Re: DIS: Proto: recognize holidays

2007-08-17 Thread Peekee

RAINBOW! Not a colo(u)r but it should be special.

I'm open to  suggestions on an appropriate color.  Mauve is my  current
Benjamin Schultz KE3OM


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: The Republic of Agora

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>This gets into the attribute vs. possession debate.

Well, yes.  I'd like you to pick one or the other and be consistent
about it.  Much of your rule text speaks of gaining and losing S, so it
appears that you intend them to be possessions.

>It's a proposal award, it goes with the proposal award.

It's a different colour, awarded for a different purpose from the red S.

>All three primary colors are already in use.

Subtractive primaries are up for grabs, and have standard abbreviating

>This is arguably a bug fix.  Do you really intend a player who judges a
>criminal case GUILTY to receive a second salary for sentencing?

Yes.  I wrote it that way partly in the hope that judges would be
encouraged to take sentencing seriously as a distinct matter from the
verdict.  But I'm not particularly tied to the idea.  Your proposed
change to this is one that deserves to be voted on.

>Planned districts are not objects, and can go negative

Please explicate.

Btw, I figured out that one of the issues I have with the Republic
is the unwieldy terminology.  "Number of planned districts" is a lot
longer than "VVLOP".  Perhaps that's why you keep dropping "number of"
and thus mixing up items with counts?



2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>This hinges on whether "is recused" in Rule 2126 (losing VCs) (c)
>implicitly restricts its scope to non-reflexive recusals.

I think it (well, actually your second CFJ) hinges on whether the
"because" clause in R2126 means anything.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: MMI fix

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Levi Stephen wrote:
>I seem to remember there was a proto or proposal trying to define 
>statements like these in more
>detail, but I can't find it right now.

"clarify Mother, May I?", proposal 5136, rejected with VI=1.25.  You voted
against it; it would have been adopted if you'd voted in favour instead.

>This is starting to remind me of this paper: 

A brilliant paper.  Quite persuasive in its point, I think.

>Maybe R754(3) could (or is that COULD ;) ) be relied on in more cases.

I don't think that can cover most logical connectives in its current
state.  That, and some potential variation in the natural-language
meanings, was why Murphy argued for explicit definitions in my proposal.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: MMI fix

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Pavitra wrote:
>[We really should canonize CAN NOT as a synonym of CANNOT, though.]

I suggest not doing so.  "can not" is a confusing turn of phrase,
best avoided.  Where "not" is a separate word in these phrases, there
are two possible things it could be negating.  Consider:

x MUST NOT y = x MUST not(y)
x SHALL NOT y = x SHALL not(y)

(which are synonymous) but

x MAY NOT y = not(x MAY y)

For possibility, we have the clear

x CANNOT y = not(x CAN y)

so let's not have a synonym that looks like it might be the other type
of negation.


DIS: proto: black cap

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
proto-proposal: black cap
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by replacing item "c)" in the list of ways that VCs
can be gained with

  c) When a player assigns a judgement to a judicial question, and
 has not violated a requirement to submit that judgement
 within a time limit, e gains one VC.  The VC gained is Black
 if the judicial question is on sentencing, or Blue otherwise.
 on veracity or culpability, e gains one Blue VC, unless e

[There's a colour that's more difficult to get.]



DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Republic repair

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Proto-Proposal:  Republic repair

I'm opposed to this being a separate proposal from the Republic of Agora.
Merge the fixes into the main proposal.


DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
proto-proposal: reward for deputisation
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by appending to the list of ways that VCs can be gained:

  d) When a player deputises for an office e gains one Cyan VC,
 unless someone previously gained a VC in this manner for the
 same office in the same month.

[Another rarer action to reward with a new colour.]



DIS: proto: list VC behaviour by colour

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
proto-proposal: list VC behaviour by colour
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by replacing the text

  VCs may be gained as follows:

  a) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains a
 number of Red VCs equal to the integer portion of the
 proposal's adoption index, minus the number of Red VCs that e
 has gained in this way earlier in the same week (down to a
 minimum of zero), and each coauthor named in the proposal
 gains one Red VC unless e gained a VC in this way earlier in
 the same week.

  b) At the end of each month, for each office with a report, the
 player (if any) who held that office for the majority of that
 month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a weekly report)
 or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly report), unless
 another person deputised for that office while that player
 held that office during that month.

  c) A player who assigns a judgement to a judicial question
 within the time limit when first obliged to gains one Blue

  VCs may be lost as follows:

  a) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its adoption
 index, its proposer loses one Red VC.

  b) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
 who has held that office during that month, if another person
 deputised for that office while that player held that office
 during that month then that player loses one Green VC.

  c) A player who is recused from a judicial case because a
 judicial question has remained applicable, open, and unjudged
 loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior judge in an
 appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM is assigned
 to the question on disposition loses one Blue VC.


  VCs are gained and lost as follows:

  (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted, its proposer gains
   a number of Red VCs equal to the integer portion of the
   proposal's adoption index, minus the number of Red VCs that
   e has gained in this way earlier in the same week (down to
   a minimum of zero), and each coauthor named in the proposal
   gains one Red VC unless e gained a VC in this way earlier
   in the same week.

  (-R) When a proposal's voting index is less than half its
   adoption index, its proposer loses one Red VC.

  (+G) At the end of each month, for each office with a report,
   the player (if any) who held that office for the majority
   of that month gains two Green VCs (if the office has a
   weekly report) or one Green VC (if it has only a monthly
   report), unless another person deputised for that office
   while that player held that office during that month.

  (-G) At the end of each month, for each office, for each player
   who has held that office during that month, if another
   person deputised for that office while that player held
   that office during that month then that player loses one
   Green VC.

  (+B) A player who assigns a judgement to a judicial question
   within the time limit when first obliged to gains one Blue

  (-B) A player who is recused from a judicial case because a
   judicial question has remained applicable, open, and
   unjudged loses one Blue VC.  A player who is the prior
   judge in an appeal case where a judgement other than AFFIRM
   is assigned to the question on disposition loses one Blue

[None of the text that actually awards or removes VCs is changed.  The
differences are: (a) all in one list, putting rewards and
corresponding penalties next to each other; (b) meaningful item
labels, easier to maintain.]

[With the various protos that would edit the rule text that is relevant
here, this proto will need a bit of reformulation before it is actually



Re: DIS: proto: list VC behaviour by colour

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Here's a version that doesn't quote the text that it's not changing:

proto-proposal: list VC behaviour by colour
AI: 2


For the purposes of this proposal, in rule 2126 the list of ways that
VCs may be gained shall be referred to as "list A", and the list of
ways that VCs may be lost shall be referred to as "list B".

Amend rule 2126 by replacing the two consecutive top-level paragraphs
that contain list A and list B with a replacement paragraph that
consists of the introductory sentence "VCs are gained and lost as
follows:" followed by a list made up of these items in this order:
* label "(+R)", body of item "a)" from list A;
* label "(-R)", body of item "a)" from list B;
* label "(+G)", body of item "b)" from list A;
* label "(-G)", body of item "b)" from list B;
* label "(+B)", body of item "c)" from list A;
* label "(-B)", body of item "c)" from list B.

[Meaningful item labels, which are easier to refer to from memory and
are easier to maintain because there's no attempt at an alphabetical
sequence.  Puts rewards and corresponding penalties next to each
other, for easier comprehension.  List's introductory sentence made
less equivocal.]



DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: fix switch definitions

2007-08-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On 8/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   To "flip" an instance of a switch to a particular value is to
>   make that switch come to have that value (regardless of what the
>   switch's value was previously).  To "become X", where X is a
>   possible value of exactly one of the subject's switches, is to
>   have that switch change value to X from some other value.
> ["Become" refers to a change in switch value, not the action of
> changing it (which is what "flip" is).  Explicate for both definitions
> whether a null change counts.]

So "I become active" will no longer be an acceptable variant of "I
flip my activity to active"?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: fix switch definitions

2007-08-17 Thread Peekee

or "I'm flip'in active"?

Quoting Ian Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 8/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  To "flip" an instance of a switch to a particular value is to
  make that switch come to have that value (regardless of what the
  switch's value was previously).  To "become X", where X is a
  possible value of exactly one of the subject's switches, is to
  have that switch change value to X from some other value.

["Become" refers to a change in switch value, not the action of
changing it (which is what "flip" is).  Explicate for both definitions
whether a null change counts.]

So "I become active" will no longer be an acceptable variant of "I
flip my activity to active"?



Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: fix switch definitions

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ian Kelly wrote:
>So "I become active" will no longer be an acceptable variant of "I
>flip my activity to active"?

I think it would reasonably imply that you are flipping your activity.
To say "I make myself active" would be a more direct synonym of "I
flip my activity to active", and it's clearer when interpreted as plain
English too.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: fix switch definitions

2007-08-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On 8/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ian Kelly wrote:
> >So "I become active" will no longer be an acceptable variant of "I
> >flip my activity to active"?
> I think it would reasonably imply that you are flipping your activity.
> To say "I make myself active" would be a more direct synonym of "I
> flip my activity to active", and it's clearer when interpreted as plain
> English too.

It seems to me that the explicit definition of "become" creates an
ambiguity in meaning that prevents R754(1) from applying.  I would
also argue thet "I make myself active" is closer in meaning to "I
become active" than to "I flip my activity to active."


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: proposal: fix switch definitions

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ian Kelly wrote:
>also argue thet "I make myself active" is closer in meaning to "I
>become active" than to "I flip my activity to active."

I find that a strange assertion.  "I become active" says nothing about
the means by which one becomes active, whereas both of the others are
explicit that one is performing an action on oneself.


DIS: proto: return of the newbie award

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
proto-proposal: return of the newbie award
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by appending to the list of ways that VCs can be
gained (and lost, if both are in a single list):

  (+W) When a person becomes a player and has never been a player
   before, e gains 1 white VC.  When a person has been a
   player continuously for 100 days and has never been a
   player before that period, e gains 1 white VC.

[Long ago there was a currency award to new players.  This version of
the newbie award has a couple of twists to make it interesting.  The
immediate registration award, being only a single VC, can't be used
for anything on its own, even to transfer to another player, so
spamming registrations can't be used to inject lots of VCs into the
economy.  White VCs can't be gained any other way, so they're valuable
to a long-term player as a rare colour, especially if we add ways to
spend (say) six colours together in the future, so there's a tension
created between using the VC immediately and saving it up.  Finally,
the 100-day bonus is not only an incentive to keep playing, it also
opens up the possibility of transferring a white VC to another player
who's collecting colours, but only if the new player kept eir first
white VC.  Incentive to enter into contracts early.]



Re: DIS: proto: black cap

2007-08-17 Thread Taral
On 8/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  within a time limit, e gains one VC.  The VC gained is Black
>  if the judicial question is on sentencing, or Blue otherwise.
>  on veracity or culpability, e gains one Blue VC, unless e

Spurious line.

"Please let me know if there's any further trouble I can give you."
-- Unknown

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proposal: MMI fix

2007-08-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On 8/17/07, Zefram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >This is starting to remind me of this paper:
> >
> A brilliant paper.  Quite persuasive in its point, I think.

Nifty, I was previously unaware of that paper.  Disappointing that he
never discusses Python, which is remarkably similar to the model he
describes, but of course it was written 9 years ago.


Re: DIS: proto: return of the newbie award

2007-08-17 Thread Pavitra
>   (+W) When a person becomes a player and has never been a player
>before, e gains 1 white VC.  When a person has been a
>player continuously for 100 days and has never been a
>player before that period, e gains 1 white VC.

I'd restrict the award to first-class persons, to avoid partnership spam.


DIS: Re: BUS: Re: OFF: CFJ 1727: assign Wooble

2007-08-17 Thread Ian Kelly
On 8/17/07, comex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I judge FALSE.  BobTHJ was not recused "because a judicial question
> > has remained applicable, open, and unjudged"; e chose to recuse emself
> > because (or so e said at the time, and I see no reason not to take em
> > at eir word) e didn't have enough time to judge the case.  Indeed, e
> > initially asked the CotC to recuse em from the case, which was not
> > possible as e was not late in judgment.  In my reading of 2126 I
> > believe the purpose of the penalty for being recused is to punish
> > those who are removed from cases due to not meeting their obligations,
> > not to punish any Judge who recuses emself whether because of time
> > constraints or because of a conflict of interest.
> I intend, with 2 support, to appeal this judgement.

Is there anything in particular that's wrong with it?


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Republic repair

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Republic repair

I'm opposed to this being a separate proposal from the Republic of Agora.
Merge the fixes into the main proposal.

I plan to; that was written before I saw the votes swinging
roughly 2 to 1 against.

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

proto-proposal: reward for deputisation
AI: 2


Amend rule 2126 by appending to the list of ways that VCs can be gained:

  d) When a player deputises for an office e gains one Cyan VC,
 unless someone previously gained a VC in this manner for the
 same office in the same month.

[Another rarer action to reward with a new colour.]

I suggest Magenta (opposite of Green) for this, and Yellow (opposite of
Blue) for judging sentencing on time.  Cyan (opposite of Red) could be
used for the Zeitgeist award.

DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Transfinite arithmetic

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Proto-Proposal:  Transfinite arithmetic

Do you have a use for more of those identities, then?


Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>I suggest Magenta (opposite of Green) for this,

Pavitra already claimed magenta as the celebratory colour.

>Yellow (opposite of
>Blue) for judging sentencing on time.

Mm.  Not a very judicial colour is yellow.  Black has a specific
association with sentencing, which is why I picked it.

>   Cyan (opposite of Red) could be
>used for the Zeitgeist award.

I was thinking orange would be suitable for zeitgeist, being adjacent
and similar to red.

I was originally hoping that we could make something of the mathematical
relationships between the primary colours, perhaps a way of generating
one colour from another like the Beads proto some months ago.  But the
associations you're suggesting in the meanings are too weak to make
any semantics from.  I think we're better off seeking psychological
associations with the colours.  I have a couple more ideas for VC colours
that I'm doing this way.


Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Transfinite arithmetic

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Proto-Proposal:  Transfinite arithmetic

Do you have a use for more of those identities, then?

Variety Show agreement, item 6c.  Standard arithmetic covers that
particular case, but still.

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

I suggest Magenta (opposite of Green) for this,

Pavitra already claimed magenta as the celebratory colour.

Mauve, actually.

I was thinking orange would be suitable for zeitgeist, being adjacent
and similar to red.

Orange alert.  Orange alert.

I was originally hoping that we could make something of the mathematical
relationships between the primary colours, perhaps a way of generating
one colour from another like the Beads proto some months ago.  But the
associations you're suggesting in the meanings are too weak to make
any semantics from.  I think we're better off seeking psychological
associations with the colours.  I have a couple more ideas for VC colours
that I'm doing this way.

Here's a list of things that you could get Boons for, about a year ago:

  * Recognizing Agora's birthday
  * Speaker's choice on April Fool's Day
  * Having zero Blots
  * Protege naming up to four mentors within four weeks after
  eir 60-day Grace Period
  * Repealing a rule when there are 100+ rules and the Rulekeepor
  feels the repeal simplifies the rules
  * Proposal adopted during one's Grace Period
  * Proposal adopted on Guy Fawkes Day
  * Speaker's choice once a week

DIS: Re: BUS: Proto: Transfinite arithmetic

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Proto-Proposal:  Transfinite arithmetic

d) 0 / Y = 0
   +inf / +inf = undefined
   +inf / Y= +inf otherwise
   X/ +inf = 0otherwise
   (-X) / Y = X / (-Y) = -(X/Y)

X / 0 = +inf if X > 0
X / 0 = -inf if X < 0

+inf's could also be sorted based on the numbers that led
to them, e.g. 2/0 > 1/0, but that would be complicated and
sometimes inappropriate (e.g. a democratic proposal receiving
votes F F F F F F is arguably more strongly supported than an
ordinary proposal receiving votes 5F 5F 5F 5F 5F).

Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Zefram
Ed Murphy wrote:
>Mauve, actually.

OscarMeyr was the one who suggested mauve.  Pavitra said magenta after
I suggested using a primary colour.

>Here's a list of things that you could get Boons for, about a year ago:

What was a Boon?

Most of the things you list here are too rare or too arbitrary to form
part of a collect-them-all goal.  The ones that look VC-worthy are:

>  * Recognizing Agora's birthday

OscarMeyr's suggestion in Pavitra's thread.

>  * Protege naming up to four mentors within four weeks after
>  eir 60-day Grace Period

This one's interesting.  My proposal for the newbie award opens up the
possibility of the newbie transferring the award (halved by the transfer)
to someone else, making a rare collectible of a roughly similar nature.


Re: DIS: proto: reward deputisation

2007-08-17 Thread Ed Murphy

Zefram wrote:

Here's a list of things that you could get Boons for, about a year ago:

What was a Boon?

Boons and Albatrosses were Ephemeral Patent Titles.  At the end of each
quarter, each player's Kudos (used to pay for various interesting
actions) were reset to a baseline + #Boons - #Albatrosses, then all
Boons and Albatrosses were revoked.