BUS: Mad Engineer weekly random rule selection

2022-03-15 Thread nethack4.org dicebot via agora-business
This is an automated selection of a random rule from Agora's ruleset,
as part of the Mad Engineer's weekly duties.
Randomizing from 146 rules.

Assignment of dice rolls to rules:
1:R101; 2:R103; 3:R104; 4:R105; 5:R106; 6:R107; 7:R208; 8:R217;
9:R478; 10:R591; 11:R649; 12:R683; 13:R693; 14:R869; 15:R879;
16:R911; 17:R955; 18:R991; 19:R1006; 20:R1023; 21:R1030; 22:R1051;
23:R1367; 24:R1551; 25:R1586; 26:R1607; 27:R1681; 28:R1688; 29:R1698;
30:R1727; 31:R1728; 32:R1742; 33:R1769; 34:R1789; 35:R1950; 36:R2029;
37:R2034; 38:R2124; 39:R2125; 40:R2127; 41:R2137; 42:R2138; 43:R2139;
44:R2140; 45:R2141; 46:R2143; 47:R2152; 48:R2154; 49:R2160; 50:R2162;
51:R2166; 52:R2168; 53:R2175; 54:R2201; 55:R2202; 56:R2221; 57:R2231;
58:R2240; 59:R2246; 60:R2327; 61:R2350; 62:R2379; 63:R2415; 64:R2422;
65:R2423; 66:R2429; 67:R2438; 68:R2449; 69:R2450; 70:R2451; 71:R2456;
72:R2463; 73:R2464; 74:R2465; 75:R2466; 76:R2471; 77:R2472; 78:R2478;
79:R2480; 80:R2481; 81:R2483; 82:R2486; 83:R2492; 84:R2493; 85:R2495;
86:R2496; 87:R2499; 88:R2505; 89:R2509; 90:R2518; 91:R2519; 92:R2528;
93:R2531; 94:R2545; 95:R2553; 96:R2555; 97:R2556; 98:R2557; 99:R2559;
100:R2566; 101:R2573; 102:R2575; 103:R2576; 104:R2577; 105:R2578;
106:R2579; 107:R2581; 108:R2582; 109:R2585; 110:R2602; 111:R2603;
112:R2605; 113:R2606; 114:R2608; 115:R2614; 116:R2616; 117:R2617;
118:R2618; 119:R2620; 120:R2621; 121:R2622; 122:R2623; 123:R2624;
124:R2625; 125:R2629; 126:R2630; 127:R2631; 128:R2632; 129:R2634;
130:R2635; 131:R2636; 132:R2638; 133:R2640; 134:R2641; 135:R2642;
136:R2643; 137:R2644; 138:R2645; 139:R2646; 140:R2649; 141:R2651;
142:R2653; 143:R2654; 144:R2655; 145:R2656; 146:R2657.

The dice roll was: 56
This is R2221, Cleanliness and Tidy Filing.

ruleroller.pl v0.1.  For source code,
and .

[@Notary] Re: BUS: [Contract] NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely

2022-03-15 Thread nix via agora-business
On 3/15/22 21:22, nix via agora-business wrote:
> I create, consent to, and join the following contract which I also title
> "NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely".
> Any player may become a party to this contract. This contract may be
> amended in a specified way by Agoran Consent where only parties to this
> contract can support or object to the intent. When this contract is
> amended, any party that did not support or object to the intent ceases
> to be a party.
> }
> --
> nix
> Herald

Oops, there's two things I need to clean up here. I consent to, and then
do so, amending NOTA by:


Any player may become a party to this contract. This contract may be
amended in a specified way by Agoran Consent where only parties to this
contract can support or object to the intent. When this contract is
amended, any party that did not support or object to the intent ceases
to be a party.


Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement. This
contract CAN be amended in a specified way by Agoran Consent where only
parties to this contract can support or object to the intent. When this
contract is amended, any party that did not support the intent ceases to
be a party.

and by replacing:

Any player CAN "update" a specified Listing by:

* transferring the current Amount of the Listing of coins from the
contract to the Lister (which e CAN do by announcement when performing
this action); AND
* transferring an amount of coins greater than the Listing's current
Amount value to the contract.


Any player CAN "update" a specified Listing by announcement by:

* if the Amount is greater than 0, transferring the current Amount of
the Listing of coins from the contract to the Lister (which e CAN do by
announcement when performing this action); AND
* transferring an amount of coins greater than the Listing's current
Amount value to the contract.

and by replacing:

Any player CAN "fulfill" a specified Listing by:


Any player CAN "fulfill" a specified Listing by announcement by:

The full contract after amendment is below:



For each asset there is an associated Listing with the following switches:

* Amount, an integer (default 0); AND
* Lister, any player or the L&FD (default).

Creating Listings

Any player CAN "update" a specified Listing by announcement by:

* if the Amount is greater than 0, transferring the current Amount of
the Listing of coins from the contract to the Lister (which e CAN do by
announcement when performing this action); AND
* transferring an amount of coins greater than the Listing's current
Amount value to the contract.

When e does so, the Listing's Lister is flipped to emself and the Amount
is flipped to the amount of coins e transferred to the contract.

Fulfillment Slips

A Fulfillment Slip has the following switches:

* Asset, any asset or "none" (default); AND
* Recipient, any player or the L&FD (default).

Fulfilling Listings

Any player CAN "fulfill" a specified Listing by announcement by:

* transferring the associated asset to the contract; AND
* transferring the Amount of the listing in coins from the contract to
emself (which e CAN by announcement do when performing this action);

When e does so a Fulfillment Slip is created with its Asset set to the
asset e transferred and the Recipient set to the Lister of the Listing
and the switches of the Listing are set to their defaults.

A player CAN "cash" a Fulfillment Slip where e is the Recipient by
transferring from the contract to emself the associated asset. When e
does so, Fulfillment Slip ceases to exist.

Any player CAN cash a Fulfillment Slip where the recipient is the L&FD
as if e was the recipient.


Any party of this contract CAN become the Tracker of this contract
without objection, where only parties of this contract can object.

The Tracker SHOULD publish a list of all non-default Listings, all
existing Fulfillment Slips, and all returnable assets at least once in
any week where any of those values have changed since the last such


Any asset this contract possesses that was not transferred to it as part
of a successful fulfillment or update is "returnable". Any player CAN
transfer a returnable asset from this contract to the person who
transferred the asset to this contract (or to the L&FD if that person is
not a player).

Any player CAN become a party to this contract by announcement. This
contract CAN be amended in a specified way by Agoran Consent where only
parties to this contract can support or object to the intent. When this
contract is amended, any party that did not support the intent ceases to
be a party.



Re: BUS: [Contract] NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely

2022-03-15 Thread nix via agora-business
On 3/15/22 21:22, nix via agora-business wrote:
> Listings
> For each asset there is an associated Listing with the following switches:
> * Amount, an integer (default 0); AND
> * Lister, any player or the L&FD (default).
> Creating Listings
> -
> Any player CAN "update" a specified Listing by:
> * transferring the current Amount of the Listing of coins from the
> contract to the Lister (which e CAN do by announcement when performing
> this action); AND
> * transferring an amount of coins greater than the Listing's current
> Amount value to the contract.
> When e does so, the Listing's Lister is flipped to emself and the Amount
> is flipped to the amount of coins e transferred to the contract.

I update the Pendant Listing by transferring 0 coins from NOTA to the
L&FD and transferring 200 coins from myself to NOTA.

I intend to become the Tracker of NOTA, without objection.

The following Listings are non-default:

Pendant Listing
Lister: nix
Amount: 200 coins


BUS: [Contract] NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely

2022-03-15 Thread nix via agora-business
I create, consent to, and join the following contract which I also title
"NOTA: A Unique Contract Transferring Interesting Objects Nicely".



For each asset there is an associated Listing with the following switches:

* Amount, an integer (default 0); AND
* Lister, any player or the L&FD (default).

Creating Listings

Any player CAN "update" a specified Listing by:

* transferring the current Amount of the Listing of coins from the
contract to the Lister (which e CAN do by announcement when performing
this action); AND
* transferring an amount of coins greater than the Listing's current
Amount value to the contract.

When e does so, the Listing's Lister is flipped to emself and the Amount
is flipped to the amount of coins e transferred to the contract.

Fulfillment Slips

A Fulfillment Slip has the following switches:

* Asset, any asset or "none" (default); AND
* Recipient, any player or the L&FD (default).

Fulfilling Listings

Any player CAN "fulfill" a specified Listing by:

* transferring the associated asset to the contract; AND
* transferring the Amount of the listing in coins from the contract to
emself (which e CAN by announcement do when performing this action);

When e does so a Fulfillment Slip is created with its Asset set to the
asset e transferred and the Recipient set to the Lister of the Listing
and the switches of the Listing are set to their defaults.

A player CAN "cash" a Fulfillment Slip where e is the Recipient by
transferring from the contract to emself the associated asset. When e
does so, Fulfillment Slip ceases to exist.

Any player CAN cash a Fulfillment Slip where the recipient is the L&FD
as if e was the recipient.


Any party of this contract CAN become the Tracker of this contract
without objection, where only parties of this contract can object.

The Tracker SHOULD publish a list of all non-default Listings, all
existing Fulfillment Slips, and all returnable assets at least once in
any week where any of those values have changed since the last such


Any asset this contract possesses that was not transferred to it as part
of a successful fulfillment or update is "returnable". Any player CAN
transfer a returnable asset from this contract to the person who
transferred the asset to this contract (or to the L&FD if that person is
not a player).

Any player may become a party to this contract. This contract may be
amended in a specified way by Agoran Consent where only parties to this
contract can support or object to the intent. When this contract is
amended, any party that did not support or object to the intent ceases
to be a party.



BUS: A simple minesweeper for testing purposes

2022-03-15 Thread juan via agora-business
I create, consent to, and become a party to a contract named
"Minesweeper" with the following provisions:


A Minefield is a finite grid containing in each cell a value which is
one of the digits from 0 to 9, a dot ".", or "B" (a bomb).

The coordinates of a cell of a Minefield are a pair (x, y), where x
and y are natural numbers from 0 (inclusive) to the size of the
respective dimension (horizontal and vertical) of the Minefield.

The textual representation of a Minefield is given in ASCII format:
one row per line, one cell per character.


Solution is an untracked switch belonging to this contract, with
possible values the MD5 sum of the textual representation of any
5x5 Minefield that does not contain a dot, or "unassigned" (default).

State is an untracked switch belonging to this contract, with possible
values any Minefield, with default value the 5x5 Minefield filled
entirely with dots.

Host is an untracked switch belonging to this contract, with possible
values any person or former person. The default value is the creator
of this contract.

Player is an untracked switch belonging to this contract, with
possible values of any person or former person, or "unassigned"

Lost is a negative boolean switch owned by this contract.


"The solution" refers to a Minefield whose textual representation's MD5
sum is the value of Solution.

For the host to set the state of the game to a Minesweeper field is
for em to flip the State switch to that Minesweeper.

For the player to have lost means the Lost switch is set to True.

"Player"/"player" refers to the person who is the value of the Player

The "current field" refers to the value of the State switch.

The "host" refers to the person which is the value of Host.


A player can become a party to this contract at any
time by public announcement.

The host can flip the Solution switch to any value if it is currently

A party of this contract CAN flip the Player swith to that party by
announcement if it is unassigned, and if that party is not the host,
provided e has transfered to this contract the same assets as the host

The player CAN dig up a cell by announcenent, provided e specifies the
coordinates of the cell and the Solution is not unassigned. When e
does so, the host shall:

- If the cell does not contain a bomb, set the state to the Minefield
  that would be obtained by revealing that cell in the current field
  following well-known Minesweeper rules, where the underlying mine
  distribution is given by the solution.

- If the cell contains a bomb, set the state to the solution. In this
  case, the Lost switch is set to True.

The host shall not flip this contract's switches in any other

If the state contains no dots and the player has not lost the game, e
CAN transfer all assets belonging to this contract to emself by
announcement. If e does, this contract terminates.

If the player has lost the game, the host CAN transfer all assets
belonging to this contract to emself by announcement. In this case, this 

Any player CAN ammend this contract by announcement with consent from
the host and the player, if there is one, or the host, otherwise.

If the contract creation was successful, I transfer 1 boatload of coins to it.

I set the contract's solution switch to "935ee88e7ee449e7c24298d8dc916542".


BUS: Re: DIS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Resolution of Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread Aspen via agora-business
On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 5:47 PM ATMunn via agora-discussion <
agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 3/15/2022 19:40, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:
> > PROPOSAL 8645 (Some RTRW Clean-Ups)
> > AUTHOR: ATMunn
> > FOR (8): Aspen, G., Jason, Madrid!, Murphy, Trigon@, ais523, nix@
> > AGAINST (1): Secretsnail9
> > PRESENT (0):
> > BALLOTS: 9
> > AI (F/A): 20/3 (AI=3.0)
> > POPULARITY: 0.778
> > [
> > Aspen: Jason is the Rulekeepor: Endorsement of Jason
> > ]
>  From the passing of this proposal, I qualify for a red ribbon. However,
> only players can award ribbons. If anyone would be so kind as to award
> me one, it would be greatly appreciated.

I award ATMunn a red ribbon. (Disclaimer: I haven't checked to see if this
works, but if ATMunn thinks it does, it probably does.)



BUS: Re: OFF: [Herald] HIGH SCORES - Mar 15, 2022 - "Zero-less" Edition

2022-03-15 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 3/15/2022 20:15, nix via agora-official wrote:

5th ATM  004+4

CoE: I am not a player, therefore I do not have a Score.


BUS: Re: OFF: [Assessor] Rewards for Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread nix via agora-business
On 3/15/22 18:43, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:
> For the adoption of Proposal 8651, I grant Oerjan 1 point (coauthor).

For the record, this fails.


BUS: Re: DIS: [proto] Foreign relations

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
On 3/5/22 19:27, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
> Title: Logan Act
> Author: Jason
> Coauthors: Gaelan
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Enact a new rule with title "Foreign Relations", power 2.0, and the
> following text:
> {
> The Ambassador At-Large is an office, responsible for maintaining
> Agora's relations with other nomics. A foreign nomic is any nomic other
> than Agora.
> Delegate is a foreign nomic switch, with possible values of "null"
> (default) and each player, tracked by the Ambassador at-Large in eir
> monthly report. The Ambassador At-Large CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, set
> the delegate of a foreign nomic to a specified player, provided that
> player has consented to such change. The Ambassador At-Large CAN, with
> Agoran consent, set the delegate of a foreign nomic to null.
> The Ambassador At-Large is the promulgator for regulations that define
> Agora's relations with foreign nomics; such regulations are known as
> Diplomatic Regulations. The Ambassador At-Large CAN enact, amend, and
> repeal such regulations with 2 Agoran consent. The Ambassador At-large
> and each delegate SHALL NOT violate diplomatic regulations.
> For the purposes of foreign nomics, diplomatic regulations should be
> considered binding and should be considered to represent the will of Agora.
> The Ambassador At-Large SHOULD, upon request, certify to players of any
> foreign nomic how the rules and regulations of Agora function. Players
> SHALL NOT deliberately and knowingly make misrepresentations about Agora
> to players of foreign nomics or deliberately misrepresent their status
> as Ambassador At-Large or any delegate; doing either is the class 2
> crime of Unauthorized Diplomacy.
> }

I submit a proposal identical to the draft above.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: [proposal] Mathematical de-notation

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
I submit the following proposal and pay a fee of one pendant to cause it
to become pending:

Title: Mathematical de-notation

Author: Jason


Adoption index: 1.0


Amend Rule 2657 by replacing "the floor of the associated amount of
points" with "the associated amount of points, rounded down".


Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Vocal Voter Claim [attn. Treasuror]

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
Pursuant to Rule 2649, I grant myself 7 boatloads of coins.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Re: BUS: (@treasuror) Pooling with SNOCS

2022-03-15 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-business
On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 5:51 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> > I transfer two Votives to myself.
> This fails. Self-transfers are ineffective.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason
> "For the purposes of the above paragraph [referring to how to pool cards],
to transfer Products to oneself is to do nothing."

So I think I successfully did nothing when i said "I transfer two Votives
to myself.", or if I didn't, the pooling was still effective

Re: BUS: (@treasuror) Pooling with SNOCS

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
On 3/15/22 18:34, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> Pursuant to the SNOCS contract, I Pool Cards, by doing all of the
> following:
> {
> I nominate the following four cards:
> - Two of my Voting Cards.
> - One of omd's Voting Cards.
> - One of Gaelan's Voting Cards.
> I act on behalf of omd and Gaelan to transfer one Voting Card from
> omd to me, and one from Gaelan to me.
> I pay a set of four Voting Cards to gain 10 Votives.
> Disposition of the first eight Votives:
> I transfer two votives to omd and two to Gaelan, and keep four for
> myself.
> Disposition of the last two Pendants:
> Based on a random choice (done on IRC/Discord) I choose myself twice.
> I transfer two Votives to myself.

This fails. Self-transfers are ineffective.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Strength

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
I pay a fee of 4 voting cards to gain 10 votives.

Six times, I pay a fee of one votive to buy strength.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-business
 > On 3/8/22 16:38, Aspen via agora-official wrote:
> > 8645*   ATMunn, nix 3.0   Some RTRW Clean-Ups
AGAINST (because this will pass anyways and it's just typo fixes, points

> > 8646*   Jason, G., ais523   3.0   Deputisation rewrite
AGAINST (because I wasn't included as a co-author for jiggling the rule and
also maybe slightly helping make it)

> > 8647&   snail, Jason, Telna 2.0   Birds!
FOR (Might as well see if it's somehow fun. I believe in this and can't
wait to see my dreams crushed!)

> > 8648&   snail   1.0   Scoring Integer Points
> > 8649&   Murphy  1.0   The Devices v1.1
AGAINST (seems like it could cause very big problems, though maybe this is
just for points too)

> > 8650&   Jason   1.0   It's an even grayer world.
AGAINST (I wonder why I like glitter)

> > 8651*   Jason, Aspen, Ørjan 3.0   TIME Act [1]
AGAINST (Because it will probably pass again and also I don't trust it)

> > 8652&   snail, Jason1.0   Geometry v3
FOR (Again, though i can't believe in it as strongly as birds, might as
well try it.)

> > 8653&   ais523  1.0   Device Reconstruction
AGAINST (chaos)

I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.
I buy strength by paying a fee of 1 votive.

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 9:54 AM Aspen via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 3:00 PM nix via agora-business
>  wrote:
> >
> > On 3/8/22 16:38, Aspen via agora-official wrote:
> > > 8645*   ATMunn, nix 3.0   Some RTRW Clean-Ups
> ENDORSE the Rulekeepor.
> > > 8646*   Jason, G., ais523   3.0   Deputisation rewrite
> > > 8647&   snail, Jason, Telna 2.0   Birds!
> AGAINST. I was wavering between PRESENT and AGAINST, as I like this
> about as much as I like stones. I'm not entirely enthusiastic about
> either of them. However, to pass a new version of stones, I'd want
> some basis to believe it might work better than the original.
> > > 8648&   snail   1.0   Scoring Integer Points
> > > 8649&   Murphy  1.0   The Devices v1.1
> ENDORSE ais523.
> > > 8650&   Jason   1.0   It's an even grayer world.
> FOR. This system isn't fun or interesting at this point.
> > > 8651*   Jason, Aspen, Ørjan 3.0   TIME Act [1]
> FOR.
> > > 8652&   snail, Jason1.0   Geometry v3
> AGAINST. There's no system in this system. I don't get why this would
> be enjoyable or where the gameplay is supposed to come from.
> > > 8653&   ais523  1.0   Device Reconstruction
> FOR; I trust ais523's judgement here.
> > > 8654&   G.  1.7   Cheaters shouldn't prosper
> Strong AGAINST; I don't like this darn provision philosophically to
> begin with and I don't see any reason to take away its only benign
> use. (For the record, I'm being moderately hyperbolic here).
> I think this is probably my most "I don't like it" round of votes
> ever. I'm usually more amicable.
> -Aspen

BUS: (@treasuror) Pooling with SNOCS

2022-03-15 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-business
Pursuant to the SNOCS contract, I Pool Cards, by doing all of the


I nominate the following four cards:
- Two of my Voting Cards.
- One of omd's Voting Cards.
- One of Gaelan's Voting Cards.

I act on behalf of omd and Gaelan to transfer one Voting Card from
omd to me, and one from Gaelan to me.

I pay a set of four Voting Cards to gain 10 Votives.

Disposition of the first eight Votives:

I transfer two votives to omd and two to Gaelan, and keep four for

Disposition of the last two Pendants:

Based on a random choice (done on IRC/Discord) I choose myself twice.

I transfer two Votives to myself.



Re: BUS: Let's party woooooo

2022-03-15 Thread Trigon via agora-business

El 15/03/2022 a las 21:06, Kerim Aydin via agora-business escribió:

On 3/15/2022 1:25 PM, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:

I intend, with 4 support from other players who would be Festive if the
Festivity was 1, to Start a Rank 1 Festival.

(this would make all festive players have the maximum voting strength)

I support.  -G.

I support as well.


Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

 ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST

I’m always happy to become a party to contracts.
transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

Re: BUS: Let's party woooooo

2022-03-15 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-business

On 3/15/2022 1:25 PM, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> I intend, with 4 support from other players who would be Festive if the
> Festivity was 1, to Start a Rank 1 Festival.
> (this would make all festive players have the maximum voting strength)
> --
> secretsnail

I support.  -G.

BUS: Let's party woooooo

2022-03-15 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-business
I intend, with 4 support from other players who would be Festive if the
Festivity was 1, to Start a Rank 1 Festival.

(this would make all festive players have the maximum voting strength)

Re: BUS: Powering up [attn. Assessor, Stonemason]

2022-03-15 Thread Jason Cobb via agora-business
On 3/8/22 18:15, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> I wield the power stone, specifying myself.
> The currently ongoing referenda are those on proposals 8645-8654.

I do so once more.

Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-business

On 3/15/2022 5:51 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
>> 8647&   snail, Jason, Telna 2.0   Birds!
> AGAINST as per Jason

I change my vote on 8647 to FOR.  -G.

BUS: (@Notary) Who could refuse this amazing deal?

2022-03-15 Thread secretsnail9 via agora-business
I do the following 3 times:

I create the following promise (named "Amazing Deal") and transfer it
to the library:
Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred secretsnail one
Win Card, Justice Card, Legislative Card, or Voting Card in the same
message as which e cashes this promise, and has not cashed any other
promise between doing so and cashing this promise, and secretsnail has at
least 550 coins.

I transfer 550 coins to the bearer.

(disclaimer: the amazingness of each deal is subjective and not liable
for anything ever)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread Aspen via agora-business
On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 3:00 PM nix via agora-business
> On 3/8/22 16:38, Aspen via agora-official wrote:
> > 8645*   ATMunn, nix 3.0   Some RTRW Clean-Ups
ENDORSE the Rulekeepor.

> > 8646*   Jason, G., ais523   3.0   Deputisation rewrite

> > 8647&   snail, Jason, Telna 2.0   Birds!
AGAINST. I was wavering between PRESENT and AGAINST, as I like this
about as much as I like stones. I'm not entirely enthusiastic about
either of them. However, to pass a new version of stones, I'd want
some basis to believe it might work better than the original.

> > 8648&   snail   1.0   Scoring Integer Points
> > 8649&   Murphy  1.0   The Devices v1.1
ENDORSE ais523.

> > 8650&   Jason   1.0   It's an even grayer world.
FOR. This system isn't fun or interesting at this point.

> > 8651*   Jason, Aspen, Ørjan 3.0   TIME Act [1]

> > 8652&   snail, Jason1.0   Geometry v3
AGAINST. There's no system in this system. I don't get why this would
be enjoyable or where the gameplay is supposed to come from.

> > 8653&   ais523  1.0   Device Reconstruction
FOR; I trust ais523's judgement here.

> > 8654&   G.  1.7   Cheaters shouldn't prosper
Strong AGAINST; I don't like this darn provision philosophically to
begin with and I don't see any reason to take away its only benign
use. (For the record, I'm being moderately hyperbolic here).

I think this is probably my most "I don't like it" round of votes
ever. I'm usually more amicable.


BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8645-8654

2022-03-15 Thread Kerim Aydin via agora-business

I vote:

On 3/8/2022 2:38 PM, Aspen via agora-official wrote:
> ---
> 8645*   ATMunn, nix 3.0   Some RTRW Clean-Ups

> 8646*   Jason, G., ais523   3.0   Deputisation rewrite

> 8647&   snail, Jason, Telna 2.0   Birds!
AGAINST as per Jason

> 8648&   snail   1.0   Scoring Integer Points

> 8649&   Murphy  1.0   The Devices v1.1
AGAINST.  Agree it's overpowered

> 8650&   Jason   1.0   It's an even grayer world.
AGAINST.  I like glitter

> 8651*   Jason, Aspen, Ørjan 3.0   TIME Act [1]
FOR.  A very nice rewrite.

> 8652&   snail, Jason1.0   Geometry v3
AGAINST as per Jason

> 8653&   ais523  1.0   Device Reconstruction
AGAINST. I rather like a barely staved-off economic explosion

> 8654&   G.  1.7   Cheaters shouldn't prosper

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer t-poses

2022-03-15 Thread Madrid via agora-business
 I vote FOR all ongoing referenda

On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 4:55 AM secretsnail9 via agora-discussion <
agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 14, 2022 at 5:33 PM Madrid via agora-business <
> agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > i vote FOR all pending proposals
> >
> Your votes might not work so you should probably redo them.
> --
> secretsnail