On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 1:59 PM Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-official <agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> In the past day, a few proposals have passsed:
> "Order Clarification" by ATMunn (4 FOR — 0 AGAINST)
> {
> Amend Diplonomic Rule 17 to read in full:
> 17. There are four possible orders: Hold, Move, Support, and Convoy. Not
> giving a unit an order is interpreted as ordering it to hold.
> A Hold order orders a unit to stay where it is.
> A Move order orders a unit to move to a different province. Armies can
> only move onto adjacent inland or coastal provinces. Fleets can only
> move to adjacent water or coastal provinces. A Move order making use of
> a Convoy must specify what Convoy paths it will use or conditionals to
> determine such.
> Support orders help another unit's action, whether or not it is a unit
> of the same Great Power. An Army or Fleet can provide support to another
> Army or Fleet. Support can be offensive or defensive. A unit cannot
> support an order to or on a province which the supporting unit could not
> move to itself.
> A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from
> an adjacent coastal province to another adjacent coastal province.
> Multiple fleets may be used to convoy the same army, allowing an army to
> be convoyed over multiple water provinces. If any fleet involved in a
> convoy is dislodged, the convoy fails.
> }
> "Voting Fixes" by Aris (4 FOR — 1 AGAINST)
> {
> Amend Diplonomic Rule 8 to read in full:
>   8. At any time, any Contestant CAN submit a Proposal to change these
>   rules by announcement. Any Contestant CAN withdraw any Proposal e has
>   submitted by announcement. When a Proposal has been submitted but not
>   withdrawn, any Contestant CAN privately send a vote to the Judge, or
>   withdraw eir previous vote. When a Proposal has received a number of
>   non-withdrawn votes in favor greater than half the number of Contestants,
>   the Judge SHALL, in a timely fashion, and CAN enact the proposal by
>   publishing the new text of the rules and the number of votes in favor
>   and against. The Judge SHALL NOT reveal the votes of specific
>   Contestants.
> }
> "Team Play" by Aris (3 FOR — 1 AGAINST)

CoE: 3 votes isn't a majority.


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