Re: BUS: Promises [attn. Notary]

2021-03-24 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 3/24/2021 11:00 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I create the following promise in the possession of ATMunn:


Cashing conditions: It is March 2021. The bearer has, in the same
message, transferred one Legislative Card to me.

I transfer the bearer 200 coins.


I transfer a Legislative Card to Jason and cash the above-quoted promise.

friendly neighborhood notary :)

@Treasuror @Notary Re: BUS: Promises [attn. Notary]

2021-03-24 Thread nix via agora-business
On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 10:00:00 AM CDT Jason Cobb via agora-business
> I create the following promise in the possession of nix:
> {
> Cashing conditions: It is March 2021. The bearer has, in the same
> message, transferred 100 coins to me.
> I transfer the bearer one pendant.
> }

I transfer 100 coins to Jason and cash the above-quoted promise.

Ministor, Herald, Webmastor

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Promises (attn Notary)

2020-08-02 Thread Edward Murphy via agora-business

ATMunn wrote:

On 8/2/2020 10:23 AM, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:

I grant myself the following promise:

   Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred Murphy one Legislative
   Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and has not
   cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this promise.

   I transfer one Victory Card to the bearer.

I grant myself the following promise:

   Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred Murphy one Legislative
   Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and has not
   cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this promise.

   I transfer one Justice Card to the bearer.

I grant myself the following promise:

   Cashing conditions: The bearer has transferred Murphy one Legislative
   Card in the same message as which e cashes this promise, and has not
   cashed any other promise between doing so and cashing this promise.

   I transfer one Voting Card to the bearer.

You need to transfer these to the Library in order for anyone to cash them.

I transfer each of these promises to the Library.