Re: How to check current keyword position

2017-12-23 Thread Pierre Augereau
Hello Josh and thank you for your answer.

Yes, I already tried to use automated bidding for few days. 
20% more expensive and 10% less clics on all keywords by using 


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Re: How to check current keyword position

2017-12-21 Thread Pierre Augereau
It is not about predicting. It is more if you can check your position 
periodicly, you can react as fast as you can. With a good home made sofware 
using the API to update bid, it is not so hard !! 
For the average position at 0, I agree, that might be considering as 
predicting but it is not. More you check your position, faster you can 
However, as you said in previous message, competitors can use bid modifiers 
with time / day / gender / ... But, with good datas, good historics datas, 
good software and a way to check anytime you want, I think you can predict 
when some competitors starting their campaign. Anyway, it is an another 

In a period where markets act really fast, I don't understand why we do not 
have any tools (or the possibiliy to make one) who can 'analyse' and react 
as fast as possible ??!!! 

I agree with your exemple but, and it is certainly because my english is 
really bad, there is no targeting at all inside...
Take 'property sale', in Paris on one spécific district, targeting end user 
inside this location and those who make interest for this location, + 10% 
bid on smartphone, and of course the money... Et Voila !!! You are first 
and it's working.

Obviously, we don't have the same method to work with AdWords. I'm sure 
your method works but mine too. 
So yes, I want to be #1 the most of time (again, with a good and specific 
targeting) and if I can have a tool or a way to check my positions in real 
time, I'm pretty sure to reach my goal.

However, we are moving away from the original topic : 
- Datas from MCM and API are wrong (delayed time and, for example, 
estimated cost for top positions totaly wrong) and not accurate (average)
- Adpreview which is working fine but, it's humainly impossible to check 
all your keywords and your IP get blocked after, more or less, 60 calls 
more or less
- No way to control where your money go

Thank you,

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Re: How to check current keyword position

2017-12-21 Thread Pierre Augereau
Hello and thank you for your answer and time

You are right, I want to check my keywords rank (position) to automaticly 
adjust BID by using the API.

I understand that the keyword cost can be different by gender, location, 
But, how to test each possibilty ? Because, I think the only one 'offical 
tool' is AdPreview and you can not put all that possibilities to run some 
test ? 
So, Google can do whatever it wants and nobody can check where is going our 
money ?? 
I'm kidding... Maybe not :p 

When you say that not every end users gets the same ads, I not fully agree 
with you. With the good keyword and the good targeting (ex : Location +  
computers device Bid + 10 % for smartphone device), I assure you that every 
one will have your annonce ;) 
But, one more time, it is not working for every keywords.

Our campaing are targeting for ours clients needs. So we know location, 
gender kind and device type we need to target. Also, we check frequently 
ours annonces to be sure they have and keep the best quality scores 
Of course, a competitor can raised his cost on a specific device and be 
better than us ! That's the game.
But, if a competitor wants to have a fight in my target area, it seems to 
be fair that I am the first to know and I can decide if I want to fight 
back or not ? However, at this moment, I will know it maybe one hour 
later... Can you imagine how many clics I will lose even if I have the 
money to directly put back my keyword in top positons by using Bid 
modifiers with the Api ?? 
About Bid modifier : As you certainly know, if you have a bid at 20€ on a 
keyword and your closest competitor (in second position) have put 10 €, 
Google will take you around 12€ by clic. But if you can check your 
position, you can also decrease your bid to be in the right position with 
the right price and just set a bid 10.10 € (1.90 € money saved by clic)

About the average positons at 0, I know that is because those keywords do 
not have impression yet. 
But, again, it seems to be fair that I could know if I will be in a good 
rank on the first impression (I do not talk about Shopping result of 

Thank you again,

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Re: How to check current keyword position

2017-12-21 Thread Pierre Augereau

Thank you for your time and for this sharing.

But for now I'm still stuck and no way to keep working correctly... 
As I saw on all forums, just the fact to want to ask 'keywords position in 
real time' seems to be the Devil himself :o :o 
In ours previous messages, we agreed on that MCM and reports from API are 
not accurates because there is delayed time (more or less important). So 
how to be reactif if I can not know where I am on Google Search on a 
specific time ?
Morover, an average position is also not accurate because it is an average. 
Example : 
- 1 hour and 10 impressions with positions 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 => 
avr = 1,5 but those positions are good
- 1 hour and 10 impressions with positions 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7 => 
avr = also 1,5 but even 1 hour later (with delayed time), you do not know 
that your keyword is gone from the top of the first page !
And I don't talk about keyword with no impression who have an average at 
0.0... just need to wait the first impression and whish good luck to the 
keyword to be in a good position with the good price ?

At least, is there any way to automatcly interrogate 'Google Search' or 
'Google AdPreview' to check my own keywords ??
And yes, I said automaticly because check thousands keywords, except to 
have an army of people, is humainly impossible.

Thank you again 
But please, give me a solution.

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Re: How to check current keyword position

2017-12-20 Thread Pierre Augereau
Hello and thank you for your answers.

In most cases reports are delayed by less than three hours : I agree wit 
you but not for all datas. When you have some ads, with false clicks for 
example, even 5 hours after ending campaign many datas still changing...
Morever, for some keywords, I have to raise their cost a lot to stay at the 
top of the first page when concurrents launch their campaign. 
How I can be reactiv and professionnal if I can not control my own 
positions on my own keywords ?? 
By the way, to have a true and clean report, I almost need to call the 
'yesterday' reports at 08 am... Even if I was Marty McFly with my Delorean, 
it seems to be complicated...

About the average position at zero, it is definitly because there is no 
impressions associated whit that keywords. 
But, in that case, how can be sure that my keywords are in the good 
positions with the right prices for the first user who will make an 
impression with that keyword ??

But something disturb me : After to saw a lot posts on this forum and 
others Goole forums, I'm not the only one to ask a way to have positions on 
real time.
At this time, there is no tool to do that and obviously, Google does not 
want to share this datas with their users who put some money on thoses 
My bad, it exist a way, AdPreview but, it's humanly impossible to check 
thousands keywords every days... And most of all if IPs address are burned 
after few calls
I understand that Google does not want 'scrapping tools' to retrieve datas 
from their sites but, as we pay for those keywords, those keywords are also 
ours and we have the right to acceed at their datas at anytime.
If I said that, it's beacause we pay for a service and, except for pray 
that service works fine, no one have a way to control those datas until 
almost day + 1 ?? Is that right ? 

I will also post this question on the Advertisers community forum.

Again, thank you for your answers,
Best regards.

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How to check current keyword position

2017-12-19 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good Morning every one,

I have an issue with datas from MCM and the Api. 
With many keywords the average position and the estimate cost to be in the 
first page top, are not accurate.
I'm in first position with some keywords but the estimate cost to be in the 
first page top is almost twice higther than my actual cost.
And there is also the same problem in reverse way (the cost to be first is 
much more higther than the estimate one). 
So, I tried to used average position (in MCM and API) but, it's clearly not 
relevant because, it's just an average... 
Morever, as it said on the MCM bottom, 'Reports are not generated in real 
time. As a result, clicks and impressions in the last three hours may not 
have been counted' and that's applied to average position too.
Well, an average position from three hours late is not really helpfull to 
react in real time and set right cost for a keyword.
Also, have an average position equal to '0.0'... What does it mean ?? How 
do I know if my keyword is in right place with '0.0' ?? Maybe, my keyword 
is at the top of the first page, above the search bar ?? 
As i said before, I have those strange data from MCM and API.
I also tried to let 'Google' managed costs in automatic way... 20% more 
expensive and 10% less hit on all keywords... Not working either

As mommy always said : Trust does not exclude control ! 
So I used AdPreview to know where are my keywords... Just a few thousands 
keywords to check few times in a day... Such a great day is coming :/ 
Anyway, first call to AdPreview, OK. second, OK 40th call still OK  
50th call still... wait for it... Oh my !!! An error 'Unusual traffic from 
your computer network' !! 
I resolve the reCaptcha and I keep going to check my keywords. After 10 
more calls, reCaptcha again with a lot images to solved... really a lot -_- 
Here we go again to check my keywords... Not so long because 2 more calls a 
new error raised : 'We're sorry... but your query looks similar to 
automated requests from a computer virus or spyware application. To protect 
our users, we can't process your request right now...'
Ok... One hour later, still same message :s But don't worry I have many 
associates !! First associate, after almost 60 calls, IP burned too... 
Second one, same punishment... 10th associate... Well I do not have anymore 
associate :o 

To resume, I'm stuck with datas wich are not accurates from MCM and API, at 
least 10 IPs burned and no way to check my own keywords positions... Not 
really a good day after all :/
So, what is the way to check all my keywords positions, few times a day 
without burned all my IPs and all my time ??
Or do you have a service / API (free or not) to manage this kind of 
checking ? 

Thank you in advance ! 

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Re: Error Bad Gateway (and others) most of time since this morning

2015-05-29 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good morning Nadine.

Once again, thank you a lot for your answers !!
Today, it seems to work fine again. But, I turned off all access from the 
API yesterday all day long. I do not know if it is a coincidence or the 
good thing to do...

Some requests succeed if I try again. But, the number of errors are 
increasing (eg : 1 error on 5 requests without trying again ; 3 errors on 5 
requests with trying again) 

About the request ID, I checked all logs (request_info.log - soap_xml.log - 
report_download.log). There is no request ID for each error. 
So, it seems to have a problem while sending requests... I also checked all 
logs on my side and, all request have been correctly send from my server.
I will still investigate with my network administrator to, maybe, find 
something. But, I still do not know why that kind of errors appears 
suddently without any change on my side...

Thank you again,
Have a good day,
Best regards.

Le jeudi 7 mai 2015 17:33:02 UTC+2, Pierre Augereau a écrit :
> Good afternoon,
> Since this morning (May 7th 2015), I have got many errors : 
> - "Bad Gateway"
> - "Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string 
> supplied as input in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php on 
> line 268"
> - "[WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '
> : failed to load external entity "
> "
>  in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:172"
> - Uncaught exception 'ReportDownloadException' with message 'Report 
> download failed.' in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Util/ReportUtils.php:211
> I'm currently using the PHP librairy v201502.
> I already have asked to my network administrators if there were any update 
> on the network. All requests sent through the API are correctly transmitted
> Moreover, I did not have updated any source code from those past few days
> It seems to that most of request to get data from Adwords accounts have 
> this problem...
> However, some requests to put data (such as new amount on a spécific key 
> words) works fine 2/3 call
> So, I really do not understand what is happening since this morning
> Best regards.

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Re: Error Bad Gateway (and others) most of time since this morning

2015-05-27 Thread Pierre Augereau
Little Update !! 

I get a new error : 
- Error finding "uri" property (I did not find anything about this one in 
this forum)

If I follow the calls, usually, it starts with :
1 -- SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 
: failed to load external entity 
2 - All kind of "Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): 
Empty string supplied as input" or "Failed to load request into DOM: 
DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input"
3 - "Bad gateway" or "Error finding "uri" property" errors

Hope this help...
Have a good day,
Best regards,

Le jeudi 7 mai 2015 17:33:02 UTC+2, Pierre Augereau a écrit :
> Good afternoon,
> Since this morning (May 7th 2015), I have got many errors : 
> - "Bad Gateway"
> - "Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string 
> supplied as input in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php on 
> line 268"
> - "[WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '
> : failed to load external entity "
> "
>  in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php:172"
> - Uncaught exception 'ReportDownloadException' with message 'Report 
> download failed.' in 
> **/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/Util/ReportUtils.php:211
> I'm currently using the PHP librairy v201502.
> I already have asked to my network administrators if there were any update 
> on the network. All requests sent through the API are correctly transmitted
> Moreover, I did not have updated any source code from those past few days
> It seems to that most of request to get data from Adwords accounts have 
> this problem...
> However, some requests to put data (such as new amount on a spécific key 
> words) works fine 2/3 call
> So, I really do not understand what is happening since this morning
> Best regards.

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Re: Error Bad Gateway (and others) most of time since this morning

2015-05-27 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good morning Nadine and everyone !!!

Since Yesterday, I get the same issues as previously wrote.
I still do not understand what is happening. I did not have change anything 
in the code, server or network.
I have tried to update my code as in the post gave by Nadine. 
Unfortunately, that did not resolved my issues.

This morning, the issues seem to be stabilised a little bit... But I still 
get random errors from time to time : 
- PHP Notice:  Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): 
Empty string supplied as input in 
on line 305
- PHP Notice:  Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): 
Empty string supplied as input in 
on line 404
- PHP Notice:  Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): 
Empty string supplied as input in 
on line 422
- Exception : Bad Gateway
- SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 
: failed to load external entity 

Moreover, It does not happen every time on the same sevice 
(CampaignCriterionService, CampaignService, AdGroupService, 
AdGroupCriterionService, ReportDefinitionService, etc)

Does it have a restriction about the call number to the API maybe  ? Or 
anything else ?
By the way, I precise that we use an AdWords API token for Standard Access. 

Thank you in advance,
Have a good day,
Best regards,

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Re: Error Bad Gateway (and others) most of time since this morning

2015-05-08 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good morning Nadine !!!

Thank you a lot for your answer.
I did not have try those solutions from the post because, every thing seems 
to work fine again this morning o_O 
But, I will keep this post preciously !!

My network administrator has found out that Google has changed some DNS... 
Maybe, that was the cause of "Bad gateway error" and others.
I will come back if this problem happen again.

One more time, Thank you a lot,
Have good day,
Best regards.

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Error Bad Gateway (and others) most of time since this morning

2015-05-07 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good afternoon,

Since this morning (May 7th 2015), I have got many errors : 
- "Bad Gateway"
- "Failed to load response into DOM: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string 
supplied as input in 
**/Google/src/Google/Api/Ads/Common/Lib/AdsSoapClient.php on 
line 268"
- "[WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 
: failed to load external entity 
- Uncaught exception 'ReportDownloadException' with message 'Report 
download failed.' in 

I'm currently using the PHP librairy v201502.
I already have asked to my network administrators if there were any update 
on the network. All requests sent through the API are correctly transmitted
Moreover, I did not have updated any source code from those past few days

It seems to that most of request to get data from Adwords accounts have 
this problem...
However, some requests to put data (such as new amount on a spécific key 
words) works fine 2/3 call

So, I really do not understand what is happening since this morning

Best regards.

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Re: [PHP API] - Time elapsed to set a new bid really long by using "AdGroupCriterionService" method

2015-02-03 Thread Pierre Augereau
Thank you a lot for your answer.
Do you have some examples to how to use a collection of opérations with 
mutate method ? Because, I didn't find anything in the "Best practices 
guide" and in API examples...
Moreover, if I use a collection of operations (to set new BID), does it 
count for 1 operation for all new BID or each BID in the collection count 
as 1 operation ? Same question with "get" methods ?

Best regards.

Le vendredi 23 janvier 2015 12:29:02 UTC+1, Pierre Augereau a écrit :
> Good morning,
> I'm using the AdWords PHP Api (v201406) to update the price of many 
> keywords.
> But, when I'm using the function "AdGroupCriterionService" to set the new 
> bid, there is always some calls (from the sending request to the response 
> with "$adGroupCriterionService->mutate($operations)") that lasts at least 
> 30 seconds, even more sometimes...
> However, some calls are done in less of 1 second o_O 
> When I have to update at least 100 keywords, that's kind of a huge issue...
> I do not have any firewall set on the port 80.
> Do I need to use an other method / function to have more reactivity ?
> Does it exist a function to send all news bid in once ?
> Can I send, to your server, a multi-calls in parallel ?
> By thanking you in advance,
> Best regards

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[PHP API] - Time elapsed to set a new bid really long by using "AdGroupCriterionService" method

2015-01-23 Thread Pierre Augereau
Good morning,

I'm using the AdWords PHP Api (v201406) to update the price of many 
But, when I'm using the function "AdGroupCriterionService" to set the new 
bid, there is always some calls (from the sending request to the response 
with "$adGroupCriterionService->mutate($operations)") that lasts at least 
30 seconds, even more sometimes...
However, some calls are done in less of 1 second o_O 

When I have to update at least 100 keywords, that's kind of a huge issue...

I do not have any firewall set on the port 80.

Do I need to use an other method / function to have more reactivity ?
Does it exist a function to send all news bid in once ?
Can I send, to your server, a multi-calls in parallel ?

By thanking you in advance,
Best regards

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2013-11-07 Thread pierre . augereau . ai
Hi Anash,

Thank you a lot for your response, it works perfectly fine ;)

Have good day.


Le mardi 5 novembre 2013 12:30:54 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team) 
a écrit :
> Hi Pierre,
> Could you re-enter the billing information on 894-365-1577? I looked up 
> your account and it shows you haven't accepted the AdWords API T&C. That 
> happens when you enter credit card details on your AdWords API MCC.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Monday, November 4, 2013 2:16:16 PM UTC-5,
>> Hi !
>> (Api Adword PHP "adwords_api_php_4.6.1" V201309)
>> I got this error 'QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP', Trigger = ''
>> But, I could not find why ?
>> I'm usint two MCC account : One for production (894-365-1577) and the 
>> other one is a test MCC account (953-099-4808)
>> The Billing is enabled on the production MCC account.
>> Also, I set the "DEVELOPER_TOKEN" from the production MCC Account and the 
>> others ID's from the test MCC account.
>> So, if someone can help me, that will be wonderful ;)
>> PS : sorry for my english...
>> Regards,
>> Pierre

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Re: How to start to use Adwords API with OAuth authentication

2013-11-07 Thread pierre . augereau . ai
Thank a lot both of you ;)

It's working !

Have a nice day.


Le mardi 5 novembre 2013 23:29:45 UTC+1, Alan Coleman a écrit :
> Hi Pierre,
> I've posted this link before. It's an excellent tutorial on how to get 
> OAuth2 Authentication working. It can be a bit fiddly but if you follow the 
> steps you should be okay.
> On Monday, November 4, 2013 4:07:48 PM UTC, wrote:
>> Hi everybody.
>> First of all, please excuse me if my english is not very good...
>> So, I'm kind of lost to start to use adwords API with OAuth 
>> authentication (I'm using "adwords_api_php_4.6.1" package V201309). 
>> I follow a lot of tutorial about it but, it's not working. 
>> Sometimes they tell you to use a MCC test account and after, you see that 
>> does not work with that kind of account o_O !!!
>> I just want to run some test to know if I can use this API or not !
>> Is there a complet tutorial (not from 2011 please) anywhere ?
>> Best regards,
>> Pierre AUGEREAU

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2013-11-07 Thread pierre . augereau . ai
Hi Anash,

Thank you a lot for your response, it works perfectly fine ;)

Have good day.


Le mardi 5 novembre 2013 12:30:54 UTC+1, Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team) 
a écrit :
> Hi Pierre,
> Could you re-enter the billing information on 894-365-1577? I looked up 
> your account and it shows you haven't accepted the AdWords API T&C. That 
> happens when you enter credit card details on your AdWords API MCC.
> Cheers,
> Anash P. Oommen,
> AdWords API Advisor.
> On Monday, November 4, 2013 2:16:16 PM UTC-5,
>> Hi !
>> (Api Adword PHP "adwords_api_php_4.6.1" V201309)
>> I got this error 'QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP', Trigger = ''
>> But, I could not find why ?
>> I'm usint two MCC account : One for production (894-365-1577) and the 
>> other one is a test MCC account (953-099-4808)
>> The Billing is enabled on the production MCC account.
>> Also, I set the "DEVELOPER_TOKEN" from the production MCC Account and the 
>> others ID's from the test MCC account.
>> So, if someone can help me, that will be wonderful ;)
>> PS : sorry for my english...
>> Regards,
>> Pierre

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2013-11-05 Thread pierre . augereau . ai
Hi !

(Api Adword PHP "adwords_api_php_4.6.1" V201309)

I got this error 'QuotaCheckError.INCOMPLETE_SIGNUP', Trigger = ''
But, I could not find why ?
I'm usint two MCC account : One for production (894-365-1577) and the other 
one is a test MCC account (953-099-4808)
The Billing is enabled on the production MCC account.
Also, I set the "DEVELOPER_TOKEN" from the production MCC Account and the 
others ID's from the test MCC account.

So, if someone can help me, that will be wonderful ;)

PS : sorry for my english...


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How to start to use Adwords API with OAuth authentication

2013-11-05 Thread pierre . augereau . ai
Hi everybody.

First of all, please excuse me if my english is not very good...

So, I'm kind of lost to start to use adwords API with OAuth authentication 
(I'm using "adwords_api_php_4.6.1" package V201309). 
I follow a lot of tutorial about it but, it's not working. 
Sometimes they tell you to use a MCC test account and after, you see that 
does not work with that kind of account o_O !!!
I just want to run some test to know if I can use this API or not !

Is there a complet tutorial (not from 2011 please) anywhere ?

Best regards,

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