only upload them to the account after they are segregates to the other 
entities internally. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team

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RE: Google Local Ads Api

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hello Adrian,

In this support channel we will answer technical concerns related to the Google 
Ads API/ AdWords API only. The Local Services Ads are not supported via our 
API. I could contact their support channel from here for any other information.

Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team

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Set Audiences for Campaign

2019-09-17 Thread tony teo
I've read doccument of Google Ads Api but I really don't how to set 
audiences style for Campaign or Adgroup because the docucment didn't 
mention about it
Please help me, thank you in advance

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Internal Error with more than 15000 ids in In clause

2019-09-17 Thread Clemens Niemeyer
Hello Google Ads API Team, 

while porting to the new Google Ads API we are facing a problem with 
certain queries that simply return an INTERNAL_ERROR. 

One thing we could validate, is that this is certain for some queries with 
a lot of Ids in the `IN`-Clause. As there is nothing specified in the 
documentation, we tried a few numbers and found out that queries with more 
than 15000 ids result in an Error. See sample below. 

So we split the query into multiple queries with less than 15000 ids in the 
IN-Clause. Here comes the interesting part: it works if for each query a 
new client is created with the Java-Library, but if the same client is 
reused to query the search service, again an INTERNAL_ERROR is returned 
from the API.

We already tried to make use of the PageSize, but it doesnt matter. The 
error is instantly returned, even before the first page gets returned.

Our questions are:
1) Is there something else that is wrong with the query below?
2) Is there an official limit for values within an IN-clause for the new 
Google Ads Api?
3) Is there any limit to queries per client instance in the Java Library?
4) Do these INTERNAL_ERRORS only occur during beta? As they are sometimes 
thrown and sometimes not.

If you need additional information, please let me know.


Sample Query that fails with an INTERNAL_ERROR: 

AND ad_group_ad.status in ('ENABLED', 'PAUSED') 
AND IN (... > 15000 ids ...)

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Invalid tocpic path

2019-09-17 Thread tony teo
I've created topic negative for campaign criterion but when I mutated 
operation, I got error with message: Invalid path
My Code: 

def create_topic_operation(client,campaign_resource):

campaign_criterion_operation_topic = 
campaign_criterion_topic = campaign_criterion_operation_topic.create
campaign_criterion_topic.type = client.get_type('CriterionTypeEnum').TOPIC
campaign_criterion_topic.campaign.value = campaign_resource
campaign_criterion_topic.negative.value =True
temp = ["Apparel & Accessories"]
for item in temp :
topic_path = campaign_criterion_topic.topic.path.add()
topic_path.value = item.strip()

return campaign_criterion_operation_topic

My Error:
 message: "Invalid topic path."
  trigger {
string_value: "[Apparel & Accessories]"
  location {
field_path_elements {
  field_name: "operations"
  index {
value: 14
field_path_elements {
  field_name: "create"
field_path_elements {
  field_name: "topic"
Please help me! Thank you in advance

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RE: Getting "Missing report definition" while i'm calling Google AdWords API

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Tang,

Apologies for the delay. Our team is looking into the issue and will get back 
to you as soon as we have an update on this. Let us know if you have any other 
concerns related to Adwords API/Google Ads API.

Nikisha Patel, Google Ads API Team

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Google Local Ads Api

2019-09-17 Thread Adrian Lara
Hi Team,

I need information for API. 

Adrian Lara.

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Re: Aggregating impression share data

2019-09-17 Thread Jamie Tomkins

Thanks for the response! 

Yeah, I'm aware of the fact that they're different metrics. We just used 
avg pos as an indicator of where's there's headroom in auctions and 
therefore where we might be able to make gains via more aggressive bids, 
however with it being sunsetted we're switching in a combination of impr 
share and the top/absolute top to indicate where we might be able to find 

We have few campaigns capped by budget so hopefully that would not cause 
those extra ones to come into effect. As you say we've tried to add in 
arbitrary values for the masked ones but that obviously didn't work. Just 
wasn't sure if other people might have been able to come up with a solution 
that we hadn't thought of! 

Thanks for the advice! We'll go away and look at the possibility of pulling 
the multiple reports - i'm not sure whether it's plausible across all of 
the accounts but we'll see! 

Thanks again!

On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 10:47:43 UTC+1, Zweitze wrote:
> Well, you can't accurately aggregate those results. To do so, you would 
> need a replacement value for "<10%" and ">90%", and, whatever you do you 
> know you will be wrong. And even if you have none of such values I doubt 
> the numbers add up. For instance, on campaign level the number of missed 
> impressions because of insufficient campaign budget is included. It's 
> doubtful such numbers are also included on lower levels. But that is a 
> discussion to be held outside this forum, as it's not related to API.
> Anyway - the only solution is to download more reports, with different 
> settings. In our case, we also have results segmented by date, and 
> therefore we download aggregated by day, by month, and by quarter. Not nice 
> but there is no other way. Although requested, we decided NOT to download 
> per week or US-week, the latter goes from Sunday till Saturday. Sacrifices 
> are needed here.
> In your case I suggest to download by keyword AND group AND campaign AND 
> account (four reports). And, if necessary, download these reports with and 
> without segments device and network, bringing you to sixteen reports per 
> account.
> Further, you mentioned you are doing this because of the sunset of average 
> position. You should realize impression share is a different metric.
> Hope this helps.
> On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:34:34 AM UTC+2, Jamie Tomkins wrote:
>> We're trying to aggregate the data pulled from the keywords performance 
>> report up through the hierarchy - keyword>ad group>campaign>account (the 
>> data is also segmented by device and network). However we're having issues 
>> with the various imp. share values as the ">10%" results are making it 
>> impossible to aggregate upwards accurately. There are big discrepancies 
>> between our numbers and what we're seeing in the online interface
>> We need some sort of view on this for internal reporting and are 
>> struggling to come up with a solution. Is anyone else looking at doing this 
>> with the sunsetting of avg pos/does anyone know any way around the issue?

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Re: RATE_LIMIT error... forever?

2019-09-17 Thread Marcos Gil Fuertes
OK, will try it.

So... it's not my account limit, I guess... right?

Marcos Gil Fuertes

El lun., 16 sept. 2019 a las 21:32, Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod (<>) escribió:

> Hello Marcos,
> In such case can you try using exponential back off policy mentioned here
> ?
> Please try to increase the amount of time you are waiting after every
> failure until the request is successful. Please give it a try and let me
> know if you have any further questions.
> Regards,
> Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGvIT:ref

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Migrate fields to Google Ads

2019-09-17 Thread Project YSS
*Hi, *when we migrate from AdwordAPI to GA API:
report type: ad_performance_report and fields: fields IsNegative, LabelIds, 
we got one problem:
Based on the migrate document, it will have resource and fields as the 
resource: ad_group_ad and fields: ad_group_criterion.negative, 
But when we call API with resource and fields as above, we got a message: 
"Cannot select fields from the following resources: 'AD_GROUP_CRITERION', 
'LABEL', since the resource is incompatible with the resource in FROM 
Can you please tell me why we got that and is there any way we can achieve 
the above fields with corresponding resource(ad_group_ad: 
ad_group_criterion.negative, label.resource_name,
And the same question for reports and fields:
resource: feed_item and fields: feed_placeholder_view.placeholder_type, 
resource: managed_placement_view  and fields: 

Thank you, 

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Re: Adwords Api Errors: OperationAccessDenied.MUTATE_ACTION_NOT_PERMITTED_FOR_CLIENT

2019-09-17 Thread Alex
Hi Dannison,

I send an private reply which includes answer to your questions with some 

Please check and let us know If you need more information.


On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 10:40:17 AM UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor 
> Hi Alex,
> Thank you for providing the logs privately.
> After checking the logs, I have come up with the following additional 
> questions below to further investigate the issue : 
>1. The error you are encountering could be related to your OAuth2 
>Credentials. Could you confirm if you are encountering the same issue when 
>mutating other entities? Could you also provide the email address you used 
>to generate your OAuth2 Credentials so I could further check? 
>2. I could not find the Ad ID specified in your logs. Could you 
>confirm if this ad indeed exists in your account? You could use the 
>and confirm whether it is returned or not. If it is not returned, you 
> could 
>use an existing ad id instead. 
>3. Could you also confirm what is the original status of the ad you 
>are trying to set to ENABLED? 
> Regards,
> Dannison
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGlGT:ref

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Re: Aggregating impression share data

2019-09-17 Thread Jamie Tomkins
Hi Hiroyuki,

Thanks for getting back to me! We're using the below:

   - SearchImpressionShare
   - SearchTopImpressionShare
   - TopImpressionPercentage
   - SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare
   - AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage

Our logic was you could use these with the impression value to calculate 
the various fields such as possible impressions, possible top impressions 
etc. These could then be used to aggregate up through the hierarchy in our 
reports. Obviously as you say the >10% values will ruin this - you 
mentioned the community forum, what way would they be able to help if we 
can't access the values via the API? Just out of curiosity, what's the 
reason that don't get the values below 10% - i realise it's the same in the 
interface but I've never really understood why!



On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 06:16:56 UTC+1, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> Thank you for posting your concern and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
> Could you provide what impression share fields exactly you are using in 
> Keywords Performance Report? Also, please note that if the fields return 
> value like "< 10%", unfortunately, it's not possible to retrieve more 
> specific value for those fields in AdWords API. With this, I would suggest 
> that you reach out the Google Ads Community Forum 
>  about 
> your concern as they are more equipped to answer to your questions.
> Regards,
> Hiroyuki
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGzix:ref

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Re: Cannot create a budget proposal that overlaps with an pending budget proposal or an approved budget.

2019-09-17 Thread 蓝瀚
Hi Sai ,

Thanks for your replying, It helped

adsapiforumadvisor於 2019年9月17日星期二 UTC+8上午2時54分54秒寫道:
> Hello,
> Since you have an existing budget with unlimited end date it is not 
> letting you to add another budget. While creating a new budget, start-date 
> and end-data should not overlap with the existing account budgets stat and 
> end-dates. The new budget should be created after the end date of the 
> existing budget in general. Hope this helps, please let me know if you have 
> any further questions.
> Regards,
> Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGt0n:ref

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Re: Aggregating impression share data

2019-09-17 Thread Zweitze
Well, you can't accurately aggregate those results. To do so, you would 
need a replacement value for "<10%" and ">90%", and, whatever you do you 
know you will be wrong. And even if you have none of such values I doubt 
the numbers add up. For instance, on campaign level the number of missed 
impressions because of insufficient campaign budget is included. It's 
doubtful such numbers are also included on lower levels. But that is a 
discussion to be held outside this forum, as it's not related to API.

Anyway - the only solution is to download more reports, with different 
settings. In our case, we also have results segmented by date, and 
therefore we download aggregated by day, by month, and by quarter. Not nice 
but there is no other way. Although requested, we decided NOT to download 
per week or US-week, the latter goes from Sunday till Saturday. Sacrifices 
are needed here.
In your case I suggest to download by keyword AND group AND campaign AND 
account (four reports). And, if necessary, download these reports with and 
without segments device and network, bringing you to sixteen reports per 

Further, you mentioned you are doing this because of the sunset of average 
position. You should realize impression share is a different metric.

Hope this helps.

On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:34:34 AM UTC+2, Jamie Tomkins wrote:
> We're trying to aggregate the data pulled from the keywords performance 
> report up through the hierarchy - keyword>ad group>campaign>account (the 
> data is also segmented by device and network). However we're having issues 
> with the various imp. share values as the ">10%" results are making it 
> impossible to aggregate upwards accurately. There are big discrepancies 
> between our numbers and what we're seeing in the online interface
> We need some sort of view on this for internal reporting and are 
> struggling to come up with a solution. Is anyone else looking at doing this 
> with the sunsetting of avg pos/does anyone know any way around the issue?

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Re: Operator >= with metrics.conversions

2019-09-17 Thread cv

Than can be consider. will let you know output for the same when I do 
little bit on this.


On Tuesday, 17 September 2019 13:48:34 UTC+5:30, Zweitze wrote:
> Well, did you consider conversions > 4.99 ?!
> Realize that Google is rounding the results in the response. So, in 
> theory, Google might return a value 4.9928, which will be formatted at 4.99.
> If that is a concern, try conversions > 4.99 - or how many nines you 
> can put in that query.
> On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 7:06:56 AM UTC+2, cv wrote:
>> Hi Zweitze,
>> Thanks for the insight.
>> I am working on project where I need to have Minimum Converisons and View 
>> through Conversions criteria for adgroup and campaign.
>> So when I fetch the data I need to use condition where Converisons >= 5 
>> to achieve the target audience.
>> But as you mentioned conversions were given with two digits, I cannot 
>> achive with converisons > 5.00 and converisons = 5.00.
>> Can you please add your views for this conditions?
>> Thanks,
>> On Monday, 16 September 2019 20:21:07 UTC+5:30, Zweitze wrote:
>>> May I ask what you are trying to achieve?
>>> Note that
>>> metrics.conversions>=0.00
>>> is ALWAYS true, because you cannot have negative conversions. (Well, 
>>> then there is of course *this problem 
>>> *, 
>>> which is solved for the future - but in the past you may indeed get 
>>> negative values. But.. it is extremely rare to run into these! Anyway this 
>>> is the angle I'm interested in.)
>>> Also, did you notice that conversions were given with two digits. 
>>> Assuming you want (metrics.conversions>=1), do you have problems with:
>>> metrics.conversions>0.99
>>> If so, what problems do you experience?
>>> On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 3:28:25 PM UTC+2, cv wrote:

 Hello Bharani,

 Yes, this could not be good solution to just get >= data by generating 
 2 reports.

 Mat was right, I am not getting any rows with conversions > 0.


 On Monday, 16 September 2019 18:54:57 UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor 
> Hi Mat, 
> Thank you for the inputs. When using the WHERE clause, one or more 
> conditions can be specified using AND to separate them. However, in this 
> case, this will yield zero results. The workaround for this would be to 
> generate two separate reports one with metrics.conversions > 0 and the 
> other with metrics.conversions = 0 and combine the data results.  
> Regards,
> Bharani, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGOI3:ref

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RE: how to fix "The advertising channel sub type is not a valid subtype of the primary channel type" problem?

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Than you for reaching out to our support team.

Upon checking your screenshot, it would appear that you are encountering the 
issue in the Google Ads UI. Could you confirm if this is correct? If yes, and 
since this is already outside of our scope, you may reach out to the product 
experts via the Google Ads Help Community forum as they are better equipped to 
assist you regarding this matter.

I hope this has been helpful.

Best regards,
Google Ads API Team

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Re: Operator >= with metrics.conversions

2019-09-17 Thread Zweitze
Well, did you consider conversions > 4.99 ?!
Realize that Google is rounding the results in the response. So, in theory, 
Google might return a value 4.9928, which will be formatted at 4.99.
If that is a concern, try conversions > 4.99 - or how many nines you 
can put in that query.

On Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 7:06:56 AM UTC+2, cv wrote:
> Hi Zweitze,
> Thanks for the insight.
> I am working on project where I need to have Minimum Converisons and View 
> through Conversions criteria for adgroup and campaign.
> So when I fetch the data I need to use condition where Converisons >= 5 to 
> achieve the target audience.
> But as you mentioned conversions were given with two digits, I cannot 
> achive with converisons > 5.00 and converisons = 5.00.
> Can you please add your views for this conditions?
> Thanks,
> On Monday, 16 September 2019 20:21:07 UTC+5:30, Zweitze wrote:
>> May I ask what you are trying to achieve?
>> Note that
>> metrics.conversions>=0.00
>> is ALWAYS true, because you cannot have negative conversions. (Well, then 
>> there is of course *this problem 
>> *, 
>> which is solved for the future - but in the past you may indeed get 
>> negative values. But.. it is extremely rare to run into these! Anyway this 
>> is the angle I'm interested in.)
>> Also, did you notice that conversions were given with two digits. 
>> Assuming you want (metrics.conversions>=1), do you have problems with:
>> metrics.conversions>0.99
>> If so, what problems do you experience?
>> On Monday, September 16, 2019 at 3:28:25 PM UTC+2, cv wrote:
>>> Hello Bharani,
>>> Yes, this could not be good solution to just get >= data by generating 2 
>>> reports.
>>> Mat was right, I am not getting any rows with conversions > 0.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Monday, 16 September 2019 18:54:57 UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:

 Hi Mat, 

 Thank you for the inputs. When using the WHERE clause, one or more 
 conditions can be specified using AND to separate them. However, in this 
 case, this will yield zero results. The workaround for this would be to 
 generate two separate reports one with metrics.conversions > 0 and the 
 other with metrics.conversions = 0 and combine the data results.  

 Bharani, Google Ads API Team


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Re: To get a Google Hotel Center Account

2019-09-17 Thread Merve Koyuncu
Ok, I will check.

On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 19:01, Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod <> wrote:

> Hello Merve,
> In this support channel we will discuss technical concerns related to the
> Google Ads API/ AdWords API only. Could you please contact Google Hotel
> APIs team from the support channels mentioned here
> ?
> Regards,
> Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHGu88:ref

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how to fix "The advertising channel sub type is not a valid subtype of the primary channel type" problem?

2019-09-17 Thread tsz ling koon
how to fix "The advertising channel sub type is not a valid subtype of the 
primary channel type" problem? 

I am using WIX for my website. 

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Re: Lifetime of AdWords API

2019-09-17 Thread masa hassy
I see.
Thank you.

2019年9月17日火曜日 15時25分10秒 UTC+9 adsapiforumadvisor:
> Hi,
> My apologies as we currently have no information when the AdWords API 
> would be completely sunset. As of now, you may still continue to use this 
> API. You may keep an eye on our deprecation schedule 
>  documentation 
> and most importantly, our blog , 
> for updates or announcements related to this API's availability.
> Regards,
> Ejay
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHH0TF:ref

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Re: Get country from Google Ads API Reports

2019-09-17 Thread Акулов Алексей
I see. I started to take country information from GeoPerformance report. I 
map this data to CampaignPerformance report. I can see data delay in 
GeoPerformance report. When exact click is visible in CampaignPerformance, 
that doesn't mean I can see that in GeoPerformance. So I can't map country 
correctly to campaign.

Why such can happen? 


среда, 4 сентября 2019 г., 22:04:45 UTC+3 пользователь adsapiforumadvisor 
> Hello,
> Unfortunately, you won't be able to get this data using the API since the 
> Geo Performance Report is aggregated at the country/territory level.
> Regards,
> Anthony
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHFeMo:ref

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RE: Lifetime of AdWords API

2019-09-17 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

My apologies as we currently have no information when the AdWords API would be 
completely sunset. As of now, you may still continue to use this API. You may 
keep an eye on our deprecation schedule documentation and most importantly, our 
blog, for updates or announcements related to this API's availability.

Google Ads API Team

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