Here's my hopes that we can break this rich-get-richer situation! Putting
quite a bit of trust here into Gaelan for the sake of making our joint
effort easier:

I transfer all of my assets to my Locker.

I become a party to Team Margaux and I consent to all changes to that
contract, for 1 week.

On Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 7:36 AM Gaelan Steele via agora-business <> wrote:

> > On Aug 19, 2020, at 10:35 PM, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Darn, good catch.
> >
> > I intend, with the consent of all parties, to amend the contract to the
> following.
> >
> > TLDR: Anyone can transfer the coins from the contract to me. I SHALL
> make sure that happens before the end of the auction. I SHAN'T use the
> coins unless the contract says so. If we don't win, y'all can claim the
> refund from my balance if necessary.
> >
> > {
> > Any player may become a party to this contract. Any player other than
> Gaelan may cease to be a party to this contract.
> >
> > Any party may transfer coins to this contract. A person's contribution
> is the total number of coins they have transferred to this contract. A
> person's share is eir contribution, divided by the total number of coins
> transferred to this contract.
> >
> > Whenever this contract has more coins than the current highest bid on
> the August 2020 zombie auction, Gaelan SHALL within 24 hours, and any party
> may act on Gaelan's behalf to, place a bid of the number of coins held by
> this contract. For the avoidance of doubt, another player acting on
> Gaelan's behalf to perform this actions satisfies Gaelan's obligation to do
> so.
> >
> > Any party may transfer coins from this contract to Gaelan. Gaelan SHALL
> destroy, pay, or transfer those coins only as required or permitted by this
> contract. Gaelan SHALL ensure that all coins are transferred from this
> contract to emself before the end of the August 2020 zombie auction.
> >
> > When the August 2020 zombie auction ends, if Gaelan is an awardee of a
> lot, e SHALL within a timely fashion, and any party may act on eir behalf
> to, perform the following process:
> > - pay a fee of that many coins to transfer the corresponding talisman to
> emself
> > - act on behalf of the zombie corresponding to said talisman to transfer
> all of the zombie's coins to Gaelan
> > - transfer to each party a number of coins equal to the number
> transferred from the zombie, multiplied by eir share, rounded down (instead
> of transferring assets to emself, Gaelan may do nothing)
> >
> > After the August 2020 zombie auction ends, if Gaelan is not the awardee
> of a lot, any party MAY once transfer coins totaling a number equal to eir
> contribution from Gaelan (acting on eir behalf to do so) and/or this
> contract to emself.
> >
> > Gaelan may destroy this contract by announcement if it holds no assets
> and e has fulfilled all of eir obligations under this contract.
> > }
> >
> > Gaelan
> Ttttpf

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