Re : [agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-30 Thread Bruno Frandemiche
in my project to encapsuled texai,opencog,yarp,oscar,openNARS,i think utilise  
swing and gbbopen
and therefore common-lisp
i agree linas
good day

- Message d'origine 
De : Linas Vepstas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 30 Mai 2008, 20h12mn 53s
Objet : [agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p


> About C++ versus C# ...
> Linas Vepstas is a very experienced software developer who can likely
> argue the practical advantages of C++ in the Linux environment, more
> adeptly than I can.  He is involved with OpenCog, as well.

Heh. I see my name used in vain.  I have a long response:
-- merits of C++
-- merits of other languages
-- the opencog shell language/meta-langauge

The last point is the most interesting, but its at the end.

First: C++ is far from a perfect language, and many people hate it.
Let me give an example of one common reason why C coders
hate C++ (and Java):

-- The idea that most data and algorithms "naturally" group
themselves into collections or "objects" is fundamentally
correct.  Most C programs these days are written in an
object-oriented or object-directed style. However, C++
(and Java even more so) force the programmer into making
a premature design decision about the grouping of data
and subroutines into objects.  In C++, you feel foolish if
you write a function that isn't a method on some class.
In java, you can't.

In most/all OO languages,  you are forced, very early in the
design cycle, to segregate *everything* into objects.  For
most data and subroutines, this is not a problem. However,
for some things, there's a gray area: its simply not clear
how an algorithm should be split into objects, and how
some routines should be assigned to which objects.  In C,
when you get the assignment of a subroutine to an object
wrong (and everyone, of all skill levels, gets it wrong), there
is little or no penalty to fixing it later (or even letting it slide...).
For C++, and Java, and other OO languages, the penalty is
high, even very high. You have to refactor a *lot* of code.

As a result, bad design decisions made early on tend to
get frozen into the code: its too much work to refactor. As
time goes on, this quick-setting concrete becomes even
stiffer.  As compared to C code, most C++ and Java code
tends to be "uglier" by various subjective standards that
coders like to apply.  Things are in the wrong places, things
are too hard to use, it takes too many lines of code to
accomplish simple, small things.  The coder attitude tends
to be, "yeah, right, we should fix that someday, but in the
meanwhile, lets just live with it because I'm busy right now."
Of course, "someday" never comes.

One of the worst I ever saw was code from Apple, for drawing
lines. Normally, a line draw is a tight loop of multiply-adds,
splatting out pixel colors at very high rates. The Apple code
turned each pixel into an object. The inner loop ran an object
constructor, an object destructor and several method calls.
No wonder the code was 100 times slower than "real" code!

Anyway, that's all beside the point. OpenCog is in C++,
I see no strong reason to re-write.  Yes, garbage collection
sure would be nice: it is *really really* fun to not have to
deal with garbage collection.  Coding in a language with
closures would be nicer. etc. etc. I don't think any of this is
enough, at this point in time, to convert opencog to another
language. Let me give reasons below. But first:

Seems like C# would be a bad choice, for one very
important reason:  someday, maybe soon, I beleive
that the "interesting" opencog problems will outstrip
the cpu and ram requirements of plain desktop machines.
This rules out windows as a viable runtime environment.
The vast majority of big-iron machines simply don't run
windows. Of the top 500 supercomputers in the world,
exactly six of them run windows:

Something approaching 95% of them run unix,
85% of them run Linux.  The results aren't as badly
skewed on smaller machines, but if you start polling
hardware with more than 8GB RAM and more than
8 cpu's, you will find that most of them run linux
or solaris or AIX. Simply stated, Windows just doesn't
play in what Sun marketing likes to call "red-shift
computing".  But AGI, by its very nature, does.


But: I saved the most important point for last:

I am hoping that, before too long, most opencog users
will not be writing C++ code that accesses the low-level
interfaces directly. I am hoping instead that they will be
gluing this algorithm to that data structure, where the
data structures are not shorts and ints and floats of C++,
but are rather Atoms, Nodes and Links, TruthValues,

[agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-30 Thread Linas Vepstas

> About C++ versus C# ...
> Linas Vepstas is a very experienced software developer who can likely
> argue the practical advantages of C++ in the Linux environment, more
> adeptly than I can.  He is involved with OpenCog, as well.

Heh. I see my name used in vain.  I have a long response:
-- merits of C++
-- merits of other languages
-- the opencog shell language/meta-langauge

The last point is the most interesting, but its at the end.

First: C++ is far from a perfect language, and many people hate it.
Let me give an example of one common reason why C coders
hate C++ (and Java):

-- The idea that most data and algorithms "naturally" group
themselves into collections or "objects" is fundamentally
correct.  Most C programs these days are written in an
object-oriented or object-directed style. However, C++
(and Java even more so) force the programmer into making
a premature design decision about the grouping of data
and subroutines into objects.  In C++, you feel foolish if
you write a function that isn't a method on some class.
In java, you can't.

In most/all OO languages,  you are forced, very early in the
design cycle, to segregate *everything* into objects.  For
most data and subroutines, this is not a problem. However,
for some things, there's a gray area: its simply not clear
how an algorithm should be split into objects, and how
some routines should be assigned to which objects.  In C,
when you get the assignment of a subroutine to an object
wrong (and everyone, of all skill levels, gets it wrong), there
is little or no penalty to fixing it later (or even letting it slide...).
For C++, and Java, and other OO languages, the penalty is
high, even very high. You have to refactor a *lot* of code.

As a result, bad design decisions made early on tend to
get frozen into the code: its too much work to refactor. As
time goes on, this quick-setting concrete becomes even
stiffer.  As compared to C code, most C++ and Java code
tends to be "uglier" by various subjective standards that
coders like to apply.  Things are in the wrong places, things
are too hard to use, it takes too many lines of code to
accomplish simple, small things.  The coder attitude tends
to be, "yeah, right, we should fix that someday, but in the
meanwhile, lets just live with it because I'm busy right now."
Of course, "someday" never comes.

One of the worst I ever saw was code from Apple, for drawing
lines. Normally, a line draw is a tight loop of multiply-adds,
splatting out pixel colors at very high rates. The Apple code
turned each pixel into an object. The inner loop ran an object
constructor, an object destructor and several method calls.
No wonder the code was 100 times slower than "real" code!

Anyway, that's all beside the point. OpenCog is in C++,
I see no strong reason to re-write.  Yes, garbage collection
sure would be nice: it is *really really* fun to not have to
deal with garbage collection.  Coding in a language with
closures would be nicer. etc. etc. I don't think any of this is
enough, at this point in time, to convert opencog to another
language. Let me give reasons below. But first:

Seems like C# would be a bad choice, for one very
important reason:  someday, maybe soon, I beleive
that the "interesting" opencog problems will outstrip
the cpu and ram requirements of plain desktop machines.
This rules out windows as a viable runtime environment.
The vast majority of big-iron machines simply don't run
windows. Of the top 500 supercomputers in the world,
exactly six of them run windows:

Something approaching 95% of them run unix,
85% of them run Linux.  The results aren't as badly
skewed on smaller machines, but if you start polling
hardware with more than 8GB RAM and more than
8 cpu's, you will find that most of them run linux
or solaris or AIX. Simply stated, Windows just doesn't
play in what Sun marketing likes to call "red-shift
computing".  But AGI, by its very nature, does.


But: I saved the most important point for last:

I am hoping that, before too long, most opencog users
will not be writing C++ code that accesses the low-level
interfaces directly. I am hoping instead that they will be
gluing this algorithm to that data structure, where the
data structures are not shorts and ints and floats of C++,
but are rather Atoms, Nodes and Links, TruthValues,
Predicates, Schemas, & etc. By working at this higher
conceptual level,  I'm hoping that the C++ issue will
fade away:  No one runs around saying "Microsoft
should rewrite thier OS kernel in .net" or "the Linux
kernel should be rewritten in java". That would be silly.
I hope the opencog-in-C++ debate will soon become
equally silly.

Ahh, but the stuff on top of opencog: what language
should that be in? This is where the debate should
happen.  The original plan was for that language to be
"Combo", but that has drifted a bit sideways.

Some of this debate has occurred

[agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-26 Thread Ben Goertzel

If it were possible to make both C# and C+ versions of the core
(AtomTable and scheduler), and have both C# and C++  MindAgents run on
both, then we would have a favorable situation in terms of allowing
everyone to use their own fave languages and development environments.

-- Ben G

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While all the language wars continue, I'd like to re-emphasize my original
> point (directly copied from the original e-mail) -- One of the things that
> I've been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely alternate underlying
> software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then develop in the
> architecture that is most convenient and then we could have people
> cross-port between the two.
> Seriously people, I'm not asking anyone to move away from what *you* are
> familiar with if you don't want to.  I'm saying that maybe we should
> deliberately attempt to open this up so that we get *more* contributions and
> viewpoints -- at the admitted cost of needing better documentation and
> control -- which is really necessary anyways.  My "belief" is that seeing
> what happens will cause a migration -- but I'm not invested in that belief
> and would be happy and see huge benefits either way.
> Mark
> P.S.  Thank you for the forward Ben.
> - Original Message -
> From: Ben Goertzel
> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:29 PM
> Subject: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p
> This email thread on the AGI list really seems more appropriate for the
> OpenCog list... so I'm forwarding it here...
> -- Ben G
> --
> From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:23 PM
> To:
> Yeah, I'll certainly grant you that.  The unfortunate problem is that people
> coming in late don't see the prior arguments and then engage in behavior
> that they believe is similar but entirely without the scientific rigor that
> you normally follow but don't always visibly display.
> Also, on the other hand, for certain classes of issues where you are less of
> an expert -- like in large-scale systems architecture (both software and
> conceptual), a number of your previously posted arguments are *I believe* at
> best questionable if not outright wrong.  The fact that these assumptions
> aren't open for inspection at a convenient location is problematical if many
> other things are built on top of them and then they turn out to be wrong.
> We need to start to gather the best of these assumptions and debates in one
> place (probably a wiki) because long-term e-mail looping is not efficient.
> I've had this as a low priority thought for the AGI-Network but I think that
> I'm going to escalate it's priority substantially and see if I can't come up
> with a conceptual design for such a wiki (with scaled and isolated
> privileges) over the next couple of weeks.
> One of the things that I've been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely
> alternate underlying software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then
> develop in the architecture that is most convenient and then we could have
> people cross-port between the two.  I strongly contend that the current
> architecture does not take advantage of a large part of the newest advances
> and infrastructures of the past half-decade.  I think that if people saw
> what could be done with far less time and code utilizing already existing
> functionality and better tools that C++ would be a dead issue.
> --
> From: Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:26 PM
> To:
> Somehow I doubt that this list will be the place where the endless
> OS/language
> wars plaguing the IT community are finally solved ;-p
> Certainly there are plenty of folks with equal software engineering
> experience
> to you, advocating the Linux/C++ route (taken in the current OpenCog
> version)
> rather than the .Net/C# route that I believe you advocate...
> -- Ben G
> --
> From: Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM
> To:
> No, I believe he advocates OCaml vs. F#   ;-)
> (sorry for leaving-out Haskell and others)
> --
> From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:59 PM
> To:
> Cool.  An *argument from authority* without even having an authority.  Show
> me those "plenty of folks" and their reasons for advocating Linux/C++.
> Times have changed.  Other alternatives have advanced tremendously.  You are
> out of date and using and touting obsolete software and development
> methods.  I *don't* believe that you can find an expert who has remained
> current on technology who will back your point.
> {NOTE:  It's also always interesting to see someone say that the argument is
> OS/language vs. framework/language (don't you know enough to compare apples
> to apples?)]
> Mor

[agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-26 Thread Mark Waser
One of my major points that we've lost in all this is that *every* piece 
should have clean, well-specified interfaces and APIs such that the language 
of one piece really shouldn't have an effect on the language of another.

C++ runs just fine under .Net (albeit as "unmanaged code").

If I were to create a .Net fork, I would still have both C# and C++ versions 
and let developers use both and choose between them as necessary.

The best way to start a .Net fork would be to just get the current C++ to 
compile and run under .Net.

Then I'd start trying to help with the documentation . . . . then the C#.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p


If it were possible to make both C# and C+ versions of the core
(AtomTable and scheduler), and have both C# and C++  MindAgents run on
both, then we would have a favorable situation in terms of allowing
everyone to use their own fave languages and development environments.

-- Ben G

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
While all the language wars continue, I'd like to re-emphasize my 
point (directly copied from the original e-mail) -- One of the things 
I've been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely alternate 

software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then develop in the
architecture that is most convenient and then we could have people
cross-port between the two.

Seriously people, I'm not asking anyone to move away from what *you* are
familiar with if you don't want to.  I'm saying that maybe we should
deliberately attempt to open this up so that we get *more* contributions 

viewpoints -- at the admitted cost of needing better documentation and
control -- which is really necessary anyways.  My "belief" is that seeing
what happens will cause a migration -- but I'm not invested in that 

and would be happy and see huge benefits either way.


P.S.  Thank you for the forward Ben.

- Original Message -
From: Ben Goertzel
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:29 PM
Subject: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

This email thread on the AGI list really seems more appropriate for the
OpenCog list... so I'm forwarding it here...

-- Ben G

From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:23 PM

Yeah, I'll certainly grant you that.  The unfortunate problem is that 

coming in late don't see the prior arguments and then engage in behavior
that they believe is similar but entirely without the scientific rigor 

you normally follow but don't always visibly display.

Also, on the other hand, for certain classes of issues where you are less 

an expert -- like in large-scale systems architecture (both software and
conceptual), a number of your previously posted arguments are *I believe* 

best questionable if not outright wrong.  The fact that these assumptions
aren't open for inspection at a convenient location is problematical if 

other things are built on top of them and then they turn out to be wrong.

We need to start to gather the best of these assumptions and debates in 
place (probably a wiki) because long-term e-mail looping is not 
I've had this as a low priority thought for the AGI-Network but I think 
I'm going to escalate it's priority substantially and see if I can't come 

with a conceptual design for such a wiki (with scaled and isolated
privileges) over the next couple of weeks.

One of the things that I've been tempted to argue for a while is an 

alternate underlying software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then
develop in the architecture that is most convenient and then we could 

people cross-port between the two.  I strongly contend that the current
architecture does not take advantage of a large part of the newest 

and infrastructures of the past half-decade.  I think that if people saw
what could be done with far less time and code utilizing already existing
functionality and better tools that C++ would be a dead issue.
From: Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:26 PM

Somehow I doubt that this list will be the place where the endless
wars plaguing the IT community are finally solved ;-p

Certainly there are plenty of folks with equal software engineering
to you, advocating the Linux/C++ route (taken in the current OpenCog
rather than the .Net/C# route that I believe you advocate...

-- Ben G
From: Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM

No, I believe he advocates OCaml vs. F#   ;-)
(sorry for leaving-out Haskell and others)
From: Mark Wa

[agi] Re: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

2008-05-26 Thread Mark Waser
While all the language wars continue, I'd like to re-emphasize my original 
point (directly copied from the original e-mail) -- One of the things that I've 
been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely alternate underlying software 
architecture for OpenCog -- people can then develop in the architecture that is 
most convenient and then we could have people cross-port between the two.  

Seriously people, I'm not asking anyone to move away from what *you* are 
familiar with if you don't want to.  I'm saying that maybe we should 
deliberately attempt to open this up so that we get *more* contributions and 
viewpoints -- at the admitted cost of needing better documentation and control 
-- which is really necessary anyways.  My "belief" is that seeing what happens 
will cause a migration -- but I'm not invested in that belief and would be 
happy and see huge benefits either way.


P.S.  Thank you for the forward Ben.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ben Goertzel 
  Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:29 PM
  Subject: Mark Waser arguing that OpenCog should be recoded in .Net ;-p

  This email thread on the AGI list really seems more appropriate for the 
OpenCog list... so I'm forwarding it here...

  -- Ben G

  From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:23 PM

  Yeah, I'll certainly grant you that.  The unfortunate problem is that people 
coming in late don't see the prior arguments and then engage in behavior that 
they believe is similar but entirely without the scientific rigor that you 
normally follow but don't always visibly display.

  Also, on the other hand, for certain classes of issues where you are less of 
an expert -- like in large-scale systems architecture (both software and 
conceptual), a number of your previously posted arguments are *I believe* at 
best questionable if not outright wrong.  The fact that these assumptions 
aren't open for inspection at a convenient location is problematical if many 
other things are built on top of them and then they turn out to be wrong.

  We need to start to gather the best of these assumptions and debates in one 
place (probably a wiki) because long-term e-mail looping is not efficient. I've 
had this as a low priority thought for the AGI-Network but I think that I'm 
going to escalate it's priority substantially and see if I can't come up with a 
conceptual design for such a wiki (with scaled and isolated privileges) over 
the next couple of weeks.

  One of the things that I've been tempted to argue for a while is an entirely 
alternate underlying software architecture for OpenCog -- people can then 
develop in the architecture that is most convenient and then we could have 
people cross-port between the two.  I strongly contend that the current 
architecture does not take advantage of a large part of the newest advances and 
infrastructures of the past half-decade.  I think that if people saw what could 
be done with far less time and code utilizing already existing functionality 
and better tools that C++ would be a dead issue. 

  From: Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 4:26 PM

  Somehow I doubt that this list will be the place where the endless OS/language
  wars plaguing the IT community are finally solved ;-p

  Certainly there are plenty of folks with equal software engineering experience
  to you, advocating the Linux/C++ route (taken in the current OpenCog version)
  rather than the .Net/C# route that I believe you advocate...

  -- Ben G
  From: Lukasz Stafiniak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM

  No, I believe he advocates OCaml vs. F#   ;-)
  (sorry for leaving-out Haskell and others)

  From: Mark Waser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Sun, May 25, 2008 at 5:59 PM

  Cool.  An *argument from authority* without even having an authority.  Show 
me those "plenty of folks" and their reasons for advocating Linux/C++.  Times 
have changed.  Other alternatives have advanced tremendously.  You are out of 
date and using and touting obsolete software and development methods.  I 
*don't* believe that you can find an expert who has remained current on 
technology who will back your point.

  {NOTE:  It's also always interesting to see someone say that the argument is 
OS/language vs. framework/language (don't you know enough to compare apples to 

  More importantly, I don't believe that I've ever explicitly endorsed C#.  
What I've always pushed is the .NET framework because 1) it's got far more 
already built infrastructure than anything else and 2) you can mix and match 
languages so that you can use the most appropriate language in any given place 
and still use another language where it is more appropriate.

  So, I'll take up your challenge . . . . 

  I've develope