Hi all,

I am using the .NET client library to pull AdWords data for an MCC
account. I have been getting a
SizeLimitError.RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error when performing a
get of Campaign Targets for all campaigns in _one_ account. The
account has 156 campaigns and there are _no_ campaign targets for the
campaigns (I verified that by performing a get Campaign Targets on
each individual campaign). I don't get the SizeLimitError if I get
targets for up to 85 campaigns from this account in a single request.

Does anyone have idea what the issue is here? It does not make sense
that there is a response size limit error when no targets are being
returned. Additionally, I am able to get targets for other accounts in
my MCC account that have more campaigns and campaign targets than this

Thanks in advance for any help.



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