Re: {'error': 'invalid_grant', 'error_description': 'Bad Request'}

2024-02-22 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, i got same error, this might be cause my refresh token got expired, but 
when i want to reapply it, i got error like this:

[image: Screenshot 2024-02-22 165248.png]
is there any ways to solve it?

Pada Rabu, 20 Desember 2023 pukul 05.58.59 UTC+7 Google Ads API Forum 
Advisor menulis:

> Hi,
> Thank you for getting back to us.
> After reviewing your concern, I understand that you are encountering the 
> invalid_grant 
>  error 
> while creating a campaign via the Google Ads API.
> The common cause for this error is that, a Google Cloud Platform project 
> with an OAuth consent screen configured for an external user type and a 
> publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 
> days. So, in order to handle this error, go to the Google API Console and 
> navigate to the OAuth consent screen. Then change the publishing status to 
> "In production" to avoid the refresh token expiring in 7 days.
> If you still encounter any issues, please provide us with the complete API 
> logs (request 
>  and response 
>  with request-id 
>  and request header 
> )
> generated at your end to better assist you.
> If you are using a client library and haven't enabled the logging yet, I 
> would request you to enable logging for the specific client library that 
> you are using. You can refer to the guides* Java* 
> ,* .Net* 
> ,* PHP* 
> ,* Python* 
> ,* Ruby* 
>  or* Perl* 
> to 
> enable logging at your end. For REST interface requests, you can enable 
> logging via the curl command by using the -i flag.
> This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5001U0XWCTf:ref"
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] Google Ads API Team 

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Re: Reach Metric

2022-07-25 Thread dimas ilham
if it's not available in API can I get the reports from the UI? it seems 
like i can't see either the metrics for reach on UI google ads reports

Pada Rabu, 06 April 2022 pukul 20.30.24 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi CV,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
> The reach metric is not available in the API. You can also check this 
> documentation 
>  to 
> know more as to which metrics are currently supported. However, our team 
> has already previously created a feature request, subject for review, 
> regarding its availability in the API. For now, you may for now keep an eye 
> on our blog 
>  for 
> updates when they become supported.
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Nirmita 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2CSrfT:ref

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Re: is there any objective can pull via google ads api report?

2022-07-22 Thread dimas ilham
what I mean by *"can I pull some objective ads via google ads API to my 
report"*  is like leads, clicks, engagement, sales, link clicks, message, 
video views, etc like Facebook do. want to add some questions to this, 
section, can I add purchases from ads in my reports?

Pada Jumat, 22 Juli 2022 pukul 14.13.15 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for raising this concern to the Google Ads API Forum.
> With regard to your concern, I can see from the provided document that you 
> are referring to "About campaign goals in Google Ads". With this, I can 
> refer you to this campaign report 
>  and 
> campaign_conversion_goal 
> .
> This is a good resource to check about creating a report via Google Ads API 
> same as you mentioned. For this,* "can I pull some objective ads via 
> google ads API to my report"* that you mentioned, could you please 
> provide more context of it so that we can provide an accurate answer here?
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Jinky 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bme07:ref

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is there any objective can pull via google ads api report?

2022-07-21 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, I want to create a report via google ads API, can I pull some objective 
ads via google ads API to my report?  I've read some documents on your 
but I can't find them in the documentation

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How long apply basic account get accepted?

2022-07-20 Thread dimas ilham
I already apply my basic account level on Monday,  18 July 2022 10:52(GMT 
+7), and from auto-reply, the google ads API I got says I will get in touch 
with the google team in 48 hours, so until now there's no reply from google 
yet. so I must count 48 hours in a business day or what?

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Re: Refresh Token Issue -

2022-07-14 Thread dimas ilham
add some words, google AdWords is deprecated you can't use it anymore, move 
to google ads documentation here or 
Github on here

Pada Jumat, 15 Juli 2022 pukul 11.48.40 UTC+7 dimas ilham menulis:

> Hi, trying to help out.
> 1. you can use a web application for example if you just use google ads 
> for your website.
> 2. I'm seeing u using python, you can just watch this for example 
> Pada Kamis, 14 Juli 2022 pukul 05.52.27 UTC+7 
> menulis:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm using this API (Sample Code)
>> to upload Conversion Data to Google Ads
>> As per this Document -
>> 1) I need to generate Client id and Client Secret.
>>  I'm not sure what should be the type "Web Application " or "Desktop" 
>> ?
>>   2)  Secondly I need to generate refresh token and for this I came 
>> across this Code base - 
>>  3) so here is what I did, I generated the Client Id and Client Secret 
>> with Type "Desktop App" and I used this Client Id and Client Secret to 
>> Generate the Refresh Token By executing this code - 
>> Log into the Google Account you use to access your AdWords account and go 
>> to the following URL:
>> It returns an URL and when I click on that URL, this is the error, I am 
>> getting
>> """
>> Authorization Error
>> Error 400: invalid_request
>> You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's 
>> OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.
>> You can let the app developer know that this app doesn't comply with one 
>> or more Google validation rules
>> """
>> Please see the attached screenshot.

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Re: Which one is MCC and which one is customer_id

2022-07-14 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, thank you Sherwin for the docs you give me, it's clear the question I 
had, so when I apply for a basic access developer token, just fill the MCC 
right? the sub-account/another customer id under 1 MCC, I didn't include it 
in the form right? for further explanation, so if 3 customer id under 1 
MCC, in the basic access form I fill I just fill that 1 MCC right?
Pada Kamis, 14 Juli 2022 pukul 17.22.13 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for reaching us out. I am Sherwin from Google Ads API support 
> team. I hope that you are doing well today.
> To answer your question in general, we cannot determine which is the 
> manager account on the screenshot that you provided. What we can do is to 
> advise you to check this documentation 
>  regarding 
> Manager account or MCC id. For the second question, the customer id is the 
> one that we are targeting to access, create or request a report or mutate 
> in the Google Ads API.
> I hope that clears up your confusion, Dimas. If you have further concerns, 
> feel free to reply on this thread.
> Kind regards, 
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Sherwin Vincent 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2cVydU:ref

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Which one is MCC and which one is customer_id

2022-07-14 Thread dimas ilham
I want to ask 2 things and I know it might sound like a silly question. 

1. I want to apply some basic access for developer settings there is a form 
for MCC which part from here is MCC?  and there is 
[image: google ads.png]
2. and on the reporting template on code, there is a written customer_id 
which one is the customer_id from the picture I attach above on q1?

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Re: can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-07 Thread dimas ilham
so let's make it clear if I apply for a developer token like the one in the 
API center under set up settings. It can't work since it's for a test 
developer token and must apply to basic access to make it the call API 
works right?
Pada Selasa, 07 Juni 2022 pukul 17.09.06 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for the reply.
> Yes, I could confirm that you can generate a set of reports from a list of 
> accounts in parallel using this code example 
> using the Client library.
> Moving forward to the DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED error, this might be 
> connected to your account access because  like what you have said, your API 
> access is still in test and the presented issue is caused by making a call 
> against a production account with a developer token only approved for test 
> access. You can apply for Basic Access by following the steps outlined 
> here 
> .
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Heidi 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bbd9I:ref

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Re: can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-07 Thread dimas ilham
Hi team, thanks a lot for the response, so I want to make it clear if I 
want to get the report I just use the example parallel report on your team 
just give it to me?

after I run on a single account I just got some errors like *"Error with a 
message "The developer token is not approved. Non-approved developer tokens 
can only be used with test accounts.".*

must I apply for basic access to getting the report? since I just got the 
developer account and got the access for the test account

Pada Selasa, 07 Juni 2022 pukul 14.57.10 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> I hope that you are doing well today.
> Regarding your concern about "*for that part, I mean different MCC",* yes, 
> it is possible to generate a specific list of reports for client accounts 
> from different MCC. However, you must ensure that your email address / 
> email addressed used in the authentication has access to the list of 
> customer id accounts where you want to generate a report.
> Please let me know if you have further concerns, and our team would be 
> pleased to assist you.
> Best,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Anthony Cyril 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bbd9I:ref

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Re: can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-06 Thread dimas ilham
 Upon this question "for generating a certain report from a list of 
accounts, can I list it if there is a different manager ID?" Can you please 
provide full screen screenshot of the UI of which data you want to pull?so 
that i can further investigate the issue. 

for that part, I mean different MCC
Pada Sabtu, 04 Juni 2022 pukul 01.33.37 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
> Upon this question "for generating a certain report from a list of 
> accounts, can I list it if there is a different manager ID?" Can you please 
> provide full screen screenshot of the UI of which data you want to pull?so 
> that i can further investigate the issue.
> For  this question "did it mean I must the YAML file?" As this is a Python 
> client library issue, can you please reach out to the Python client 
> library owners ?
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo]   
> Nirmita 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bbd9I:ref

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Re: Application name on google ads manager

2022-06-03 Thread dimas ilham
seen that part and understand it, thank you for answering!

Pada Jumat, 03 Juni 2022 pukul 21.56.47 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for the reply. I'm also a member of the Google Ads API support 
> team and I appreciate your patience with this concern.
> To answer your question regarding "Is it okay if I'm not using the YAML 
> file and use my function? or the YAML part file is a "must"?", there is a 
> way that you can't use the YAML file and you can check it out in this 
> document 
>  to 
> know the other way to configure the client.
> Best regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Jinky 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bBbTX:ref

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Re: can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-03 Thread dimas ilham
oh.. and on this part:
client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.

did it mean I must the YAML file?

Pada Jumat, 03 Juni 2022 pukul 20.55.32 UTC+7 dimas ilham menulis:

> Hi, thanks for responding to my message,  it's might sound silly, but for 
> generating a certain report from a list of accounts, can I list it if there 
> is a different manager ID?
> Pada Jumat, 03 Juni 2022 pukul 20.39.45 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Forum.
>> Kindly note that there is no way to loop it into multiple YAML files for 
>> multiple manager accounts. You may need to configure your Python client 
>> library as mentioned *here* 
>> <>.
>> However, you can generate a set of reports from a list of accounts in 
>> parallel using this *code example* 
>> <>
>> using the Client library.
>> Regards,
>> [image: Google Logo] 
>> Yasar 
>> Google Ads API Team 
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bbd9I:ref

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Re: can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-03 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, thanks for responding to my message,  it's might sound silly, but for 
generating a certain report from a list of accounts, can I list it if there 
is a different manager ID?

Pada Jumat, 03 Juni 2022 pukul 20.39.45 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi,
> Thanks for reaching out to the Google Ads API Forum.
> Kindly note that there is no way to loop it into multiple YAML files for 
> multiple manager accounts. You may need to configure your Python client 
> library as mentioned *here* 
> .
> However, you can generate a set of reports from a list of accounts in 
> parallel using this *code example* 
> using the Client library.
> Regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Yasar 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bbd9I:ref

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Re: Application name on google ads manager

2022-06-03 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, it's might be sound silly, because I already asked before, but for the 
certain clarification I want to ask if I don't fill the YAML file, and I 
create some function for 5 core inputs on the YAML file which is the 
developer token, refresh token, client id, client secret, and customer id. 
Is it okay if I'm not using the YAML file and use my function? or the YAML 
part file is a "must"?

Pada Jumat, 03 Juni 2022 pukul 12.45.24 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Good day to you. 
> I am happy to know that my colleague helped you with the concern about 
> "*ad_manager 
> on googleads.yaml*" and all issues are resolved.
> Please let me know if you have further concerns and our team will be happy 
> to provide support.
> Best,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Anthony Cyril 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bBbTX:ref

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can i had multiple account reports from multiple manager? is it possible?

2022-06-03 Thread dimas ilham
So, I create some reports with python via google ads API, when I develop 
reports it will result in 1 manager account google ads since on here 

I just can add 1 YAML file, or I just loop it into multiple YAML files, on 
YAML file we (developer) add 1 developer token and 1 customer_id.

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Re: Application name on google ads manager

2022-06-02 Thread dimas ilham
I see, thank you for answering, this clearance my question!

Pada Senin, 23 Mei 2022 pukul 16.10.46 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for the clarification.
> For Google Ads API, you will need to use the client libraries in this link 
> . As you 
> can see here 
> , 
> the Python client library's google-ads.yaml file doesn't have the 
> ad_manager section. For AdWords API, you indeed do not have to make any 
> changes in the ad_manager section, but as discussed, AdWords API has 
> already been sunset and requests to this API will fail.
> Regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Kevin Gil 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bBbTX:ref

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Re: Application name on google ads manager

2022-05-22 Thread dimas ilham
Yes, I intend to use the google ads API, but I'm confused about the part 
ad_manager on googleads.yaml file, if I use Google ads API I don't need to 
fill the ad_manger part right? 

Pada Senin, 23 Mei 2022 pukul 10.08.34 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> The Ad Manager API and AdWords API client libraries for Python resides in 
> the same repository. The ad_manager section on the googleads.yaml 
>  file 
> is only used if you're going to call Ad Manager API 
>  through the client 
> library. If you intend to use Ad Manager API, then I suggest you post your 
> concern in their forum 
>  as 
> they are better equipped to assist you.
> On the other hand, if you intend to use AdWords API, please note that this 
> API has already been sunset as you can see from this blog post 
> .
> With this, I suggest that you use Google Ads API 
>  and its client 
> libraries  
> moving forward. Let us know if you have any further clarification.
> Regards,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Kevin Gil 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bBbTX:ref

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Re: Application name on google ads manager

2022-05-21 Thread dimas ilham
Hi, thanks for responding to my question if you check on googleads.yaml 
file it's written on their Application_name under the section ad_manager, 
what I must fill in on application_name? I must fill application_name with 
OAuth name on console google developer, or I must fill it with whatever I 
want to fill with? Many Thanks!

Pada Jumat, 20 Mei 2022 pukul 21.36.27 UTC+7 adsapi menulis:

> Hi Dimas,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team. 
> We provide support for AdWords 
>  / Google 
> Ads API  related 
> concerns only. If you are using Ads API, can you please provide more 
> details on this issue.
> If you have any concern to the Google Ads Manager API, I recommend you to 
> contact the Google Ads Scripts Support Team here 
> . 
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Nirmita 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bBbTX:ref

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Application name on google ads manager

2022-05-20 Thread dimas ilham
on googleads.yaml file it attached something like application name on ad 
manager, it's written like this:

# AdManagerClient configurations
  # Required Fields 

I'm watching the documentation but still confusing, where can I set up the 
application_name, or I fill it up whatever I want? in example:

application_name: jimmy_application

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