How can I test the API with a test account?

2020-05-23 Thread Jason Tiscione
I have a developer key associated with a production manager account, but 
trying to use the API generates DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED errors.

So I tried following instructions at
they aren't very clear and don't work.

I created a Test Manager account using one of my other Google accounts, and 
used its ID as the client_customer_id in adwords.yaml.

Using the production manager account's developer token with the API 
generates USER_PERMISSION_DENIED errors.

Is there any way to test the API with a test account or do I have to wait 
for the developer token to be approved?

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Re: Demographical report (AgeRanges + Gender)

2020-05-23 Thread doggie liu
Hi Bharani,

We also like to make a request for the feature to breakdown reports by age 
AND gender, please consider supporting this, thanks in advance!

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Re: not able to get VAS campaign in API

2020-05-23 Thread 임수민
Here is customerID and campaignId.

customerId :  657-744-9746,
campaignId : 6470550854

Thank you

2020년 5월 19일 (화) 오전 9:33, 임수민 님이 작성:

> hello API team!
> In before, they supported in googleAds API, so I could got campaign and
> adGroups report.
> but in now, API return empty values.
> I don't know since when, not able to get VAS campaign in API.
> I'll reply my customerId and campaignId privately, could you check about
> this issue is it a bug or stoped supported?
> Thank you in advance!

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not able to get VAS campaign in API

2020-05-23 Thread 임수민
hello API team!
In before, they supported in googleAds API, so I could got campaign and
adGroups report.
but in now, API return empty values.

I don't know since when, not able to get VAS campaign in API.
I'll reply my customerId and campaignId privately, could you check about
this issue is it a bug or stoped supported?

Thank you in advance!

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Google Ads release schedule

2020-05-23 Thread Florian Valiente

It's going to be almost a year since Google Ads was rolled back to BETA.

Is it still recommended to use Google AdWords for a new project or should I 
look into using Google Ads now?

We are a small team so we want to minimise any chance of doing development 
twice for Google AdWords and then just a few months after, Google Ads.

Thank you.

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Re: Best way to retrieve Conversion ID and Conversion Label from Google Ads API

2020-05-23 Thread thuong le
 Thank you! Looking forward to Google ads api's future releases :) 

On Saturday, May 23, 2020 at 12:29:02 AM UTC+7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Thuong,
> Thank you for reaching out. Unfortunately, it is not possible to pull any 
> values from within the tag using the API. I have filed a feature request on 
> your behalf so please keep an eye on our Developer Blog for information on 
> future releases.
> Regards,
> Mitchell
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q1zrBPB:ref

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Upload responsive display asset from file via api

2020-05-23 Thread Ezequiel Rivarola
I have the following python code:

def _upload_image_asset(client, customer_id, image_url, image_width,
# Download image from URL
image_content = requests.get(image_url).content

asset_operation = client.get_type('AssetOperation', version='v2')
asset = asset_operation.create
# Optional: Provide a unique friendly name to identify your asset. If 
# specify the name field, then both the asset name and the image being
# uploaded should be unique, and should not match another ACTIVE asset 
# this customer account. = f'Jupiter Trip #{uuid4()}'
asset_type_enum = client.get_type('AssetTypeEnum', version='v2')
asset.type = asset_type_enum.IMAGE
image_asset = asset.image_asset = image_content
image_asset.file_size.value = len(image_content)
image_asset.mime_type = client.get_type('MimeTypeEnum').IMAGE_JPEG
image_asset.full_size.width_pixels.value = image_width
image_asset.full_size.height_pixels.value = image_height
image_asset.full_size.url.value = image_url

In this case I get the image from a URL. However I want to upload it from a 
file at my local pc. There is any way to do this? I didn't find any method 
at the documentation.

Thank you

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