
        Glitter: Tailor's Weekly Report (January 11 - January 18)


    Glitter prices at start of week:

    (All prices are in Boatloads of Coins)

          Red          11          Violet        4

          Orange        7          Indigo       16

          Green        10          Platinum      9

          Emerald      11          Lime         10

          Cyan          5          White        14

          Blue          6          blacK         7

          Magenta       6          grAy          3

          Ultraviolet   5          Transparent   9

    Glitter prices at end of period:

          Red          13 (+2)     Violet        6 (+2)

          Orange       10 (+3)     Indigo       17 (+1)

          Green        12 (+2)     Platinum     10 (+1)

          Emerald      12 (+1)     Lime         13 (+3)

          Cyan          6 (+1)     White        15 (+1)

          Blue          8 (+2)     blacK         9 (+2)

          Magenta       8 (+2)     grAy          5 (+2)

          Ultraviolet   7 (+2)     Transparent  11 (+2)

I award nix with 11 Boatloads of Coins for attaining Emerald Glitter.


               Ubercrow, Tailor, Spellchecker’s Apprentice


please inform me if this is all wrong.

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