Re: [agi] MSRobot vs E3

2008-11-21 Thread Bob Mottram
2008/11/21 Mike Tintner [EMAIL PROTECTED]:{FA2B30F1-B78B-4E33-91A4-F7F3D07DECCB}

The biggest growth area for robotics in the next few years I think is
going to be telerobots, allowing mobile teleconferencing.  In a
recession this allows people to interact in a fairly quick and direct
way without needing to spend a lot of time and money commuting or
taking expensive business trips.  It can also be justified on
environmental grounds in terms of carbon emissions reduction, and in
terms of increasing the productivity of individuals at a time when the
number of employees may be falling.  I can think of a few occasions in
the past where having a telerobot on site would have avoided me
needing to take long expensive flights to remote locations, and would
have allowed me to diagnose a problem in a much shorter time (and time
is a highly prized commodity in industrial manufacturing, where rate
of production is everything).

Whether Microsoft can become a dominant player remains to be seen.  To
date it has really had almost nothing to do with robotics, and
although MSRS has caused some excitement amongst hobbyists it hasn't
had much penetration in the automation market generally.  Amongst
seasoned roboticists the Windows operating system continues to enjoy
an exceedingly poor reputation, at least as far as real time control
of machinery is concerned (GUIs and databases on the other hand are a
different matter).

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Re: [agi] MSRobot vs E3

2008-11-21 Thread Bob Mottram
2008/11/21 Charles Hixson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 The thing is, MS systems tend to be extremely inflexible.  I.e., they are
 flexible within their predefined fixed limitations, and outside of that you
 need to constantly fight the system to get anywhere.  To me this doesn't
 sound like a good description of a robotics system.

Well with a robot reliability and predictability are highly valued
criteria.  You really want to know that the robot is always going to
react to something in a certain time so that it doesn't crash into
stuff or end up doing the wrong thing.  Microsoft systems are
traditionally poor in areas requiring high reliability, although
things like database systems would seem to be an exception.

However, all of this stuff which I've been blurting out is largely
based upon the past - machines in factories making stuff, and bad
experiences with older versions on Windows.  The future of consumer
robotics could be quite different, but I expect that safety and
reliability are still going to remain key issues even on low cost
machines.  Small toy or hobby robots are not much of a worry if they
behave unreliably, but bigger trash can or human sized robots would be
quite a different matter from a health and safety perspective.

For the immediate future it seems unlikely that AGI is going to play
any major role in this, but I expect that it will piggyback upon the
robotics infrastructure, such as telerobots, which come into service
during the next decade in accordance with the sliding autonomy idea.

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[agi] MSRobot vs E3

2008-11-20 Thread Mike Tintner{FA2B30F1-B78B-4E33-91A4-F7F3D07DECCB} 

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