I submit the following as a Diplonomic Proposal:

If the previous Diplonomic Proposal submitted by ATMunn has not passed, then amend Diplonomic Rule 17 by replacing the last sentence with the following paragraph:

A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from one coastal province to another. All fleets that have convoy orders listing the same source and destination provinces are "participating" in that convoy, with the exception that if a fleet is dislodged, it is not participating. A convoy is successful if the army in question makes a move order consistent with that convoy, and the fleets participating in the convoy form an unbroken chain connecting the two coastal provinces. (Extra participating fleets / multiple chains are okay.) When a convoy is successful, that army's move order, and any support orders for that move, are interpreted as if the source and destination provinces were adjacent: for example, if the destination province holds one unsupported unit with a Hold order, and another army is supporting the move into the destination, then the move succeeds and dislodges that unsupported unit.

If the previous Diplonomic Proposal submitted by ATMunn has passed, then amend Diplonomic Rule 17 by replacing the last paragraph with the paragraph above.
friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

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