BUS: Re: Deregistration attempts

2024-04-15 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I activate myself.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2024, 4:03 PM juan  wrote:

> As per rule 2646, for each of the following players, who have been
> inactive since 2024-02-12, I intend, without 3 objections, to deregister
> em.
> * cuddlybanana
> * blob
> * Anneke-Constantine
> * Zipzap
> * Crystalizedmire
> * Goren Barak
> Note that they have been CC'd.
> --
> juan
> Registrar

BUS: inactivity

2023-05-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I announce I'm active.

BUS: My Agoran Birthday

2023-03-16 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I claim 16 radiance for my agoran birthday.

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8914-8920

2023-03-05 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR on proposals 8914 - 8920.

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8914-8920

2023-03-05 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR on all proposals.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023, 6:36 PM secretsnail9 via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F39OHtBlZlQ8XVccqKCFtP-DPuHz4wPnujxbxkCN3LI/edit?usp=sharing
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
> collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> 8914~   nix 1.5   Can't Trust Em To Do Eir Own Work
> 8915~   4st, G., Janet  1.0   Reenactment V2
> 8916~   4st, Janet  1.0   Ongoing obligation
> 8917*   Janet   3.0   No
> 8918~   4st, nix, G. Murphy 1.0   Ritual Paper Dance V2
> 8919*   nix, G., 4st, snail 3.0   Radiance v1.1
> 8920*   Janet   3.0   Adopted change re-application
> The proposal pool contains the following proposals:
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> Currently empty.
> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
> ~ : Ordinary proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //
> ID: 8914
> Title: Can't Trust Em To Do Eir Own Work
> Adoption Index: 1.5
> Author: nix
> Co-Author(s):
> [I shouldn't have to do someone else's work for em to win.]
> Amend R2656 by replacing:
>Upon a correct announcement from a player that e has a score of
>100 or more points, e wins the game.
> with:
> A player with 100 or more points CAN declare a High Score by
> announcement and specifying exactly how many points e has. If a
> player incorrectly does so, e loses 5 points. Upon a correct
> declaration of High Score, that player wins the game.
> //
> ID: 8915
> Title: Reenactment V2
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-Author(s): G., Janet
> Enact a rule with power=1.0 and the text:
> {
> The rulekeepor CAN and MUST re-enact one of the following,
> in a timely manner by announcement, chosen randomly by em, at power=1.0:
> 1. Rule 2193/0
> 2. Rule 2615
> 3. Rule 2571
> 4. Rule 1993
> 5. Rule 2309
> 6. Rule 108
> Once e does so, repeal this rule.
> }
> //
> ID: 8916
> Title: Ongoing obligation
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-Author(s): Janet
> The player 4st MUST submit a copy of this proposal.
> //
> ID: 8917
> Title: No
> Adoption Index: 3.0
> Author: Janet
> Co-Author(s):
> Amend Rule 2646 by replacing the text "Activity is a player switch" with
> "Activity is a secured player switch".
> //
> ID: 8918
> Title: Ritual Paper Dance V2
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-Author(s): nix, G., Murphy
> Enact a rule with power=1.0 entitled "Ritual Paper Dance" and the text:
> {
> Firstly: Each of these is a ritual act:
> - Performing a cabinet order
> - Assigning a judgement
> - Awarding ribbons
> - Once per week per report type, publishing a report
> - Once per week per player, nominating for office
> - Once per week per player, voting
> Secondly: Once for each ritual act, any player, including the player
> who performed the ritual act, CAN, by announcement, declare the ritual
> number. A ritual number is a number that starts at 0, and can be at
> most 1 greater than any other declared ritual number. Declared ritual
> numbers are self-ratifying.
> Thirdly: Once, each time a unique positive multiple of 41 is declared,
> in the same message the declarer CAN, by announcement, have qualifying
> players lift The First Speaker in a powerful dance around the fountain,
> while also announcing that those players' gain 1 radiance, in such a
> way that is unambiguous and clear, so that in fact, those players' do
> gain 1 radiance. This does not increase their radiance by 2, nor does
> it increase it by 3 or 4. 5 is right out.
> Fourthly: Players are qualifying under this rule if:
> - they are active
> - do not have the highest radiance
> - are not tied for the highest radiance
> }
> (Glitter) Also snail and Janet gain 1 radiance.
> (something about co-authorship should be taken seriously but these
> players still helped!)

BUS: Re: [Registrar] Attempt at deregistrations

2023-01-16 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I object

On Mon, Jan 16, 2023, 11:15 AM juan  wrote:

> For each of the following players, I intend to deregister em without 3
> objections.
> - Cap'n
> - cuddlybanana
> - orb
> - Pilgore
> - R. Lee
> - Vitor Gonçalves
> --
> juan
> Registrar

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8851-8856

2022-09-03 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR on all.

On Fri, Sep 2, 2022, 8:38 PM secretsnail9 via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> If you vote on a proposal, please edit this spreadsheet with your votes:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/124Y-zHgpsOO5hhkjm8XNjM2hLzRW3TtE2W5Ml-kkcuE/edit?usp=sharing
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
> collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> 8851*   4st 3.0   Voter Protection
> 8852~   4st, Jason  2.0   Fix infractions
> 8853*   Jason   3.0   Unfortunately
> 8854*   Jason   3.0   Attainder
> 8855~   Jason   1.0   Extermination v1.1
> 8856~   4st 2.0   Backup Justice
> The proposal pool contains the following proposals:
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> Currently empty.
> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
> ~ : Ordinary proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //
> ID: 8851
> Title: Voter Protection
> Adoption Index: 3.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-author(s):
> Set 4st's score to half its current value, rounded down.
> If 4st doesn't already have the patent title "Bully",
> grant em the patent title "Bully".
> Destroy half of 4st's coins, rounded down.
> Decrease 4st's Karma by 1.
> Create the following rule, with Title "Voter Protection"
> and power=3.0
> {
> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, proposals cannot affect
> players' assets or players' scores based on the way they have voted.
> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, rules that affect players' assets or
> players' scores based on the way a player has voted cannot affect the
> proposal in which that rule is enacted.
> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, proposals cannot grant patent
> titles to players based on the way they have voted.
> }
> //
> ID: 8852
> Title: Fix infractions
> Adoption Index: 2.0
> Author: 4st
> Co-Author(s): Jason
> Amend rule 2555 "Blots" by replacing the following sentence:
> "Destroying blots is secured with a Power Threshold of 1.7."
> with
> "Creating and destroying blots is secured with a Power Threshold of 1.7"
> //
> ID: 8853
> Title: Unfortunately
> Adoption Index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-Author(s):
> Amend Rule 869 by appending the following paragraphs:
> {
> Banned is a secured negative boolean person switch tracked by the
> Registrar. A person is unwelcome if e is Banned or if at least one part
> of em is unwelcome. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an unwelcome
> person CANNOT register or be registered, and e is immediately
> deregistered if e is ever a player. Designations of unwelcomeness are
> secured.
> Unwelcomeness is to be used only to make a social statement that the
> Agoran community no longer wishes to interact with certain persons; in
> particular, it is not to be used to acquire gameplay advantage. As such,
> an unwelcome person SHOULD NOT, under any circumstances, attempt to
> bypass unwelcomeness, and e SHOULD carefully consider the circumstances
> of eir becoming unwelcome before participating in public or discussion
> fora.
> }
> //
> ID: 8854
> Title: Attainder
> Adoption Index: 3.0
> Author: Jason
> Co-Author(s):
> For the purposes of this proposal, "Madrid" is the person who, at the
> time of this proposal's submission, was a player and who was known as
> "Madrid" to the average Agoran.
> Madrid is hereby deregistered.
> Madrid's instance of the Banned switch is hereby flipped to true.
> [
> This is a bill of attainder. Its purpose is to deregister and, if
> possible, ban Madrid as a sanction for a series of incidents on the
> lists and on the unofficial Discord server. This is not in response to
> any single incident, but rather a pattern of behavior. This is
> additionally not in response to Madrid's distaste for Spivak pronouns
> itself, regardless of the timing of this submission.
> Madrid's actions and views have resulted in two deregistrations (one
> successful FAGE and one attempted FAGE that wasn't a FAGE due to a
> technicality), hostile exchanges of wo

BUS: Militia Court validity

2022-08-16 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I CFJ: The Militia Court created by Madrid is a valid alternative to the
current CFJ system.

BUS: Banana weighs in on agora nomic debate

2022-08-16 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
Is agora a nomic?


Madrid's experiments proves it is.


Re: BUS: Webmastor Election

2022-08-07 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I support.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2022, 10:59 AM nix via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I intend, with 2 Agoran Support, to initiate an election for Webmastor
> (and become a candidate to the election).
> --
> nix
> Herald, Registrar, Collector

Re: BUS: Just intending

2022-06-22 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I support each intent in the above message.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2022, 4:06 PM secretsnail9 via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> For each player in the below list, I intend, with support, to appoint em
> to the office of The Speaker, in order of the list.
> 4st
> ais523
> CreateSource
> cuddlybanana
> duck
> G.
> Gaelan
> Jason
> juan
> Madrid
> Murphy
> nix
> R. Lee
> Trigon
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> secretsnail

Re: BUS: @Treasuror Cuddly Deals

2022-04-21 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer 1 win card to nix.

On Thu, Apr 21, 2022, 1:11 PM nixnull+agora--- via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I transfer 3100 coins to cuddlybanana.

BUS: Everyone deserves a little justice

2022-04-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one justice card to Aspen.

Re: BUS: registration of duck

2022-03-12 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
Nor is it me.

On Sat, Mar 12, 2022, 4:12 PM Ned Strange via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> Duck isn't me either
> On Sun, 13 Mar 2022, 4:46 am Mark Wieland via agora-business, <
> agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > I affirm, under penalty of No Faking, that this is not me.
> >
> > > On Mar 11, 2022, at 8:05 PM, Skull cat via agora-business <
> > agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > I register. please call me duck
> >
> > --
> > secretsnail

Re: BUS: It is Twosday

2022-02-27 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I consent

On Sun, Feb 27, 2022, 4:24 PM Edward Murphy via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> secretsnail wrote:
> > It is 2/22/22, a tuesday, at 22:22:22 when I attempted to send this
> message.
> >
> > This day could also be written as 22/02/2022, a palindrome ignoring the
> > slashes.
> >
> > Given this event is extremely rare, and such an occurrence of twos on a
> > Tuesday will not happen again for hundreds of years...
> >
> > I intend, with agora consent, to award omd, Aspen, Gaelan, G.,
> Cuddlebeam,
> > Trigon, Murphy, ATMunn, Jason, Nix, cuddlybanana, ais523, R. Lee, Sgeo,
> > secretsnail, and TABBAT the patent title (badge) "Twosday Badge".
> I consent.

BUS: Re: OFF: [not-Arbitor] Judge List update

2022-01-29 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
Please add me.

On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 11:52 AM Kerim Aydin via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> This is the list from the last true Arbitor's report + a couple requested
> changes.  Please reply to add/subtract yourself if desired...
> Regular Judges:
> ais523
> Jason
> Murphy
> G.
> R. Lee
> Occasional Judges:
> Aspen
> Falsifian
> Cuddlebeam is owing a R2492 apology/explanation.
> Gaelan may be owing a R2492 apology/explanation for CFJ 3926, as per
> October 7 Arbitor's Report.

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8635-8637

2022-01-28 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR all.

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 3:41 PM Aspen via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
> collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> 8635*   Murphy  4.0   Outside assistance
> 8636&   G.  1.5   Points
> 8637&   G., Jason   1.0   Basic Scoring v0.2
> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
> & : Ordinary proposal.
> ~ : Unsponsored proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //
> ID: 8635
> Title: Outside assistance
> Adoption index: 4.0
> Author: Murphy
> Co-author(s):
> Amend Rule 1698 (Agora Is A Nomic) by replacing "players" with
> "persons".
> [Explicitly avoids the interpretation suggested on CFJ 8591 that
>   the "players making arbitrary changes" clause requires a current
>   player, even if registration remains unblocked.]
> //
> ID: 8636
> Title: Points
> Adoption index: 1.5
> Author: G.
> Co-author(s):
> Create the following power=1.5 rule, Points:
>   A player's Score, indicated in Points, is an integer player switch
>   defaulting to 0, tracked by the Herald.
>   Upon a correct announcement from a player that one or more players
>   have a score of 100+ points, all players meeting this condition
>   win the game.  If a least one player wins the game via such an
>   announcement, all players' scores are set to their default.
> //
> ID: 8637
> Title: Basic Scoring v0.2
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-author(s): Jason
> Create the following rule, "Scoring":
>   Each time a player fulfills a scoring condition, the officer
>   associated with the condition CAN once by announcement, and SHALL
>   in an officially timely fashion, add to that player's score the
>   associated amount of points.
>   Below is a list of scoring conditions and their associated points
>   and officers.
> * Being the author of a sponsored proposal that takes effect:
>   1 + the power of the proposal when it takes effect (Assessor).
> * Being the coauthor of a sponsored proposal that takes effect:
>   1 (Assessor).
> * Having submitted an unconditional ballot AGAINST a referendum on
>   a sponsored proposal, provided that the ballot is valid at
>   the time the referendum is assessed, and provided that the outcome
>   of that assessment is ADOPTED:  points equal to the voting
>   player's voting strength on the referendum (Assessor).
> [note: using "1 + the power of the proposal when it takes effect" instead
> of "the AI of the proposal" because the AI is unlimited while power
> iscapped at 4 by R106].
> [v0.2 - specified "add" instead of "change".
>   - change in referendum wording suggested by Jason.
> ]
> //

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [deputy-Arbitor] CFJ 3938 assigned to Jason (also @referee)

2022-01-26 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I support.

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 3:52 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I intend, with 2 Support, to group-file a motion to reconsider CFJ 3938.
> Prior to CFJ 3583 cited below, CFJ 3455 independently says the same thing
> - no ratification of registration without consent, due to R1551's
> "inconsistencies cause ratification to fail" clause:
> https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/?3455
> -G.
> On 1/26/2022 11:43 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> >
> > On 1/26/2022 11:16 AM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> >>
> >> On 1/25/2022 6:20 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> >>> On 1/21/22 11:38, Kerim Aydin via agora-official wrote:
> >>> 1. Ratify without objection that "Hillary Rodham Clinton is a player."
> >>> Ratification is at power 3.1 and overpowers the restriction on consent
> >>> in Rule 869/48.
> >>
> >> This step doesn't work by explicit precedent, so this whole argument may
> >> need repair.  If I remember the precedent correctly (will dig for it
> >> later),  the power=3.1 rule explicitly says that ratification fails if
> it
> >> "adds inconsistencies between gamestate and rules" and the CFJ
> precedent I
> >> remember stated that ratifying a non-consenting person into playerhood
> >> would create that kind of inconsistency, and fail.
> >>
> >> -G.
> >>
> >
> > It's CFJ 3583 that I was thinking of:
> >
> > https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/?3583
> >
> > (the ratification rule isn't quoted in that judgement but I checked and
> it
> > was power=3.1 at the time).
> >

Re: BUS: [promise] Cat Commerce round 2

2022-01-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one Legislative Card to Jason and cash this promise.

On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 5:44 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I create the following promise in cuddlybanana's possession:
> {
> Cashing conditions: It is January, 2022. cuddlybanana has transferred
> one Legislative Card to me in the same message as which e cashses this
> promise. I have at least 4 legislative cards.
> I pay 4 legislative cards as a set to gain 10 pendants.
> I transfer 3 pendants to cuddlybanana.
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Re: BUS: [promise] Cat Commerce round 2

2022-01-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I cash this promise and transfer one Legislative Card to Jason.

On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 5:44 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I create the following promise in cuddlybanana's possession:
> {
> Cashing conditions: It is January, 2022. cuddlybanana has transferred
> one Legislative Card to me in the same message as which e cashses this
> promise. I have at least 4 legislative cards.
> I pay 4 legislative cards as a set to gain 10 pendants.
> I transfer 3 pendants to cuddlybanana.
> }
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: CFJ of a Hypothetical

2022-01-10 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I CFJ: The minimum number of players needed for Agora to not be ossified is

Re: BUS: Webmastor Opening You Say?

2021-10-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
Having two support I initiate a webmastor election and become a candidate.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 2:51 PM Rose Strong via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I intend with two support to initiate a webmastor election.

BUS: Webmastor Opening You Say?

2021-10-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I intend with two support to initiate a webmastor election.

BUS: Webmastor!

2021-10-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I deputise myself as webmastor.

Re: BUS: White Glitter (thanks nix)

2021-10-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I CFJ: Falsifian gained White Glitter.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 12:03 PM Falsifian via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I award myself White Glitter.
> Note: I do not own a White Ribbon, but R2602 might not actually require
> me to own the ribbon:
> If a player has not been awarded that type of Ribbon or e
> corresponding type of Glitter since e last earned or came to
> qualify for that type of Ribbon, and has not been so awarded five
> or more times within the past 24 hours, any player CAN award em
> that type of Glitter by announcement.
> I certainly did not "qualify" for White Glitter, since that requires
> owning a White Ribbon, but the above text doesn't talk about
> qualifying for a type of Glitter.
> I think I successfully awarded myself White Glitter. I think theonly
> question is whether I've "gained" White Glitter, since only then CAN
> and SHALL the Tailor reward me:
> When a player gains a type of Glitter, the Tailor SHALL ...
> Thanks to nix on IRC/Discord for the idea of White Glitter. I think the
> same should apply for any other kind of ribbon: if this works, you can
> always get glitter before your first ribbon.
> --
> Falsifian

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer makes a pitch

2021-10-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I'm willing to be an advisor.

On Fri, Oct 8, 2021 at 3:11 AM Cuddle Beam via agora-discussion <
agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I choose nix as advisor because the list is theirs
> On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 10:31 PM Nix Null via agora-discussion <
> agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > On Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at 3:04 PM, Cuddle Beam via
> agora-business <
> > agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> >
> > > I do want to get a thesis done, and I'm going to try this thesis
> > procedure
> > >
> > > informally as I do so (it's nix's, credit to them).
> > >
> > > Pitch: you say what you plan to do, people opine on how viable it is
> and
> > >
> > > what degree it'd likely get, herald assigns three advisors.
> > >
> > > Draft: you write it, with advisor assistance if necessary
> > >
> > > Present: you present a version and advisors vote to either accept or
> > >
> > > require refinement
> > >
> > > My Pitch:
> > >
> > > So, I significantly contributed to the non-scam wins we've had so far
> > with
> > >
> > > the current Card economic system. While I don't believe myself to be
> > >
> > > exceptional when it comes to these things, I want to write a short
> > playbook
> > >
> > > of what I did with explanations about why they're good ideas (eg. my
> high
> > >
> > > risk gambling and why they were a good idea to do).
> >
> > After more discord discussion, slight modification: I'll choose an
> > advisor, CB will choose an advisor, and the advisors will choose their
> > third.
> >
> > If you're willing to be an advisor please say so.
> >
> > As for the pitch: I think this is solid Baccalaureate material. Playbooks
> > are an interesting idea in general that I'd love to see published, but
> > they're also very narrow in focus.
> >

Re: BUS: [Contract] THE BUTTON is dead, long live The Button!

2021-10-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become a party to The Button.

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 12:12 PM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I create, consent to, and become a party to the following contract,
> entitled "The Button":
> -- Joining and Leaving --
> Any person may become, or cease to be, a party to this contract by
> announcement at any time.
> -- The Timer --
> The Deadline is a point in time, initially equal to exactly 240 hours
> (10 days) from the moment this contract is created.
> The Timer is a length of time; it is equal to the difference between the
> current time and the Deadline. If the Timer ever equals 0, all assets
> created by this contract are destroyed, and this contract is terminated.
> -- The Button --
> At any time, any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, Push the
> Button. When a person Pushes the Button, the Deadline is immediately set
> to 240 hours (10 days) from the moment the Button was last Pushed.
> -- Medals --
> Medals are fixed assets. Each medal has a rank, and each rank has an
> associated interval. Medals of the same rank are fungible.
> Whenever a person Pushes the Button, e earns a Medal, with a rank
> corresponding to the current value of the Timer.
> The following Medals are defined:
> * Dirt (Timer >= 8 days)
> * Limestone (8 days > Timer >= 7 days)
> * Marble (7 days > Timer >= 6 days)
> * Iron (6 days > Timer >= 5 days)
> * Bronze (5 days > Timer >= 4 days)
> * Silver (4 days > Timer >= 3 days)
> * Gold (3 days > Timer >= 2 days)
> * Platinum (2 days > Timer >= 24 hours)
> * Emerald (24 hours > Timer >= 12 hours)
> * Diamond (Timer < 12 hours)
> -- Ranks --
> The medal ranks above are ordered, with Dirt being the lowest rank and
> Diamond being the highest.
> A person's rank is equivalent to the rank of the highest-ranked medal e
> owns.
> Players are ENCOURAGED to poke fun at players of lower ranks than
> themselves. Players of Dirt rank SHOULD feel ashamed of themselves.
> -- Amendment --
> Any player who is a party to this contract CAN propose an amendment to
> this contract by announcement. If at least 2 thirds of all player
> parties have publicly expressed consent to an amendment, and it has
> existed for at least 72 hours, then any player party CAN apply the
> amendment by announcement.
> --
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary :)

Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer makes more deals

2021-09-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I object.

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 2:36 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 9/23/21 14:27, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:
> > I create the following contract called Trapvotes:
> >
> > -+-
> >
> > Cuddlebeam and the person who is the Blognomic player "Trapdoorspyder"
> > (also here named as simply 'Trapdoorspyder') are the only persons that
> > can become members of this contract, and can do so by announcement.
> >
> > Cuddlebeam can act on behalf of Trapdoorspyder to submit a ballot with
> > a vote of his (Cuddlebeam's) choice. Cuddlebeam can act on behalf of
> > Trapdoorspyder to cast a vote of his (Cuddlebeam's) choice. Cuddlebeam
> > can act on behalf of Trapdoorspyder to activate Trapdoorspyder.
> >
> > After 6 months have passed since the creation of this contract, any
> > party to this contract can destroy it by announcement. Any party to
> > this contract can leave it by announcement.
> >
> > -+-
> I intend, without 2 objections, to shred this contract.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Votes In This Time if Year

2021-09-22 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one victory card to Trigon.

BUS: Votes? In This Economy?

2021-09-22 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one vp to Trigon.


Re: BUS: [Survivor] Finale Script: Feats

2021-09-20 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
As do I.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 9:16 AM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 9/15/2021 16:49, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> > On 9/15/21 16:47, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:
> >> On 9/15/2021 1:15 PM, nix via agora-business wrote:
> >>> I, channeling the other side, publish the following Finale Script:
> >>>
> >>> {
> >>> Amend "#Finale" to read in full:
> >>>
> >>> Each Finale Survivor has 7 days from the adoption of the finale script
> >>> to enter one or more of the following TESTS, marked in the subject line
> >>> as a survivor move:
> >>>
> >>> - Test of Strength:  make a strong power move of some kind in Agora;
> >>>
> >>> - Test of Brains:  set a puzzle, similar in style to previous puzzle
> rounds,
> >>> with the idea that ghosts would work on the puzzle together, and give
> the
> >>> answer at the end of the week;
> >>>
> >>> - Test of Heart:  a public, artistic performance.
> >>>
> >>> During the Finale, all Contestants CAN, by sending a message to the
> Host, vote on a specified Survivor.When all Contestants have voted, or 11
> days after the Finale began, the
> >>> Host CAN announce the Survivor who received the most votes, and Expel
> >>> all other Survivors.
> >>>
> >>> }
> >> I support this finale script.  -G.
> >>
> >
> > As do I.
> >
> As do I.
> --
> ATMunn
> friendly neighborhood notary :)

BUS: Humble Banana Helps Create a Republic

2021-09-16 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I join bananavotes.

Re: BUS: [Survivor] Moving Forward

2021-09-15 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I support this script.

On Tue, Sep 14, 2021 at 11:36 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> Seeing as nothing else has happened, I submit the following finale
> script in Suvivor: {}.
> I support this Finale Script.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Legislation At This Time of Year?

2021-09-09 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one Legislative Card to Jason.

BUS: Internomic Trading? More Likely Than You Think.

2021-09-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer 780 coins to Trigon.

Re: BUS: contract with cuddlybananaq

2021-09-05 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become a party to this contract.

On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 11:34 AM Sarah S. via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 10:31 PM Rose Strong via agora-business <
> agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > I become a party to this contract.
> >
> > On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 12:04 AM Sarah S. via agora-business <
> > agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> >
> > > I create the below contract
> > >
> > > "R. Lee is a party, Cuddlybanana may become a party at any time.
> > >
> > > Any party CAN act on behalf of another party to transfer 2 justice
> cards
> > to
> > > emselves if they combine 4 justice cards into 10 pendants and transfer
> 5
> > > pendants to the other party in the same message.
> > >
> > > Any party can destroy this contract by announcement after the above has
> > > been completed"
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > R. Lee
> > >
> >
> Contract doesnt work, I said 'pendants' when i meant 'blot-b-gones'. I
> intend to destroy this contract without objection
> I create the following contract.
> "R. Lee is a party, Cuddlybanana may become a party at any time.
> Any party CAN act on behalf of another party to transfer 2 justice cards to
> emselves if they combine 4 justice cards into 10 blot-b -gones and transfer
> 5
> blot-b-gones. to the other party in the same message.
> Any party can destroy this contract by announcement after the above has
> been completed"
> --
> --
> R. Lee

Re: BUS: contract with cuddlybananaq

2021-09-05 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become a party to this contract.

On Sun, Sep 5, 2021 at 12:04 AM Sarah S. via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I create the below contract
> "R. Lee is a party, Cuddlybanana may become a party at any time.
> Any party CAN act on behalf of another party to transfer 2 justice cards to
> emselves if they combine 4 justice cards into 10 pendants and transfer 5
> pendants to the other party in the same message.
> Any party can destroy this contract by announcement after the above has
> been completed"
> --
> --
> R. Lee

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Arbitor] Decision to Determine Public Confidence in the Judgement of CFJ 3922 (Please Vote!)

2021-08-28 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote REMAND.

On Sat, Aug 28, 2021 at 11:50 AM Trigon via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 8/28/21 2:10 PM, Telna via agora-official wrote:
> > Having been entered into Moot, I hereby initiate the Agoran Decision to
> > determine public confidence in R. Lee's judgement of CFJ 3922.
> I vote PRESENT. The judgement is fine with me. I do find myself a little
> weary of the battle fought over it, though, especially because we're
> dealing with a new player. But I'm going to let everyone else who has
> stronger opinions here decide so that we'll stop fighting about it.
> --
> Trigon
>   ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST
> I’m always happy to become a party to contracts.
> transfer Jason one coin
> nch was here
> I hereby
> don't... trust... the dragon...
> don't... trust... the dragon...
> Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this


2021-08-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vaccinate myself (ow!)

-Rose aka cuddlybanana

On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 3:28 PM Cuddle Beam via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I create the following Contract called SOVID Vaccination:
> Scams of Very Intentional Dictatorships (SOVID) have plagued Agora for
> eons, and after centuries of hard work and mad science, we finally have a
> fighting chance against them: vaccination.
> Members of this contract are Vaccinated. A player can Vaccinate themselves
> by announcement to become a member of this contract.
> When all eactive players have become a member of this contract, Herd
> Immunity is achieved.
> This contract can be amended by the consent of at least 2/3rds of all
> members, all non-consenting members cease to be members immediately before
> the amendment.
> If someone, while Vaccinated, performs an action that includes a deliberate
> contribution to a dictatorship scam, then members are ENCOURAGED to use the
> appropriate measures (eg. Proposals) to retroactively undo all and any
> benefits that were gained via the dictatorial powers that such an action
> contributed to.

BUS: Fruit?

2021-07-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become a party to the Orchard contract.


BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8595

2021-07-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR on this proposal.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 12:05 AM Aspen via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
> collector
> is the Assessor, the quorum is 4, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> ---
> 8595*   R. Lee, Jason   3.0   It's a gray, gray world.
> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
> & : Ordinary proposal.
> ~ : Unsponsored proposal.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
> the information shown above shall control.
> //
> ID: 8595
> Title: It's a gray, gray world.
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: R. Lee
> Co-author(s): Jason
> Amend rule 2438, "Ribbons", by deleting the last list item.
> [Comment: Awarding coins can be done at power 1, piggybacking off of the
> Ribbon rule. No reason to have Glitter here at power 3]
> Amend rule 2602, "Glitter" to read, in full:
>   "Each type of Ribbon has a corresponding type of Glitter
>   with the same name. A player qualifies for a type of Glitter
>   when e qualifies for the same type of Ribbon while already
>   owning such a Ribbon. If a player has not been awarded
>   that type of Ribbon or e corresponding type of Glitter
>   since e last earned or came to qualify for that type of
>   Ribbon, and has not been so awarded five or more times
>   within the past 24 hours, any player CAN award em that
>   type of Glitter by announcement. When a player gains
>   a type of Glitter, the Tailor SHALL in an officially
>   timely fashion and CAN once by announcement award em
>   N/2 boatloads of coins rounded up, where N is the number
>   of players that did not own the corresponding type of
>   Ribbon at the time of the award. The amount payable for
>   each type of Glitter is tracked in the Tailor's weekly
>   report.
> [comment: Nonplayer persons can currently get Glitter, they don't need to
> be able to though because it does nothing. N+1 becomes N/2 because Glitter
> is currently the most powerful way to get coins, by far. ]
> //

BUS: Justice was served

2021-07-04 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I claim one justice card.

BUS: Tardiness in Agora?

2021-07-03 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I point a finger at Aris for tardiness of eir registrar report.

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Herald] 2021 Birthday Tournament: Survivor

2021-07-03 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become a contestant.

On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 2:22 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 7/2/21 1:55 PM, nix via agora-official wrote:
> > On 6/27/21 12:57 PM, nix via agora-official wrote:
> >> As Herald I intend, without 3 objections, to initiate the following
> >> tournament:
> > I initiate this tournament. Players may now become a contestant by
> > announcement. I wanted to start Monday, but I realize that might be
> > short notice, so I'll wait to see how many people sign up by then.
> >
> > --
> > nix
> > Webmastor, Ministor, Herald
> >
> I become a contestant.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

BUS: Re: OFF: [Referee] Investigation of Telna and Indictment (plz support/oppose)

2021-06-18 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I support this.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 5:30 PM Rebecca Lee via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> Telna pointed a finger at emself for Unjustified Gesticulation for eir
> finger pointing that was later found shenanigans. Original point (found
> shenanigans):
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2021-June/046723.html
> Second point:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2021-June/046794.html
> Telna did indeed commit unjustified gesticulation by pointing a finger
> found to be Shenanigans. Because e did not point any other such fingers
> earlier in the week, the crime is class 0. Rule 2557 allows me to issue a
> Warning for class 0 crimes. Unfortunately, I cannot impose any blots by the
> Cold Hand of Justice  under rule 2557 because I can impose a number of
> blots that is at most twice the crime's class, which is still 0.
> Clearly, Telna pointed this finger for personal gain of a justice card.  E
> essentially admitted as such on discord. The element of profitability makes
> an upward variance appropriate (2557). I therefore intend, with 1.5 Agoran
> consent (this is the procedure under a new proposal,
> https://agoranomic.org/assessor/proposal/8560.txt) to Indict Telna,
> levying
> a fine of 2 blots.
> --
> From R. Lee

BUS: Cuddly Fruit Helps Farmer

2021-06-10 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I transfer one Victory Card to Cuddlebeam.

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8561-8572

2021-06-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR on all.

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 12:36 PM Rose Strong  wrote:

> I vote FOR on all.
> On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 7:15 PM Aris Merchant via agora-official <
> agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
>> and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
>> collector
>> is the Assessor, the quorum is 3, the voting method is AI-majority, and
>> the
>> valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
>> conditional votes).
>> ID  Author(s)   AITitle
>> ---
>> 8561&   G., nix 2.0   Election Cycle
>> 8562*   ATMunn, Aris3.0   Officializing Discord
>> 8563&   Aris1.7   Determinacy is a Good Thing
>> 8564&   Aris1.0   Sponsorship is not Co-authorship
>> 8565&   Aris1.0   Popularity Contest
>> 8566*   Jason   3.0   Anti-AI escalation
>> 8567*   Jason   3.0   AI voting method clarification
>> 8568*   Jason   3.0   Supporter/Objector clarification
>> 8569*   Jason, Aris, Murphy 3.0   Fixing Festivals
>> 8570*   Jason   3.1   Emergency Regulation Clarification
>> 8571&   Jason   2.0   Gauntlet announcement patch
>> 8572&   Jason, Trigon   2.0   Thou shalt not disobey Trigon
>> Pool report: At 03:00 UTC on June 6, 2021, the proposal pool
>> contained (only) the above proposals.
>> Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
>> & : Ordinary proposal.
>> ~ : Unsponsored proposal.
>> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
>> the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
>> the information shown above shall control.
>> //
>> ID: 8561
>> Title: Election Cycle
>> Adoption index: 2.0
>> Author: G.
>> Co-author(s): nix
>> Create a power=2 rule, "The Election Cycle", with the following text:
>>   A holder of an elected office who did not become its holder by
>>   winning an election, and has not won an election for that office
>>   since, is an interim holder. An elected office that is either
>>   vacant or has an interim holder is an interim office.
>>   An office is term-limited if the most recent election for that
>>   office was resolved more than the length of that office's term
>>   prior. The term for the office of Prime Minister is 90 days. The
>>   term for all other elected offices is 180 days.
>>   A player CAN initiate an election for a specified elected office:
>>   a) with 2 support, if either the office is interim or term-
>>  limited, and provided that the initiator becomes a candidate
>>  in the same message.
>>   b) By announcement, if e is the ADoP (or, if the office is the
>>  ADoP, if e is the Assessor) and the office is interim, or if
>>  e is the holder of that office.
>>   Once per quarter, the ADoP CAN and SHALL publish a Notice of
>>   Election specifying between 2-4 term-limited offices (if there
>>   fewer than 2 term-limited offices, the ADoP MUST instead list
>>   all of them).  Such a notice initiates elections for the
>>   specified offices.  The ADoP SHOULD prioritize offices that
>>   have gone longest since their last elections.
>>   The above notwithstanding, an election for an office CANNOT be
>>   initiated if one is already in progress.
>> [Delete this section added to the previous rule - better gathers
>> election procedure rules in one place].
>> Amend Rule 1006 (Offices) by removing:
>>   A holder of an elected office who did not become its holder by
>>   winning an election, and has not won an election for that office
>>   since, is an interim holder. An elected office that is either
>>   vacant or has an interim holder is an interim office.
>> [For the below rule, remove text placed in the new rule above,
>> and add the Assessor as the vote collector for ADoP elections].
>> Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) to read in full:
>>   When an election is initiated, it enters the nomination period,
>>   which lasts for 4 days. After an election is initiated and until
>>   nominations close, any player CAN become a candidate by
>>   announcement. A candidate ceases to be a candidate if e ceases to
>>   be a player during the election or if holding the office would
>>   make em Overpowered. During the nomination period, a candidate CAN
>>   cease to be a candidate by announcement if there is at least one
>>   other candidate.
>>   An election whose nomination period is complete is contested if it
>>   has two or more candidates, and uncontested otherwise. Nominations
>>   close at the end of the poll's voting period or whe

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8561-8572

2021-06-08 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR all

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021 at 12:23 PM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 6/6/21 10:42 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> >> 8568*   Jason   3.0   Supporter/Objector clarification
> > FOR
> >
> >
> *sigh*
> I change that vote to AGAINST because of the potential bug that ais523
> pointed out.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer wagers their Grants with a cuddly banana

2021-06-05 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I join this contract

On Sat, Jun 5, 2021 at 3:15 PM Cuddle Beam via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I consent to a contract with the following text:
> Cuddlebeam and cuddlybanana are the sole parties to this contract. One
> or zero parties to this contract are the Puppeteer. If there is a
> Puppeteer, the other party is the Puppet.
> The Puppeteer can act on behalf of the Puppet to:
> -Plan to Flip their Ministry Focus.
> -Grant their Ministry Focus' Grant to the Puppeteer.
> -Transfer 1 Victory Card from the Puppet to themselves, if the Puppet
> has gained a Victory Card by being granted it by the Ministor by
> virtue of R2624 and the Puppeteer has not done so since the last time
> that such an event has happened.
> The Puppet SHALL NOT plan to flip eir Ministry Focus or grant eir
> Ministry Focus's Grant, except as provided for in this contract. The
> Puppet SHALL NOT transfer or spend their last Victory Card, if they
> have been granted one by the Ministor by virtue of R2624 and the
> Puppeteer hasn’t used this contract to transfer it to themselves yet.
> This contract ceases to exist when an Economic Takeover happens or
> when 365 days have passed, whichever happens first.
> After the creation of this contract, upon the first 1d2 (a fair coin)
> rolled via the AgoraBot in the Agora Nomic Discord Chat
> (https://discord.gg/a6T8knSKcf), the following happens according to
> its result:
> -If it’s a 1, Cuddlebeam becomes the Puppeteer
> -If it’s a 2, cuddlybanana becomes the Puppeteer

BUS: Snuggly Fruit Focus

2021-06-04 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I plan to switch my focus to legislation.

BUS: Clearance on Voting Cards

2021-06-04 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I grant Aris a promise with the following text: "I Cuddlybanana transfer 1
Voting Card to Aris with the cashing condition
Aris has transferred me 200 coins in the same message."


BUS: A Contractual Agreement

2021-06-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
Only Aris and Cuddlybanana can join this contract; they can
each do so by announcement.

If Aris publishes a text with the hash
and states that e amends this contract to have that text,
it is so amended.

If it is after July 1, 2021, any party may destroy it by


BUS: Activation of a Humble Agoran

2021-06-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I become active.

BUS: Helping Out a Humble Agoran Farmer

2021-04-18 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I grant Cuddlebeam the following promise. {
Cashing conditions: The bearer transferred me, in the same message, 3
victory points.

I grant Cuddlebeam the following promise: {
Cashing conditions: The bearer has published, in the same message, a
document with SHA-256 checksum
598bfa01ada0a41c70471c5873fcc988b7d3006d85fb8c99c2a776e8634e70c4; and one
of the two scenarios described in that document has come true.

I act as described in that document.

BUS: Focus (again)

2021-04-11 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I plan to switch my focus to legacy.

BUS: Focus

2021-04-11 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I plan to switch my focus to Victory.

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Stonemason] April Stone Auction

2021-04-01 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I bid 20 coins on each stone.

On Thu, Apr 1, 2021 at 11:53 AM Jason Cobb via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 4/1/21 11:51 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:
> > Purusant to Rule 2642, I initiate a stone auction with the following
> > lots: [Soul Stone], [Sabotage Stone], [Concentration Stone].
> I bid 10 coins on each.
> --
> Jason Cobb
> Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8554-8555 and Index of Proposals

2021-03-23 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I vote FOR all

On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 9:07 PM Falsifian via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I vote as follows:
> > ID  Author(s)   AITitle
> >
> ---
> > 8549&   Aris, Gaelan, G.2.2   You Can Only Stack Turtles So High
> endorse Aris
> > 8552&   Jason, ais523   1.0   Apathy for all
> (As Aris pointed out, this could lead to all persons winning the game.
> That would be funny but I don't really like the idea of new players
> joining with pre-minted Champion titles; it would diminish the game a
> bit.)
> > 8553&   Jason   1.0   Slightly less apathetic
> > 8554&   Aris, nix   2.2   I Want My Promise Back!
> endorse Aris
> > 8555&   G.  1.0   something to vote on
> AGAINST (Selfishly. I'm not paying close attention so it's probably not
> going
> to me.)
> --
> Falsifian

Re: BUS: [proposal] Apathy for all

2021-03-18 Thread Rose Strong via agora-business
I object!

On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 6:10 PM nix via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 3/18/21 10:08 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> > I submit, but pendn't, the following proposal:
> >
> > Title: Apathy for all
> >
> > Adoption index: 1.0
> >
> > Author: Jason
> >
> > Coauthors: ais523
> >
> > {
> >
> > Amend Rule 2465 by replacing, as a single amendment, the text "set of
> > players" with "set of persons" and the text "specified players" with
> > "specified persons".
> >
> > }
> >
> > --
> > Jason Cobb
> >
> > Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason
> I intend to declare apathy without objection, specifying the set of
> players that object to this intent.
> --
> nix
> Webmastor, Ministor, Herald