The refresh token is the long-lived token you are looking for, so there 
should be no need to use ClientLogin.  When your access token expires, use 
the refresh token to get a new access token.  More details at:

-- Yaniv

On Thursday, September 27, 2012 2:24:50 PM UTC-4, j.e.frank wrote:
> I'm looking at migrating to the new Java client library as part of the 
> upgrade from v201109.  One thing I thought was going to be a benefit of 
> this migration was long-lived access tokens, to enable long-running 
> services to use the API without having to worry about refreshing the 
> ClientLogin token.  Now that I've done some more digging, it appears that 
> OAuth2 doesn't have long-lived tokens.  Instead, you get an access token 
> and a refresh token, and there is some way that an expired access token 
> gets refreshed behind the scenes.
> I'm unclear on the implications of this for how I can deploy multiple 
> services that use the API without any user interaction.  I have 
> successfully followed the OAuth2 example to get an authorization code using 
> a browser, and then I can take that code and get a credential with an 
> access and refresh token.  Subsequently, I can create an OAuth2 credential 
> from these 2 tokens, without using the browser to get a new authorization 
> code.  However, this doesn't work after some period of time -- I have to 
> start over and get a new authorization code using the browser.  I've seen 
> reference to the CredentialsStore where you keep track of new 
> access/refresh tokens as they change, which would be fine for a single 
> service to manage.  But with multiple services, would I need a centralized 
> CredentialsStore that they would all share, so that each one gets the 
> latest token?  That's a non-starter for me.  Is there something I'm missing 
> about how I can use OAuth2 with multiple long-lived services?  Otherwise I 
> am going to continue with ClientLogin, and give up on my dream of 
> non-expiring tokens.  Or is there some way of re-obtaining an authorization 
> token without user interaction?

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