Re: Google Ads API Extremely Slow

2019-04-19 Thread Sergei Kim
+1. Slower then XML AdWords API.

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RE: Google Ads API Extremely Slow

2019-04-19 Thread googleadsapi-forumadvisor via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum


Can you please provide your API request and response so I can see if there
are any issues through *reply privately to author*?

Google Ads API Team

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On 04/18/19 03:40:21 wrote:

I am using the google ads api for keyword research on my website but it
takes too long.

Simply getting the data from the google database takes 6 seconds. I have
removed anything that modifies the data so I am sure that it takes 6
seconds to get the data.

This is the code for getting the keyword volume, competition and ideas.

import csv
import time
import suds
import re
from googleads import adwords
import os

class Ads(object):
   def __init__(self, keywords):
  self.num_calls = 0
  self.langID = 1000
  self.locID = 2840

  self.adwords_client =  

  self.before_estimate = keywords

  # set up queries for search volume
  list_of_calls = [self.before_estimate[i:i + 200] for i in range(0,  
len(self.before_estimate), 200)]

  self.num_calls = len(list_of_calls)
  print("Get ready for ", self.num_calls, "calls and approximately ",  
self.num_calls * 50, "seconds.")

  self.results = self.get_estimate_search_volume(list_of_calls)

   def api_call_function(self, keyword_list, langID, locID, count,  

  targeting_idea_service =  
self.adwords_client.GetService('TargetingIdeaService', version='v201809')

  offset = 0
  PAGE_SIZE = 100

  selector = {
 'searchParameters': [

   'xsi_type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
   'queries': keyword_list

   'xsi_type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
   'languages': [{'id': langID}]
   'xsi_type': 'LocationSearchParameter',
   'locations': [{'id': locID}]
   # Network search parameter (optional)
   'xsi_type': 'NetworkSearchParameter',
   'networkSetting': {
  'targetGoogleSearch': True,
  'targetSearchNetwork': False,
  'targetContentNetwork': False,
  'targetPartnerSearchNetwork': False
   'xsi_type': 'IdeaTextFilterSearchParameter',
   'included': keyword_list

 'ideaType': 'KEYWORD',
 'requestType': requestType,

 'paging': {
'startIndex': str(offset),
'numberResults': count

  page = targeting_idea_service.get(selector)

  # Create dictionary with keyword, search volume pair
  all_results = {}
  for result in page['entries']:
 for attribute in result['data']:
if attribute['key'] == "KEYWORD_TEXT":
   word = attribute['value']['value']
if attribute['key'] == "SEARCH_VOLUME":
   volume = attribute['value']['value']
if attribute['key'] == "COMPETITION":
   competition = attribute['value']['value']
 if competition == 0.0 or competition is None:
all_results[word] = [volume, competition]

  return all_results

   def api_call_error_handling(self, errors, current_call, i):
  def save_and_delete_keywords(keyword_file, error_lines):
 # delete bad keywords and log those deleted
 deleted_keyword_file = "deleted_" + keyword_file
 deleted_list = []
 with open(deleted_keyword_file, "a") as d_file:
for bad_words in error_lines:
   deleted = current_call

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum" group.

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Google Ads API Extremely Slow

2019-04-18 Thread Daj Katal
I am using the google ads api for keyword research on my website but it 
takes too long.

Simply getting the data from the google database takes 6 seconds. I have 
removed anything that modifies the data so I am sure that it takes 6 
seconds to get the data.

This is the code for getting the keyword volume, competition and ideas.

import csv
import time
import suds
import re
from googleads import adwords
import os

class Ads(object):
   def __init__(self, keywords):
  self.num_calls = 0
  self.langID = 1000
  self.locID = 2840

  self.adwords_client = 

  self.before_estimate = keywords

  # set up queries for search volume
  list_of_calls = [self.before_estimate[i:i + 200] for i in range(0, 
len(self.before_estimate), 200)]
  self.num_calls = len(list_of_calls)
  print("Get ready for ", self.num_calls, "calls and approximately ", 
self.num_calls * 50, "seconds.")

  self.results = self.get_estimate_search_volume(list_of_calls)

   def api_call_function(self, keyword_list, langID, locID, count, requestType):

  targeting_idea_service = 
self.adwords_client.GetService('TargetingIdeaService', version='v201809')

  offset = 0
  PAGE_SIZE = 100

  selector = {
 'searchParameters': [

   'xsi_type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
   'queries': keyword_list

   'xsi_type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
   'languages': [{'id': langID}]
   'xsi_type': 'LocationSearchParameter',
   'locations': [{'id': locID}]
   # Network search parameter (optional)
   'xsi_type': 'NetworkSearchParameter',
   'networkSetting': {
  'targetGoogleSearch': True,
  'targetSearchNetwork': False,
  'targetContentNetwork': False,
  'targetPartnerSearchNetwork': False
   'xsi_type': 'IdeaTextFilterSearchParameter',
   'included': keyword_list

 'ideaType': 'KEYWORD',
 'requestType': requestType,
 'requestedAttributeTypes': ['KEYWORD_TEXT', 'SEARCH_VOLUME', 
 'paging': {
'startIndex': str(offset),
'numberResults': count

  page = targeting_idea_service.get(selector)

  # Create dictionary with keyword, search volume pair
  all_results = {}
  for result in page['entries']:
 for attribute in result['data']:
if attribute['key'] == "KEYWORD_TEXT":
   word = attribute['value']['value']
if attribute['key'] == "SEARCH_VOLUME":
   volume = attribute['value']['value']
if attribute['key'] == "COMPETITION":
   competition = attribute['value']['value']
 if competition == 0.0 or competition is None:
all_results[word] = [volume, competition]

  return all_results

   def api_call_error_handling(self, errors, current_call, i):
  def save_and_delete_keywords(keyword_file, error_lines):
 # delete bad keywords and log those deleted
 deleted_keyword_file = "deleted_" + keyword_file
 deleted_list = []
 with open(deleted_keyword_file, "a") as d_file:
for bad_words in error_lines:
   deleted = current_call.pop(bad_words)
for deleted in deleted_list:
   d_file.write(deleted + "\n")

  errors = str(errors)
  # log errors to file
  with open("duplicate_error.txt", "a") as d_file:
 entry = "ERROR - CALL # " + str(i + 1) + "\n"
 d_file.write(errors + "\n")
  # get line numbers from error reading
  error_lines = re.findall('\d\d*', errors)
  # clean "1"
  error_lines[:] = [int(x) for x in error_lines if len(x) != 1]
  save_and_delete_keywords(keyword_file, error_lines)
  return current_call

   def get_estimate_search_volume(self, list_of_calls):
  # Run estimate_search_volume for each set and add to result dictionary 
each time
  results = {}
  i = 0
  retry = False
  errors = "none"
  while i < self.num_calls:
 if not retry:
current_call = list_of_calls[i]
call_results = self.api_call_function(current_call, self.langID, 
self.locID, 800, 'IDEAS')
self.langID, self.locID, 800, 'STATS'))
print("CALL #", i + 1, "COMPLETED.")
i += 1