BUS: An apology

2020-02-23 Thread Alexis Hunt via agora-business
We would like to sincerely apologize to Agora for my admittedly-minor
malfeasance in public office. The timely execution of official duties
is critical to avoiding confusion and missed opportunities, whose
disorderly effects on Agora cannot be understated. Like the
iridescence of a butterfly's wings, even small mistakes can have
consequences as vast as the dolomite mountains of Italy. In this case,
our miniscule error had the result of denying to twg eir rightful
platinisation, although to be fair Jason could easily have acted
sooner, in a way that made our own delay irrelevant. It is surely more
difficult, however, to predict the true implications of any failure
than to predict what happens when one runs a Malbolge program, and so
it was irresponsible of us to take that risk.

As I'm sure you all know, the office of Prime Minister is of critical
importance to all of Agora, and we all demand the best of our
politicians. While we allegedly reflect on the inconsequential error
we made while holding that august position, we shall take our time to
prevaricate and bloviate in the manner of the most accomplished
statespersons, that we may pad out the length of this apology to make
it seem more substantial. Despite that, we truly regret our error and
we will strive to do better forever, or until this trivial incident
has slipped Agoran minds, whichever comes first.


BUS: An apology

2017-06-15 Thread Owen Jacobson
SCENE: Outside a pagoda. An old man, shaken with palsy and spotted with age, 
sits on the steps feeding the pigeons. A stall is set up next to the steps, 
selling petunias.

MAN: How come you here?

MERCHANT, sullen: I fled.

MAN: You fled? Fled from what?

MERCHANT: Ask me not.

MAN: Oh, come now, don't be so piquant.

MERCHANT: ...I suppose. I've nothing better to do, anyways. I fled from a 
land where all the money came to a stop. How's a flowerseller supposed to sell 
flowers if nobody can pay? How's a flowerseller supposed to buy stock if he 
can't pay either?

MAN: Seems fairly fundamental to the praxsis of commerce. How did such 
parsimony come to pass? How does money ... come to a stop?

MERCHANT: Simple. Where I came from, all money is kept in a single giant 
ledger. A scribe is charged with keeping this ledger correct, recording each 
exchange of good for value and value for good. That scribe, however, fell ill - 
some primeval affliction of the spirit, as I heard it. With nobody to keep the 
ledger, no money could change hands. All trade stopped. Oh, it was awful.

MAN: Seems quite the picaresque tale.

MERCHANT: No need to be rude. As I said, I fled. It's behind me and I'd 
prefer not to think of it any longer. Are you going to buy anything, or are you 
content to throw perfectly good bread to the birds?

MAN: I paid good coin for this bread and I'll do with it as I like. These 
birds, too, must be fed. But enough - do you smell that petrichor? Best to get 
your flowers inside before it rains. Good day.


This is, of course, something of an exaggeration. Not all trade stopped in my 
absence. However, the Shiny economy needs vigilant recordkeeping to remain 
functional for any length of time, and I have been derelict. Thankfully, we 
have no exiled merchants wandering in strange lands, but we very well could 
have. I apologize for my laxity.


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BUS: An apology

2017-06-15 Thread Owen Jacobson
Prithee forgive my lackadaisical attitude towards my offices of late. I have 
been occupied with other business - forgivable, perhaps, had I made any effort 
to ensure that my duties were fulfilled in my absence. Instead, I was as easily 
found and as sturdy as a cumulonimbus drifting over the great mountain 
Kilimanjaro, in far-off and long-gone Tanganyika.

I won't stultify you with the details of my distractions. Suffice it to say 
I've had my shot of caffeine, and that I return to my duties with a frisk and a 
vigor. While I may take my time, as molasses on a slope, I will move ever, 
unstoppably, forward. No more the three-toed sloth, I.

There is one issue to which I must give vent. Through the trepans of this 
apology, perhaps we can reach some useful matter that may avoid this issue if 
the office of Referee should ever fall silent in the future. As things stand, 
the Referee is judge, jury, and executioner, and is charged with keeping a 
perfect and omniscient watch over the activities of Agora. Even had I been a 
present and obedient servant, I am only human, and my watch must fail. It seems 
unwise to rely so heavily on a single Agoran when we each desire to see the 
rules followed!

Regardless, I hope I can amend this lapse and maintain your trust.


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