For the avoidance of confusion, I intend in four days, without objection,
to ratify the
document contained within the parentheses. I am aware that the document is
inaccurate and could be fixed with a reasonable effort. The nature of the
error is that
it states a player has not judged a CFJ when e has actually judged it. The
for ratifying it is the avoidance of confusion in a judgement that has
already caused
too much.

{{V.J Rada never submitted a judgement in CFJ 3537}}

Also unrelatedly I noticed a typo in the rules. Quoting rule 1728
"If the action is to be performed With N Objections, With N Agoran Consent,
or With Notice, if the intent was announced at least 4 days
<> earlier."

It should say "without N objections".

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