On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 4:25 PM Janet Cobb via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: Nerfed Mason's Stone buff
> Author: Janet
> Coauthors:
> Adoption index: 2.0
> {
> Amend Rule 2645 ("The Stones") by replacing the list item beginning
> "Mason's Stone" with the following:
> {
> - Mason's Stone (Monthly, 0): If the Mason's Stone is owned by the
> Stonemason, its Mossiness is continuously set to 0. If the Mason's Stone
> is owned by Agora, it is transferred to the Stonemason. When wielded, the
> mossiest stone owned by Agora (or, if there is a tie, a specified stone
> tied
> for the same) is transferred to the wielder.
> }
> [Currently, I'm effectively locked out of owning any actually useful
> stone without setting a Dream, which isn't really fair. If I attempt to
> get rid of the Mason's stone, it can be forcibly transferred back to me
> or will eventually be automatically transferred back to me, resetting
> the 30 day time limit again. I can't pawn it off on an inactive player,
> since only active players can hold stones, and if I transfer it to an
> active player I reset their stone delay, likely angering them and
> probably just getting it transferred back. This change would allow me to
> actually participate in the part of the stone game that allows doing
> things with stones.]
> }
> --
> Janet Cobb
> Assessor, Mad Engineer, Rulekeepor, Stonemason
I think I'd rather the mason's stone just be repealed. What's the point of
having it, anyways?


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