From: Dale Curtis 
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 12:24 PM
To: Mark Radabaugh ; Ken Hohhof via Members 
Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] Update on CBRS Proceedings

Hello everybody – Dale Curtis here, and I’ll try to be brief: 


  a.. Yes, please, if you receive any calls from the news media about any 
policy subject, please let us know, and please let us assist you. We can field 
the requests for you, and/or provide talking points, background materials, etc. 
The more we speak with one unified voice, the better. 

  a.. Ken, thank you for the specific reporter suggestions, and everyone, 
please send any reporter suggestions you may have. We maintain a list of about 
60 reporters in the tech and telecom trades, the DC policy/politics trades, the 
telecom/broadband reporters at national and regional outlets, etc. We have been 
pitching them a lot recently, and that will continue. 

  a.. Personalized letters to government officials on your business letterhead 
do have an impact. And the more, the better. Form letters don’t have as much 
impact individually, but in mass numbers, they do have an effect. WISPA will be 
providing guidance and sample language for you; do keep an eye on your email 
inbox and the WISPA Twitter feed.  

  a.. Side note: I am looking for “charismatic customers,” meaning unique or 
appealing customers of yours with an interesting story of how they didn’t have 
good broadband before, and you saved the day for them. Even better if CBRS 
spectrum is how you intend to serve them, but any stories are welcome. Schools, 
native communities, celebrities or “big names,” wineries, remote resorts, 
anything with “local color.” Just send me a few sentences on any such stories 
you might have, and we may use them in our future PR activities. We will not 
contact your customers without coordinating with you.   

To be continued! Thanks and salutes, Dale Curtis,, 202-495-3700




From: Mark Radabaugh [] 
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 11:11 AM
To: Ken Hohhof via Members <>
Cc: Dale Curtis <>
Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] Update on CBRS Proceedings


We will have a ‘one-pager’ (that is really two pages) ready shortly that we 
will make available.  Dale Curtis:


Dale Curtis ( 

(202) 495-3700

1901 L Street, NW

Suite 300

Washington, DC 20036


Is our communication advisor and is extremely helpful when talking with the 
media.    Please feel free to forward media inquiries to Dale (or any of the 
WISPA board members) and we can either field the request for you or work with 
you on an appropriate response if you want to speak with the press yourself.


Dale is a very good coach and can help you through what can sometimes be a 
minefield in dealing with the press.  I still make him cringe on a regular 
bases - but I’m working on it :-)


To your other point - WISPA has been very successful with the DC press over the 
last couple of weeks.   I expect that we will see a major story in Politico on 
Monday based on a conversation we had yesterday with a reporter, and I will 
pass along your other suggestions on media outlets to Dale and see what he can 
set up.






Mark Radabaugh

WISPA FCC Committee Chair



  On Oct 20, 2017, at 10:53 AM, Ken Hohhof <> wrote:


  All our comments of course are public and Google-able.  And a Google search 
is what passes for journalism these days.


  There are about a dozen usual suspects that will mine the filings looking for 
something to write about.  Some have a default anti-ISP bias.  Some have a 
pro-telco bias.  Some are maybe even neutral.


  Would it make sense for someone at WISPA to reach out to these folks over the 
next few weeks and present our “spin” on the NPRM and our comments?  I’m not 
sure the Broadband Reports / Techdirt guy can be won over, but Jon Brodkin at 
Ars Technica has written some articles favorable to WISPs even though normally 
he bashes ISPs.  I don’t know about the telco and cellco trade publications.


  Maybe if these guys understand where we’re coming from, that we’re not trying 
to be evil, and that we’re actually little guys trying to avoid being screwed 
over by the evil big guys, they would either leave our comments alone or even 
write something nice about them.


  I’m not sure if FCC commissioners (or their staff) read all our comments when 
there are hundreds, or if they just tally up how many pro and con.  And I’m not 
sure if the pay attention to what journalists and blogs write about the 
comments.  I’m just thinking if one article sums up our hundreds of comments in 
a favorable or unfavorable light, that might influence them.


  The other thing is, we should all be prepared for “journalists” to call or 
email us about what we file.  I know I was called about my comments on Net 
Neutrality and wasn’t prepared with how to answer questions from a journalist 
on the topic.  Anymore I tell them to call WISPA, because I’m not really the 
person you want talking to the press.  But maybe we need to be prepared with 
some talking points for anticipated follow-up questions.



  From: [] On Behalf 
Of Chuck Hogg
  Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 9:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [WISPA Members] Update on CBRS Proceedings


  Hi Ken:


  Many thanks for your suggestions.  In addition to your ideas, during the 
Board Meeting yesterday, we discussed how we are going to move forward to 
increase participation.  We are currently in the process of outlining and 
designing an application to form the appropriate response.  This way a WISP can 
go to a form, fill out the information, the application will generate a 
tailored response based on the WISP submissions, and then WISPA can submit the 
information on behalf of the operator to the FCC.  I agree some type of 
postcard or letter informing everyone would also help as well.



  On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 10:14 AM, Ken Garnett <> wrote:

    The low participation rate in the prior call for letters to the FCC on this 
CBRS issue is really disconcerting.  We need to do a better job of outreach 
next time.  I was at the CBRS Round Table on Thursday afternoon at 
WISPAPALOOZA, where we discussed how best to keep everyone in the loop on this. 
 The idea of a CBRS-specific e-mail list was suggested.  The problem with that 
is it’s just more e-mail noise.  Due to the existential importance of this to 
the future of our industry, may I suggest an old-school communications approach 
for WISPA’s initial post-NPRM-adoption solicitation:

    ·        Send letters.  On real paper with a letterhead, with a WISPA logo 
on the envelope.  Using the U.S. Postal Service.  People don’t ignore real 
mail, as many are inclined to do with e-mail.  For something this important the 
one-time postage cost for ~600 principal members is minuscule in comparison.

    ·        Take this opportunity for a WISPA-sponsored membership drive.  
Hire someone to locate the ~5,000 (or whatever) non-member WISPs around the 
country.  Send them real letters through the mail, explaining the situation, 
urging action, and enlightening them on the benefits of WISPA membership.  
Grass-roots outreach to non-member WISPs is a fine idea, but it’s not 
sufficiently comprehensive.



    - Ken Garnett
      Chief Technology Officer
      530-672-1078, x103


    From: [] On 
Behalf Of Jimmy Carr
    Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2017 12:34 PM
    Subject: [WISPA Members] Update on CBRS Proceedings


    Fellow Members,


    As you know, the FCC is considering a proposal, backed by the mobile 
industry, to make significant changes to the rules for the CBRS band (3.55-3.7 
GHz).  Among the proposals are changing the geographic areas for priority 
access licenses from census tracts to much larger areas called “Partial 
Economic Areas”, and increasing license terms from 3 to 10 years.  


    The WISPA DC team has a robust strategy and is pulling out all the stops in 
this David-vs-Goliath battle.  As this process unfolds, we will be calling on 
all of you to help us communicate with the FCC and with your members of 
Congress.  Please be on the lookout for important communications and calls to 
action over this critical issue for the future of our industry.  


    If you know of other WISPs who aren’t yet WISPA members, reach out to them 
and encourage them to join.  We are leading this fight on behalf of the entire 
fixed wireless community, our voice is stronger when we have more members, and 
this is no time for others to freeload on WISPA’s efforts.  


    I hope you will take the time to read the article that is attached to this 
email.  It demonstrate many aspects of our DC strategy coming together and some 
of our core messaging.  This is from the publication that people like FCC 
Commissioners and their staff read every day.  


    I expect that Steve Coran will soon be distributing a copy of the filing 
summarizing our meeting yesterday with one of the FCC Commissioners. 


    Again, there is a good deal of traffic on our lists — please keep an eye 
out for important communications about this important issue.  There will be a 
good number of them in the next month.  


    -Jimmy Carr


    Chairman, WISPA Legislative Committee


    Members mailing list


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