Re : [agi] How To Create General AI Draft2

2010-08-09 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
sorry,i think all the cognition are base on a private language of models base 
topolical geometrical dynamic in our web mental
therefore the mecanism of vision serve at vision&mental-vision

De : Mike Tintner 
À : agi 
Envoyé le : Lun 9 août 2010, 18h 48min 49s
Objet : Re: [agi] How To Create General AI Draft2

Ben:I think that vision and the vision-cognition bridge are important for AGI, 
but I think they're only a moderate portion of the problem, and not the hardest 

Which is?
From: Ben Goertzel 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 4:57 PM
To: agi 
Subject: Re: [agi] How To Create General AI Draft2

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Mike Tintner  wrote:

Ben:I don't agree that solving vision and the vision-cognition bridge is *such* 
a huge part of AGI, though it's certainly a nontrivial percentage
>Presumably because you don't envisage your AGI/computer as an independent 
>entity? All its info. is going to have to be entered into it in a specially 
>prepared form - and it's still going to be massively and continuously 
>on human programmers?

I envisage my AGI as an independent entity, ingesting information from the 
in a similar manner to how humans do (as well as through additional senses not 
available to humans)

You misunderstood my statement.  I think that vision and the vision-cognition 
bridge are important for AGI, but I think they're only a moderate portion of 
problem, and not the hardest part...


>Humans and real AGI's receive virtually all their info. - certainly all their 
>internet info - through heavily visual processing (with obvious exceptions 
>sound). You can't do maths and logic if you can't see them, and they have 
>forms -  equations and logic have visual form and use visual ideogrammatic as 
>well as visual numerical signs. 
>Just wh. intelligent problemsolving operations is your AGI going to do, 
>that do 
>NOT involve visual processing OR - the alternative - massive human assistance 
>substitute for that processing?
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
CTO, Genescient Corp
Vice Chairman, Humanity+
Advisor, Singularity University and Singularity Institute
External Research Professor, Xiamen University, China

"I admit that two times two makes four is an excellent thing, but if we are to 
give everything its due, two times two makes five is sometimes a very charming 
thing too." -- Fyodor Dostoevsky

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Re : [agi] OpenCog's logic compared to FOL?

2008-06-03 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
hello ben
if i can have a pdf draf,i think you very much

- Message d'origine 
De : Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Mardi, 3 Juin 2008, 18h33mn 02s
Objet : Re: [agi] OpenCog's logic compared to FOL?

Propositions are not the only things that can have truth values...

I don't have time to carry out a detailed mathematical discussion of
this right now...

We're about to (this week) finalize the PLN book draft ... I'll send
you a pre-publication PDF early next week and then you can read it and
we can argue this stuff after that ;-)


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 1:01 AM, YKY (Yan King Yin)
> Ben,
> If we don't work out the correspondence (even approximately) between
> FOL and term logic, this conversation would not be very fruitful.  I
> don't even know what you're doing with PLN.  I suggest we try to work
> it out here step by step.  If your approach really makes sense to me,
> you will gain another helper =)   Also, this will be good for your
> project's documentation.
> I have some examples:
> Eng:  "Some philosophers are wise"
> TL:  +Philosopher+Wise
> FOL:  philosopher(X) -> wise(X)
> Eng:  "Romeo loves Juliet"
> TL:  +-Romeo* + (Loves +-Juliet*)
> FOL:  loves(romeo, juliet)
> Eng:  "Women often have long hair"
> TL:  ?
> FOL:  woman(X) -> long_hair(X)
> I know your term logic is slightly different from Fred Sommers'.  Can
> you fill in the TL parts and also attach indefinite probabilities?
> On 6/3/08, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> If you attach indefinite probabilities to FOL propositions, and create
>> indefinite probability formulas corresponding to standard FOL rules,
>> you will have a subset of PLN
>> But you'll have a hard time applying Bayes rule to FOL propositions
>> without being willing to assign probabilities to terms ... and you'll
>> have a hard time applying it to FOL variable expressions without doing
>> something that equates to assigning probabilities to propositions w.
>> unbound variables ... and like I said, I haven't seen any other
>> adequate way of propagating pdf's through quantifiers than the one we
>> use in PLN, though Halpern's book describes a lot of inadequate ways
>> ;-)
> Re "assigning probabilties to terms..."
> "Term" in term logic is completely different from "term" in FOL.  I
> guess terms in term logic roughly correspond to predicates or
> propositions in FOL.  Terms in FOL seem to have no counterpart in term
> logic..
> Anyway there should be no confusion here.  Propositions are the ONLY
> things that can have truth values.  This applies to term logic as well
> (I just refreshed my memory of TL).  When truth values go from { 0, 1
> } to [ 0, 1 ], we get single-value probabilistic logic.  All this has
> a very solid and rigorous foundation, based on so-called model theory.
> ---
> agi
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

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-- Henry Miller

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Re : [agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-30 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
in my project to encapsuled texai,opencog,yarp,oscar,openNARS,i think utilise  
swing and gbbopen
and therefore common-lisp
i agree linas
good day

- Message d'origine 
De : Linas Vepstas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 30 Mai 2008, 20h12mn 53s
Objet : [agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p


> About C++ versus C# ...
> Linas Vepstas is a very experienced software developer who can likely
> argue the practical advantages of C++ in the Linux environment, more
> adeptly than I can.  He is involved with OpenCog, as well.

Heh. I see my name used in vain.  I have a long response:
-- merits of C++
-- merits of other languages
-- the opencog shell language/meta-langauge

The last point is the most interesting, but its at the end.

First: C++ is far from a perfect language, and many people hate it.
Let me give an example of one common reason why C coders
hate C++ (and Java):

-- The idea that most data and algorithms "naturally" group
themselves into collections or "objects" is fundamentally
correct.  Most C programs these days are written in an
object-oriented or object-directed style. However, C++
(and Java even more so) force the programmer into making
a premature design decision about the grouping of data
and subroutines into objects.  In C++, you feel foolish if
you write a function that isn't a method on some class.
In java, you can't.

In most/all OO languages,  you are forced, very early in the
design cycle, to segregate *everything* into objects.  For
most data and subroutines, this is not a problem. However,
for some things, there's a gray area: its simply not clear
how an algorithm should be split into objects, and how
some routines should be assigned to which objects.  In C,
when you get the assignment of a subroutine to an object
wrong (and everyone, of all skill levels, gets it wrong), there
is little or no penalty to fixing it later (or even letting it slide...).
For C++, and Java, and other OO languages, the penalty is
high, even very high. You have to refactor a *lot* of code.

As a result, bad design decisions made early on tend to
get frozen into the code: its too much work to refactor. As
time goes on, this quick-setting concrete becomes even
stiffer.  As compared to C code, most C++ and Java code
tends to be "uglier" by various subjective standards that
coders like to apply.  Things are in the wrong places, things
are too hard to use, it takes too many lines of code to
accomplish simple, small things.  The coder attitude tends
to be, "yeah, right, we should fix that someday, but in the
meanwhile, lets just live with it because I'm busy right now."
Of course, "someday" never comes.

One of the worst I ever saw was code from Apple, for drawing
lines. Normally, a line draw is a tight loop of multiply-adds,
splatting out pixel colors at very high rates. The Apple code
turned each pixel into an object. The inner loop ran an object
constructor, an object destructor and several method calls.
No wonder the code was 100 times slower than "real" code!

Anyway, that's all beside the point. OpenCog is in C++,
I see no strong reason to re-write.  Yes, garbage collection
sure would be nice: it is *really really* fun to not have to
deal with garbage collection.  Coding in a language with
closures would be nicer. etc. etc. I don't think any of this is
enough, at this point in time, to convert opencog to another
language. Let me give reasons below. But first:

Seems like C# would be a bad choice, for one very
important reason:  someday, maybe soon, I beleive
that the "interesting" opencog problems will outstrip
the cpu and ram requirements of plain desktop machines.
This rules out windows as a viable runtime environment.
The vast majority of big-iron machines simply don't run
windows. Of the top 500 supercomputers in the world,
exactly six of them run windows:

Something approaching 95% of them run unix,
85% of them run Linux.  The results aren't as badly
skewed on smaller machines, but if you start polling
hardware with more than 8GB RAM and more than
8 cpu's, you will find that most of them run linux
or solaris or AIX. Simply stated, Windows just doesn't
play in what Sun marketing likes to call "red-shift
computing".  But AGI, by its very nature, does.


But: I saved the most important point for last:

I am hoping that, before too long, most opencog users
will not be writing C++ code that accesses the low-level
interfaces directly. I am hoping instead that they will be
gluing this algorithm to that data structure, where the
data structures are not shorts and ints and floats of C++,
but are rather Atoms, Nodes and Links, TruthValues,
Predicates, Schemas, & etc. By working at this higher
conceptual level,  I'm hoping that the C++ issue will
fade away:  No one runs around saying "Microsoft

Re : [agi] AGI-08 videos

2008-05-05 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
bonjour richard
i read your mails.i don't understand your position  and your agi theory.can 
you explain me completely,slowly and argumentaly your theory and your 
practice?and what are the difference about agi-08 and you ?thanks you

- Message d'ori---
De : Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Dimanche, 4 Mai 2008, 21h52mn 34s
Objet : Re: [agi] AGI-08 videos

Derek Zahn wrote:
> I noticed yesterday that most of the videos of talks and panels from 
> AGI-08 have been uploaded (  Big 
> thanks to the organizers for that!
> I have some difficulty getting into some of the papers but the 10-ish 
> minute overview talks are by and large quite good, and the panel 
> discussions are particularly interesting.  I feel much better now about 
> not going to the conference!  Hopefully the rest of the talks will be 
> posted, I can't wait to watch them.
> Some personal reactions to particular things:
> * Finally, I think the field has moved beyond the need for so many 
> papers on "six secrets of AI", "five reasons AI has failed", and so on.  
> Even the obligatory "What is AI?" talk was largely redundant (although 
> Dr. Wang's point -- that we will all have different definitions and we 
> should take that into account when studying the work of others -- needs 
> saying).  This is good news.  Perhaps next year's conference won't need 
> so many overview talks.
> * Somehow I had this vague notion that SOAR had basically dried up and 
> blown away in the 1990s, but John Laird's description of current work in 
> SOAR was terrific and quite exciting.  I'll be following their progress 
> closely.
> * There are now quite a number of architectures with AGI-type ambitions 
> that have significant implementation behind them (Novamente, SOAR, LIDA, 
> NARS, OSCAR, BICA, Texai, and others).  The most interesting parts of 
> the panels for me was when the people involved in building those 
> architectures discussed what they have in common and differences in 
> approach for similar problems.  As Ben Goertzel (and Sam Adams and 
> others) point out, these architectures share quite a lot at the level of 
> their "boxes and arrows" overview slides, which provides some context 
> for interesting detailed discussion.  If such discussion occurred on 
> this list that would be really cool; but perhaps a workshop at AGI-09 
> where the architects of these actually-existing systems discussed their 
> similarities and differences and current limitations would be 
> worthwhile.  I'd sure pay to see it!
> * It was quite interesting to see that simulation/visualization as an 
> important operating principle / reasoning mechanism is becoming so 
> popular.  Ideally, I suppose, such modal mechanisms would do double duty 
> in perception and simulation... accomplishing that and interfacing it 
> cleanly with other modalities or general-purpose knowledge 
> representation is really fascinating and I have a feeling we'll be 
> seeing more along those lines.  I wonder if Novamente will go sort of 
> solipsistic and absorb AGISim into itself as a modal reasoning module.
> * Along those lines, there seems to be a growing (certainly not 
> universal) consensus among complete-system builders that virtual 
> embodiment is a "best approach" for providing broad knowledge support 
> (grounding) without messing around with robots.  Somebody could write an 
> excellent paper about the potential pitfalls of such an approach 
> (detail, fidelity, deep causality issues behind appearance, function, 
> and inter-object + inter-feature relationships, and so on).  If nobody 
> else is working in detail on publishing such an analysis perhaps I will 
> study those issues for some months and try to write something for AGI-09 
> about it.
> * Stephen Reed is one of the most clear and deliberate speakers I've 
> seen in this field.  It's really interesting how seeing a person talk 
> about their research makes it seem more real and interesting than just 
> reading about it.
> * I wish Josh's Variac paper wasn't just a poster... but I suppose 
> something has to get left out.  Hopefully next year there will be more 
> concrete implementation/experimentation progress to report in a talk.
> * Limiting people to 10-12 minutes makes it basically impossible to 
> present the contents of a paper, so the talks turn into project 
> overviews.  Actually I found that to be a GOOD thing, and hope it 
> continues that way (as long as we don't get the same overview talks year 
> after year...)
> * Some presenters were very effective and some were not.  I encourage 
> everybody to rehearse their talks to make sure that the amount of 
> material presented is appropriate to the time frame, and to make sure it 
> is presented smoothly.
> Thanks to the organizers and all the participants.  Fantastic stuff.

Prompted by your enthusiastic write-up, I just wasted on

Re : [agi] help me,please for books for agi and mind in pdf

2008-05-02 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
thank you derek
i was reading all this

- Message d'origine 
De : Derek Zahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 2 Mai 2008, 15h18mn 09s
Objet : RE: [agi] help me,please for books for agi and mind in pdf

Bruno Frandemiche asked for online AGI-related text.
If you're adventurous, I'd recommend the Workshop proceedings from 2006:
and the conference proceedings from AGI-08:

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Re : [agi] Instead of an AGI Textbook

2008-04-03 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
Architectures for Intelligent Systems
good day

- Message d'origine 
De : William Pearson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 31 Mars 2008, 23h35mn 42s
Objet : Re: [agi] Instead of an AGI Textbook

On 26/03/2008, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  A lot of students email me asking me what to read to get up to speed on AGI.
>  So I started a wiki page called "Instead of an AGI Textbook",

I've decided to go my own way and have started a new annotated text
book, trying to link in all the topics I think relevant to my current
state of work.

I'll try putting in content in for each of those links. But coding for
the architecture is probably more pointful at this point. Once I have
it up and running on QEmu, I'll try and devote more time to education.

  Will Pearson

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Re : [agi] CEMI Field

2008-01-25 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
conciousness is meta-reflexion on reflexion as meta-cognition for cognition
if you know where is the reflexion,you know where is conciousness
oops...too simple

- Message d'origine 
De : Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 25 Janvier 2008, 16h38mn 36s
Objet : Re: [agi] CEMI Field

Günther Greindl wrote:
> Hi Richard,
>> It says, in effect "Hey, the explanation of consciousness is that it 
>> is caused by X" where X is something that explains absolutely nothing 
>> about whatever consciousness is supposed to be.  Moreover, the person 
>> espousing the theory, you can bet, will not be able to state exactly 
>> what they think "consciousness" actually is... they will just be able 
>> to tell you that, whatever it is, their candidate explains it.
> I know why you are being sceptical - my initial reactions to theories of 
> consciousness are usually the same, because people who propose them 
> usually have ulterior motives (special status of humans, dualism, 
> religion whatever..)
> I don't think that this scientist has these motives, as he is strictly 
> on the physicalist side. BTW, he also writes a bit about free will, I 
> disagree with him on this notion as I can not see where free will could 
> enter a physicalist picture of reality. (But that is anther controversy ;-)
> The thing is this: consciousness (the basic phenomenon of awareness) 
> needs explaining, and I believe science can explain it in physicalist way.

I take a very similar position, in some ways.  I have actually gone so 
far as to build a theory that I believe *does* address the questions of 
what we mean by "consciousness", as well as the further question o what 
it actually is.  (I gave this as a poster presentation at the last 
Tucson conference).  My conclusion is a strange one that does admit that 
there is a thing called consciousness - there is definitely something 
that needs to be explained - but at the same time I believe it has a 
kind of unique status, so the physicalist/dualist controversy becomes 

My only problem with people like the one you cite is that they often 
declare that "consciousness is X" without being clear about what they 
really think "consciousness" is.  I agree that some of them have 
ulterior motives, but I would be willing to forgive them that, if only 
they would start by being clear about what the C-word actually means :-).

I am (of course!) pushing my own theory a bit here, because I believe 
that what happens when you try to really pin down the concept of C is 
that, in fact, the next question gets answered almost automatically.

>> I could just as easily say that consciousness is explained by ... hair 
>> follicles.  This Hair Follicle Theory of Consciousness would have the 
>> same qualifications to be considered the correct theory.
> Well no - because, esp. via brain lesions etc, we can fairly definitly 
> locate consciousness _in_ the brain (or the whole brain) - but not 
> _outside_ the brain.
> So we just have to look _where_ in the brain this happens. We can now 
> endorse modular theories or comprehensive ones, but for this is not very 
> satisfactory: consciousness is being felt as a unity, and I can't quite 
> see how individual neurons firing can lead to a unified feeling: this 
> also goes for synchronous firing, because neuron A does not know that B 
> fires syncronously, so how could it make a difference at the neural 
> level (I hope you know what I mean, I can elaborate).

Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean:  well put.

> But the EM field is a "unity" - the field is caused by the summary of 
> _all_ neurons in the brain, and it is also _caused_ by the electric 
> potentials in all neurons.
> Also, the EM field is perfectly physicalist and does not invoke QM 
> mysteries (a la Hameroff/Penrose which I find bogus and has been 
> quantitatively refuted by Max Tegmark)

There are some problems with simply saying that C is lcoated "in" the 
brain:  mostly these problems have to do with slippage of the meaning of 
C from the "hard-problem" version (the problem of explaining pure 
subjectivity) to the "being awake" version.  That was certaily the 
biggest problem at the talks I saw at the Tucson conference:  many of 
the neuroscentists would start their talks with high-minded references 
to real consciousness (perhaps even say "hard problem" at some point), 
but then it would gradually become clear that the actual content of 
their talk was drifting into a discussion of where in the brain you find 
correlates of the subject's sense of "awareness".  In other words, they 
wanted to know which bits of the brain needed to be firing if the 
subject was to have explicit knowledge of events ... which is the same 
as awakeness.

All the arguments for localization within the brain seem to fall back 
into this mode.  We could pick one of them at random, I am sure, and 
analyze it carefully, and find that

Re : Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2008-01-15 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Bruno Frandemiche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 26 Décembre 2007, 19h20mn 41s
Objet : Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

- Message d'origine 
De : Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 17 Décembre 2007, 20h03mn 01s
Objet : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

I've published a roughly categorized link list of Java AI tools and libraries, 
that may be helpful to Java developers here:

Are there useful Java components that are missing?

Stephen L. Reed 
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704


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Re : [agi] OpenCog

2007-12-28 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Benjamin Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 28 Décembre 2007, 15h14mn 10s
Objet : Re: [agi] OpenCog

On Dec 28, 2007 8:28 AM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Benjamin Goertzel wrote:
> > I wish you much luck with your own approach  And, I would imagine
> > that if you create a software framework supporting your own approach
> > in a convenient way, my own currently favored AI approaches will not
> > be conveniently explorable within it.  That's the nature of 
> > framework-building.
> Actually, that would be a serious miusunderstanding of the framework and
> development environment that I am building.  Your system would be just
> as easy to build as any other.
> My purpose is to create a description language that allows us to talk
> about different types of AGI system, and then construct design
> variations autonmatically.

I don't believe it is possible to create a framework that both

a) is unbiased regarding design type

b) makes it easy to construct AGI designs

Just as different programming languages are biased toward different types
of apps, so with different AGI frameworks...

-- Ben

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Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2007-12-26 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 17 Décembre 2007, 20h03mn 01s
Objet : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

I've published a roughly categorized link list of Java AI tools and libraries, 
that may be helpful to Java developers here:

Are there useful Java components that are missing?

Stephen L. Reed 
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704


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Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2007-12-24 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 17 Décembre 2007, 20h03mn 01s
Objet : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

I've published a roughly categorized link list of Java AI tools and libraries, 
that may be helpful to Java developers here:

Are there useful Java components that are missing?

Stephen L. Reed 
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704


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Re : Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2007-12-21 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Charles D Hixson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Envoyé le : Jeudi, 20 Décembre 2007, 22h08mn 48s
Objet : Re: Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

Bruno Frandemiche wrote:
> Psyclone AIOS <>™ is a powerful platform
> for building complex automation
> and autonomous systems
I couldn't seem to find what license that was released under.  (The 
library was LGPL, which is very nice.)
But without knowing the license, I didn't look any further.  If you are 
in charge of the web page, perhaps it would be worthwhile to add a link 
to the license.

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Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2007-12-19 Thread Bruno Frandemiche

- Message d'origine 
De : Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 17 Décembre 2007, 20h03mn 01s
Objet : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

I've published a roughly categorized link list of Java AI tools and libraries, 
that may be helpful to Java developers here:

Are there useful Java components that are missing?

Stephen L. Reed 
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704


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Re : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

2007-12-19 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
Psyclone AIOS™ is a powerful platform 
for building complex automation 
and autonomous systems

- Message d'origine 
De : Stephen Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Lundi, 17 Décembre 2007, 20h03mn 01s
Objet : [agi] List of Java AI tools & libraries

I've published a roughly categorized link list of Java AI tools and libraries, 
that may be helpful to Java developers here:

Are there useful Java components that are missing?

Stephen L. Reed 
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
3008 Oak Crest Ave.
Austin, Texas, USA 78704


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