On 6/6/2021 11:23 PM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
> Trying to make extra votes work is hard, though; either they break the
> game, or they do nothing, with not much in between. I think they worked
> better when they were tied to an asset that also had more common uses
> than boosting voting power, so it was less obvious when someone was
> stockpiling them for scam purposes.

Outside of straight-up scam proposals, we've talked many times before
about having "eras", were the people at the top have an outsized influence
for a while - the trick of course being not letting them use that power to
hold onto power too long.

I kind of like this particular emergent pattern of "whomever holds vote
cards gets an outsized say in the flurry of proposals pended just before a
reset".  The timing isn't predictable and the voting strength resets
before the associated proposal batch goes through.  Maybe limiting scam
potential, maybe not.  Instead of an era, we get "who's got the most clout
in this brief semi-unexpected revolutionary government".  Might work nicely!

I will say though, it gives the Promotor a particularly strong bit of
control over the revolution... :).


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