2019-12-10 Thread Project YSS

Could i get ** field of = *GMAIL_AD, LEGACY_RESPONSIVE_DISPLAY_AD, 

I have tried but response always returns empty.


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"Request contains an invalid argument" with UNKNOWN requestError

2019-12-10 Thread guofu Zhong
Hi team,

we are using API 
to crreate the CallExtension for* Customer id 5698641415.*
the request payload 

as below function parameter.
Item1 = customerId, Item2 = operations, validateOnly = null,callSettings = 
operations, validateOnly, callSettings);

the returned result:

Raw Exception: {
  "StatusCode": 3,
  "Details": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
*  "RequestId": "evkQLq5_8buAOPmLcT8LKA",*
  "Failure": {
"errors": [
"errorCode": {
  "requestError": "UNKNOWN"
"message": "The error code is not in this version.",
"trigger": {
  "stringValue": ""
"location": {
  "fieldPathElements": [
  "fieldName": "operations",
  "index": "0"
Could you help me take a look the root cause?

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Re: Keyword ID field causes discrepancy between results from AdWords and Google Ads for AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2019-12-10 Thread Marc Potvin

I was wondering if there were any updates on this issue. I got a very 
promising response from Nadine Sundquist in September but nothing since. 
Here is what she wrote to me:


> *This took me forever to figure out because it's so nuanced what has 
> happened. You probably notice that when you remove the segment in the 
> select cause for keyword, the data all adds up. I figured out why this is 
> happening. You segmented by keyword. Some keywords come back while others 
> don't. We know that all the keywords have impressions. However, the ones 
> that do not come back have something in common; they are now removed 
> keywords. So, the query is not returning keywords that are now removed even 
> though on that day they had impressions.*

> *Here are the next steps I'll take on this one. I've filed an issue with 
> our query geniuses to ask if this is expected behavior. It seems odd, but I 
> have a feeling I know why this may be happening. As you've seen, in the UI, 
> there's no view like this where you can have the ads and the keywords 
> nicely together. The UI doesn't have to account for that; you either see 
> keywords with ad groups and campaigns or you see ads. I don't currently 
> know of a workaround. I'll keep an eye on that internal issue to figure out 
> if something can be done. I want to set expectations here that something as 
> complicated as this may take a bit of time to figure out. I'll get back to 
> you when I hear more. I'm really happy we have a 'why'; now we need to 
> figure out the 'how' for how we're going to move forward.*


> *Best,Nadine Sundquist, Google Ads API Teamref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHEPc7:ref*

I understand that this is a complicated one but I need to provide updates 
on this so any information would be helpful.


Le jeudi 22 août 2019 16:54:41 UTC-4, adsapiforumadvisor a écrit :
> Hi Marc, 
> Could you please share the report queries that you are using for 
> generating the AdWords API and Google Ads API reports along with the client 
> customer Id, using Reply privately to author option?
> Thanks,
> Bharani, Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UHEPc7:ref

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Get "enabled" feed items associated to an ad group/campaign/account

2019-12-10 Thread Pallav Gupta
I have some feed items n that I associated to an ad group using the 
Out of those n feed items, some are `enabled`, and a few are `removed` from 
the `AdGroupFeed` and not from the overall Feed in the account.

Now, I need to get the `enabled` feed items associated to the ad group. 
When I use the "AdGroupFeedService", I add a selector "MatchingFunction" to 
my query. This returns all the feed item ids in that account and not just 
the `enabled` ones. 
The documentation suggests that there is no way I could filter on status of 
the feed item.

I tried using AdGroupExtensionSettingService but it doesn't return 
anything. I am assuming that is because the feed items were added using a 
different service (AdGroupFeedService)

How do I get just the "enabled" feed items associated to the ad group?

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RE: Post request for a report

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Thanks you for reaching the support. The error "The server encountered a 
temporary error and could not complete your request" could be a transient 
error. Could you please retry the API request to verify if the issue persists? 
If the issue is consistent, could you please share the complete request and 
response logs along with the client customer id for me to investigate this 
further on my end?

P.S: Please use Reply privately to author option while sharing the details.

Nikisha Patel, Google Ads API Team

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RE: landing_page_view

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Artur,

Thanks for reaching out. In order for us to further investigate the issue you 
encountered, could you please send us the customer id and the complete GAQL 
query you used via the Reply privately to author option?

Thanks and regards,
Xiaoming, Google Ads API Team

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RE: Big difference between results for Google Adwords Planner tool and relevant API call

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Muhammad,

Could you please share the complete request and response logs for the API call, 
to check this discrepancy along with the screenshot from the Google Ads UI? You 
may share the details privately via Reply privately to author option.

Bharani, Google Ads API Team

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RE: Get the source campaign for each user who has converted

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Shaon,

Thanks for reaching out. To assist you better, could you please confirm if you 
are using Google Ads API/AdWords API to retrieve these details? If yes, are you 
looking to get the campaign details within the user account id? If so, you 
could use CampaignService to get all the campaigns within an account or 
Campaign Performance Report to get all the data/statistics aggregated at 
campaign level. If not, could you please elaborate more on your concern with 
the screenshots from the Google Ads UI which you want to receive via API for me 
to assist you better?

P.S. Please use Reply privately to author option while sharing the details.

Nikisha Patel, Google Ads API Team

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Re: Post request for a report

2019-12-10 Thread 'Василий Рогачев' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

$url = ''; at the top in the 

вторник, 10 декабря 2019 г., 20:52:18 UTC+3 пользователь Василий Рогачев 
> Good afternoon!
> First time working with the Adwords API. Before that, I worked with 
> Google's Contats API and there were no problems. And here I do not quite 
> understand why the request is not fulfilled?
> The program code in php below. An example of a query took 
> . But I 
> do not quite understand why there is no refresh token in the request ?
> *502.* That’s an error.
> The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your 
> request.
>  $params1='{
>"reportDefinition": {
>"selector": {
>"fields": [
> "predicates": {
>"field": "AdGroupStatus",
>"operator": "IN",
>"values": [
> }
>  },
>  "reportName": "Custom Adgroup Performance Report",
>  "dateRangeType": "LAST_7_DAYS",
>  "downloadFormat": "CSV",
>  "_xmlns": ";
>   }
> }';
> // Converts the input parameters of the query in JSON format
> $body = $params1;
> //print_r($body);
> //echo "___";
> // Creating HTTP request headers
> $headers = array(
>"User-Agent: curl, gzip",
>"Accept: /",
>"Accept-Encoding: gzip",
>"Authorization: Bearer ya29..g",
>"Content-Length: 784",
>"Expect: 100-continue",
>"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
> boundary=12d01fae60c7b559",
> );
> echo " < br>Adwords Report";
> // Curl initialization
> $curl = curl_init();
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);
> /*
> To fully use the https Protocol, you can enable SSL certificate 
> verification of the direct API server.
> To enable validation, set the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to true, and 
> uncomment the string with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option and specify the path to 
> the local copy of the root SSL certificate.
> */
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
> // curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd().'\CA.pem');
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
> curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
> // - - - Run a loop to execute queries ---
> // If HTTP code 200 is received, the report content is displayed
> // If HTTP code 201 or 202 is received, repeated requests are made
> while (true) {
> $result = curl_exec($curl);
> if (!$result) {
> echo ('curl error:'.curl_errno($curl).'- ' .curl_error($curl));
> break;
> } else {
> // Separation of HTTP headers and the response body
>$responseHeadersSize = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
>$responseHeaders = substr($result, 0, $responseHeadersSize);
>$responseBody = substr($result, $responseHeadersSize);
> // Get HTTP status code
>$httpCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
> // Retrieving HTTP response headers
>// Request ID
>$requestId = preg_match('/RequestId: (\d+)/', $responseHeaders, 
> $arr)? $arr[1]: false;
>// Recommended interval in seconds to check if the report is ready
>$retryIn = preg_match('/retryIn: (\d+)/', $responseHeaders, $arr)? 
> $arr[1]: 60;
> if ($httpCode == 400) {
> echo " the query Parameters are incorrect or the limit of 
> reports in the queue has been reached";
>echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
>echo " JSON request code:{$body}";
>echo " server response JSON:{$responseBody}";
> break;
> } elseif ($httpCode == 200) {
> echo " Report created successfully";
>echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
>echo $responseBody;
> break;
> } elseif ($httpCode == 201) {
> echo "the Report was successfully queued in offline mode";
>echo " resend request after {$retryIn} seconds";
>echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
> sleep($retryIn);
> } elseif ($httpCode == 202) {
> echo " the Report is generated offline.";
>echo " resend request after 

Post request for a report

2019-12-10 Thread 'Василий Рогачев' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Good afternoon!

First time working with the Adwords API. Before that, I worked with 
Google's Contats API and there were no problems. And here I do not quite 
understand why the request is not fulfilled?

The program code in php below. An example of a query took . But I do 
not quite understand why there is no refresh token in the request ?

*502.* That’s an error.

The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your 
// Converts the input parameters of the query in JSON format
$body = $params1;

//echo "___";

// Creating HTTP request headers

$headers = array(
   "User-Agent: curl, gzip",
   "Accept: /",
   "Accept-Encoding: gzip",
   "Authorization: Bearer ya29..g",
   "Content-Length: 784",
   "Expect: 100-continue",
   "Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 

echo " < br>Adwords Report";

// Curl initialization
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $body);

To fully use the https Protocol, you can enable SSL certificate 
verification of the direct API server.
To enable validation, set the CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option to true, and 
uncomment the string with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option and specify the path to 
the local copy of the root SSL certificate.
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
// curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, getcwd().'\CA.pem');

curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

// - - - Run a loop to execute queries ---
// If HTTP code 200 is received, the report content is displayed
// If HTTP code 201 or 202 is received, repeated requests are made
while (true) {

$result = curl_exec($curl);

if (!$result) {

echo ('curl error:'.curl_errno($curl).'- ' .curl_error($curl));


} else {

// Separation of HTTP headers and the response body
   $responseHeadersSize = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
   $responseHeaders = substr($result, 0, $responseHeadersSize);
   $responseBody = substr($result, $responseHeadersSize);

// Get HTTP status code
   $httpCode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

// Retrieving HTTP response headers
   // Request ID
   $requestId = preg_match('/RequestId: (\d+)/', $responseHeaders, 
$arr)? $arr[1]: false;
   // Recommended interval in seconds to check if the report is ready
   $retryIn = preg_match('/retryIn: (\d+)/', $responseHeaders, $arr)? 
$arr[1]: 60;

if ($httpCode == 400) {

echo " the query Parameters are incorrect or the limit of 
reports in the queue has been reached";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
   echo " JSON request code:{$body}";
   echo " server response JSON:{$responseBody}";


} elseif ($httpCode == 200) {

echo " Report created successfully";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
   echo $responseBody;


} elseif ($httpCode == 201) {

echo "the Report was successfully queued in offline mode";
   echo " resend request after {$retryIn} seconds";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";


} elseif ($httpCode == 202) {

echo " the Report is generated offline.";
   echo " resend request after {$retryIn} seconds";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";


} elseif ($httpCode == 500) {

echo " an error occurred while generating the report. Please 
try again at < br>";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
   echo " server response JSON:{$responseBody}";


} elseif ($httpCode == 502) {

echo " report generation time exceeded server limit.";
   echo " Please try to change the query parameters-reduce the 
period and amount of data requested.";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";


} else {

echo " an unexpected error Occurred.";
   echo " RequestId: {$requestId}";
   echo " JSON request code:{$body}";
   echo " server response JSON:{$responseBody}";




echo $responseBody;

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RE: Can I pull the following:

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Tom,

Please find my response below tabulated below for both AdWords API and Google 
Ads API reports:

AdWords API  Google Ads API
Keywords status:  Status (Keywords Performance Report)  
Ad status  Status (Ad Performance Report)  ad_group_ad.status
Negative Keywords  Campaign Negative Keywords Performance Report  
Negative Keyword Lists  Shared Set Criteria Report  shared_criterion

Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

Bharani, Google Ads API Team

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RE: How tot fetch Keyword List name

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Kuldeep,

You can use one of the shared set services such as the CampaignSharedSetService 
to get the name of your keyword lists as well as the keywords in it.

Google Ads API Team

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Re: Upload and connect html 5 ad in google ads api

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Thank you for sharing that info. Can you please share the detailed request and 
response logs via reply privately to author so that I can further investigate 
the issue? You can find information on enabling logging here.

Please make sure you have followed the instructions here to create the zip file 
for a dynamic product type.

Google Ads API Team

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Re: Is there any API to ACK the call recording term and policy?

2019-12-10 Thread Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod
Hi Guofu,

Using the CustomerService in Google Ads API, you can set the 
CallReportingSetting. You can set the call_reporting_enabled to false.

Google Ads API Team

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2019-12-10 Thread Artur Shalumov
I try to get cost_micros, impressions and clicks from landing_page_view,
but i get only cost_micros, another fields = 0. In report on google`s page
i see all measures. What is the reason and how to get right values?

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Big difference between results for Google Adwords Planner tool and relevant API call

2019-12-10 Thread Muhammad Shoaib
Hi there, 

I get really different results for the Google Adwords planner tool and 
Google Adwords relevant API call. It's important to note that I have kept 
the parameters the same such as language, location, and Google partners, 
etc. The difference is not a problem for some keywords, I do not get any 
related ideas or result for some words in the API where I do see many 
results in the tool. 

One specific example:
German word: glas

Returned results in the Google adword planner tool: 175 related ideas and 
the main word
API Call: zero result (an empty list)

Can anyone comment on why is this the case?


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Re: Not able to pull the BiddingScheme in BiddingStrategyConfiguration in Google AdWords APi reports for type "TARGET_CPA"

2019-12-10 Thread gagan gupta
Replied as confidential.
Let me know for any more info.

On Monday, December 9, 2019 at 10:44:05 PM UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor 
> Hi Gagan,
> Thank you for reaching out. Can you please provide the detailed request 
> and response logs of the call *via reply privately to author *so that I 
> can further investigate the issue? You can find more information on 
> enabling logging here 
> .
> Regards,
> Mitchell
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UOE6lP:ref

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Can I pull the following:

2019-12-10 Thread Tom S
Hi there,

I'm trying to automate some tasks, Is it possible to get the following from 
the API:

Keywords status
Ad status
Negative Keywords
Negative Keyword Lists

I've reviewed the library and couldn't see any so I assume it's not 
possible but just wanted to check, and see if they might be available in 
the future.

Many thanks,

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How tot fetch Keyword List name

2019-12-10 Thread Kuldeep Kumar Patel

How can I fetch "*Keyword List Name*" value through API. I am using 
"Campaign Criterian"  & "Adgroup Criterian" resource to fetch negative 

Please Help.

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