I submit the following proposal, "Appeals improvements", AI-1.7, and
pend it with shinies:


Amend Rule 911 (Motions and Moots) by replacing its first 2 paragraphs

      If a judgement has been in effect for less then seven days and
      has not been entered into Moot, then:

          - The judge of that CFJ CAN self-file a Motion to Reconsider
            the case by announcement, if e has not already self-filed
            a Motion to Reconsider that CFJ.
          - Any Player CAN group-file a Motion to Reconsider the case 
            with 2 Support, if the CFJ has not had a Motion to 
            Reconsider group-filed for it at any time while it has 
            been assigned to its current judge.

      When a Motion to Reconsider is so filed, the case is rendered 
      open again.

      If a CFJ has a judgement assigned, a player CAN enter that
      judgement into Moot with N+2 support, where N is the number of
      weeks since that judgement has been assigned, rounded down. When
      this occurs, the CFJ is suspended, and the Arbitor is once
      authorized to initiate the Agoran decision to determine public
      confidence in the judgement, which e SHALL do in a timely 

[The judge gets one Motion by announcement, one Motion is allowed
w/2 support (judge can do that one, too).  Moot has a practical time
limit but not an absolute one as the difficulty of initiating a Moot
increases with time].


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